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单词 private view
释义  ˌprivate ˈview (also private viewing) noun [countable]  AVPBEFOREan occasion when a few people are invited to see a show of paintings before the rest of the public 〔画展在公开展出前只邀请少数人参观的〕预展Examples from the Corpusprivate view• On the other hand, she suspected that Fowler-Thrown would be delighted to have a private view of Newley's collection.• At the private view of that year's Royal Academy Summer Exhibition she met the architect and put the proposition to him.• It was as a mere friend that he went to the private view of Vanessa's second exhibition and met Rain Morgan.• The private view of the inaugural exhibition in the new Arts Centre provided the first event of their calendar for 1992.ˌprivate ˈview nounChineseSyllable  occasion to few when invited are people Corpus a an




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