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单词 Programmer
1. Mike found a challenging job as a computer programmer.
2. You can earn good money as a computer programmer.
3. We have a vacancy for a computer programmer.
4. She was employed as a programmer.
5. The computer programmer botched the job and had to start over.
6. A programmer had managed to hack into some top-secret government data.
7. A simple programmer repeats this action at regular intervals.
8. A programmer earns a pretty decent living.
9. An unscrupulous programmer could write an ActiveX program designed to erase a hard drive or deposit a virus.
10. If you are an experienced computer programmer, please try to forget your coding experience, because no programming is required.
11. This would be the situation if the programmer had not allocated sufficient working storage to the file.
11. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
12. Not computer programmer Kevin Kennedy, 38, who weighs nearly 400 pounds.
13. The whole development cycle is streamlined when the programmer can visualise and monitor program execution.
14. Alternatively, all three persons, programmer, database developer and user, might be considered to be joint authors.
15. He's left his job as a computer programmer and is working as a consultant for a German firm.
16. They are all designed by a human programmer, and so is the geography of the labyrinth.
17. A timer or programmer to control the heating periods and the choice of water heating, space heating or both.
18. But computer programmer Mike, 32, said many fund-raising events are still to be held.
19. Christopher Rollinger, a Newbury Park computer programmer, snared a few job interviews during the day.
20. Martin Baloch, Manchester I work as a programmer for a company that produces business software.
21. A computer programmer would almost certainly get a computer to do it that way, but I doubt whether the brain does.
22. Tribble, a lean, tousle-haired programmer who had been teetering between a career in technology or medicine.
23. The computer programmer from Leicestershire was rescued after being spotted by the crew of a passing leisure cruiser.
24. To make the computer work at full capacity, the programmer has to think like the machine.
25. She's decided to go into business as a freelance computer programmer.
26. "A lot of people have never been in an open car," says Mike Jacobsen, a computer programmer, who has four vintage convertibles.
27. Unfortunately, I think it may be beyond my powers as a programmer to set up such a counterfeit world.
28. Ensure that you are familiar with any heating controls the system may have such as a time clock or programmer.
29. A rechargeable battery protects the stored programme data for up to eight months in the event of the programmer being unplugged.
30. Terry's tactic was to use the systems analyst for a peer pressure over the programmer.
1. Mike found a challenging job as a computer programmer.
2. We have a vacancy for a computer programmer.
31. Tina Femea, a programmer for Kaetron, has been on the Internet for about eight years.
32. To do anything interesting with the software a good programmer and designer will be needed.
33. Even the programmer himself has difficulty in driving it two days later!
34. The programmer must, however check that the equivalent routine performs adequately as well as theoretically doing the same function.
35. The programmer may also be given temporary access to other modules by way of special links.
36. A good programmer can take anything known, any regularity, and cleverly reduce it in size.
37. It was something else to tell that to a highly prized research scientist, engineer, or computer programmer.
38. During this period I worked as a computer programmer in Accra for a year.
39. The malperformance of a programmer or machine operator.
40. I was a computer programmer for 10 years.
41. Bobby Jones liked his job as a computer programmer.
42. This preserves the logical groupings established by the programmer.
43. It is dynamic with a focus on programmer productivity.
44. This programmer is designed on a modular basis.
45. The programmer contains only the primary function controls.
46. Elementary programmer , Intermediate programmer, Senior programmer.
47. The programmer forms the heart of the process chromatograph.
48. A VM system programmer controls these limits.
49. I'm going to be a computer programmer.
50. Mike Sutton used to be a whiz kid programmer.
51. This course will qualify you as a computer programmer.
52. Occasionally, a programmer might unintentionally turn off automatic evaluation.
53. Modify project content in the workbench as Programmer 1.
54. B : Of course, he's our hardcore programmer!
55. Using datawindow adroitly is important for a PowerBuilder programmer.
56. Type M programmer is available in four models.
57. It empowers a programmer to handle an asynchronous event.
58. Is the senior programmer must master the knowledge.
59. I was a COBOL programmer in 1972 and I remember that the company that I worked for had lots of physical space dedicated to keeping program card decks, computer listings, and so on.
60. Book is particularly suitable as an application programmer and system programmer learning and development purposes.
61. For example, an excellent programmer of our acquaintance, Anand Pillai, has proposed a path to Gnosis Utilities' subpackage gnosis.xml.objectify that does exactly this.
62. As the programmer must learn to adapt to social selection, survival of the fittest.
63. Main research of this paper is the education of Jr. programmer, the framework of teaching system and the multi-teaching method in the higher processional colleges.
64. Programmer Ted Dziuba suggests an alternative to traditional program that he called "Taco Bell Programming."
65. The application programmer doesn't have to be aware of attachments at all.
66. A programmer is tested for calculating the circulating current, and the result is compared with experimentation to prove the correctness of the calculation.
67. An assembler language programmer writes one mnemonic instruction for each machine - level instruction.
68. I am the founder of Basilisk Games and the lead developer, programmer and artist on the Eschalon series.
69. A programmer had been hacking into some banking private data.
70. Moreover dynamic memory allocation is under the control of the programmer, which inevitably means that memory deallocation is the burden of the programmer.
71. By checking the voltage change between the fixed resistor and the sensing blub over a set time period,(http:///programmer.html) the programmer writes an instruction set that can run the DTC subroutine.
72. The programmer is studied mainly in wind-energy generation, because it can operate in large range of speed and with the best utilization factor of wind-energy.
73. Typically, customers will need some help from the programmer team to write these tests.
74. To randomly access a specific record, all the programmer must do is remember its address, and ask for it.
75. All three frameworks this article is looking at, zope.testing, py.test, and nose, support the standard setUp() and tearDown() routines of any unittest.TestCase classes that the programmer writes.
76. It has to be done by a programmer who knows about the guts of the software, Beizer said, explaining why synonyms for this methodology include clear box or glass box testing.
77. If non-published behavior results in a run-time error, it will be exceedingly difficult for the programmer to diagnose the problem and repair it.
78. They're absolutely right. You can be a good, solid, professional programmer without knowing much math.
79. Jim, an application programmer, develops and tests the database manager application programs.
80. Null pointer errors are usually the result of one or more programmer assumptions being violated.
81. Rather than define a generic data model based on the XML syntax, the parser relies on the application programmer to build a tailor-made data model.
82. Using all your tools in your programming approach will make you a good Perl programmer, and a good programmer altogether.
83. The EJB servers provide functionality for threading, concurrency, memory management, and security and do these things automatically so as not to burden the application programmer with the details.
84. Typically, the programmable device is inserted into a socket on the device programmer and the contents of a memory buffer are then transferred into it.
85. How to become a master programmer from a journey man.
86. Accumulator and index register can be accessed by the programmer.
87. It reduces design and coding effort for client applications and provides easier access to IMS applications and operations, thereby improving programmer productivity.
88. The TOC save area, compiler area, and linker area are all reserved for system use, and are not modified by programmers, but the programmer must reserve space for them.
89. The xmllib works by the application programmer overriding the class XMLParser, and providing methods to handle document elements such as specific or generic tags, or character entities.
90. The weekly youth culture programmer provides information on fashion, sport and music.
91. There was once a programmer who was attached to the court of the warlord of Wu. The warlord asked the programmer: "Which is easier to design: an accounting package or an operating system?"
92. How does a programmer go about modifying a software package?
93. Incidentally, knowledge about this subject is useful for any advanced Python programmer.
94. A developer cannot check code into the source code repository until all the programmer tests pass.
95. The program templates were sent to the key puncher (sometimes for small programs or small modifications the programmer punched his own cards).
96. Rule of Economy : Programmer time is expensive ; conserve it in divferenc to machine time.
97. If the application programmer uses transactions, the programmer divides the application's work into units called transactions.
98. It lets the programmer express data processing in a symbolic manner without regard to machine - specific details.
99. It defines a set of address spaces for each pointer variable that is optimally efficient for the C8051 architecture, without any specific direction from the programmer.
100. You can also decompose XML data for use by non-XML-enabled applications, thereby preserving and extending past investment and enhancing programmer productivity.
101. "I had someone else, a programmer, look at it and say that's a legit message from twitter(Sentencedict)," Bandurski said.
102. However skeptical the Blub programmer might be about my claims for the mysterious powers of Lisp, this ought to make him curious.
103. This programmer type looks like a short-list candidate to play Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings.
104. In the static graph display, part program is mapped part outline in CRT, and programmer can check program through the part outline in CRT.
105. Once erased, an EPROM can be reprogrammed with the help of a device programmer.
106. Creating cross-browser compatible tree structures, tabbed panes, split panes, popup menus, etc is time consuming and at the same time can be best done by an experienced Javascript/DHTML programmer.
107. By extending SMIT, you can add tasks you do regularly that are not already defined, change existing tasks, or add tasks for your operator staff to do that would otherwise require a system programmer.
108. This assumes a scenario where the programmer is performing COBOL program maintenance.
109. And you know what? They're absolutely right. You can be a good solid professional programmer without knowing much math.
110. By providing the same kind of glue code for other services, Spring eases my burden as an application programmer.
111. While it is true that an application programmer can always establish a separate connection to each individual data source, it is much easier to have a single database connection in the application.
112. To use a feature, the programmer calls the feature, without thinking about the kludge.
113. In VM / 370, the CP privilege class C user, normally the system programmer, who can modify any real storage locations in the machine.
114. On the other hand, traditional garbage collectors can introduce long delays at times that are virtually impossible for the application programmer to predict.
115. Even with multiple lines and comments, it would be generous to call Perl 5's regular expressions dense -- they are more akin to line noise to a beginning Perl programmer.
116. The engineer doesn't say a word, but reaches into his wallet, pulls out a five dollar bill and hands it to the programmer.
117. I have been working as a computer programmer for five years.
118. The Three Great Virtues of a Programmer: Laziness, Impatience and Hubris.
119. What would you do if you fail to secure a programmer job?
120. The kernel technique of cardiac pacemaker is the design of hybrid circuit and the combination programmer.
121. These dichotomies (between efficiency versus correctness, efficiency versus programmer time, efficiency versus high-level, et cetera.) are bogus.
122. ChenYue Professor:the subdecanal of the computer and software academy of ZheJiang University, former drillmaster of the team of . the international academician programmer competition .
123. Long you is computer programmer, You The can join we!
124. If you have excellent resources that you use very often as a professional programmer, by all means let me know.
125. Many are characterized as "scripting" languages that promote programmer productivity over machine efficiency; others are ports of popular mainstream languages.
126. Don't call yourself a programmer : "Programmer" sounds like "anomalously high-cost peon who types some mumbo-jumbo into some other mumbo-jumbo.
127. A programmer views data logically , requesting the next record, or the name and address for a particular customer.
128. The disquisition pilot study about the computer assisted optimization design of a screw spring of many radices using math layout theory conjoint to computer programmer method with a exemplity.
129. An IDE provide convenience of writing software to programmer , it promote the efficiency of develop software.
130. Real Programmers don't like the team programming concept. Unless, of course, they are the Chief Programmer.
131. I a computer programmer but I don't know if I'm clever enough.
132. After production of a flowchart, pseudocode, or both,(http:///programmer.html) the programmer actually writes the code in a language specific for the project.
133. If necessary, contact the MVS system programmer for help on what should be specified.
134. The difficulty is that a programmer who needs to write assembly code for a programming algorithm must know what the hex- code value is for a different input - analog - voltage level—1.6V, for example.
135. Looking for a position as a computer programmer with a medium - sized firm.
136. The terse syntax is attractive to professional programmer, and the compilers generate very deficient object code.
137. A novice programmer was once assigned to code a simple financial package.
138. The conflict can be resolved by the parallel compute, but the related high rank parallel software is so scarce that the parallel computer can only used by the professional programmer.
139. Another is the system library functions precomposed by C language, which can be directly used by programmer.
140. Nobody wanted to be a grunt junior programmer, I guess.
141. Nina Boal, a computer programmer who lives in Columbia, Maryland, remembers a flight from Tokyo to Detroit, where she was seated next to "an inconsolably screaming kid."
142. Then it comes to the system programmer that his job in turn is to develop system programs.
143. An application programmer must supply a tangent, binormal, and normal at each vertex.
144. In addition, there are trend of creation the make the programmer for the people in TV programmer making, some art is Vulgarize , fawn on customs and in pattern.
145. To keep the costs as low as possible, I've prepared a simple programmer (here are the schematics sources in a XFig format) connected directly to the PC's LPT port.
146. Because the customer team needs to drive what the programmer team releases.
147. For PLC, design program in terms of control requirement and technics process with CX - Programmer software.
148. Rule of Economy: Programmer time is expensive; conserve it in preference to machine time.
149. Harrison Blackwood teams up with microbiologist Suzanne McCullough, computer programmer Norton Drake, and army Lt.
150. The lead programmer looked at the transaction journal and saw that the manager entered the adjustment correctly.
151. The way [xmllib] works is by the application programmer overriding the class XMLParser, and providing methods to handle document elements, such as specific or generic tags or character entities.
152. However, programmer can make use PFC technique to design the new data window object, more functional, more professional and more normative.
153. Unfortunately, by the time the calculation was finished the Chief Programmer forgot the value of N he entered.
154. As with SAX, REXML gives the application programmer no default data structures from the XML document.
155. The Blueprint container implemented in the OSGi feature pack is part of the middleware and no longer part of the application, removing one headache for an application programmer.
156. A master programmer passed a novice programmer one day. The master noted the novice's preoccupation with a hand-held computer game.
157. Every morning I take my son to school. And he enjoys listening to the English programmer on the way. One of my passengers once said my son is very clever to kill two birds with one stone.
158. I may want to write my code in UTF-8, but some Japanese programmer may want to write his code in Shift JIS.
159. The application program area is employed by the system programmer for implementing the control program.
160. Note: Programming still exists as a profession and an important software development role, but not everybody has to be a professional programmer to work productively with SOA artifacts.
161. Detail of IE 8 concerned function already was before this in professional programmer forum divulge.
162. The good news about Pippy is that it allows a Python programmer to write and run programs right on the Palm.
163. Guangzhou Crassulaceae Electronics Co. , Ltd. was founded in 2001(), is a professional programmer development and production of high-tech enterprises.
164. In the past a game programmer had to write his own importer to load game content data or use one of the available formats like the . x file format in DirectX for model files.
165. Most of the original 12 practices are in the programmer team set, but some will probably be moving.
166. Again, the responsibility of checking this return code and taking appropriate action lies with the programmer.
167. As it is, though, the code doesn't do anything to make sure that clumsy users or programmer bugs don't cause incorrectly formatted data to be put into the number field.
168. Linda, whose house we just passed, is a senior programmer.
169. Dave: You don't know Elvin? 1 Studly programmer 2 ) numero uno? With the 3 ) ponytail and nose ring?
170. An application programmer that learns the APIs can write an application that can call any of these APIs, and then perform essentially any administrative operation.
171. In The Mythical Man-Month, Fred Brooks observed that programmer time is not fungible; adding developers to a late software project makes it later.
172. Seeking a dedicated computer programmer capable of operating in a collaborative environment with superior skills and excellent work ethic.
173. Machine language is the fundamental knowledge a programmer needs to have.
174. To solve this problem, a Java programmer might be tempted to define a function that gives you the nth Fibonacci number.
175. The kernel technique of cardiac pacemaker is the design of the hybrid circuit and the combination programmer.
176. China's human flesh search engine has quickly claimed the virus coder to be a Java script programmer named Chao Sen.
177. This paper introduces how to develop a set of Particles System Application Programmer Interface(API) which can be used to simulate dynamic scene in VR system as a module.
178. Confirmations get written into software when a programmer arrives at an impasse in her coding.
179. Between the large, built-in module library and the even larger number of community libraries (many of which are open-source), you can quickly became a lazy -- that is, good -- programmer.
180. He's a software programmer indicted for high security code infiltration, identity theft.
181. Game engine programmer needed to develop the engine for a new sports management game.
182. Operating systems may help the programmer, however, by providing library routines to implement dynamic loading.
183. Since the operator had more experience with mounting tape than a programmer, setup time was reduced.
184. I need this job done only by a professional programmer.
185. Naturally, the contents of these registers have been specified by the programmer for each device.
186. It's essential to any programmer interested in this cool pattern, and the examples progress from simple to "Mr. Dominus, you're crazy" (in the complimentary sense).
187. Static languages still dominate the overwhelming majority of language use (source: Tiobe) and such languages depend on code generation techniques for programmer productivity.
188. And here's where you have to take off your programmer or scripter hat, and put on your user hat.
189. It is there fore far less machine dependent, so that the programmer needs far less knowledge of the details of the microcomputer system.
190. In contrast, a unified data access mechanism provides an application programmer with a single point of connection to all of the enterprise's data assets.
191. Daniel hopes to be a computer programmer when he grows up.
192. I realize that a pretty good length_message could be generated from the other attributes,(http:///programmer.html) but I felt that the pluralization and phrasing of messages would be better if it was written by a programmer.
193. Program complexity grows until it exceeds the capability of the programmer who must maintain it.
194. Assembly language: A low level programming language thatpermits the programmer to use mnemonics or symbolic codes for function codes.
195. Program complexity grows until it exceeds the capabilities of the programmer who must maintain it.
196. If you are a professional programmer, you will benefit from understanding threading in whatever it is you are working with.
197. Bob could assert that having GUTs is the mark of the modern professional programmer.
198. And you know what ? They're absolutely right solid , professional programmer without knowing much math.
199. As a Relational Database programmer, my first choice was to use a Relational Database System to save these XML documents.
200. EXAMPLE: The software company's young computer programmer is a nighthawk who concentrates best late at night when there are very few distractions.
201. Event APIs have the reputation of being difficult to use, simply because the application programmer is in charge of more operations.
202. Top-down design and stepwise refinement urged the programmer to set forth the broad outlines of a procedure first and only later fill in the details.
203. For example, a reasonably trained, reasonably motivated programmer can do a perfectly fine job finding boundary conditions and checking whether each known equivalence class is handled.
204. If tester is not reporting bug correctly, programmer will most likely reject this bug stating as irreproducible.
205. For example, a C programmer would call the SQLExec function to send an SQL statement for execution to a relational database management system (RDBMS).
206. However, he and organised if he wants to become a computer programmer.
207. One of my campers, a brilliant programmer named John Bruns, programmed the Impulse system for several popular software packages, coloring each bar in accordance with the Impulse system.
208. The critical factor that lets this style of planning work is to let the customer make business decisions and allow the programmer team to make technical ones.
209. Adopt programmer to input address code rather than using code switch.
210. The programmer manually forced the adjustment entry so that the discount would take effect for the Midwest stores.
211. He is formerly a chief programmer for a global development team and has worked in the electronics and semiconductor manufacturing industries.
212. I need an all-rounder -a programmer who can also do system admin to manage and add some features to my website.
213. The choice of which language to use depends on the type of computer the program is to run on, what sort program it is, and the expertise of the programmer.
214. Is a decently versed Polyglot. Understands the nuances of different systems and methodologies. Good Senior programmer.
215. The bicycle race was almost over, and the 53-year-old computer programmer clicked through other channels in an attempt to keep watching the race.
216. If a program manager says dumb things, the programmer might flip the bozo bit on them.
217. It lets you easily convert existing IMS data to XML, to facilitate integration with business processes, improve programmer productivity, and reduce development lead times.
218. Hmmm. I think I'm going to be a computer programmer.
219. A programmer is a person who prepares a computer programme.
220. A computer programmer and an engineer were sitting next to each other on a transcontinental flight.
221. We are looking to launch our own payment gateway and we want to hire a professional programmer or programming team to produce the code for our company.
222. Later that day, when she had terminal emulation windows opened against the application server and database server, the programmer looked down at the clock on the Windows taskbar.
223. Right now , serious programmer - type readers are beginning to squirm in their seats.
224. And am a qualified programmer in about 4 high-level languages and machine language in 8008,8080,8085 and fair at Z80.
225. The computer programmer botched ( up ) the job and had to start over.
226. This article provides an overview of pureQuery and includes a step-by-step scenario showing how pureQuery can significantly increase programmer productivity.
227. The object of the mutation algorithm is the simple program mistakes easily made by programmer in the class code of 00 program.
228. A control system is disclosed that is configurable (e. g. , by a programmer) so as to enable input from multiple sources to capture to multiple controls.
229. Programmer and management hesitance to improving code, for fear of introducing new problems: "If it ain't broke,() don't fix it."
230. An identifier created by the programmer to denote a program, constant, type, variable, procedure, or function.
231. We've already covered one common mistake, buffer overflows, in a previous column (see Resources for links to previous installments of Secure programmer).
232. The next best thing is to have the customer close by, which means the programmer team has to be located with the customer.
233. The difference is subtle, and the end result is the same, but if you use the terms currying and partial application interchangeably within earshot of a functional programmer, count on being corrected.
234. For example, a programmer might include the assertion that you should never reach the default condition in a switch statement.
235. It has been the programmer to the programming tool which loves.
236. A low level programming language that permits the programmer to use mnemonics or symbolic codes for function codes.
237. The idea of retrorse link is mentioned above, I talk how to should be linked reversely to increase as a programmer now from the method that adds retrorse link do work of a few SEO.
238. Regardless of the root cause, these very human tendencies can impact programmer productivity, and jeopardize a project's success.
239. I am looking for a programmer who can build an MLM Recruiting system.
240. Jan Hafner is a scientific computer programmer with the International Pacific Research Center at the University of Hawaii.
241. A programmer can focus on the raw content presented in the examples above, and a graphic artist or webmaster can attend to the presentation.
242. Whether a program in a domain-specific language is entered textually or graphically, the same amount of information flows from the programmer to the computer.
243. However, taken together they add up to some very strange code that's as hard for a Java programmer to read as Geordie is for an American to understand.
244. This technique allows for a flexible multi-way branching functionality, using a conditional branch outcome table that can be specified by a programmer.
245. "In his prime, Gates combined the monomania of the compulsive software programmer with the competitiveness of Attila the Hun, " said Nicholas Carr, author of Does IT Matter and The Big Switch.
246. Let's complicate things a bit more though: imagine that I bundle up that UTF-8 code I wrote in a gem and the Japanese programmer later uses it to help with his Shift JIS code.
247. In the non-blocking case, the onus is on the programmer to ensure that the socket is writable, and to ensure that all the data gets written properly.
248. This dialog is a result of the programmer inflicting the implementation-model of the disk file system on the hapless user.
249. The engineer doesn't say a word, but reaches into hellos wallet, pulls out a five dollar bill and hands it to the programmer.
250. Because it offers an easy-to-use library that simplifies JavaScript so anyone (yes, even a dyed-in-the-wool back-end programmer) can create marvelous effects without any back-breaking work.
251. In version 6.0.2, the technical specification has been separated into a perspective designed for the technical role player such as a programmer.
252. Embracing immutability is high on the list of ways to think like a functional programmer.
253. His supervisor recommended that he be promoted to junior programmer.
254. However, the tradeoff is an effective one if using the functional approach allows for greater programmer productivity.
255. Based on the experiences in developing or tailoring AT89S51 SCM serial programmer, the problems of serial programming were pointed out.
256. The basic C character type is a 1-byte data type, and no programmer dreams of changing it.
257. It is necessary for an application programmer who is allocating a buffer to know how much memory to allocate for each character.
258. Your design documents will be essential documentation for a maintenance programmer who will see the code for the first time a year from now.
259. My job as a computer programmer is to write code.
260. In each of these cases, some programmer deep inside these megalithic corporations exhibited a sense of humor—a display that somehow made it past committee, through the lawyers and out into the world.
261. Scilab is a kind of mathematical algorithm language, but it will also seem familiar to the average computer programmer.
262. The advantage of the power programmer is that you have greater control over the tuning of your system.
263. The traditional Java programmer would do this by defining a String parameter to oncePerSecond to contain the message to display.
264. More generally, how does a professional programmer about the task of writing one or original program?
265. The Growth Bot EA was programmed by a Russian applied math scientist and programmer Eugene Lipinsky.
266. Along with some programmer friends, Pajitnov soon began work porting the game to the MS-DOS platform.
267. A computer programmer from New York City moves to the tranquil Adirondack Mountains and stays in contact with her office via computer.
268. I need the best graphic artist and web programmer out there.
269. The programmer, on the other hand, must design and program the overlay structure properly.
270. There are mappings between VRML objects and commonly used 3 D application programmer interface ( API ) features.
271. Arnold Robbins , an Atlanta native, is a professional programmer and technical author.
272. It is at this point that the seasoned programmer would tell you it's time to refactor, that is, to place the responsibilities of a system at their correct level and abstract out common functionality.
273. A Dryad programmer writes several sequential programs and connects them using one-way channels.
274. Embassy officials say a computer programmer with a sense of humor embedded the language in the program linking the monitor to Twitter without realizing it would ever get used.
275. Such as system-configuration, whole system task flow, the design of software control system, the programmer for serial communication and the control for single chip.
276. If the results of the spawned computations need to be aggregated before the program moves on to the next instruction, the programmer simply inserts the command "sync."
277. The programmer writes one mnemonic ( memory - aiding ) instruction for each machine - level instruction.
278. Thus the customer tests and programmer tests are a critical enabling factor.
279. I've come to apply for the as computer programmer at your office.
280. Of course, in the case of a language interpreter, the user is the programmer.
281. A block with a length that can be established by a programmer.
282. I'm an inexperienced programmer; I did not know the objective-C programing language when I got started, but it was very simple to learn.
283. Instead of defining a parser class, an application programmer defines a 'handler' class that is registered with whatever parser is used.
284. Now is programmer, think before is a laborer, one works with the head, one works with physical strength , I countervail passed...
285. Thus, the programmer doesn't need to know any systems programming.
286. This can be implemented as a hardware facility or UART relieving processor(and applications programmer) of this low-level, time-consuming, detail.
287. The conventional wisdom in software design is that one very skilled professional programmer can accomplish more than a hundred average professional programmers.
288. Reference counting is a semi-automated memory-management technique, meaning that it requires some programmer support, but it does not require you to know for sure when an object is no longer in use.
289. A good programmer can whip up such a program in a day.
290. After a few months of this on-the-job training, I was offered, and gladly accepted, the post of Education Coordinator, overseeing not only the programmer training, but training our end users.
291. Assisting the NC programmer to build modelling and prepare NC program.
292. You are Miss Liu Qian , applying for the position of computer programmer?
293. The errors were either fixed by the programmer or sent again to the key puncher until the compile listing was clean.




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