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单词 Goat
1. If the beard were all, the goat might preach. 
2. The regimental mascot is a goat.
3. The goat fell dead immediately when we shot it.
4. The young goat was just beginning to grow horns.
5. The goat leaped surely from rock to rock.
6. A whole goat is sputtering over the fire.
7. The goat bunted the calf.
8. The goat butted against a fence.
9. The goat butted her in the stomach.
10. In those days people might sacrifice a goat or sheep to propitiate an angry god.
11. Stop acting the goat.
12. A goat was standing up against a tree on its hind legs, trying to get at the leaves.
13. I roped the goat to a post.
14. They staked the goat in the back yard.
15. The goat was ritually slaughtered.
16. Andy's Records, 14-16 Lower Goat La., Norwich.
16. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
17. Let go, you randy old goat!
18. The boy tethered the goat to a stake.
19. That sort of attitude really gets my goat.
20. He's got the agility of a mountain goat.
21. That milch goat is bagging up well.
22. Some boys are always acting the giddy goat,behaving foolishly.
23. The football team's mascot is a goat.
24. The thick coat of the mountain goat protects it against the rigors of winter.
25. Some boys are always playing the giddy goat, behaving foolishly.
26. What got my goat was the way she kept laughing at my mistakes.
27. This type of goat lives high up in the mountains.
28. Reaching a maximum height of 56cm the pygmy goat is essentially a pet.
29. The ibex is a distant relative of the mountain goat.
30. The priest held up the head of the sacrificial goat.
1. The goat fell dead immediately when we shot it.
2. The young goat was just beginning to grow horns.
3. The goat leaped surely from rock to rock.
4. In those days people might sacrifice a goat or sheep to propitiate an angry god.
5. Stop acting the goat.
6. A goat was standing up against a tree on its hind legs, trying to get at the leaves.
7. The football team's mascot is a goat.
8. Some boys are always playing the giddy goat, behaving foolishly.
9. What got my goat was the way she kept laughing at my mistakes.
10. The thick coat of the mountain goat protects it against the rigours of winter.
31. The thick coat of the mountain goat protects it against the rigours of winter.
32. Relax - don't let him get your goat.
33. The Characters Three billy goat brothers: Hungry.
34. He'd also prepared a goat casserole with spinach.
35. He killed the goat by slitting its throat.
36. Couch's spadefoot sounds like an unhappy goat.
37. William With a goat playing a violin.
38. In the goat tent Julia stood beside Ian.
39. What's the old goat on about anyway?
40. Then his legs spring like a young goat.
41. Reduce heat and boil and mirrors the tart goat cheese. gently, stirring occasionally until thick, 30 to 35 minutes.
42. This ability to live off poor vegetation is likely to have been crucial in the evolution of the mountain goat.
43. The goat, being a goat, wreaks havoc, and the tenant grows desperate.
44. So goat jumped up and down, goose jumped up and down and hen jumped up and down.
45. In any case if the goat refused to comply another would be substituted.
46. He continued to bathe in a small cascade that lay in the narrows between Goat and its diminutive neighbor, Moss Island.
47. In one big bed there slept a goat, A diamond necklace round its throat.
48. On one occasion a biologist found a two-year-old goat and a golden eagle locked together at the foot of a cliff.
49. This was Goat Island, created of silts and clays that had originally lain on the bottom of the vanished Lake Tonawanda.
50. It rarely speaks, though if frightened it may bleat like a goat. some occasionally have goats' shanks and hooves as well.
51. The goat had been sacrificed at the shrine and the meat shared out among the villagers.
52. The most serious enemy of the mountain goat is snow, or more precisely avalanches.
53. Now all that was left of the farm was a very thin goat which would not last much longer.
54. And then, maybe: The stinking goat on yonder hill Feeds all day on chlorophyll.
55. Small desert rodents and the Bedouin goat can survive short periods of dehydration which result in a 20-30 percent weight loss.
56. It also increases uterine blood supply and tone, relaxes the cervix and brings the goat into oestrus.
57. They each carry a single spider silk gene in their genetic make-up of some 70,000 goat genes.
58. Redwood Hill Crottin: A small goat cheese made in Sebastopol. 2.
59. Between the two, there's a warm goat cheese croquette with beet tartare, oysters Rockefeller, and other seductive offerings.
60. Remove cabbage from pan, place alongside pheasant, and top with goat cheese and bacon.
61. But the mountain goat is big enough to have relatively few predators.
62. But the bee just buzzed in the ear of the largest goat.
63. Dionysius was usually depicted with the flanks of a goat or bull to symbolise his fertility aspect.
64. The goat was chasing Mark round and round the field - it was so funny.
65. Then you can come here and see auctions, and people bringing everything from a billy goat to an elephant.
66. Even so, he despised being made the goat on the altar.
67. It is a poster of a Chagall painting of a floating wedding couple, with a goat as company.
68. Together the two of them set out for Lamri, leading the goat on a length of rope.
69. In truth, these peregrinations required the talents of a mountain goat.
70. And they ate Papparadelle Ripiene stuffed with goat cheese and Parmesan and covered with a grated lemon peel and cream sauce.
71. These have several compartments - four in the case of the mountain goat.
72. Perhaps they could substitute the girl for the goat in whatever Satanic ritual they were planning for later.
73. She gets my goat sometimes with her long, strong nose and her self-assertion.
74. Pour the goat cheese mixture over the potatoes and sprinkle with the Parmesan cheese.
75. Our landlord appeared quite unabashed chasing his goat out of the flower beds.
76. And a word of advice just you be careful of that old goat, Moreton.
77. On some occasions, a kid goat was also offered as atonement for the sins of the Hebrews.
78. The prisoner ran like a wild goat, and soon I saw that he was coming near the bottom of my hill.
79. The bee then buzzed the other two goats, who followed the big goat out.
80. The smallest goat went over the bridge first, and his hooves made a tiny trip-trap sound.
81. The eagle still had its talons in the goat, and the goat had its horns embedded in the eagle.
82. In a mixing bowl, crush the goat cheese with a fork until smooth.
83. My father said he was gon na tie me to the bed like some goat to keep me from falling into sin!
84. Nevertheless, the mountain goat maintains a tenuous but firm hold in its cruel environment, even though catastrophe is never far away.
85. He was as cranky as a bad-tempered goat, always putting his head down and charging into things that annoyed him.
86. Once this fall was likened to a gigantic weir, its crest a straight line between Goat Island and the opposite shore.
87. The thick shaggy coat of the mountain goat prepares it for the rigours of the Rocky Mountains' winter.
88. The oldest and biggest billy goat knocked the troll into the stream, and no one ever heard from him again.
89. During a typical summer's day, a mountain goat may travel around a kilometre in search of food.
90. It has an all-pervading stench of goat and rotting peaches.
91. Above the Falls, for almost a mile, the river raged and swirled around Goat Island.
92. I must provide my own food and buy my goat milk from them.
93. Porter bought Goat Island and Preserved it at an opportune moment.
94. But goat glands were by no means his only forte.
95. It's a very unusual breed of goat, dating back to the time of Cleopatra.
96. As if all that were not trouble enough, the landlord lets a goat loose in the flat.
97. Usually, a pregnant goat will not come on heat, but there are exceptions to both this and its converse.
98. Unlike the others, the goat is a ruminant, and will eat almost anything given half a chance.
99. Think how nice it would be to have on clean clothes and not literally smell like a goat.
100. She pushed open the door into the old goat shed.
101. Very soon the biggest billy goat came across the bridge.
102. The first billy goat makes just a little noise and has a tiny voice.
103. Crumble the goat cheese and let come to room temperature.
104. Effective though such techniques may be when goat numbers are low, they make little impact on a large population.
105. The troll again asked his question and learned that an even bigger goat would soon cross his bridge.
106. Next door to the Bowmer, Chateaulin offers a Euro-style menu, including scrumptious marinated goat cheese on toast fingers.
106. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
107. The hairs have overlapping scales, which gives them a rough texture and increases the friction between goat and snow.
108. The bows, with the woman and the goat, rose heavenward.
109. Their bristles were made from the finest hair available, taken from inside the ear of a goat.
110. He just wants to keep the goat tethered -; here, where he can see it.
111. There Dionysus gave them food and drink: herbs and berries and the milk of the wild goat.
112. Soon the middle Billy Goat Gruff came across the bridge with a louder trip-trap sound.
113. There's always a goat; the one that's going to get its throat cut.
114. The farmer tethered a goat in the field and left it there for the day.
115. He was climbing like a goat, moving with extraordinary speed.
116. At first glance I thought I was looking at a cross between a gibbon and a goat.
117. Its distinctive call is said to sound like an unhappy goat.
118. Where goat milk or milk products are used for human consumption, milk-withholding periods for different drugs should be observed.
119. Maybe it's because they sound like a goat rammed down a foghorn.
120. Whenever I take hold of a woman I feel as though my feet are slithering on tufted grass and goat willow.
121. Coffee was first discovered by a goat herder.
122. Mama's gonna buy you a billy goat.
123. The tiger sprang on the goat.
124. A Judas goat led sheep into the abattoir.
125. What is this product ? Horny goat weed?
126. The son of a white woman from Kansas and a black goat herder-turned-academic from Kenya, Obama delivered an unsentimental account of squandered opportunities in postcolonial Africa.
127. Results: The obvious amitotic phases and cellular senescent characteristics were observed in adult goat ventricular muscle cells including working and conducting cardiac muscle cells.
128. DNA samples were harvested from 11 Boer billy goat and amplified by 10 selected arbitrary primers, and 113 markers including 31 polymorphic markers were observed.
129. The ATCC19410 strain was respectively made into exotoxin antigen and inactivated vaccine, and vaccine goat with it, sera was collected as positive serum.
130. Next day, It'stormed. The goatherd kept wild goat in the fold and fed it.
131. As he walked not a long distance with the cow, he saw a plump, soft-haired goat.
132. Objective To observe and measure the morphology and position of the interatrial septum and the interventricular septum of the goat heart to provide comparative anatomy data for study of heart.
133. It has been suggested that it is linked to pre-Christian celebrations of a fruitful harvest and that the male goat or 'Puck' was a pagan symbol of fertility, like the pagan god Pan.
134. The Boer goat ear skin fibroblast nucleo-transferred embryos and bovine-goat(Boer) interspecies clone embryos have been evaluated by studying the ultrastructure of Boer goat embryos in vivo.
135. Hypophysectomy before implantation terminates pregnancy and after the 44th day of gestation causes abortion in the goat.
136. Material: Goat leather upper, pig leather lining, fabric ribbon, rubber outsole.
136. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
137. This study confirms the sheep and goat contagious pleuropneumonia exists in Inner Mongolia, where no relevant reports come out before that.
138. "He cut the throat of the goat with a knife, which is the most kind way to do it," says Cool.
139. APD markers20 billy goat tissue DNA samples from Boar goats aged 5-6 month were amplified by 19selected primers and 156 markers were gotten, including 47 variable markers.
140. In other ways of the she-goat reproductive characteristics, there are also much differences between Beichuan white goat and Chengdu grey goat or Jianchang black goat.
141. Do not cook a young goat in its mother's milk.
142. A quantitative study was conducted under goat stocking on characteristics of the shrubby vegetation on a shrubland in the Three Gorges Region.
143. For example, President Benjamin Harrison's son had a pet goat. President Calvin Coolidge had raccoons.
144. They finally chose goats, reasoning that no one could empathise with a creature as ugly as a goat.
145. In 1947, young Bedouin shepherds, searching for a stray goat in the Judean Desert, entered a long-untouched cave and found jars filled with ancient scrolls .
146. Ma goat industry of Muma Mountain was pushed forwards greatly because the coming of huge migration of Di people and the folk custom of having mutton in the Winter Solstice formed gradually.
147. Fish trotter up milk, liver goat liver good eyesight. Yishenqiangxin waist eating walnuts, dates Jianshen eat spleen.
148. As soon as it caught sight of the tethered goat it lay flat on the earth.
149. Nope, instead all this voodoo-inspired wonder hails from decidedly un-tropical Sweden, courtesy of mischievous newcomers Goat.
150. Osteoblasts were isolated from the frontal parietal bone of ovariectomized goat and were confirmed by testing for multiple biological features.
151. Horsemen compete for a goat carcass during a game of Buzkashi to celebrate Nowruz in Mazar-i Sharif in northern Afghanistan on March 21.
152. "Well," said the old tailor, "has the goat had her full share of food?"
153. the deer, the gazelle, the roe deer, the wild goat, the ibex, the antelope and the mountain sheep.
154. The third part is observation of goat poxvirus (GTPV) by transmission electronic microscopy.
155. A cow lookalike billy goat named "Ushika" is on display at Yume Bokujyo, in Narita, east of Tokyo, Japan, Sunday, March 15.
156. Objective To study the values of repairing bone defects of goat vertebration by calcium phosphate cement(CPC)monitored by SPECT bone imaging.
157. And He said to him, Bring Me a three-year-old heifer and a three-year-old female goat and a three-year-old ram and a turtledove and a young pigeon.
158. While I sampled many of the exhibiting wines, my favourite wines on the night were the Hackersley Victor Shiraz Cabernet Merlot 2005 and the Harvey River Billy Goat Sauvignon Blanc Semillon 2007.
159. Food Matching: Grilled sardines, moulds, prawns, oyster, little frying, vegetable terrine, goujeonnettes sole, fresh goat cheese.
160. One day, Goat Leg Billy asked him to be allowed to get married with the Shepherdess, the Chinese doll nodded his head and said yes.
161. Capricornus or Capricorn, one of the constellations and signs of the zodiac, is represented by a goat.
162. The Angora is one of the oldest types of domestic rabbit which can be found in Ankara, Turkey along with the Angora cat and goat.
163. Cause: belong to disease area of foot and mouth disease, small remasticate animal pestilence, sheep (goat) pox, bluetongue and ked itch disease.
164. Here was President Mitterrand, the great goat of French politics, paying her, the grocer's daughter, the greatest of compliments.
165. O. turkestanicum was isolated from the portal veins or intestinal veins of cattle, sheep, cashmere goat and goat, and identified by morphology.
166. On this site, you can "climb" a tree and read stories in a pop-up book about creatures such as Yagi-Chan,[] a goat that wears sheep's clothing.
167. On the raw fur process, Zhonghui can tan the fur of mink, blue fox, raccoon, rabbit, sheep goat and so on.
168. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), all antigens, Goat anti-Human, Bovine, Neutralizing, Biotin.
169. She brings a buck into our bedroom, and extortionary let this goat live in.
170. I've never met ignoramus like Lao Zhang, He can't even separate the sheep from the goat.
171. Today, I went to a petting zoo to take pictures. I look down to see a goat chewing the sleeve of my new sweater, so as I reached down to get it loose, it started eating my hair.
172. And he said unto him, Take me an heifer of three years old, and a she goat of three years old, and a ram of three years old, and a turtledove, and a young pigeon.
173. Mapping the Caprine Genome is the genome database of goat provided French Biotechnology Laboratory.
174. The birth type had significant effects on the degree of cashmere fineness, the body weight of Cashmere goat, the birth weight, the weaning weight and the daily weight gain.
175. Fine, downy wool growing beneath the outer hair of the Cashmere goat.
176. Capella is in the constellation Auriga the Charioteer, but since antiquity it has carried the name "Goat Star."
177. In this research, HE dyeing and TEM ultramicrotomy were applied for the study on the microstructure and ultrastructure of dairy goat mammary gland.
178. Anaplasma ovis is an arthropod-borne rickettsial obligate parasite of sheep and goat. The disease caused by A.
179. Goral are small goat antelopes perfectly suited to life on the rugged, grassy hillsides.
180. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), all antigens, Goat anti-Human, Bovine, Neutralizing.
181. With a sick heart, Ochkhuu (at left) and his father-in-law, Jaya, dispose of sheep and goat carcasses after the winter of 2009-2010, which killed millions of livestock across Mongolia.
182. The above-mentioned results showed that the loemia is resulted from goat pox virus.
183. Then they took Joseph's coat and slaughtered a male goat and dipped the coat in the blood.
184. This paper discusses the key technological points of golf glove leather manufacture from kid goat skin of Xinjiang.
185. The correlation of body measurement, wool trait and economic trait on cashmere goat was studied by using multiple statistical analysis.
186. Include male goat as a sin offering to make atonement for you.
187. This lefthanded compliment makes women seem attractively feminine, and yet , when a girl is capricious , her actions are reminiscent of the lowly billy goat.
188. Excellent as an aperitif. Grilled fish, shellfish and goat cheese.
189. If you will act the giddy goat in front of your friends you must expect them to treat you accordingly.
190. Top a mixed-green salad with candied walnuts, tangerine wedges and a bit of goat cheese.
191. Average body weight for Taiwan native goat ( kg ).
192. Genetic estimation was carried out to three goat populations in Shaanxi—Liaoning Cashmere goat, East Ziwu mountain goat and Southern Shaanxi White goat.
193. The studies on behaviour, anatomy and cytogenetics of an intersexual goat (SANNEN) were undertaken.
194. The Techiques of producing suede leather by inferior goat wet blue were discussed and a feasible process can be mapped out according to that.
195. Objective: To investigate the efficacy of sodium hyaluronate for treatment of temporomandibular joint osteoarthrosis of goat.
196. Make curtains of goat hair for the tent over the tabernacle - eleven altogether.
197. Avoid eating food that may increase heat syndrome, like: meat of lamb, goat, dog, silky chicken, fish, shrimp, silkworm pupae , and fruit like Chinese dates, longan, lichee, walnut,[] and cherries.
198. In a jerk the goat in tiger skin shivered with fear. Even the hesitant jackal which had stopped its steps was baffled.
199. The horn of the goat that suckled Zeus, which broke off and became filled with fruit. In folklore, it became full of whatever its owner desired.
200. Chocolate-covered caramel topped with Welsh smoked se salt. Roasted red pepper with goat cheese Kettle chips.
201. The authors evaluated the economic benefit from modifying local goat with angora goat in Sichuan.
202. Culinary suggestions:Excellent as an aperitif. Grilled fish, shellfish and goat cheese.
203. A man might learn, for example, that he’s a Billy Goat, a Backrubber, a Vapor Trail, a Poolboy, or the Last Man on Earth.
204. The results show that the motoneurons of the musculus retractor bulbi in the goat are mainly located in the accessory abducens nucleus and the sensory neurons only in the trigeminal ganglion.
205. She was the last living Pyrenean ibex, a subspecies of wild mountain goat, which thereupon became extinct.
206. A mountain goat ─ we let out a sigh of relief.
207. Don't trust a goat with the kitchen garden , or a wolf with sheepfold.
208. " Goat and Big Big Wolf "If you put the international community is a third-rate animation, in the country has won the super-class income.
209. "What a weary job it is, " he would say, "what a terrible burden, year after year, driving that goat out into the fields every day till Michaelmas!
210. Go for fresh goat cheese or feta for a dose of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)—it helps you feel full and burn more fat.
211. It's called the Green Goat, and it's in service at Union Pacific's sprawling switchyard hub in Roseville.
212. Table-Be-Set, Gold-Donkey, and Cudgel-out-of-the-SackJacob and Wilhelm Grimm There was once upon a time a tailor who had three sons, and only one goat.
213. The study shows that organic fertiliser could reduce the hurt of soil "cadmium-pollution and the effect of goat feces is better than peat."
214. And Franco Rollo and his team at the University of Camerino in Italy, in their DNA studies of food residues in the intestines,[] have recognized both red deer and alpine ibex (wild goat).
215. Objective To observe and measure the anatomical structure of mitral complex in goat, in order to accumulate data for comparative zootomy.
216. There's no food," Jande said, standing beside a pot of rancid goat meat cooking beneath a mango tree in Terekeka, a tiny town 100 km (60 miles) north of southern Sudan's capital, Juba.
217. The goats' milk fat in Karicare Goat Formula has a high proportion of medium chain fatty acids which are easily absorbed and may be easier for your baby to digest.
218. Dil, following this precedent of preparing for the end of the world, went into the shop and bought a kilogram of goat meat.
219. The main finishing technologies of goat skin shoe upper leather have been discussed, including glazed effect, simulate glazed effect, pearl effect, aniline effect, crystal effect and mirror effect.
220. Correlation of fiber diameter, Cashmere yield and thickness for two goat breeds could be used for anticipation of cashmere goat's fiber diameter.




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