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单词 adverb
释义  Related topics: Grammarad·verb /ˈædvɜːb $ -vɜːrb/ ●●● noun [countable]  SLGa word that adds to the meaning of a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or a whole sentence, such as ‘slowly’ in ‘He ran slowly’, ‘very’ in ‘It’s very hot’, or ‘naturally’ in ‘Naturally, we want you to come.’ 副词 → adjectiveExamples from the Corpusadverb• He provided frames to enable anyone to derive four major word classes - noun, verb, adjective and adverb.• Qualifying adjectives and adverbs should be avoided and the use of unadorned nouns and verbs relied on.• Other two-syllable words such as adverbs and prepositions seem to behave like verbs and adjectives.• Further, there are no adverbs or adverbial phrases except those of time and place.• This judgement is supported by the paradoxical result of replacing the adverb by its antonym:?• But the grammarian is tongue-tied without his labels: noun, adjective, verb, adverb, conjunction, pronoun.• Characteristic activity: necessarily occurring with adverbs like always and continually.Origin adverb (1400-1500) French adverbe, from Latin adverbium, from ad- “to” + verbum “word”ad·verb nounChineseSyllable  verb, meaning Corpus a a to word adds that of an the




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