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单词 Significance
1) I don't attach any importance/significance to these rumours.
2) Money holds no significance for him.
3) What is the significance of this speech?
4) What is the significance of this symbol?
5) The significance of their schema has been exaggerated.
6) Stella didn't attach any significance to Doug's query.
7) The meeting is of great significance.
8) This fact has little significance for us.
9) This is a matter of cardinal significance.
10) Western diplomats have played down the significance of the reports.
11) He did not fully appreciate the significance of signing the contract.
12) The scientists are cautious about the wider significance of their findings.
13) We should be fully aware of the significance of television in shaping our ideas.
14) The new drug has great significance for the treatment of the disease.
15) The authorities attached much significance to his visit.
16) We attached no significance to his statement.
17) The building resonates with historic significance.
18) I think she's overplaying the significance of his remarks.
19) Do these symbols have any particular significance?
20) The ceremony has great symbolic significance.
21) The President's visit is loaded with symbolic significance.
22) The social significance of religion has changed over time.
23) I attach great significance to the news.
24) They failed to appreciate significance of the precautions.
25) She failed to grasp the significance of these facts.
26) Few people realized the significance of the discovery.
27) The media have grossly inflated the significance of this meeting.
28) No matter how strong you are how notable your attainments,(http:///significance.html) you have endruring significance only in your relationship to others. 
29) In this sense, the encyclopedic cultural value and historic significance of Dunhuang are inestimable.
30) Do you think that look he gave you had any significance?
1) I don't attach any importance/significance to these rumours.
2) Money holds no significance for him.
3) What is the significance of this speech?
4) The significance of their schema has been exaggerated.
5) Stella didn't attach any significance to Doug's query.
6) This fact has little significance for us.
7) This is a matter of cardinal significance.
8) Western diplomats have played down the significance of the reports.
9) He did not fully appreciate the significance of signing the contract.
10) In this sense, the encyclopedic cultural value and historic significance of Dunhuang are inestimable.
11) The scientists are cautious about the wider significance of their findings.
12) We should be fully aware of the significance of television in shaping our ideas.
13) The new drug has great significance for the treatment of the disease.
14) They failed to appreciate significance of the precautions.
31) She couldn't grasp the full significance of what he had said.
32) Does any significance attach to the use of the technical terms?
33) They failed to appreciate the true significance of these discoveries.
34) The historical significance of these events can be easily exaggerated .
35) It is easy to overlook the significance of this change.
36) The results of the study have a wider significance for all the profession.
37) The book assesses the significance of Stalin's policies between 1927 and 1939.
38) The White House spokeswoman sought to play down the significance of the event.
39) The significance of this lies in the fact that he had previously denied all knowledge of the fund.
40) And what might be the underlying significance of these supposedly random acts of violence?
41) Ideas about the social significance of religion have changed over time.
42) These figures give a distorted view of the significance for the local economy.
43) Only later did we realize the true significance of his remark.
44) The press were slow to grasp the significance of what happened.
45) The significance for college students of doing a part-time job means more than money and experience.
46) The crime problem has great significance to the general public.
47) Suddenly his son's relationship with the girl took on a new significance.
48) Objects connected with the saint have assumed an almost ritualistic significance.
49) At that time, we did not fully grasp the significance of what had happened.
50) The discovery of the new drug is of great significance for/to people suffering from heart problems.
51) The significance of those great stories resonates down the centuries.
52) Scientists are in disagreement about the significance of the data.
53) The carvings are works of art in themselves, even disregarding their religious significance.
54) Let us not attach too much significance to these meetings.
55) They were offered a few cosmetic improvements to their working conditions, but nothing of significance.
56) The Channel Tunnel has enormous symbolic significance for a united Europe.
57) Under certain conditions, conformity thus assumes an understandable significance.
58) What significance does Hall attach to them?
59) And what significance should we attach to this development?
60) It will be years before I will understand the significance of these little balloons.
61) But there is a real significance in psychological attention to the year 2000 already apparent.
62) The primary significance of the words which refer to the bread seems to belong to the image of the messianic kingdom.
63) It is very difficult to understand the significance and meaning of ageing without an appreciation of this crucial factor.
64) The significance of this will be seen in the next chapter.
65) Conventions can be modified by changes in behaviour or by reinterpretations of the significance of certain behaviour.
66) It was only when I dissected the heart, this afternoon, that its significance struck me.
67) These changing circumstances, which are outside the control of governments either national or local, are often of considerable significance.
68) The manufacturer's name is blazoned across an event of worthwhile significance.
69) This chapter is about the significance of such a concatenation of development activity, and of the potential for links between them.
70) In an attempt to gauge the significance of family separation, a count was made.
71) In retrospect, the United States never fully absorbed the significance of that vote.
72) The reader will no doubt appreciate the significance of this statement.
73) But we must also acknowledge the significance of computing and digital design.
74) Perhaps of greater significance, labourism influenced abstinence from the formal political sphere.
75) What was the significance of the army in securing and consolidating Hitler's power before 1931? 2.
76) It is at this point that the nation state begins to acquire a psychological as well as a purely administrative significance.
77) Or, they may be involved in some form of ritual in which the lighted candle has a religious significance.
78) To appreciate the significance of the lyrical origin of tragedy, we must first elucidate lyric poetry as such.
79) Recognise the significance of observations made of a patient and use these to develop an initial nursing assessment.
80) This ensures that only those who fully appreciate the significance of the modules are included in the sanctioning procedure.
81) For these reasons the functional significance of these observations is difficult to assess.
82) These networks, which included certain kinds of neighbouring, included those for whom ties of kinship were of primary significance.
83) The significance of the disappearance of the buffalo and the passenger pigeon was not fully comprehended until much later.
84) You rarely find consideration of the social context of error, or of its significance in the growth of the writer.
85) Most small towns of any significance lay on the principal roads; some also enjoyed the advantages provided by a nearby river.
86) Yet the significance for the ancient Israelites of the capture of the ark went beyond the scope of such attachments.
87) The significance of these comparatively simple provisions on open enrolment should not be overlooked.
88) The significance of platelet activating factor in the gastric juice of healthy humans is still difficult to analyse.
89) It was a christening that seemed to hunger for significance.
90) The real significance of crime is in its being a breach of faith with the community of mankind. Joseph Conrad 
91) The sample is far too small to suggest that these data have a chronological significance, but the results are technologically significant.
92) A third marked contrast, of enormous ecological and economic significance, is in leaf litter.
93) The significance of such questions can only be assessed in the light of present knowledge and potential benefits weighed against potential risks.
94) For Joshua, at sixty-two, and suffering from a bad leg, distances had begun to take on an extraordinary significance.
95) The grant of a patent can too often assume a talismanic significance for those closely involved in its conception and development.
96) If they are left unaware of impending judgment they will not appreciate the significance of salvation.
97) We also found lower concentrations in smokers although this did not reach significance.
98) Focusing on class situation enabled us to assess the significance of the challenge that the information specialists might pose to managerial authority.
99) These findings add considerable weight to the claims that emotional arousal is of causal significance to relapse.
100) This present study was not designed to assess the biological significance of endotoxaemia, however, nor the treatment of colitis.
101) The easy money regime focused attention on monetary policy and contributed to the significance accorded to the money supply in later years.
102) We are only beginning to realize the significance of stone.
103) I suspect that it is in this challenge to popular feminist orthodoxies that the book's significance will rest.
104) Not withstanding Gore's insistence that his decision was based on personal considerations, the decision was widely seen as of great political significance.
105) What is ultimately of most significance in Foucault's work is this recognition of the constant struggles within the definitions of sexuality.
106) This leaves no doubt as to the universal and abiding significance of the Kingdom concept.
107) Its recognition of the significance of the motor car and its removal to the edge of the main city area was ominous.
108) And if I use humour to avoid your problem or make light of it(), then I diminish its significance.
109) So we shall briefly stand back and assess its significance.
110) Departures from the null hypothesis were assessed at the 5% significance level.
111) It is only comparatively recently that the scale and significance of the Sterkfontein deposits have begun to be fully appreciated.
112) This lack of explicitness will surely limit the significance of the book for researchers working in speech act theory and related fields.
113) Much has already been said that has a bearing upon the underlying significance of the environment.
114) Analysis of variance and the Newman-Keuls procedure were applied to measure the statistical significance of means from different diagnostic categories.
115) One does not need to acquire hermeneutical skills to appreciate the significance and personal challenge presented by the great truths of salvation.
116) Or, of course, it might simply be a habit the person has acquired that has no particular significance.
117) I keep coming back to the idea that everything can have some significance attached to it.
118) For on it depends the significance to be attached to the revolution.
119) The home thereby acquires a special significance; an institution protected by the males, if necessary by aggressive actions towards others.
120) The interaction did not approach significance by either subjects or materials.
121) The exact coordinates of the activated areas and their significance levels are given in Table 1.
122) Roosevelt, like Churchill, saw the significance of postwar civil aviation, and believed in free and open competition.
123) The significance of adolescent idealistic feelings for adolescent behavior are explored later in this chapter in the discussion of adolescent egocentrism.
124) It is predicted that these changes will result in significance shifts in the rating burden.
125) The political significance of the vulgarization of high culture is exemplified in the more complicated case of Andy Warhol.
126) What really frightens and dismays us is not external events themselves, but the way in which we think about them. It is not things that disturb us,(http:///significance.html) but our interpretation of their significance. Epictetus 
127) They sat down for a meal with the missionaries, fully appreciating the significance of their actions.
128) If significance is supposed to accrue with each repeated conjunction, it fails to do so for me.
129) That does not mean that they parroted slogans without appreciating their significance.
130) In these days of piped water supply, it is difficult to appreciate the significance and importance of sources of pure water.
131) It becomes of particular significance within the currently fashionable company policy of separating core and peripheral employees.
132) It is wise to remember that these men were competing at a time when the black presence was of only tiny significance.
133) The economic climate of the 1980's may give new significance to the DRAs.
134) Although platelet thromboxane generation was elevated in diabetics without clinical evidence of vascular disease, the difference did not reach statistical significance.
135) The significance of the South Carolina primary extends far beyond the 37 delegates at stake Saturday.
136) They feel that working alongside disabled students gives a particular significance to their teaching and learning.
137) A fairly neutral background will make any small splash of colour sing out with particular vibrancy and significance.
138) But I've noticed that a certain amount of loot helps to invest even your most casual remarks with a certain significance.
139) The melody and accompaniment can express the general atmosphere of the poem, but can not underline the significance of individual words.
140) It is impossible to exaggerate the revolutionary significance of the recognition of a binding judicial tribunal external to the realm.
141) At the same time, the economic functions of government-Federal, state, and local-are of very considerable significance.
142) Significance levels for comparative data were determined by the Wilcoxon signed rank test.
143) His personality and judgement were of most significance in the fields of foreign and military affairs.
144) Finally, as the revolution approached, the issue assumed much wider significance.
145) Billing was quick to see the military significance of air power, and this gave purpose to an otherwise chaotic life.
146) The physiological significance of the findings in diarrhoea predominant irritable bowel syndrome patients, which were contrary to expectation, is unknown.
147) It is not completely clear what significance these family groupings have.
148) The ever-increasing flow of scientific and technological advances is of little significance to a rural population living at or below subsistence level.
149) Most of the journeys made by honey bees or Cataglyphis are so brief that its movement is not of great significance.
150) No, not the usual boring bomb scare, but a cultural occasion of enormous significance.
151) The significance of their choice has surprised everyone, including the man they have rejected.
152) In creating one she has inadvertently made a move towards alternative methods of selling that could have great significance for organic farming.
153) Clarification of issues such as these should be of great significance to both business strategy and government policy.
154) The excellent agreement between the predicted and observed orbital decay rates has a double significance.
155) It is always difficult to assess the political significance of an individual leader.
156) Discovering just one extraterrestrial civilization would have profound significance.
157) It has great practical significance to do research on the formalized development of the Informal Financial.
158) Chapter four, to expound the execution and significance of the Chinese - teaching interaction.
159) This paper deals with the significance of the chronoclock in gynecology.
160) So, there is immediate significance to study the harmonics in power system.
161) Objective : To investigate the clinical significance of the autologous serum skin test ( ASST ) in chronic idiopathic ur ticaria ( CIU ).
162) Objective : To investigate the significance of detecting lactic acid fetal scalp blood for monitoring fetal distress.
163) This article including four parts: The first part: Adult guardianship concept and significance.
164) The identification significance and essen - tials of hepatolenticular degeneration and hepatitis Bwere analysed.
165) This result has vital significance for in - depth basin analysis, palaeo - geomorphology resume and reservoir prediction.
166) To explore the technique and clinical significance of vagina reconstruction in posterior pelvic exenteration.
167) Conservation of the germ plasm resources is a subject of significance in conservation biology.
168) Objective : Discussion significance of Yin and Yang Syndrome differentiation in hemorrhagic stroke patient for clinical study.
169) The government is playing down the significance of the balance of trade figures this month.
170) These Chinese elements to the modern garden plant landscape can explore ways of application and significance.
171) Do different styles of Zhong Kui figuring come with different significance?
172) It has basic significance to study the chaos of Erbium - doped fiber laser and optical spatiotemporal pattern.
173) The significance of hot spots is not confined to their role as a frame of reference.
174) Conclusion Yahao medical toothpaste for treating gingivitis in some degree has clinical effective significance.
175) Objective : To explore the mechanism of active immunotherapy with autologous tumor vaccine and clinical significance.
176) The author focuses the article on the significance, goal and approaches of the cultural background knowledge.
177) Objective : To explore the erythrocyte immune state and its clinical significance in the esophagus cancer patients.
178) It'shows the just initial significance of life in the conflict of fatalism and resistence.
179) Objective To study the clinical relationship between ESR and cardio - cerebrovascular disease and its clinical significance.
180) Objective : To investigate the clinical significance of head acupuncture for the early stage of stroke - induced hemiplegia.
181) Objective : To investigate hemorrheological change and clinical significance on non traumatic avascular necrosis ANFH.
182) Objective To explore the changes of autoimmunity and its significance after spinal cord transection ( SCT ).
183) So it is significance to study eutrophication of water and protect water environment.
184) His forehead, which was deeply furrowed, bulged in a fashion not without significance for the physiognomist.
184) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
185) Sedimentation - exhalation siliceous rocks are of great significance in the study of ore deposits.
186) The method has proved more and more to be of very great geophysical significance.
187) This article investigates the physical significance of softening point of Eureka pitch.
188) The life world is the foundation of reality and headspring of significance for the education world.
189) This article's foreword elaborates the significance and aim of the article research.
190) Discussing and expounding this problem has not only profound academic significance, but also positive practical significance.
191) Objective To study the significance of α1 acid glycoprotein ( AAG ) on the activity of rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ).
192) Quadrupling the gross national product will be an achievement of great significance.
193) Aim To date precisely the gabbro vein from Luohansi group and discuss its geological significance.
194) This paper presents the clinical significance of five element evolutions in gynecology.
195) The young gentleman uttered this exultant sound with mysterious significance.
196) Good relations with China are now of geopolitical significance to the US.
197) In rats dependence to flurazepam(), hippocampal nNOS increased but without statistical significance.
198) Objective To assess the significance of FWBC ( fragile white blood cells ) flag on the Cell - Dyn 3500 R Haematology analyzer.
199) X - ray Classification of the Anomalies of Union of Hepatic Duct and Clinical Significance.
200) Natural biological gene bank for the future of humanity green revolution has an important significance.
201) Objective : To observe the usual cause of small airway disease and the significance of etiological therapy.




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