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单词 Evolution
1, He is absorbed in the evolution of the story.
2, Huxley was an exponent of Darwin's theory of evolution.
3, In the course of evolution, some birds have lost the power of flight.
4, Evolution can explain the past, but it can never predict the future.
5, The space program is the evolution of years of research.
6, Love the evolution of such failure, leaving only that deep helpless.
7, Darwin's theory of evolution was a watershed dividing the old way of thinking from the new.
8, Our political institutions are in continuous evolution.
9, The evolution of the human species.
10, A cultural and social evolution now becomes rapid.
11, In politics(), evolution is better than revolution.
12, In politics Britain has preferred evolution to revolution .
13, The shark is a masterpiece of evolution.
14, Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution.
15, Society has entered a technological phase of evolution.
16, Genetic evolution is necessarily slow.
17, Evolution proceeds by a series of small changes.
18, We think about the evolution of bipedalism as one of first events that led hominids down the path to being human.
19, The evolution of human life was a gradual,[http:///evolution.html] cumulative process.
20, His views on evolution are strongly contested by other scientists.
21, In the tiger, evolution has produced a perfect hunting machine.
22, Religious traditionalists objected to theories of evolution being taught in schools.
23, Darwin's theories about evolution were denounced by many people.
24, Such continuous variables foster continuous and gradual evolution.
25, Very broadly, however, its general evolution is unmistakable.
26, Natural selection is a key element of Darwin's theory of evolution.
27, We're dealing with probably the biggest missing link in what we know about human evolution.
28, Darwin viewed the struggle for existence as being the major promoter of evolution.
29, Fossil records indicate that Africa was the cradle of early human evolution.
30, In effect, Parsons presents us with a beguilingly simple outline of social evolution.
1, He is absorbed in the evolution of the story.
2, Natural selection is a key element of Darwin's theory of evolution.
3, In the course of evolution, some birds have lost the power of flight.
4, Evolution can explain the past, but it can never predict the future.
5, We're dealing with probably the biggest missing link in what we know about human evolution.
6, Darwin's theory of evolution was a watershed dividing the old way of thinking from the new.
7, A cultural and social evolution now becomes rapid.
8, We think about the evolution of bipedalism as one of first events that led hominids down the path to being human.
31, This evolution needs to be carefully cultivated.
32, But evolution never starts from a clean drawing board.
33, Any change came through slow imperceptible evolution.
34, Evolution had reached its peak and was going backwards.
35, The evolution of the colonial revolution.
36, But it's also part of inevitable human evolution.
37, The genetic theory postulates two modes of evolution.
38, The differences are the direct result of evolution.
39, This shuffling around of genes greatly complicates the analysis of evolution.
40, Every AIDS patient is a monument to the theory of evolution.
41, They fit the animal's information-gathering equipment to particular problems and, presumably, they have been subject to natural selection during evolution.
42, This kind of difference in detail is very characteristic of convergent evolution, as we have seen.
43, This suggests the occurrence during primate evolution of a previously undescribed pericentric inversion subsequent to the cluster duplication.
44, This ability to live off poor vegetation is likely to have been crucial in the evolution of the mountain goat.
45, The parallel between biological and cultural evolution breaks down at the point of transmission.
46, The trend through evolution, however, has been towards an increase in size and complexity.
47, Let us examine the evolution of animal husbandry in the light of these three great, if harsh, truths.
48, Inpart Marx say this task as paralleling what had been done by Darwin for biological evolution.
49, Even though Darwinian evolution is represented as a competitive process, the outcome has often been that animals ended up working with each other.
50, Because all animals must compete with their relatives, evolution favours things that differ from one another.
51, Comparative analysis suggests that there has been a considerable amount of divergence of evolution in the cortices of different mammalian lines.
52, We will, within the next fifty years, be able to seize control of our own evolution.
53, To find the evolution of the system in time, we simply follow the arrows.
54, Another problem, related in that reality is ignored, concerns the appropriate use of sources for understanding cultural evolution.
55, Life therefore became a form of chemical interaction, with replicators able to change gradually through the mechanics of evolution.
56, Deplorable though that seems, such acts help to understand the evolution of behaviour.
57, His approach has undoubtedly helped a lot of people to understand the complexities of biological evolution.
58, Natural selection, the cumulative development of more efficient replicators in a competitive situation, is certainly an important factor in evolution.
59, She makes her evolution, from neutral to fully committed, a credible, touching experience.
60, Discussion Portal hypertension usually complicates the evolution of chronic liver diseases.
61, It is now possible to summarize the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution.
62, Sit back as you go on a five billion year journey through the evolution of life - all in twelve minutes!
63, Evolution of ordered categorical data in each group was assessed by the Wilcoxon rank sum test.
64, Punch played a central role in the evolution of satirical humour and in creating opportunities for the cartoonist and the illustrator.
65, When these combine they open up a new range of possibilities on which Darwinian evolution can act.
66, Non- violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages. Thomas A. Edison 
67, The new departure was in part due to the constitutional evolution of federalism achieved during the New Deal.
68, The eighteenth century was thus a period of slow evolution rather than radical change in military affairs.
69, There are other examples of cultural evolution in birds and monkeys, but these are just interesting oddities.
70, The eclipse of electricity as a means of propulsion has been one of the more curious facets of the evolution of transport.
71, Therefore individuals need to possess personalities conformable to the ambient level of cultural evolution.
72, As insects battle to improve a feeble design, evolution does its best, but that best is not very impressive.
73, For millions of years of human evolution, male eroticism has focused on fertile women.
74, But science has good answers to these challenges to the theory of evolution.
75, The end result of evolution through man's desire was to produce a sexually mature wolf pup.
76, Scopes was forbidden to teach Darwin's theory of evolution, but he defied the law.
77, Contrary to popular myth Darwin was not thunderstruck by the theory of evolution during his voyage on the Beagle.
78, Smith knew nothing of the idea of organic evolution that Charles Darwin was to enunciate some decades later.
79, Human cultures can change rapidly because cultural innovation is infinitely faster than biological evolution.
80, Another popular misconception of Darwinian evolution is that its products must be genetically determined because their inheritance depends on genes.
81, Neither method is entirely satisfactory since apparently homologous muscles may change their sites of attachment during evolution and alter their functions.
82, In Earth's case it developed a secondary atmosphere through organic evolution,[Sentence dictionary] say supporters of the Gaian hypothesis.
83, The forces which drive technological development have a close parallel in biological evolution.
84, Evolving software mimics biological evolution with collections of programs competing with each other to see which performs the task best.
85, At the same time, it is proposed to assess the degree of correlation between economic and social developments and political evolution.
86, For, contrary to earlier prejudices, there is nothing inherently progressive about evolution.
87, The analogy between cultural and genetic evolution has frequently been pointed out, sometimes in the context of quite unnecessary mystical overtones.
88, General evolution takes place when the broader context itself changes, a process that is both unintentional and willed.
89, No wonder his theory of evolution remains, today, a visceral point of contention.
90, A new academic journal, Fashion Theory, hopes to document and analyze such moments in the evolution of the style industry.
91, In terms of biological evolution, complex adaptive systems seek patterns and learn from their interactions with the environment.
92, These days, the evolution issue is symbolic of the legislative influence of religious conservatives.
93, But most religious thinkers accommodated themselves fairly rapidly to the basic concept of evolution.
94, Thus the scientific model of verification has an inbuilt mechanism for the evolution and promotion of generally accepted standards.
95, This in turn has led to rapid evolution to fill the vacant or new ecological niches.
96, In which case, how did they develop these extraordinary actions during the course of evolution?
97, This second approach relies heavily on Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.
98, The evolution of a rudimentary bureaucracy was, by 1180, the distinguishing feature of royal and princely administrations.
99, There is an obvious analogy between operant conditioning and evolution by natural selection.
100, The problem with Darwin's theory was that it reduced evolution to a chapter of accidents.
101, The table below shows the evolution of the English alphabet.
102, In biology the equations are as much the product of evolution as traits such as eye color.
103, A hydraulic representation of his system dominated in which the historical evolution and context of Keynes's ideas could find no place.
104, The social Darwinists or Spencerians of the late nineteenth century viewed human evolution from a unilinear perspective.
105, The central nervous system appears to be the pre-eminent instrument that has been designed for this function in the course of evolution.
106, There has been a linkage between the evolution of democracy and the expansion of avenues for traffickers into political systems.
107, Elsewhere he considers everything from laughter's part in boosting the immune system to the role of laughter in speech evolution.
108, It has required elaborate organization, but this has been the product of continuous evolution from the original entrepreneurial enterprise.sentence dictionary
109, The theory of evolution has to do much more than that.
110, This law has been axiomatic in the evolution of the sciences.
111, This is a condition brought about by the combined effect of evolution and civilisation and for everyone it is quite unavoidable.
112, This model promoted the assumption that evolution is based on a progressive trend with the human race as its goal.
113, This has only been accentuated in the course of social evolution.
114, Their occurrence seems to be cyclic and may well express the evolution of levels of consciousness.
115, Perhaps Mayberry should have let evolution take its course after all.
116, This politicization of de Gaulle's message was a critical stage in the evolution towards a unified resistance.
117, Often, the change in function of an organ during evolution is even more dramatic.
118, Kitcher deals with the motivation of creationists: evolution contradicts the early chapters of Genesis.
119, But once adaptation to the new conditions had been achieved, Darwin assumed that evolution would come to a halt.
120, Here we show that the P3A exon is present only in primates and man and it is conserved through primate evolution.
121, Neither found Darwin's detailed theory of adaptive evolution very useful.
122, The morphologists' interpretation of evolution invoked adaptation only in the most abstract way.
123, In this environment, all evolution, including the evolution of manufactured entities, is coevolution.
124, Parker was applying Herbert Spencer's law of social evolution and the current devotion to organization to the denomination.
125, Yet they did have an important influence on the evolution of bargaining structure and the characteristic form which it assumed.
126, This organism could reveal much about the evolution of early life on Earth.
127, The environment has been created as a result of natural evolution plus man's interference.
128, In real-life evolution there is nothing that corresponds to steering towards some distant genetic target.
129, In my opinion(), this empty disputation will eventually take its place with the many other myths of human evolution.
130, Evolution became a ladder rather than a tree, a linear sequence of stages through which life had advanced towards the human form.
131, Each, in its disproportionate way, affirms the truth of evolution.
132, First, I want to discuss whether there is any way in which we can estimate how long is required for evolution.
133, Yet the whole history of evolution seems superbly well designed to lead to the existence of consciousness.
134, But evolution ploughed on remorselessly, enabling only the most adaptable to go on to the next stage.
135, If Darwin were alive today, he would surely place mankind as the prime mover in global evolution.
136, The evolution of the comic book continued on its varied path, developing new ideas and throwing up new characters.
137, Historically it has been convenient to explore them as an evolution from the works of Euclid.
138, A much earlier development than the biblical canon was the evolution of the threefold ministry of bishop, presbyter,[http:///evolution.html] and deacon.
139, Cultural and social anthropology was then concerned with the evolution of human society and culture.
140, There is little direct connection, because many early ecologists were not interested in evolution.
141, The Journal last year accelerated its evolution from national business daily to global one.
142, Only by involving every group in the evolution of these structures can problems be avoided.
143, He proposed that, therefore, Darwinian evolution is primarily about changes in the genes.
144, It is but a short step from this to natural selection and evolution in the laboratory.
145, Astronomy and Astrophysics Modern astrophysics studies the formation, structure and evolution of stars and galaxies and of the Universe itself.
146, Why should biblical scholarship, which is pertinent to so many lives, be thus immune to evolution and development?
147, The education committee of the Ohio legislature has been considering a bill requiring evidence against evolution to also be taught.
148, Who has analysed and solved this problem - evolution, or the bees themselves?
149, Neither biological nor cultural evolution is any guarantee that we are inevitably moving towards a better world.
150, Will there not be a continuity of evolution implied, in contradiction to our postulated discontinuous collapse?
151, Charles Darwin, in his theory of evolution by means of natural selection, stressed the role of competition.
152, It emerged in public consciousness as a reaction to Charles Darwin and the evolution controversy.
153, There is no reason why general trends in evolution shouldn't be reversed.
154, This striping becomes synonymous with social attachment and is therefore the ideal pattern for evolution to exaggerate with contrasting colours.
155, I know of no very explicit discussion of how this could come about, in evolution or in individual development.
156, This year, the state Legislature spent months debating a bill that would have banned the teaching of evolution as fact.
157, Not only was Buckinghamshire small, its inadequate internal communications served to check the evolution of a true county town.
158, I hope my work on the evolution of cooperation helps the world avoid conflict.
159, Keepers must breed from what little they possess.-which itself means evolution.
160, If we do not view patriarchy as a necessary and inevitable step in human cultural evolution, how did it come about?
161, The instruments are designed for high precision scientific applications including single crystal calorimetry, laser induced desorption and flash temperature gas evolution.
162, This will give some intuitive idea of the amount of change that we can expect in real natural evolution.
163, These birds, the icon of all evolution textbooks, show why species adapted to different ways of life stay separate.
164, In our desire to become the architects of our own evolution, we risk the very real possibility of losing our humanity.
165, It is our own species that really shows what cultural evolution can do.
166, Therefore evolution would not load it up with such extra baggage.
167, In the most general terms, evolution is a tight web and ecology a loose one.
168, The ideas of evolution were denounced by many as monstrous and antireligious,[] if not downright silly.
169, The Berlin Philharmonic, founded in 1882, has grown up in tandem with the evolution of the star conductor.
170, Moreover, the most natural thing of all about evolution is that some natures will be pitted against others.
171, The first question concerns the extent to which preconceptions about evolution should be allowed to influence the creation of classifications.
172, Much can be learned about the course of the great stream of evolution from domestication, its minor tributary.
173, So technology that builds the boats leads directly to biological adaptation and evolution.
174, Comparison of the Orbiter and Lauder data permits a detailed portrait of the origin and evolution of a giant dust storm.
175, Not surprising, you might think, in animals designed by Darwinian evolution to find associations in the real world.
176, Thus the assembly rules of the mind build up during evolution, element by element.
177, These relationships were a natural consequence of evolution working to produce mutual interactions from which all the species involved would benefit.
178, The evolution of parasitic relationships involves countless compromises and adjustments between the two partners.
179, Problems and progress in the evolution of teaching skills are an important agenda item for such meetings.
180, The benefits that consumers will enjoy are dependent on unbridled competition within the industry; government intervention will only hinder its evolution.
181, I picture the evolution of human consciousness in the shape of an hourglass.
182, In the very early stages of the evolution of a business concern, the entrepreneur is not much concerned with security.
183, In 1901 Hobhouse made an early attempt at accounting for the evolution of mental structure.
184, This is a development of some importance for the evolution of integrated caring services in the community.
185, For each step forward in market technology they took a step backward in human evolution.
186, Culture and symbolic language, once developed through evolution, allow humans to race ahead.
187, The accurate diagnosis achieved combined with the evolution of intrauterine surgery, however, is radically changing patients' management.
188, If humanity has a future at all, the issue of democracy will remain central to its political evolution.
189, Its history has a message for evolution: that the existence of any creature is a constant struggle against relentless forces.
190, This ongoing evolution of the Internet has ramifications for the types of commercial activities it can offer.
191, The theory of evolution by natural selection reached out far beyond biology, and therein lies its significance.
192, The extent and nature of migration is discussed with reference to the evolution of local labour markets.
193, This is just another unfortunate blip in the evolution of online services.
194, Much the most coherent explanation for the evolution of such phenomena is still Charles Darwin's.
195, Webster said he taught creationism to encourage students to consider alternative views about evolution and the age of the world.
196, The next chapter describes the evolution of the International Monetary System.
197, Of these, according to orbital evolution calculations, about a third are lost through collision with Earth.
198, Some anomalies which had been arising as a result of the previous piecemeal evolution of means-tested benefit were eliminated.
199, A more tentative evolution towards greater breadth and flexibility would be expected.
200, This is the fifth crucial stage in the evolution of life.
201, The third advance has been the construction of formal models for cultural evolution.
202, They are regions of huge biological diversity, a treasure chest of invaluable worth, representing 60 million years of evolution.
203, So, in this science fiction view of human evolution, primitive promiscuity was soon replaced by more orderly patterns of existence.
204, The end product of such a course of evolution is an obligate parasite that is inextricably linked to a particular host.
205, In turn it means that adaptive evolution may be faster than biologists had thought.
206, This isolation, like the isolation in terrestrial evolution, breeds variety and marked differences.
207, Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. Albert Einstein 
208, To understand the details of human social evolution the nearest point of interspecific comparison lies among the apes.
209, If you believe in evolution, you believe man is descended from primates, and primates are vegetarian.
210, We have arrived at the sixth crucial stage in the evolution of life.
211, This has profound implications for our understanding of the evolution of sexually monomorphic ornaments in many other bird species.
212, The answer is that it provides us with a way to understand evolution as a gradual, cumulative process.
213, Conversely, opposition to Darwinian evolution, even among scientists, came from the socially conservative.
214, This property of amplification makes it impossible to make long-term predictions about evolution, as one can in astronomy.
215, All these constraints form the third crucial stage of the evolution of life on earth.
216, Both would interfere with the natural process of evolution and natural selection which ensured social progress.
217, Political paralysis has prevented the evolution of either clear tactics or a coherent strategy.
218, Their approach is informal and Physics of Stellar Evolution and Cosmology reads like a scientific detective story.
219, When Kansas removed evolution from its science standards, Bush courageously said this was a matter for the state to decide.
220, Nothing could satisfy the naturalists but an experiment, one demonstrating that the sexiness of sons drove the evolution of an ornament.
221, Brown believes the Greys are attempting to speed human evolution and enhance our spirituality by creating humans with some Grey genes.
222, The environmental movement is devoted to-and is itself a form of-conscious evolution.
223, The process of biological evolution has taken billions of years.
224, The discovery of Eoraptor has opened a window into the early evolution of theropods.
225, The theory of evolution did not originate with Darwin.
226, Because evolution is a numbers game.
227, Evolution of zeolite synthesis was reviewed.
228, The neutrino is rather peculiar and unique in the evolution of the universe.
229, The paper analyzes the evolution of Straits Settlements governments policy to overseas Chinese secret society.
230, So why hasn't it disappeared? Because evolution is a numbers game.
231, The microstructural evolution of semisolid AZ 91 magnesium alloy by SIMA process was investigated.
232, Scientific neologism is itself just linguistic evolution gone self - conscious,[ ] as science is self - conscious common sense.
233, It is doubtful whether true linearism exists in any social process or evolution.
234, Keywords: Government Power, the Rule of Law, Evolution, Replicator Dynamics.
235, Stringer disagrees, however . " Evolution goes on all the time . You don't have to intervene.
236, The evolution of the public trust doctrine is well illustrated by three cases from California.
237, The deposit outgrowth of tectonic evolution of the Jinning - Chengjing Period.
238, The evolution of the research is to promote the development of physical anthropology another important factor.
239, The phylogeny of human society, the evolution that moves toward intellectual economy just about history.
240, Evolving drugs allows a researcher to be stupid, while evolution slowly accumulates the smartness.
241, The evolution of elastic properties is connected with the secondary piezoelectric effect.
242, Here was Stravinsky , a musical revolutionary whose own evolution never stopped.
243, Secondly, the history evolution of pilotage institution in china is reviewed.
244, Carl Zimmer: Through understanding evolution, you get to understand more about life itself.
245, Its anatomy and evolution shed light on the profound differences between humans and other animals.
246, Issue regarding the Homo sapiens speciation and evolution has been intensively and extensively focused on.
247, The first part tries to discuss the influences of the politics vicissitude on literature evolution.
248, River section analysis is the foundation of riverbed evolution analysis.
249, Evolution of minerals and living organisms is governed by common ontogenetic laws.
250, The ceramic - polymer phase piezoelectric composites and its research evolution were introduced.
251, The evolution of the Stars and Stripes reflects the growth of the United States.
252, It provides a case interpretation for the research on the evolution of modern local power structure.
253, Zimmer said scientists are still figuring out the mysterious ways that evolution works.
254, The palaeogeographical evolution sensitively responds to the tectonism in the whole Triassic.
255, In the Scopes Monkey Trial a school teacher was arraigned for teaching evolution.
256, Chapter three discusses the general orderliness and road style on evolution of urban structure.
257, Blind dumb evolution had designed an ingenious, and quite useful, software program.
258, The theory pushes the history of primate evolution back some ten million years.
259, Evolution is as firmly established a scientific fact as the roundness of the Earth.
260, It's like biology: an ecosystem where microbes are promiscuously swapping genes and traits, evolution speeds up.
261, A leading neuroscientist says processing digital information can rewire your circuits. But is it evolution?
262, This paper, in terms of sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary dynamics dynamic evolution of Xichang Compound Basin.
263, It is appears that the evolution between the amalgamation operation and separateness has experienced two times.
264, Scilla sinensis as ideal material in the research of the evolution of plant polyploidization.
265, Since there are no directional trends in organic evolution, nothing about life's future can be forecast.
266, Deep, pluralistic evolution, like intelligence, is an emergent property of a community of dynamics.
267, Classical Sanskrit can therefore be considered a seamless evolution of the earlier Vedic language.
268, Objective evolution the features of propofol on pharmacology and clinical uses.
269, In the framework of biological evolution, physical anthropology and the existing and extinct species closely related.
270, Knowledge spillover in clusters is realized through personnel transfer, enterprises evolution, informal communication, etc.
271, This paper uses an immune evolution strategy to solve quadratic assignment problems.
272, It is from the nonphysical that global ascension and the evolution of each species is fostered.
273, Some important information about ancient plate tectonics and crustal evolution may be obtained from grey gneisses.
274, The results show that the existence of tungstate has great restraint action on cathodic hydrogen evolution.
275, Growth is a necessary phase in the evolution of a new company.
276, Darwin's theory of evolution was unaccepted and condemned by religious people.
277, With every remaking, evolution becomes a process more able to alter itself.
278, Special experiments were conducted to analyze gravitational erosion variation in rill evolution process on loess slope.
279, summarize this with the motto binary compatibility ensures migration compatibility — or, more concisely, erasure eases evolution.
280, This thesis firstly gives a brief introduction on plant process and evolution of coagulant dosage control.
281, Evolution was a machine without a designer, a watch made by a blind watchmaker.
282, Some people see evolution as an undeviating upward march from simple organisms to the very complex.
283, The second part is the evolution of urban planning in western countries.
284, It is generally assumed that no hydrogen evolution takes place in the polarographic plateau region.
285, The latest evolution in the financial markets has been the rise of program trading.
286, Opaqueness, on the other hand, would hinder anticipation, adaptation, and evolution of complex vivisystems altogether.
287, The Darwin natural selection theory thought that it is promotes the organic evolution the important attribute.
288, Microsporidia are parasitic protozoa, and have a relative long evolution history.
289, And the value of field entropy decreases, the evolution periodicity increases, when the coupling atom strengthens.
290, The historical evolution of the firm reflects the inter action of financial permeation.
291, Fig . 3 The time evolution curve of solar wind radial speed incited by disturbance propagation.
292, Why should evolution, exactly as Darwin knew it and described it, be planless and irrational?
293, But rare is the book on evolution theory that tells the story of steadfastness.
294, With organisms of sufficient complexity,(sentence dictionary) behavioral and somatic evolution emerged.
295, Present advertising media take place a lot of change, including common evolution, assemble appreciation, and omnibus.




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