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单词 Neat
1, She has a neat figure.
2, She always kept her room neat.
3, She wore her hair in a neat coil.
4, She arranged the chairs in two neat rows.
5, Keep your room neat and clean.
6, I received a letter from him in neat script.
7, They sat in her neat and tidy kitchen.
8, His clothes were always neat and clean .
9, This handbook is a neat epitome of everyday hygiene.
10, Be sure to leave the room neat and tidy.
11, Cut the sandwiches into neat squares.
12, It was very neat, and practically bloodless.
13, He arranged the documents in neat piles.
14, Square up the books to make them look neat.
15, Her handwriting was neat and legible.
16, The neighbours' gardens were trim and neat.
17, He sported a neat goatee beard.
18, He keeps his room clean and neat.
19, She sewed the seam with small neat stitches.
20, I like everything to be neat and tidy.
21, She was wearing a neat black suit.
22, The vegetables were planted in neat rows.
23, Your house is always so neat - how do you manage it with three children?
24, The headmaster praised the boys for their neat turn-out.
25, That video game is really neat!
26, My handwriting has never been very neat.
27, He gave a neat summary of the financial situation.
28, Your writing is very neat.
29, Several men are pushing school desks and chairs into neat rows.
30, She undressed and put her wet clothes in a neat pile in the corner.
1, She always kept her room neat.
2, She wore her hair in a neat coil.
3, She arranged the chairs in two neat rows.
4, Keep your room neat and clean.
5, I received a letter from him in neat script.
6, They sat in her neat and tidy kitchen.
7, His clothes were always neat and clean .
8, This handbook is a neat epitome of everyday hygiene.
9, Be sure to leave the room neat and tidy.
10, It was very neat, and practically bloodless.
11, He arranged the documents in neat piles.
12, Square up the books to make them look neat.
13, Her handwriting was neat and legible.
14, The neighbours' gardens were trim and neat.
15, He sported a neat goatee beard.
16, He keeps his room clean and neat.
17, She sewed the seam with small neat stitches.
18, I like everything to be neat and tidy.
19, She was wearing a neat black suit.
20, The vegetables were planted in neat rows.
21, Your house is always so neat - how do you manage it with three children?
22, Several men are pushing school desks and chairs into neat rows.
23, She undressed and put her wet clothes in a neat pile in the corner.
24, He was praised for his neat and careful work.
25, Each sheet was covered with small, neat handwriting.
26, The children cooperated with their teachers in keeping the classroom neat.
27, Her fiance & 1 & sported a neat ginger moustache.
28, The saleslady compacted a neat package out of my wife's purchase.
29, There were neat piles of kindling wood against the wall.
31, He made a neat chopping motion with his hand.
32, Neat solutions are not easily found to these issues.
33, She gave a neat answer.
34, He was praised for his neat and careful work.
35, She likes her whisky neat.
36, She writes in a neat copperplate script.
37, Everything was neat and tidy and gleamingly clean.
38, It had been such a neat, clever plan.
39, She was small and neat of person.
40, He scored with a neat header.
41, She tied the ribbon into a neat bow.
42, He's got very neat writing.
43, Everything in the house was neat and tidy .
44, The handwriting was surprisingly neat.
45, The weedkiller was applied to the lawn neat.
46, That's a really neat idea.
47, She kept her desk extremely neat.
48, I've always been quite neat.
49, People don't often fit into neat categories.
50, Each sheet was covered with small, neat handwriting.
51, I can't drink brandy neat.
52, Don't underestimate the importance of neat presentation.
53, She endeavours to keep things neat in her apartment.
53, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
54, Her hair was tied back in a neat bow.
55, She admired his neat script.
56, We had a great time-it was pretty neat.
57, He poured himself a brandy and swallowed it neat.
58, The rest of the room was neat and impersonal.
59, It's a really neat movie.
60, She arranged the chairs in neat rows.
61, She likes everything neat and tidy.
62, The clothes were folded in a neat pile.
63, She folded the clothes into a neat bundle.
64, Ellen's room is always neat and tidy .
65, She arranged the books in a nice neat pile.
66, Her fiance sported a neat ginger moustache.
67, He had a neat methodical mind.
68, The sundress has a neat back zip fastening.
69, You've got such neat handwriting.
70, Lined paper helps keep handwriting neat.
71, She made a sharp/witty/neat riposte.
72, I'll have a neat gin, please.
73, He took a mouthful of neat whisky, and coughed.
74, The children cooperated with their teachers in keeping the classroom neat.
75, Keeping the house neat and clean is a never-ending battle.
76, He looked fresh and neat in a clean white shirt.
77, Her fiance & 1 & sported a neat ginger moustache.
78, It'll be neat to have a father and son playing on the same team.
79, Your new car is a neat little job,() isn't it?
80, A neat move between Black and Keane left Nigel Clough in the clear, but his shot skimmed wide of the far post.
81, Cats are neat animals.
82, Her black hair was drawn back into a neat bun.
83, The saleslady compacted a neat package out of my wife's purchase.
84, They did a very neat job stitching up your knee - there's hardly a scar there.
85, I try to be neat( ), but my husband is a slob.
86, She coiled her hair into a neat bun on top of her head.
87, In the end we found a very neat solution to the problem.
88, We confess to being hopeless materialists, surrounded by our own neat stuff.
89, "Oh, those new apartments are really neat," the girl babbled on.
90, John is compulsively neat and clean, he's terrified of germs.
91, There were neat piles of kindling wood against the wall.
92, She tidied up the books and put them in neat piles .
93, The writing on the back of the card was cramped but scrupulously neat.
94, She laid her dress on the bed to keep it neat.
95, The puppies' ears should be neat and in proportion to the head.
96, His hair had been combed back and slicked down with something to make it neat.
97, It doesn't matter what you wear, as long as you look neat and tidy.
98, I liked working for him - he was a neat guy.
99, All his worldly goods were packed into a neat checked carrier bag.
100, I like my whiskey neat.
101, But he's neat and tidy there's no denying it.
102, I liked her neat phraseology.
103, The napkins were folded into neat triangles.
104, It is difficult to draw a neat conclusion.
105, You have to admit it's neat.
106, Flat fell seam is a neat, strong seam.
107, The letter was written in a neat hand.
108, I like my whisky neat.
109, I am neat, clean, and my hair is combed.
110, So egg production involves a neat compromise.
111, I recognized the neat plastic skull cap.
112, A neat stone arch and a flight of steps were built at the entrance and these have survived.
113, Living things also employ and contain plenty of other carbon-based materials that do not fit so easily into these neat compartments.
114, Two paths crossed the rectangular field(), forming a neat St Andrew's Cross of down-trodden grass.
115, The painfully neat clothes bear witness that, depressed as she was, she allowed no chink in her armor.
116, The main aim of these reforms was not to meet need precisely and in a neat, targeted form.
117, They require accurate timing and neat footwork of the accents are to be heard and seen.
118, What they were saying is this: writers like us are too large for neat containers.
119, Sex was never as neat as the movies made it. Real sex was messy. Good sex was messier. Laurell K. Hamilton 
120, Eccleshall's argument is very neat, but it is not entirely convincing.
121, It is getting harder by the day to isolate the various segments of the electronic publishing industry into neat little compartments.
122, Still very boyish, smooth and neat; no imbalance yet, he caught a wonderful perfection.
123, It was neat and elegant, like all wild animals, with an air of aristocratic insouciance and good breeding.
124, I have shown pupils examples of my rough work and neat finished products.
125, Some yarns will give a neat sideways band using full needle rib but others look very floppy so beware.
126, Wrapped in copious instruction leaflets and next to a neat pile of syringes, formidable quantities of snakebite serum had thoughtfully been provided.
127, Once inside the main gate you could see how hard the designers were working to make it neat.
128, They are wearing their school uniforms, black jumpers with white blouses and neat black bows at the neck.
129, A neat example of a sinusoidal oscillator is the Wien bridge oscillator shown in figure 10.13.
130, Remove and cut with the grain into neat t / s-inch-thick slices.
131, The neat white crosses,() stretching out as far as the eye could see in regimented lines.
132, One is Skorpios, home of the Onassis family; other islands are capped with neat white villages seemingly from another century.
133, The program also features a neat video clip of Norman introducing the game and wishing players good luck.
134, It has two patch pockets and is darted at the front to give a neat silhouette.
135, Wild phlox, long escaped from neat gardens, perfumed every roadside.
136, Another neat toy: an on-line tour of botanical garden Web sites.
137, She uncurled her legs, determinedly smoothed down the neat white culottes, and stood up.
138, If it is a public demonstration suggest that they wear a suitably neat outfit such as a track suit.
139, At ground level geraniums and hostas provide a contrasting foliar foil to neat gravel.
140, Do they suggest a neat and straight forward relationship between biology, culture and differential educational needs?
141, July 10, in unimaginably neat and flourishing script, read, Fine fine day.
142, This is a fairly traditional arcade adventure but offers excellent graphics and several neat, distinctive touches.
143, I felt out of proportion with a short bob and, although striking,() it was too neat and tidy for me.
144, Several ancient men in worn and baggy clothes sit at separate tables drinking neat whiskey and half pints of Beamish.
145, That is a neat package for increasing the output of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
146, They even set up a neat military system of two-man sentry duties, to make sure they stayed alert.
147, They are neat, legible, easily handled and can be filed in chronological order. 2.
148, Flanking a canal, it was enclosed by a bamboo fence, and neat rows of thatched-roof huts had been laid out.
149, Gone her neat bun; her hair hung loose, tucked behind her ears.
150, She found a similar cushion hanging in front of her place, sewn in neat wool stitches.
151, When I opened it I found neat bundles of fivers, each one with a Bank of Berlin band around it.
152, He placed them in a neat pile, patting them into position with his large hands, frowning slightly.
153, Already a six-footer, he is noted for keeping his uniform neat and clean, and for excellence in sports.
154, Her wound was dressed, her body and clothes were clean, and her hair was neat.
155, If my body was now trim and neat, redeemed from the excrescences of flesh, it was also clean.
156, She had the neat, clipped mind of the good student.
157, She was a neat little blonde, five years my senior, and perpetually smelling of eau de cologne and cheap powder.
158, The profession usually requires short, neat hair cuts and trim beards if any, for men.
159, Plasterboard is easiest for giving a neat finish, as a skim coat will mask the join between board and existing plaster.
160, We persist in grasping at neat, simple answers, when we should be questioning everything.
161, Long casement windows were open into a side garden laid with neat, symmetrical paths.
162, No neat distinction between legal doctrine and political principle can be sustained at this level of adjudication.
163, Our colors run together, and it is a constant struggle to keep a neat palette with each hue in its place.
164, She showed me how to cover the cloth with an embroidery stitch which finally created a small, neat, round button.
165, Already the bookies are taking bets on whether Souness will still be in the Anfield hot seat neat season.
166, For a neat finish use white rubdown lettering for the legends.
167, Hank would arrive each morning, dressed in his neat three-piece suit, white shirt, and solid-color tie.
168, The deserted nest, neat as a pin, had a forlorn accusing air.
169, Looking at it another way it is perhaps a neat coupling of the word's etymology.
170, He made us some fine sets of playing cards and a neat Monopoly board.
171, Comedy got a raw deal, though Stilgoe and Skellen had a neat song about Alan Titchmarsh.
172, A terrace of visually pleasing stone cottages facing the neat village green are dated 1846.
173, Men find her trim figure and neat little face with its impossibly turned-up nose, very appealing.
173, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
174, The clean, neat cuts were delivered with a skill Terry would never learn to master.
175, They do not fit their newly found knowledge into the neat compartments so beloved by academics.
176, Any means of correction may be used but all corrections should be neat and unobtrusive.
177, The point to recognize is, of course, that it is futile to waste time classifying studies into neat little boxes.
178, It was neat as a new pin and showed no signs of the going-over it had suffered when Newman was last there.
179, The Mudchute is not a neat park, it is wilderness, in the guts of London.
180, Immediately beside him Kegan was fussing with sheets of paper, arranging and rearranging them into neat aligned squares.
181, Her hair was snow-white and brushed back into a neat bun.
182, That is a memorably neat summary of a Positive science approach.
183, The only constant linking it all is that it qualifies as, for lack of a better term, neat.
184, Jane has her own house on a neat housing estate in the south-east.
185, Biddy, in her neat little black dress, was busy serving food.
186, A third took him into the garden where he looked at the neat undisturbed flower-beds.
187, With this criterion in mind she'd picked a neat black cotton dress, short-sleeved and V-necked.
188, A small neat iron bed with a shabby well-washed coverlet had one lumpy pillow and sheets which were hard to the touch.
189, Expensive cars parked in neat rows that the staff had reserved for them.
190, Soon the neat stores were replaced by faded brownstones and tumbledown colonial houses.
191, That opposition is a neat one, and neatness in verbal formulations commonly arouses suspicion.
192, His crinkly hair was a glossy brown colour still unmarked by grey; his moustache was neat and trim.
193, Its mast hung in a cradle from the ceiling, and its sails were folded in neat bundles on the deck.
194, I flashback to Scholz, buttoned-up warm against the cold, his collar clean, his tie neat.
195, Our new spring dresses have a look that can best be described as neat yet casual.
196, The Inspector edged down the confined passage into the living room which looked out on to a neat back garden.
197, He watched Richard in the mirror, newly combed hair oddly neat against unshaven chin and eyes dull with tiredness.
198, Quiet type, but with a neat turn in grievous bodily harm.
199, The end result is a nice neat buttonhole, the correct size for the button.
200, There was a neat solid bulge where her flat belly had been.
201, The problem is that neat calculations about trees and cups of tea have so many uncertainties attached.
202, Instead, Miss Arabel wrote, in her neat, tidy script, and Mr Surtees Cook.
203, Top A neat fitting top with a flattering neckline and self-covered buttons down the front. 100% cotton jersey, machine washable./neat.html
204, The package has some neat additional features too, not least of which is the customizable toolbar.
205, The stay of Johnson and Boswell at Cawdor manse captures Johnson in a neat capsule.
206, The cuts were always superficial and usually consisted of between 20 and 40 neat parallel scratches on her wrist and forearm.
207, I had become so interested in a nice neat pattern that I hadn't checked if I had found all the shapes.
208, Once we begin to build primary education from neat blocks of acceptable and appropriate knowledge, teachers will tend to teach accordingly.
209, The result is both neat and hard-wearing - it is used for most knitwear commercially after all.
210, Finally, hem all round the cloth to give a neat finish.
211, Above we have a neat little cable pattern that is useful as a simple interruption of stocking stitch along a complete garment.
212, The Captain was a dapper little man with a neat moustache and shiny shoes.
213, She had no right to anyone, in a world so full of slight creatures with delicate bones and neat boyish faces.
214, The truly neat Cal Schenkel cover is an added bonus,[http:///neat.html] by the way.
215, Leave to cool in the tin, but before it is completely cold cut into small neat wedges.
216, It acknowledges the lack of control groups and neat experimental designs and works with perceived values of change.
217, A day or two later it can be picked or rubbed off leaving a neat professional finish.
218, And now, thanks to a very neat bit of deduction, you know.
219, Hard work, ample food and a neat change of clothes into the bargain.
220, The signals generated in the pickup coils are not neat rectangular pulses although their amplitudes very with the external field.
221, This band is very neat and really does give a garment a professional finish.
222, He wiped the scattered crumbs on his tray to a neat heap and then pinched them between his fingers and gobbled them.
223, Avant took Chandler through the white side of Crenshaw, with its neat clapboard homes and tidy front porches.
224, The yard was empty except for a neat looking two-horse box and at the far end a large powerful motorbike.
225, They drew level after 77 minutes, courtesy of a neat snap shot from Brian Donaghy and the floodgates opened.
226, The dark-bellied brent goose is small, neat and sooty black, with white neck streaks and a white stern.
227, For verrucae and warts place a drop of neat Tea Tree Essential Oil in the centre and cover with a plaster once a day, this procedure can take a couple of weeks before you will see the results.
228, This versatile unit is designed to mix and pump neat cement, bentonites, lightly sanded grouts and most commercial pre-blended non-shrink grout mixes.
229, After all, this is a city where neat little yellow dispensers adorned with the silhouette of a schnauzer provide dog walkers with free pooper-scooper bags.




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