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单词 Dangerously
1 Some of the information was dangerously misleading.
2 The tower is leaning dangerously.
3 Edwards was a dangerously volatile character.
4 The Royal Airforce sill remained dangerously short of bombers.
5 The boat drifted dangerously near the falls.
6 The ship plunged dangerously in the rough sea.
7 Stocks of coal are running dangerously low.
8 Her body had dehydrated dangerously with the heat.
9 The fire is sparking dangerously.
10 The baby was dangerously underweight at birth.
11 The wall was dangerously unstable.
12 In 1776 these were considered dangerously democratic principles.
13 Mel enjoys living dangerously .
14 Some people like to live dangerously.
15 She was standing dangerously close to the fire.
16 He likes to live dangerously.
17 His father is dangerously ill .
18 Appearances can be deceptive?dangerously deceptive.
19 Max warned her she was sailing dangerously close to the wind and risked prosecution.
20 Sean Connery insisted on living dangerously for his new film by performing his own stunts.
21 Stripped of their pretentious verbiage,[] his statements come dangerously close to inviting racial hatred.
22 His voice was dangerously quiet as he asked the question.
23 He is dangerously ill.
24 The postponement of difficult decisions left the government dangerously exposed to American influence.
25 The waters of the Yangtze River are dangerously high for the time of year.
26 Food stores are reported to be running dangerously low in the capital.
27 The political situation in the country was dangerously fluid.
28 I don't think a sane person would drive as dangerously as he did.
29 Behind all the rhetoric, his relations with the army are dangerously poised.
30 Any further cuts in the country's armed forces would leave its defences dangerously denuded.
1 Some of the information was dangerously misleading.
2 The tower is leaning dangerously.
3 Edwards was a dangerously volatile character.
4 Behind all the rhetoric, his relations with the army are dangerously poised.
31 Pollution levels are often dangerously high in large cities.
32 But there is also something dangerously blatant about it.
33 My old outhouse is dangerously close to topping out.
34 Cars are wet as they drive by, swerving dangerously.
35 Millions who were dangerously ill or breathing their last.
36 I was moving dangerously close to the potato peelings.
37 The scherzo resumes the sense of not-so-contained violence; and the Presto finale is taken at a dangerously fast pace.
38 With my wallet dangerously emaciated, I called GolfDigest, looking for work.
39 It is just that, for a normally cautious man, I feel dangerously out of my depth in this situation.
40 What had happened over three months was that metal had leached into the system to dangerously high levels.
41 Hereford Road was dangerously near Orme Gardens, but it was only a short-term solution while the film lasted.
42 The romantic picture of the plucky David girding himself against the brutish Goliath is dangerously misleading.sentence dictionary
43 It was at times like this that my physical and emotional stamina dangerously evaporated; nurturing was essential.
44 Believe me! The secret of reaping the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment from life is to live dangerously! Friedrich Nietzsche 
45 Her left foot skittered on the loose stones, and she wobbled again, dangerously.
46 The high sugar and alcohol content means that a pudding can become dangerously hot in a microwave.
47 Fatigue had made him slothful, and now he'd let his enemies get dangerously close.
48 A lot of that was dangerously below code, but you could hardly blame people.
49 She suffered from dehydration, her potassium levels were dangerously low, and she had lost 15 pounds.
50 Maintenance men could tell whether a pole - wooden or concrete - is dangerously cracked before shinning up it.
51 He was so dangerously persuasive - and it would be all too convenient to blame everything on the absent Miss Philimore.
52 He had greatly impressed us by sucking out raw eggs and swinging dangerously from the barn rafters.
53 Modigliani arrived quite sober for the occasion but when the two painters came to discuss their work the conversation became dangerously frigid.
54 She bit her lip, caught between natural caution and an untypical desire to live dangerously.
55 The result resembles a cyclist pedalling strongly into an equally strong headwind-and wobbling dangerously as almost imperceptible progress is made.
56 The rally was held as the government managed to contain a week-long military rebellion that came dangerously close to succeeding.
57 This sense is often identified with nationalism and patriotism which can be dangerously close to racism, chauvinism and xenophobia.
58 Although independent, therefore, the country remains in a typically colonial economic situation, dangerously dependent on fluctuations in world markets.
59 Although food is more plentiful these days, child mortality remains dangerously high.
60 Overburdened support personnel rushed from one temporary work assignment to another, their ranks dangerously depleted by a recent company-wide restructuring.
61 Some public watchdogs say the council is dangerously close to a violation of the Open Meeting Law.
62 The coach rocked dangerously.
63 Those who like to live a little more dangerously will explore discounted variable rate offers.
64 It all comes dangerously close to royal marriages between first cousins.
65 In Tokyo and other industrial centers pollution levels are dangerously high.
66 She would always be bad-tempered, liable to peck out an eye or lash out dangerously with those sharp claws.
67 The disease of tuberculosis is more dangerously infectious than that of leprosy....
68 Small but dangerously exciting trickles of pleasure were still winging their way through her virtually defenceless body.
69 The secret of the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment of existence is: to live dangerously! Friedrich Nietzsche 
70 He believes the political right in America is becoming dangerously bigoted.
71 If Jarman comes dangerously close in the last to propagating the politics of ennui, his visual imagery is anything but predictable.
72 In fiction, especially fiction that plays for laughs,[] the line between character and caricature can be dangerously thin.
73 When they could no longer claim to act with royal backing they were dangerously vulnerable.
74 The waste, accumulated over a 40-year period, will remain dangerously radioactive for tens of thousands of years.
75 The fourteenth-century Blue Mosque now has cracks in the walls and a dangerously leaning minaret.
76 One would furnish houses and arrange landscapes; one might go dangerously far and people them with ... children.
77 So skimmed milk is now easily available, since people have become more aware of the dangerously fattening potential of full-cream milk.
78 Leave it too late and you may climb dangerously unprotected.
79 Both John and Donner, in different ways, are innocents, Donner surprisingly and dangerously so.
80 Both parties would make dangerously large cuts in this nation's defence.
81 Frequent cancellations, no matter what the excuse, make a diva seem a dangerously risky investment.
82 Gutters, overhung with herbaceous toupees, wave dangerously from the rooftops.
83 Don instantly interprets such feelings as signals that he is dangerously abnormal.
84 They changed their minds when the dangerously revealing crinoline arrived.
85 In fact, when scientifically tested, it has been shown to release dangerously high levels of cyanide into the bloodstream.
86 Within this nuclear family, the hopes and affections of its members were concentrated and the emotional level could rise dangerously high.
87 Two separate surveys found that many prepacked sandwiches were being stored at dangerously high temperatures, causing the spread of harmful bacteria.
88 The luscious claw meat especially, dunked in butter, is dangerously good.
89 But behind the rhetoric, his relations with Yeltsin and the army itself, are dangerously ambiguous.
90 Reaching the ridge, a logjam of bewildered novices develops. Long lengths of rope trail dangerously on the ground.
91 This is the old Futurist ideal of living dangerously, of self-sacrifice.
92 Worldwide, indeed, surplus nutrient is at least as dangerously polluting as pure toxin.
93 The defendant was drunk, had never passed a driving test, was uninsured and drove dangerously.
94 As the Geneva negotiations approached a denouement, he finally realized that his own status hung dangerously in the balance.
95 Opponents alleged that police powers had dangerously expanded in recent years while police accountability had diminished.
96 He sees the United Nations not simply as bloated, but as encroaching dangerously and purposefully on the sovereignty of member nations.
97 Desperate not to have to overtake, he'd braked hard and had felt the car shimmy dangerously.
98 Because of these injuries, the Raiders entered the game dangerously thin at safety and fullback.
99 Lessing's best course now was to cut his losses and get out before his water supply ran dangerously low.
100 Quickly they piled into the car, which sped noisily and dangerously off through the quotidian traffic.
101 Hereford lived dangerously but by half time were still managing to keep afloat.
102 It has dangerously upset the strategic balance by proposing a new national missile defence system.
103 The next restoration project will be of the melodramatic pyramid memorial to Canova,[] which is in a dangerously precarious state.
104 Doyle's eyes narrowed and as he put one hand to his face the other slid dangerously to his jacket pocket.
105 Mother hovered near death for days, her temperature and blood pressure dangerously high.
106 But Congress is in a dangerously fretful mood.
107 They drive dangerously and recklessly.
108 This could be admirably adventurous or dangerously latitudinarian.
109 The word'gift'has got dangerously devalued of late.
110 Ease down, will you,[] you're going dangerously fast.
111 Their ship was sailing dangerously in the tempestuous sea.
112 He rushed downstairs dangerously fast.
113 a dangerously complacent attitude to the increase in unemployment.
114 On one side were those who feared depopulation of the nation's farms would burden the Nation's growing cities and might cause food prices to rise dangerously.
115 Dangerously exciting and darkly romantic, Fallen is a page turning thriller and the ultimate love story.
116 Vaginal bleeding increased the risk of pre-eclampsia or dangerously high blood pressure in the woman, as well as raising the chances that the baby would be born prematurely and under-weight.
117 Fires were devouring the barracks and edging dangerously close to the powder magazine by the time the white flag came fluttering up Sumter's flagstaff, some 34 hours after the bombardment had begun.
118 Despite cobbling together a plan for growth and to bring down Italy's vast debt, government-bond yields have risen to dangerously high levels.
119 West, a warm-hearted mother of two who trained as a midwife and acupuncturist, believes that the negative voices of authority can become dangerously self-fulfilling.
120 We demanded that the work be interesting in itself and, even more dangerously and preposterously , that it should have meaning.
121 It's arguable the UN process has become dangerously cut adrift from the science of climate change.
122 Water levels in the Ganges, Indus, Narmada, Sabarmati, Godavari and other rivers of the Kutch were this week at dangerously low levels.
123 Chinese pride and boosterism veer dangerously close to nationalism. Healthy criticism is seen as unpatriotic.
124 A circuit that protects a computer system from dangerously high voltage surges.
125 In Boston, Lincolnshire, almost a third of men and women are now dangerously overweight.
126 During the summer the temperature in Death Valley can reach fifty-seven degrees Celsius. But, it can be dangerously cold in the winter there, too.
127 In Martin Scorsese's film Taxi Driver, Robert DeNiro played Bickle as an older and more confrontational Caulfield, with a dangerously higher level of adolescent frustration.
128 At very low tides they scramble dangerously round the exposed, rusting bones.
129 The national debt , however, will grow dangerously large much sooner.
130 My mother always ran late and was dangerously forgetful into the bargain.
131 On the other side, the incident shows a Chinese government that is dangerously trigger-happy, willing to wage economic warfare on the slightest provocation.
132 With dangerously cold temperatures predicted for Saturday night, the search is widened for 2 young brothers missing from the Red Lake Indian Reservation.
132 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
133 With such dangerously ill-considered threats emanating from the world's only nuclear superpower, little wonder Tehran's own hardliners are circling the wagons.
134 The only son of King Louis VII of France fell dangerously ill and his distraught father took the astonishing decision to go to Canterbury.
135 Our world is dangerously out of balance, and most especially so in matters of health.
136 I believe the vacancy rate is dangerously high at present.
137 But when he reached a four-lane highway with gentle curves, good visibility and little traffic, "I just about fell asleep and ran off the road ... Lulled by safety, I'd acted more dangerously."
138 After two decades of expansion and deregulation, and the greatest bull market finance has ever known, many of the world's banks were dangerously undercapitalised.
139 More than one , in digging underneath the wheel, was dangerously injured by the splinters of stone.
140 The move is a bold bid by Europe's leaders to corral an 18-month-old debt crisis that is veering dangerously out of control.
141 Of the leading indicators we follow, there's not a single one that's pointing dangerously lower.
142 Hogarth said a computer model shows oil has already entered the loop current, while a second shows the oil is 3 miles from it — still dangerously close.
143 "With the buttery crunch of a sophisticated shortbread, these are dangerously addictive, " says Apartment Therapy.
144 As Nathan is revealed to be dangerously unhinged, Sophie reveals to Stingo that she was imprisoned in Auschwitz, where she lost her daughter.
145 Lewis was tried for unlawfully and dangerously discharging a weapon.
146 What begins as vague desire can skate dangerously close to the edge of classical Lamarckism when it reaches individual learning.
147 Over the past couple of decades, authorities fear, lingcod stocks in some areas along the Pacific coast have been dangerously depleted by overfishing.
148 "On the other side, the incident shows a Chinese government that is dangerously trigger-happy, willing to wage economic warfare on the slightest provocation, " he added.
149 People of every race and culture have gone to extremes in the name of beauty – from foot-binding in China, to dangerously constricting corsets in Victorian times, to nose jobs in 800 B.C. India.
150 The Bush administration was offensively and dangerously careless on all those points.
151 By taking a zero-tolerance policy toward recession, Washington has dangerously juiced the economy with monetary steroids for more than a decade.
152 It is dangerously possible for activity to be no more than a dizzy whirl around a central emptiness.
153 The motor of Jack's boat was dangerously hot, but he decided to shoot the works and try to win the race.
154 Known as "water intoxication, " the condition occurs when serum sodium concentration in the blood falls to dangerously low levels causing cells in the body to stop excreting water.
155 Now stocks of octopus, lobsters, tuna and other fish in this part of the Atlantic are dangerously low, contributing to the impoverishment of local fishermen.
156 At the end of the day I found little Jake wandering dangerously toward a steep gorge. I picked him up, put him on my shoulders and carried him back to the sheepfold.
157 Yet it has also led to a dangerously low birth-rate and an unusually large aging population.
158 The winds roar so ferociously , ho , the billows uprise so dangerously.




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