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单词 commission
释义  Related topics: Militarycom·mis·sion1 /kəˈmɪʃən/ ●●○ S3 W3 noun  1  [countable]FIND OUT a group of people who have been given the official job of finding out about something or controlling something 调查团;考察团;委员会 The Government set up a commission to investigate allegations of police violence. 政府成立了一个委员会调查对警察施暴行为的指控。commission on the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution 皇家环境污染委员会2  MONEY[countable, uncountable]MONEY an extra amount of money that is paid to a person or organization according to the value of the goods they have sold or the services they have provided 佣金;提成;回扣 The dealer takes a 20% commission on the sales he makes. 经销商按销售额收取20%的佣金。on commission He sold cosmetics on commission. 他卖化妆品按销售额提成。3  [countable] a request for an artist, designer, or musician to make a piece of art or music, for which they are paid 〔对艺术家、设计师或音乐家的〕创作委托 a commission from the Academy for a new sculpture 学院要求制作一尊新雕塑的委托4. ARMY/NAVY ETC[countable]PM the position of an officer in the army, navy etc 〔军队中的〕军官地位;军官职权5. CRIME[uncountable] formalDO the commission of a crime is the act of doing it 犯〔罪〕 → commit6  out of commission a) BROKENnot working or not available for use 不能工作的;暂时失灵的 One of the ship’s anchors was out of commission. 船的一个锚坏了。 b) ILL informal ill or injured, and unable to work 因病[受伤]不能工作的7  in commission PMNavailable to be used 可以使用的 The operating theatres will be back in commission next week. 手术室下周可以恢复使用。n COLLOCATIONSverbsset up/establish/create a commissionThey set up a commission to investigate the problem of youth crime. appoint a commission (=choose the members of a commission)The president appointed a commission to develop standards in schools.head a commission (=be in charge of one)He was elected to head a commission on tax reform.a commission recommends somethingThe commission recommended that the federal government change the way it measures inflation.a commission approves somethingThe commission approved the plan.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + commission a special commissionA special commission was set up to investigate the independent commissionThe plan requires approval by an independent international commissionan international commission on climate changea parliamentary commissionA report was made by a special parliamentary commission.a government commissionA government commission regulates the process.a national/federal commissionthe National Commission on Terrorisma presidential commissionthe Presidential Commission on Health Carea joint commission (=involving two or more countries or groups)a new India-Sri Lanka joint commissionan investigative/investigating commissionAn investigative commission was set up immediately after the incident.Examples from the Corpuscommission• Each dealer makes a 20% commission on his sales.• His basic salary is low, but he gets 20% commission on everything he sells.• Ivanova has received a commission from the bank for a sculpture.• Permission to sell a commission or permission to purchase one was again something which might involve the intervention of a politician.• Brokerages charge commissions from $ 25 to hundreds of dollars, depending on the size of the transaction.• The remainder of the votes were declared invalid, the election commission said.• The election commission might postpone the election until these questions are clarified.• Haley was asked to resign his commission.• So why pay extra money in commissions for financial advice to get only an average return?• Most insurance agents are on commission, and some earn a lot of money.• The planning commission will allow 200 extra homes to be built on the site.• Ukiyo-e artists such as Hokusai, Utamaro and Sharaku produced these works in small numbers and largely to special commission.• The commission is expected to decide this month whether to open an investigation.• The commission will seek to arbitrate a resolution before handing down a decision in late summer.set up ... commission• The United Nations security council has set up a commission of inquiry.• They could have published a White Paper or set up a commission of inquiry.• The government met in emergency session on May 22 and agreed to set up a commission of inquiry to investigate the assassination.• Fokin agreed to set up a commission to look into union grievances.on commission• Jamil sells cars on commission.commission2 ●○○ AWL verb  1  PAY somebody FOR WORK[transitive] to formally ask someone to write an official report, produce a work of art for you etc 委托〔别人写报告、创作艺术品等〕 The report was commissioned by the Welsh Office. 这份报告是受命于威尔士事务部撰写的。commission somebody to do something Macmillan commissioned her to illustrate a book by Spike Milligan. 麦克米伦公司委托她为斯派克•米利根的一本书画插图。2  be commissioned (into something) PMto be given an officer’s rank in the army, navy etc 〔在军队中〕被授予军官军衔 I was commissioned into the RAF. 我被任命为皇家空军的军官。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscommission• Whatever money the artist leaves the venue with is the amount which the agent can commission.• Usually it makes sense to commission a business which is able to undertake both design and print.• The Philadelphia Medical Society commissioned a report on alcoholism.• The gallery is housed in the new wing, which he commissioned Adams to build 18 years ago.• In 1506, Bramante was commissioned by Pope Julius II to rebuild St Peter's church.• He was called to Washington and commissioned by President Lincoln.• Seventy-five percent of Americans think that women are more sensual than men, according to a survey commissioned by Revlon.• Flohic have paired up writers and artists, commissioning essays dedicated to particular works which are illustrated alongside.• His 'Landscapes' Symphony was commissioned for the inaugural concert of the Shepherd School.• The Left-Hand Piano Concerto was the first of several works commissioned from distinguished composers.• Regardless of technical hitches Pathfinders in Space was judged a great success, leading to a second series being commissioned in 1960.• In recent years, the outage has been used to construct or commission major capital projects to extend the plants' capability.• The orchestra is commissioning new works from 14 composers.• The container was commissioned on a contract hire agreement with David Robertson Haulage.nthe CommissionCommission, the  nan informal name for the european commissionFrom Longman Business Dictionarycommissioncom‧mis‧sion1 /kəˈmɪʃən/ noun1[countable, uncountable]FINANCECOMMERCE an amount of money paid to someone according to the value of goods, shares, bonds etc they have soldHe didn’t charge a commission on trades, as other brokers do.All of the sales staff are on commission. → see also error of commission2[countable] a request for a writer, musician, or artist to produce a piece of work for which they are paida commission from the company for a new sculpture3[countable]LAWORGANIZATIONS an official organization that ensures that the law is obeyed in a particular activitythe New Jersey Casino Control Commissionthe Equal Employment Opportunity Commission4[countable]ORGANIZATIONS a temporary official organization looking at problems in a particular area and suggesting changesA state senate commission was created last year to study tax reform. → see also Federal Communications Commissioncommissioncommission2 verb [transitive] to formally ask someone to produce a report, work of art etcOne of the new team’s first acts was to commission a report on Fox’s operations.→ See Verb tableOrigin commission1 (1300-1400) Old French Latin commissio, from commissus, past participle of committere; → COMMITcom·mis·sion1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1commission2 verbCommission, theLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  have who Business a been Corpus people group of




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