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单词 Supplementary
1. A supplementary volume has been published containing the index.
2. Provide them with additional background or with supplementary information.
3. A supplementary reading list is attached.
4. There is a supplementary water supply in case the rain supply fails.
5. A supplementary grant may be awarded at the discretion of the committee.
6. Mr Wakil's short answer above brought supplementary questions.
7. Such reduces the need for supplementary fertilizers.
8. It may be necessary to obtain a supplementary passport.
9. If you are claiming supplementary benefit, you automatically qualify.
10. Secondly, it prohibited local authorities from levying supplementary rates.
11. The Investment Business Gazettes offer very useful supplementary information.
12. In 1988 heating additions were withdrawn from supplementary benefit.
13. One of the Government's aims in moving from supplementary benefit to income support was to simplify the system.
14. This can involve materials already in school, some supplementary materials or the careful planning of a visit or trip.
15. The overall limit on the extent to which supplementary capital may be aggregated with reserves is also varied.
16. These and other language-based materials are offered as supplementary materials which will slot into a range of syllabuses.
17. From April 1988 the supplementary pension system will cease to exist and will be replaced by income support.
18. Under the supplementary benefit system, single parents could earn additional income and only part of this was offset against their benefit.
19. Some supplementary finance is available in the form of grants or loans.
20. The Public Records Office currently retains some supplementary benefit records but there is no systematic sampling system.
21. The respondents were also asked a supplementary question designed to elicit their rationalisations for their decisions.
22. If you're not receiving supplementary pension, you have to claim yourself from the council.
23. This contradicts the spirit of the supplementary benefit regulations and suggests that the means test is being enforced with new vigour.
24. Portfolio controls consist of special deposits, supplementary special deposits, reserve requirements, directives, and moral suasion.
25. However, this conclusion was based solely on a comparison of income support levels with supplementary benefit rates.
26. This decision cleared the way for the budget committee to begin proceeding with the proposed supplementary budget.
27. A copy of Westminster's code of practice and other supplementary information can be obtained by telephoning Theresa Riley in 071-798 1093.
28. Meraklon: Double brushed polypropylene fabric which is often used as supplementary liners.
29. This presumably means that leave must be sought to file a supplementary statement where any time limit for filing evidence has expired.
30. This offers concessional rates for leisure centres and adult educational courses to retired people and those receiving supplementary and unemployment benefit.
1. A supplementary volume has been published containing the index.
2. There is a supplementary water supply in case the rain supply fails.
31. I really don't think I could support a bid for a supplementary allocation.
32. As with supplementary pension you are supposed to pay for heating out of weekly income.
33. Alternative and supplementary schedules were published for conservation work and for community architecture services.
34. In addition, the conference plans to assign supplementary frequencies for the steadily rising demands of mobile satellite and other mobile communication services.
35. Pensions, health insurance, supplementary unemployment compensation have added to the protection.
36. All people of pensionable age have a right, under the Supplementary Benefits Act 1966, to a guaranteed income.
37. While E. coli carries its main genetic archive on conventional chromosomes, plasmids equip the microbe with small libraries of supplementary information.
38. A substantial, well-preserved Iron Age settlement with two encircling ramparts and supplementary earthworks.
39. Calculations have shown that a two child family receiving supplementary benefit could buy a woman's coat only once every 15 years.
40. The thing is, hardly anybody installs a silent alarm these days, except as a supplementary sys-tem.
41. Minor borders Smaller, supplementary borders, usually arrange in equal numbers on either side of the main border.
42. The government provides school textbooks but supplementary materials are developed by educational consultants or teachers.
43. They are also denied the statutory right to bring their dependants or claim supplementary benefits.
44. With the replacement of national assistance by supplementary benefit in 1966, a major change took place in relation to the means-tested benefits.
45. These shields are obscured by the supplementary papillae and by papillae arising on the shields themselves.
46. Supercomputers are not the only scientific elements in the supplementary budget.
47. It is usual to keep one at least one specially cooled aquarium with supplementary tanks without temperature regulation.
48. Third, since supplementary benefit can be paid indefinitely, long strikes are prolonged into longer strikes.
49. Married couples were most likely to have occupational pensions and least likely to have a supplementary pension.
50. On the practical side, a supplementary bottle-feeding makes it a lot easier for men to participate in infant care.
51. Strikes that are more likely to attract supplementary benefit are those involving large numbers, which last long and which are official.
52. On 25 February, the special Cabinet committee turned its attention to the reform of supplementary benefit but the meeting was inconclusive.
53. And for most pensioners, even those with supplementary pensions or savings, the state pension is their financial lifeline.
54. In April 1988 supplementary benefit was replaced by income support and social fund payments.
55. Often, when out-turn was greater than planned expenditure, Parliament had meekly acquiesced to supplementary estimates.
56. Scant weight is given to indices of economic deprivation, such as unemployment levels and proportions of children or families in receipt of Supplementary Benefit.
57. It was also agreed that supplementary financial aid would come from the state.
58. A supplementary package of time-limited fiscal measures aims to help get the economy moving.
59. In view of the official line that April's supplementary budget was designed to boost only domestic firms,() this may be naive.
60. With mass unemployment, means-tested supplementary benefit is the new mass benefit for the unemployed.
61. Up to April 1988 this was known as supplementary pension and was the arm of the supplementary benefit system catering for older people.
62. Under Article 112 the Finance Minister must approve all supplementary expenditure.
63. As a first step pensions and child benefit were to be raised and long-term supplementary benefit extended to the long-term unemployed.
64. Readers are urged to consult Hayzen's small booklet for supplementary charts.
65. Supplementary income generating activities include clinical work and consultancies for donor agencies.
66. He went on to enunciate the principles for review of the supplementary benefits system.
67. Families on supplementary benefit, now income support, are likely to borrow to buy items of clothing or durable household goods.
68. Thus supplementary benefit and family income supplement are more likely to benefit manual than non-manual groups.
69. If possible the new pasture should have a good nutritional value; alternatively some supplementary feeding may be given.
70. Report letter A report letter containing supplementary information was sent to centres at the same time as the new catalogue.
71. Between 1979 and 1987 the proportion of unemployed men who received supplementary benefit alone increased from 43 percent to 61.4 percent.
72. The supplementary method of assessing a Grand Prix star's chances is to rate his amatory performance.
73. A supplementary statement can not be used to amend the evidence recorded in an earlier statement.
74. You can qualify for housing benefit on a higher income than for supplementary benefit.
75. Now she's unemployed and her husband has tuberculosis and they live on supplementary benefit with their two children.
76. Part 2 is a series of 784 short monographs on supplementary drugs and other substances arranged in alphabetical order.
77. Individual units can be used as supplementary material with other courses.
78. It is intended to be used as supplementary material alongside any main course, in class and for homework.
79. A supplementary statement may be necessary, for example, where further relevant events have occurred since the original statement was made.
80. Under close supervision by Babbage she prepared extensive supplementary notes to Menabrea's paper.
81. Mr. Clark I make allowances for the fact that the hon. Gentleman clearly prepared his supplementary before the news was announced.
82. Only 18 to 25 percent of the survey sample relied on or had their income topped up by the then supplementary benefit.
83. Supplementary dietary phosphate decreased the fatty acid concentration only on the low calcium diet.
84. In February 1961 Parliament was asked to approve the grant of an extra £12,000 in the Supplementary Estimates.
85. Changing supplementary and housing benefit would be more contentious than reforming occupational pensions.
86. Other supplementary estimates are presented during the course of the year, as extra funds are needed.
87. This anticipates the inadequacy in the feedback control, and provides a supplementary signal.
87. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
88. They had nothing but the meagre income provided by supplementary benefit.
89. Many questions are answered in writing, but those that receive oral answers may be followed up by supplementary questions.
90. These, and other areas, are described more fully in the supplementary material which is available from most departments on request.
91. The client eventually recovered £1,000 in supplementary benefit additional requirements, backdated to 1976.
92. At Question Time the Prime Minister is backed by the civil servants who brief her and try to anticipate supplementary questions.
93. Single strikers receive supplementary benefit at the discretion of the supplementary benefit officer only in very exceptional circumstances.
94. There are certain supplementary sources of revenue which might help to offset some of the costs.
95. The Government first attempted to exclude altogether supplementary benefit and national assistance from the scope of regulation 72.
96. Likewise arrangements should be made to ensure that supplementary information will be available where required.
97. A deliberate attempt was made in 1966 to make assistance known and acceptable, when it became known as supplementary benefits.
98. The result is that a large proportion of the elderly are solely dependent on the basic state pension, with supplementary benefit.
99. Those whose husbands are earning will not even qualify for supplementary benefit.
100. A supplementary budget was announced in February 1991 in the light of the negative effects of the Gulf crisis on the economy.
101. Pittsburgh acts as a supplementary hub serving North Eastern markets.
102. Similarly, the Investment Business Gazettes offer concise and very useful supplementary information.
103. Some items of expenditure like supplementary benefit or sickness benefit are demand-led commitments.
104. At the same time the old supplementary benefit and heating allowances were abolished and a new system of income support was introduced.
105. Some areas may provide a rich vein of local history which is also well related to a supplementary unit.
106. The supplementary motor area has shown increased activity during learning of new movements.
107. The supplementary motor area is the only site where animal and human vocalization can be closely related.
108. Further Information Supplementary information leaflets on most subjects taught in the University are available from us on request.
109. Mr. Scott I contest the hon. Gentleman's assertions at the end of his supplementary question.
110. Like supplementary pension it tops up your income to the amount the government says you need to live on.
111. She survived by working in a textile mill and receiving supplementary welfare.
112. The former refers to payments such as pensions, supplementary benefit, family income supplement, child benefit, and so on.
113. By the end of the decade, unclaimed supplementary benefit reached £410 million.
114. Two smoothed versions of the numbers of unemployed supplementary benefit claimants are displayed in figure 9.3 and figure 9.4.
115. I had to pay out of my supplementary benefit, £7 an hour, just once a week.
116. What they had achieved with a few weeks of supplementary feeding was remarkable.
117. Doctors and other health experts consider it wise to safeguard infants by giving supplementary vitamins.
118. Supplementary dietary calcium has been shown in some studies to reduce colonic cell proliferation in man.
119. Second supplementary budget was passed on July 25.
120. She satisfies the work of supplementary property.
121. Retail sales can only be your supplementary business.
122. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
123. The new students received supplementary instruction.
124. Supplementary oxygen is rarely needed in pressurized aircraft.
125. There is no supplementary charge.
126. Supplementary miniature mariner's compass is beauty and practical.
127. The Mann - Elkins Act of 1910 had become legislation comprehensive in character, not merely supplementary.
128. The results showed that 15% of supplementary oligo-fructose could result in satisfactory soda biscuits.
129. We would provide you with supplementary information upon your specific request.
130. The adding amount of starch and supplementary material may be as high as 40-60 percent, and the conventional equipment of starch mills and plastics mills may be used.
131. But it seems to me that quite often supplementary information in blog comments stray away from the writer's key objective.
132. Finally, discovered its industrial supplementary characteristic and the area of collaboration according to industrial development situation.
133. The characteristics of the equitable norms are non - standard , non - definition and supplementary.
134. It provides a environment for vast number of students about self-testing and evaluation, it is conventional teaching outside of a supplementary learning.
135. This Recommendation provides the stage 2 service description of the International Telecommunication Charge Card supplementary service.
136. Library and reading rooms are the databases for teachers to access supplementary information.
137. By certain supplementary methods, differential transformer type sensor can be applied in automatic monitoring for dam safety.
138. Accordingly, this Annex provides notes and supplementary provisions to the Agreement.
139. Methods: Use multimedia software as a supplementary means in experimentation teaching.
140. Supplementary Card card face and card type will be same as that of Principal Cardholder.
141. After the criminal case was concluded, the judges started to try the supplementary civil action.
142. The removal of the same percentage of BoD will require supplementary chemical treatment.
143. Raw and supplementary materials, coal, electricity, water, gas are in full supply. Cotton for textile industrial use, short cotton flannel and chemical materials are in adequate supply.
144. Through the partially related emulation of technical content, realization is taking computer system simulation as main battlefield supplementary decision and its simulated system.
145. The supplementary reports on specific subjects may be compiled additionally if necessary.
146. Supplementary motor area FA predicted scores in word naming tasks and expression scores.
147. By using the methods of documentary, experimental research and mathematical statistics, the supplementary apparatus was designed for acrobatics front handspring.
148. External capital can only be used as supplementary money, otherwise it cannot be called an organization for farmers, but a means of borrowing money from the state in low interests.
149. First is how does the position arrange, in addition is Bynum's supplementary contract.
150. To built production workshop 4400 square meters, supplementary workshop 4600 square meters, public engineering 2000 square meters, service engineering 4000 square meters and other facilities.
151. Recently, the club has been being busy at and player's supplementary contract work.
152. The outdoor advertising is supplementary light facility display anti whole or praxis the off normal order date of expiration correction.
153. To improve the knowledge of the pathophysiology of many brain areas involved by a lesion, such as the supplementary motor area, insula, premotor cortex, supramarginal and angular gyri.
154. Mr Hatoyama has made passage of the 2010 budget and the Y7,200bn supplementary budget for 2009, a top priority.
155. Your company should make a supplementary payment for stamp tax.
156. ESOP, regarded as employees welfare, is an important form of supplementary pension.
157. A supplementary variable technique is used to obtain the steady-state function and the steady-state probability generation function of the number of customers in the system.
158. The school will receive the Fund within 2 months after all the documents and supplementary information are received and approved.
159. It has been commonly adopted to use complex carburant in the ladle as a supplementary measure.
160. It contains whole effective components of sabal fruit, and has less supplementary material, convenient clinical use and low cost.
161. There is a supplementary water supply in case the main supply fails.
162. An enterprise's supplementary pension system is an important supplement to the basic endowment insurance system.
163. The supplementary information in academic writings appeals to the readers and provides documentary information service with grounds of index, transmission and statistics of information.
164. The direction of the telecom system has been changing from expanding its capacity to enriching its supplementary services.
165. The enterprise charges the elderly a handling fee, part of which is the Supplementary Pension for the people who care, and the remaining is used for the operation of the business.
166. When foreignization is not feasible, the translator should resort to domestication as a supplementary method.
167. The first pair of gill- rakers of the fish extends to form a supplementary respiratory organ (a labyrinth organ).
168. Unless otherwise specified, applicants should only provide details and copies of supplementary information to the relevant programme applied.
169. Appendices? Consists of supplementary information not required for the main body of the report.
170. Objective To explore surgical treatment of gliomas involving the supplementary motor area (SMA) in the superior frontal gyrus.
171. Therefore supplementary capital adequacy ratio of the programs also pay attention to.
172. Plenary preparation before operation and wardship after operation, mechanical supplementary respiration and respiration function exercise can reduce this kind of complication and death rate.
173. Through similar and supplementary action, polygenes can have important effects on total variability.
174. The consequences of this implicit approach are far-reaching. The "supplementary topics" section at the end of this chapter will include more comments about implicitness .
175. The governing equation as follows: mass conservation equation, momentum conservation equation and supplementary of turbulent model.
176. The supplementary tenancy agreement also has got the same law power as this Agreement.
177. It is inter-dynamic that the developed country has already formed the supplementary pension and capital market.
178. He says they also will need supplementary food and firewood.
179. After supplementary information is retrieved,() the SIP Gateway can then notify the OnCast Client via SIP/CSTA presenting the user with the additional information about the person calling them.
181. This collator ensures all characters, supplementary and non-supplementary, have the same binary collating sequence as UTF-8.
182. Allies of Nigeria's ailing president forged his signature on the country's supplementary budget last month, opposition politicians have alleged.
183. Objective:To evaluate the clinical effects of minocycline ointment (Perioline) supplementary treatment on retrograde pulpitis.
184. This would have included a set of business use cases, supplementary system specifications, and a business object model.
185. Volume 3 Form of Tender and Appendix thereto, Form of Tender Security, Bill of Quantities, Schedules of Supplementary Information.
186. This paper makes some supplementary introduction to the reasons why the pseudographs are caused, and gives the author's opinion on discriminating pseudograph and how to appraise pseudograph correctly.
187. As businesses and workers to establish voluntary supplementary pension insurance, enterprise annuities have been an increasing number of enterprises and workers of all ages.
188. Identifying the job satisfaction factors to impact high-skilled persons'dismission inclination, which is a supplementary research for the highly skilled talents'job satisfaction topic.
189. It will have solar panels and a supplementary power source in the form of a plutonium-238 nuclear battery, the same type installed on the forthcoming Mars Science Laboratory rover.
190. Huawei company is a specialized supplier, Which supply beading and embroidery supplementary materials for many years.
191. In the indoor cool light, increase light softness, supplementary interior red intensity. The original ordinary microscope can't perspective card can be clearly seen.
192. The application of the supplementary analysis system is helpful for Shanghai Power Grid to enhance AGC control and frequency control ability under the control performance standard.
193. The system carried out the part to list a few main Procedure constitution graph, and supplementary some main window ways and procedure. This system interface amity, operate in brief, more practical.
194. This Recommendation specifies the formats and codes of the ISDN user part messages and parameters required to support basic bearer services and supplementary services.
195. VHDL Silicon compiler is a supplementary tool of the IC CAD system-XUECAD.
196. In addition, to a certain extent, supplementary study also found that in the agricultural listed companies operating risks can be decentralized by diversification.
197. Objective:To eliminate the matrix interference when determinating Pb and Cd in supplementary calcium food by GFAAS and study the mechanism of organic matrix modifier.
198. The supplementary capital includes the re-evaluation reserves, general reserves, preferred stocks, convertible bonds, fixed capital bonds and long-term subordinated debts.
199. The validity of the theory of resynchronization of generators using simplifying supplementary discrete control and these intelligent controllers are testified by simulation.
200. The criterion of energy transformation and conservation are used to derive the supplementary restraint condition of buckling deformation at the front of axial compression wave.
201. Supplementary pension is the second pillar and important part of the social security system, which is established by enterprise and its employees voluntarily based on their basic pension.
202. To sound language of Kazak, it is a communicational tool with a kind of complement and supplementary.
203. The supplementary reading in sociology led her to a book on village - improvement.
204. Iraq's parliament has approved a supplementary budget that raises this year's spending to more than $70 billion.
205. In terms of lawmaking, mental injury solatium should be included in supplementary civil action and then the relative legal conflict can be eventually eliminated.
206. VHDL Silicon compiler is a supplementary tool of the IC CAD system-XUECAD. The algorithms of modified VHDL silicon compilers placing and routing are introduced in this paper.
207. Many of the rules surrounding the payment of unemployment or supplementary benefit are for this purpose.
208. RESULTS:For the normal subject(/supplementary.html), passive single finger exercise of the intact hand activated the contralateral sensorimotor cortex(SMC) and supplementary motor area(SMA).
209. A listing of currently defined supplementary services is included as well.
210. The Chan sect of China has called itself"Supplementary Biography of Buddhism", but its MuniuYus not only come from Mahayana, but also have a bearing on Hinayana.
211. Campaigns of attrition are supplementary but necessary in protracted war.
212. The preparation process is reliable and practical, has common medicine supplementary material, including lecithin, poloxamer 188, etc.
213. France already gives pregnant women a large supplementary dose of vitamin D, which is fat-soluble, so it stays in the body for some time.
214. In order to increase the performance of binoculars we recommend supplementary telescopes.
215. The supplementary restraint equation at the compression wave front is obtained by use of the second critical condition.
216. Methods: The soybean oil, tetroxide three lead is used as basic matrix, screening other supplementary material such as petroleum resin, zinc oxide and polyvinyl-chloride.
217. The answer is it's confined in temporary cash pools, whether in the Supplementary Financing Account or excess reserve deposits or in time-sensitive T-bills.




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