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单词 Formerly
1. The British were formerly dominant in India.
2. Algeria was formerly a French colony.
3. That formerly how to pick, time flies straight forward.
4. Smocks were formerly worn by farm workers.
5. This boat was formerly used on the rivers of China.
6. Formerly most of our household utensils were made of brass.
7. This area was formerly within the sphere of influence of the US.
8. The European Union was formerly called the European Community.
9. Some of our formerly loyal members have fallen away.
10. He had formerly been in the Navy.
11. The company formerly belonged to an international banking group.
12. Burundi was formerly a Belgian trusteeship.
13. Formerly he often lingered about a park doing nothing.
14. Less people study Latin today than formerly.
15. This elegant hotel was formerly a castle.
16. Formerly he often lingered around a park doing nothing.
17. The formerly robust economy has begun to weaken.
18. The Orkney islands were formerly dependencies of Norway and Denmark.
19. We now enjoy these comforts of which formerly we had only heard.
20. The European Union was formerly known as the European Economic Community.
21. This painting was formerly owned privately, but now it belongs to the Nation.
21. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
22. I learnt that the house had formerly been an inn.
23. Formerly, the relations between a teacher and his pupils were dominated by fear on the part of the pupils.
24. Formerly close friends, they had been estranged from each other for many years.
25. Peru was formerly ruled by the Spanish.
26. Modern Western men are producing less sperm than formerly.
27. The building, formerly a Masonic temple, stood twelve stories.
28. The local school was formerly a hospital.
29. Churkin, 43, was formerly a deputy foreign minister.
30. The audience were disappointed in the comedian because he lapsed from his formerly high standard of performance.
1. The British were formerly dominant in India.
2. Algeria was formerly a French colony.
3. This boat was formerly used on the rivers of China.
4. Formerly most of our household utensils were made of brass.
5. This area was formerly within the sphere of influence of the US.
6. Less people study Latin today than formerly.
7. Formerly he often lingered around a park doing nothing.
8. We now enjoy these comforts of which formerly we had only heard.
31. Milligan, 43, was formerly a deputy foreign minister.
32. Pretty meaty stuff for an art history major who formerly knew squat about the squabble.
33. Forty-fifth to Fifty-sixth Streets, formerly dead ends at railway yards, became thoroughfares.
34. Henry now works part-time with a firm he had formerly hired as consultants.
35. Men who had been seasonal workers formerly began talking of going stone-gathering and ditching during the winter.
36. It will now be using the services of Askews, formerly one of its main competitors.
37. Formerly unliquidated damages in tort were not provable debts but they are now covered by the wide nature of r 12.3.
38. Coberley Mill, formerly known as Cubberly, nestles deep in the valley, close to the village church.
39. It embraces fluid mechanics and viscous flow as well as elasticity and shows the relations between these formerly separate fields of physics.
40. TV/COM International is the company that was formerly called Oak Communications.
41. The plant is situated on the Kola Peninsula - formerly a military zone.
42. Similar fates await buildings formerly owned by the secret police, which in many districts have been inherited by the local authorities.
43. Puppies that could formerly avoid electric shocks,() were unable to perform the avoidance responses after several months of isolation-rearing.
44. It brings home major national and world events that formerly were available on a first-hand basis only to the privileged few.
45. This frequently necessitated the redistribution and scattering of men who formerly worked in one department and under one roof.
46. Mr Haan, 45 years old, formerly was executive vice president and chief operating officer of Durametallic.
47. Vechey's corpse lay in the centre of the tower near a rickety hut, formerly used by guards on sentry duty.
48. The rough clientele of the pub, understanding nothing except that a formerly bad-tempered dispute was being amicably resolved, cheered noisily.
49. What was formerly the target unemployment rate has been abandoned in favour of a new, higher rate.
50. Isabel Moore, formerly at Octopus, joins the company on 1st April as editorial director.
51. Apparently, the last chance to avoid the extinction of a formerly widespread and prosperous species had been lost.
51. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
52. Nevertheless, in spite of a much less universal use of music than formerly, the monastic musical tradition remains a vital one.
53. It is fair to say that international organizations are much more sensitive to this accusation than formerly.
54. He also gathered together nearly all the drawings formerly in his father's collection in order to present them to the public.
55. The limits of what had formerly been considered the proper role of the state had changed.
56. It now seems probable that there were more churches in late Saxon and early medieval times than was formerly thought.
57. There was formerly a mill house alongside but this was demolished in 1936.
58. The draftsman did not make the crimes formerly contained in those statutes consistent or create a hierarchy of offences.
59. The loading door formerly incorporated in the east elevation of the extension was replaced by a large fixed window of plate glass.
60. This was formerly standard practice but had lapsed in recent years.
61. Much of the added land will consume an area formerly occupied by the 1, 000-foot-long Fleishhacker swimming pool.
62. He was formerly sales and marketing director of Stuart Cabeldu Catering Group.
63. Burglaries may sound petty, but there are a lot of formerly rural areas that are being developed.
64. Haworth, formerly a supervisor of 120 people at a printing company, left to start his own business.
65. But many streets in areas formerly reserved for whites still recall apartheid and colonial figures.
66. Unlike his predecessors, Norvm had managerial experience, having formerly held the reins at Railway Sidings Malmo.
67. Its waters formerly turned many a mill wheel on the way, although they are no longer put to any commercial use.
68. Martin, formerly editor of Arts magazine, is a trained art historian.
69. Homes for the elderly were shut, and formerly nominal charges increased and extended.
70. New agencies and new officials were created to discharge political and economic duties formerly assigned to the sovereign courts.
71. Crest Hotel Formerly known as the Esso, this bright modern caravanserai has all the comforts and expected facilities.
72. Now you too may be able to afford a status symbol formerly reserved to the rich: no bank account.
73. Formerly owned by Arthur Siegel, it had since gone to seed.
74. Prince, and the artist formerly known as, has long blurred the lines between divinity and getting down.
75. Dean Cowley, formerly in charge of stationery, will now take on marketing services, including advertising and sales promotion.
76. They had dropped out of the human chain of ancestors and descendants that had formerly bound them all together.
77. Further down is the factory formerly occupied by Bassett Lowke, the world famous model-making firm.
78. Through such models, some understanding can be gained of the way in which many settlements formerly operated in their local landscape.
79. One small, elegant granite-faced structure, formerly the headquarters of a respected brokerage, had been turned into a soda dispensary.
80. The Triton inn was formerly a coaching inn, and is still providing meals and accommodation.
81. The Arts Centre was doubly appropriate because the building was formerly a Quaker-run training college for teachers.
81. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
82. A common thread to the sites throughout Britain, however, comes from plants originating in gardens that formerly occupied the sites.
83. Formerly farmland, it's in the Blythe Valley, an area of outstanding natural beauty with topography just made for golf.
84. The external guarantees that formerly enabled the Vaudois to survive had largely collapsed.
85. The change depended upon changes in the wider context of controversy, which provoked the development of formerly implicit attitudinal aspects.
86. Scott's building was formerly the Midland Grand Hotel, and is built of brick with stone dressings.
87. De Luca has been replaced at Claris by Dominique Goupil, formerly sales and marketing vice president for the software unit.
88. We can not become different beings by clinging on to our personalities as they were formerly.
89. Goodman, who formerly headed the Express chain, to the Lerner post last January.
90. This formerly powered a number of mills, involved in some way with the cloth trade.
91. Participating mortgages, formerly thought to be unenforceable, can now be used.
92. But, ominously, official trade unions, which formerly supported the government, are now throwing in with independent miners.
93. After it he'd become withdrawn and moody, his formerly friendly nature turning acerbic and harsh.
94. The northern Swanwic formed a very large domain, formerly held by the wife of Hugh Fitzgrip.
95. Mass media culture has made an incursion into the formerly isolated Karoo.
96. Amazingly, this policy holds for students formerly segregated into special education classes.
97. Formerly an avid jogger and weight-lifter, Turner leans on a cane to walk around her small apartment on good days.
98. A few decades of road improvements have encouraged motorists to visit beauty spots formerly difficult of access.
99. Jury consultants say they now spend more time teaching storytelling techniques than on jury selection -- formerly their bread and butter.
100. At the same time, large corporations are now generating their own power and completely bypassing the formerly dominant local utility.
101. Satjiv Chahil, formerly the vice president of entertainment and new media, will be senior vice president of corporate marketing.
102. Formerly, the Anglo-Saxon words were used to refer to both the meat and the animals.
103. It was written, edited, illustrated and compiled by homeless and formerly homeless people in San Francisco.
104. Formerly landlord of the eponymous Comedian pub at Sunniside, the ever-buoyant Bob has gone downhill to Crook.
105. They live in what was formerly a low rateable value area.
106. But the close friendships he had formerly enjoyed there began to dissolve.
107. Its values now those of a specialist activity, design severs the communicative link which formerly bound it to society.
108. It has monitored the movement of heavy weapons into storage areas and formerly warring troops into barracks.
109. The mill pond is still maintained in good order although it is smaller, formerly extending right up to the back wall.
110. Only recently have workers in the formerly Communist countries started to compete with workers in the first world for jobs and wages.
111. Such figures represent a huge leapfrogging of rates formerly charged and need justifying in an economic recession.
112. At the beginning of February, his organisation, formerly a government department, was turned into a nominally independent company.
113. Dentures had formerly been bought from a professional laboratory, but now ill-fitting ones were ordered from a federal prison.
114. Linnaeus himself retained a dispersal of all species from a single mountain, formerly surrounded by sea.
115. The theory gained credibility when Lewis was elevated in October 1993 to president, a post formerly held by McColl.
116. Formerly enthusiastic, Saigon businessmen now called for caution, preferring to consolidate their economic gains in Cochinchina.
117. Formerly there were glow-plugs which had to be warmed before the engine would fire.
118. Formerly the Amazon region was more thinly populated than the Sahara, containing perhaps some 50000 people, and importing food.
119. Formerly, it occupied a smaller space a few blocks south on Spring Street.
120. And most ominously, it often has the effect of crippling the performance of formerly productive work groups.
121. Then I got to my formerly fave section, the Rrap, but who's this?
122. In this case, it is the formation of the rock through volcanic activity, which drives off any argon formerly present.
123. Our oldest pensioner, Ralph was formerly Branch Manager in Aberdeen.
124. Another water course formerly of great importance in the Forest of Dean is the Cone Brook.
125. The United States, formerly President Barre's close ally, has abandoned him.
126. Formerly it was stilted, boring, narrow in approach and poorly laid out.
127. Not only does she execute embroideries, but designs them too - thereby encroaching on what had formerly been a male preserve.
128. Watkins was formerly editor of the Express, a local weekly newspaper.
129. Then it continues across open and barren moorland to Fearnbeg, where it formerly ended.
130. Elsewhere, railway lines tapped more effectively crops which had formerly been transported on water, by animals, or by porters.
131. The gospel brings about a reconciliation between groups which were formerly antagonistic to one another.
132. And since Dolly, formerly Shovehalfpenny, also had clothes made by Irena, might there not be news of Felix?
133. He formerly commanded the army's Fifth Brigade, widely held responsible for the massacres of Matabeleland rebels.
134. David Slater, who replaces Frank Feates, was formerly director of the Technica engineering group.
135. Mr Taylor was formerly group finance director of chemical and timber protection group, Hickson International.
136. Spin called Rigby, formerly with the Shams, songwriter of the year.
137. Lahoud, formerly commander in chief of the army, uses officers he has appointed to key posts as his power base.
138. Formerly, the rich depended in some way on the well-being of the whole nation.
139. His own, formerly valid without limit of time, had been cancelled.
140. Formerly, notes written in the bass clef were written a fourth lower than the required pitch instead of a fifth higher.
141. Formerly it heralded special occasions and, it is said, will be blown to announce the coming of the Messiah.
142. Alan Parris, formerly product manager leisure and travel books, W H Smith's head office can be contacted at.
143. The pro-Stuart exiles were greatly strengthened early in the new reign by the arrival of two formerly powerful new allies.
144. Formerly the universities were granted considerable day-to-day autonomy within a legal framework shaped byu the state.
145. "Voyagers" is a 70-year-old program formerly known as "Indian Guides".
146. Clark County's major employer is Navistar International, formerly International Harvester Co.
147. On the Bulevard Republicii there are a number of road- blocks, formerly manned by militias and now by troops.
148. Women have made substantial inroads into the public world, flooding graduate schools and filling positions formerly reserved for men.
149. The first appearance a child would make after being charged would be before a youth court, formerly called a juvenile court.
150. An extended parking area has enabled the restoration or eroded downland where formerly the grass had been all but lost to cars.
151. Formerly it was known as abscisin II or dormin.
152. An automobile was formerly called a horseless carriage.
153. In 2001, water- saving society establishment was formerly initiated.
154. Start network game formerly coessential change an appearance serious.
155. Namibia, formerly known as South West Africa.
156. Formerly Melville had been an ardent democrat.
157. Formerly Have Three Brothers: chopper and bother, bad egg.
158. And finally, President Obama gave the orders to Navy seal Team Six, an elite unit formerly denounced as "Cheney's death squad," that resulted in the long-awaited killing of Osama bin Laden.
159. And elder or kidney change unhealthily formerly, kidney canaliculus function already had damage positive of metropolis occurrence holiday.
160. Greece was one of the few European countries to gain territory from the Second World War when the formerly Italian Dodecanese became part of Greece in 1947.
161. Leading local retailers include formerly state-owned operators, department store chains and a few new retailers.
162. The Task Force expanded its area of operation when it took over responsibility for the Northern Arabian Gulf in January 2009, formerly the responsibility of CTF 158.
163. Tribute formerly paid to freebooters along the scottish border for protection from pillage.
164. Owen Van Natta, MySpace's chief executive, formerly Facebook's chief revenue officer, also confirmed the two companies are in talks.
165. The unlikely three-square-kilometre site was the Oberwiesenfeld, formerly used for Royal Bavarian Army exercises and later converted into an airport.
166. He resigned his position within the Galactic Alliance government and removed all positions formerly held by Jedi as he concentrated on reestablishing the Jedi Order.
167. Formerly the seat of a Rajput dynasty, it was later captured by the Sikhs. Population, 206, 135.
168. The multi-institutional team, led by UCSF professor Shuvo Roy, formerly of the Cleveland Clinic, is the first to demonstrate technology that could be feasibly downsized into a transplant device.
169. The pavilion, formerly in a very dilapidated condition, was renovated in 1917 at the expense of the compradore of a large Hankow firm.
170. In recent years, along with the mutual osmosis of different subject realm, the contents of folk domicile research break through the scope of opposite parochialism formerly.
171. The triphibian chipping-rock sedimentary formation in Early Cenozoic in Adatan basin in western segment of east Kunlun Mt. was formerly considered to belong to "Low Tertiary".
172. Shoshonean people who formerly lived between Wyoming and the Mexican border but are now chiefly in Oklahoma.
173. If the again good domain name with achieve content again good formerly is not known by engine also be otiose!
174. Such sadomasochistic contact between consenting sexual partners is more common than was formerly believed.
175. Formerly, a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere, lying between Canis Major and the Southern Cross, now divided into four.
176. Planetary geologists formerly believed that any impact ejecta with speeds exceeding the Martian escape velocity would almost certainly be vaporized or at least completely melted.
177. Corot Noir - Formerly known as NY 70.0809.10, this vine produces a vinous, vinifera type wine with bell pepper aroma.
178. Recalling how a doctor once called her "formerly intersex , " she hopes physicians will begin to see mixed sex characteristics as a lifelong medical condition instead of a problem to be quickly fixed.
179. Formerly the Gilbert Islands, Kiribati achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1979.
180. Formerly imagines in the Kantism of is suppressed, imagines in the Kantism after arriving of put to fly, Comte to imaginary of the mainstay that develop to is among them.
181. SARS was one kind of new infection very strong respiratory disorder, it is different with the SARS pneumonia which formerly appeared.
182. Because of, group of salty in relief deflexion is line deflexion formerly factory.
183. Tim. 1:13 Who formerly was a blasphemer and a persecutor and an insulting person; but I was shown mercy because, being ignorant, I acted in unbelief.
184. Contrast to network formerly only for transmitting data, Internet is becoming a integrated services network for multimedia such as data, sound, image and real task etc.
185. Formerly he often lingered about [ around ] a park, doing nothing.
186. She purposely colored her wish to Mr. Archibald by saying that she had seen Madge formerly.
187. The occupation of sewermen was formerly almost as perilous, and almost as repugnant to the people, as the occupation of knacker, which was so long held in horror and handed over to the executioner.
188. AIC, formerly Asia ISDN Commit - tee, commits itself to the prompting of ISDN application.
189. John Eberhard is a retired lawyer formerly specializing in litigation and aviation and business law.
190. Formerly a competitive volleyball player,() now just standing up for ten minutes is now a strain for Zhang Xinmei.
191. Tera Thomas was formerly editor of Connecting Link magazine and is currently a freelance writer.
192. This formerly inaccessible place can now be reached by road and rail.
193. The Idaho gubernatorial candidate formerly known as Marvin Richardson is so strongly opposed to abortion that he has changed his name to Pro-Life.
194. The stratiform and strata-bound iron ore deposits in the Middle Triassic series in the lower reaches of the Yangzi River were formerly considered as simple contact-metasomatic ore deposits.
195. Formerly, Williams was director of services with International marketing Associates, a consulting group in New York.
196. The rite formerly in practice in which a priest anointed and prayed for a sick or an injured person, especially one in danger of death. In 972 the name and rite were changed to Anointing of the Sick.
197. Good results were achieved in projects for reforesting formerly cultivated land and protecting natural forests.
198. Mustafa Kemal, as he was formerly known, came to prominence during the First World War as the general who, at Gallipoli, defeated the Allied invasion attempt.
199. Reversing the polarity of a key, such that material formerly keyed out will be keyed in, and vice versa.
200. The author, Richard Pollock, based his investigative report on Senate subcommittee hearings and upon "several off-the-record interviews with officials formerly associated with Mount Weather."
201. These bonuses mainly included the enterprise formerly the fiscal year not pension which and the postponement of payment bonus paid to the high tube.
202. Gross value added at factor cost (formerly GDP at factor cost) is derived as the sum of the value added in the agriculture, industry and services sectors.
203. This disorder is marked by periods ofextremsextremes in mood and behavior. It was formerly called manic depression.
204. This thesis has summarized formerly people's work and researched the spreading principle, then similarities and differences between the ultrasonic wave and ordinary wave.
205. A silver coin formerly used in Great Britain and worth five shillings.
206. A starchy meal ground from the dried roots of various Old World orchids of the genera Orchis and Eulophia, used for food and formerly as medicine.
207. A member of a formerly recognized taxonomic group that included all seedless plants, such as mosses, algae, fungi, and ferns.
208. Sir William Lucas had been formerly in trade in Meryton, where he had made a tolerable fortune and risen to the honour of knighthood by an address to the King during his mayoralty.
209. A small glazed earthenware jar formerly used by druggists for medicaments.
210. A money of account formerly used in France and originally worth a pound of silver.
211. Start network game formerly coessential change a phenomenon to wait badly.
212. The implementation of the hypothec of the real estate should be limited by priority and leasehold that formerly exist.
213. Its biggest metropolitan agglomerations are Mumbai (formerly Bombay), Delhi, Kolkata (formerly Calcutta) and Chennai (formerly Madras).
214. A Central California rancher uses drip irrigation to grow zinfandel wine grapes on a rocky hillside that was formerly unusable.
215. The dried exudate of certain plants, as that of the Mediterranean ash tree, formerly used as a laxative.
216. Founded in 1996, the Emma Goldman Finishing School is an intentional community in the North Beacon Hill neighborhood of Seattle. Formerly known as the Beacon Hill House, we changed our name in 2003.
217. This latter format is particularly popular among users of IBM iSeries (formerly AS/400).
218. CBOT formerly used outsourced technology platforms, but has moved over to CME's Globex trading system.
219. The region in which the river's waters formerly arose is known to be geologically active, and there is evidence of major tectonic events at the time the Indus civilization collapsed.
220. 1980 - The Republic of Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) comes into being, with Canaan Banana as the country's first President.
221. Hoping to do just that is well-known trading card company, Panini (formerly Donruss) who has partnered with media tech team Recom Group to develop the first ever video trading cards.
222. Formerly called the Trust Territory, Micronesia possesses only two-thirds the land area of Rhode Island, yet lies scattered over an expanse of ocean comparable to the contiguous United States.
223. Gonzalez — known online as "soupnazi" — was formerly employed by the US secret service to track down hackers, but was found to have been passing information on investigations to criminals.
224. Now observations of formerly sunlike stars called white dwarfs suggest that the overwhelming majority of them once harbored at least one rocky world.
225. It was formerly derived by fermentation of carbohydrates but is now made synthetically by aldol condensation of acetaldehyde or by oxidation of petroleum gases.
226. My good friend Dave, formerly the Glaswegian Miserablist, tries to help out. "Come join me at Ibrox, the home of fair-play and sportsmanship."
227. (formerly the product of Pyra Labs, now owned by Google) is the granddaddy of the Web blog services.
228. Cinderella will return the dirty appearance formerly, wearing beat-up clothes. Oh , it is too bad.
229. By statistic and analysis for well testing data measured by electric pressure gauge formerly, it is found that formation temperature data is very important for oil testing procedure.
230. Aletris in the lily family, especially A. farinosa of eastern North America, having racemes of small white flowers and rootstocks formerly used in medicine to treat colic.
231. The Huffman compression algorithm is named after its inventor, David Huffman,(Sentencedict) formerly a professor at MIT.
232. Formerly Communist China and Russia (along with all the other participating nations) agreed to the following text.
233. Formerly known as Mandrake, Mandriva is notable for its cutting-edge software, excellent administration suite and 64-bit edition.
234. Native American people formerly inhabiting north-central Missouri, with present-day descendants living with the Oto in north-central Oklahoma.
235. Official Name : The Republic of Maldives ( formerly called Maldives Islands, renamed Maldives in Apr. 1969 ).
236. Izea, the controversial company formerly called Pay Per Post, is well-known for paying bloggers to post articles about products.
237. An alembic is an apparatus formerly used in distillation and the word comes from al-inbiq, the still.
238. Chocolate also made the heart beat faster, according to the study supervised by Lewis, a formerly University of Sussex psychologist who now runs a private research company called The Mind Lab.
239. But behind the bonhomie and poems of friendship, China's relationship with its impoverished southeastern neighbor and erstwhile ally formerly known as Burma is deeply troubled.
240. European biennial formerly grown for the blue coloring matter yielded by its leaves.
241. Liliaceae (lilies) A large family of monocotyledonous plants. Their taxonomy is much in dispute, with groups that were formerly sections now regarded with new evidence as being separate families.
242. Formerly barren moor there dwelt a bear, also a boar.
243. GAVI was formerly the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization.
244. Beadle:a minor parish official formerly employed in an English church to usher and keep order during services.
245. The small enterprise manages its orders through two off-the-shelf applications running on an IBM eServer (formerly known as AS/400).
246. His record throw of 12.75 metres, at the Japan Masters Athletics championship in June, shattered the world centenarian javelin record formerly held by an American.
247. He is formerly a chief programmer for a global development team and has worked in the electronics and semiconductor manufacturing industries.
248. As the world struggles to emerge from the economic near-collapse, one sub-group in the United States has slid below the waterline in record numbers: formerly middle-class women.
249. Chapman's first activities will be this week in his hometown of Volgograd (formerly known as Stalingrad) at the "Battle of Stalingrad, " the official commemoration of 68 years.
250. A poisonous alkaloid, C21H26N2O3, derived from the bark of a tree, Corynanthe yohimbe, and formerly used as an aphrodisiac, a local anesthetic, and a mydriatic.
251. A Native American people formerly located along Massachusetts Bay from Plymouth north to Salem. Reduced by epidemics, the Massachusett ceased to exist as a people during the17th century.
252. Apparently the yanqui-baiting octogenarian, formerly a die-hard fan of military fatigues, now favors the kind of ready-to-wear warm-up gear that only a German-based sports company can provide.
253. If at formerly, she will the cachinnation make a noise, then return to a message past, say that he has what iniquity through.
254. Found in 2006, the formerly named Tupi Field is thought to contain about 8 billion barrels of recoverable oil.
255. The metope between wine ark and backstairs hangs on two transition that achieve watercolour cartoon formerly, whole dining room became immediately active.
256. In the case of the Louvre, officially known as Palais du Louvre (the Palace of the Louvre), the main building used today was formerly the fortress of King Philip Augustus in the 12th century.
257. It was the first big fine levied by the Interior Department's Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement, formerly known as the Minerals Management Service.
258. Sword of Damocles , originated from the Greek legend of Damocles is the tyrant Dionysius Ist of Syracuse (formerly 430-367) of the minions.
259. Pearls Before Swine is an American comic strip written and illustrated by Stephan Pastis, formerly a lawyer in San Francisco, California.
260. A costume formerly worn by women and girls that was composed of loose trousers gathered about the ankles and worn under a short skirt.
261. Formerly traditional printers,(Sentencedict) these companies are increasingly evolving into equipment suppliers. The devices offered include hand-held devices or checkout systems that verify the printing inline.
262. Wireshark, formerly known as Ethereal, is a multiplatform network protocol analyzer.
263. Gentry treasure (SAAB) is a special development formerly strategical the factory of the plane, produce opportunity for combat for Swedish air force since 1937.
264. Fong Sai Yuk 2- Formerly my favorite movie. Although flawed, it has unmatchable sentimental scenes backed with the most beautiful music.
265. The company was formerly a production meeting gift enterprise, was established in 1998.
266. What was formerly a sandbank has now become fertile paddy fields.
267. A chain hoist helped raise a heavy pile of green oak, barn siding and pine flooring up into this formerly unoccupied Kentucky coffee tree.
268. Drawing ink strokes as heavy makeup, retention time shift between the vast Sun Yun, mood slowly quiet despair. Painted scroll to be formerly quiet residual color yellow.
269. Mitchell expedition , formerly manager of the Channel Islands sanctuary and a captain in the NOAA Corps.
270. A woman from the Dalit or formerly Untouchable castes , she is admired for her courage and persistence but also feared for her vengefulness.
271. In turn, farmers are converting land formerly left untilled into cropland, and ceasing to rotate corn and soybean crops from year to year, in favor of corn.
272. Gavi ( GAVI ) was formerly the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization.
273. A country of north-central Africa. Formerly part of French Equatorial Africa, it became independent in 1960. Ndjamena is the capital and the largest city. Population, 4,405,000.
274. A Native American people formerly inhabiting north-central Missouri, with present-day descendants living with the Oto in north-central Oklahoma.
275. A member of a South American Indian people formerly inhabiting much of the Greater Antilles and now living chiefly in certain regions of Guiana.
276. A group of Native American peoples formerly inhabiting the southern San Joaquin Valley and adjacent foothills of the Sierra Nevada, with present-day descendants in the same area.
277. Mr Monod was formerly Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux .
278. A presumed language family formerly thought to include Egyptian and the Berber, Cushitic [/formerly.html], and Chadic languages.
279. Formerly part of Bengal, it became East Pakistan when India achieved independence in 947.
280. Microsoft plans to be in what didymous Yahoo is over before the bot tom this year to buy formerly, but look now possibility is very little.
281. Criminal informations were formerly filed ex- relation of an individual known as the relator.
282. Bill Wolverton , formerly a senior at NASA's John C . Stennis Space Center, Bay St. Louis , Miss .
283. A formerly broke freelance writer, he had risen through the alternative-weekly ranks reporting on race and hip-hop.
284. Formerly the personal estate of a wealthy British businessman in the late 1920s, Hengshan Moller Villa still retains elements of its distinctive and opulent past.
285. All three of these companies have undertaken major buyouts recently, such as the pending $7.4 billion merger of formerly rival REIT Nationwide Health Properties (NYSE:NHP) into Ventas.
286. France, long a symbol of colonialist oppression in North Africa, looked once again like the hated imperial power it had formerly been.
287. It is no coincidence that the incumbent chief of the general staff Liang Guanglie was formerly commander of the Nanjing command.
288. January 24,1924: Petrograd, formerly Saint Petersburg, Russia, is renamed Leningrad.
289. North American evergreen with small pinkish bell - shaped flowers and oblong leaves used formerly for shinplasters.
290. A large, flightless sea bird (Pinguinus impennis) formerly common on northern Atlantic coasts but extinct since the middle of the 19th century.
291. The ancient office of Lord Chancellor—formerly the head of the judiciary, presiding officer of the House of Lords and a cabinet minister all at once—was broken into three.
292. Chinook Jargon:a pidgin language combining words from Nootka, Chinook, Salishan languages, French, and English, formerly used as a lingua franca in the Pacific Northwest.
293. Mammary gland sends lymphatic caruncle formerly, often can accompany have show of systemic lymph node enlargement.




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