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单词 Radical
1 His opinions are very radical.
2 Radical left-wing parties gained control of local authorities.
3 This decision signified a radical change in their policies.
4 He was known as a radical reformer/thinker/politician.
5 The patient got a radical cure in the hospital.
6 The government is putting through some radical social reforms.
7 The revolution caused a radical reformation of the society.
8 The way we work has undergone a radical transformation in the past decade.
9 The professor's a radical in politics but a conservative dresser.
10 They are proposing radical changes to the way the company is run.
11 The radical group in the ruling party is becoming increasingly isolated.
12 To the radical blacks of the Sixties, he was an Uncle Tom.
13 Radical remarks like this amount to heresy for most members of the Republican party.
14 Radical views don't carry much weight anymore.
15 That was one radical party last night!
16 This firm needs radical changes across the board.
17 A radical overhaul of the tax system is necessary.
18 I was shocked by her radical views.
19 She was a radical all her life.
20 Thinking people agreed on the need for radical reform.
21 Increasingly, their goals have become more radical.
22 Such a radical proposal would never get through parliament.
23 She has always been identified with the radical left.
24 The Socialists introduced fairly radical reforms.
25 There are radical differences between the two organizations.
26 It was a radical departure from tradition.
27 She is radical in her demands.
28 The country needs a period of calm without more surges of radical change.
29 I belong to the school of thought that favors radical change.
30 As tempers rose, he spoke out strongly against some of the radical ideas for selling off state-owned property.
1 His opinions are very radical.
2 Radical left-wing parties gained control of local authorities.
3 This decision signified a radical change in their policies.
4 He was known as a radical reformer/thinker/politician.
5 The revolution caused a radical reformation of the society.
6 The way we work has undergone a radical transformation in the past decade.
7 The professor's a radical in politics but a conservative dresser.
8 The country needs a period of calm without more surges of radical change.
9 They are proposing radical changes to the way the company is run.
10 The radical group in the ruling party is becoming increasingly isolated.
11 To the radical blacks of the Sixties, he was an Uncle Tom.
12 Radical remarks like this amount to heresy for most members of the Republican party.
13 As tempers rose, he spoke out strongly against some of the radical ideas for selling off state-owned property.
31 He made a radical change in the plan.
32 He likes to present himself as a radical politician.
33 The party is radical in its objectives.
34 Radical eye surgery promises to cure short-sightedness.
35 This document marks a radical departure from earlier recommendations.
36 He belongs to the radical wing of the party.
37 He has put forward some very radical ideas .
38 The tone of the report was radical.
39 Militants within the party are demanding radical reforms.
40 Radical reformers are once more in the ascendant.
41 These people have very radical views.
42 She is putting forward radical proposals for electoral reform.
43 Changes at the newspaper are more incremental than radical.
44 The company is undergoing a radical shake-up.
45 The Football League has announced its proposals for a radical reform of the way football is run in England.
46 He was regularly pilloried by the press for his radical ideas.
47 Radical reform was, of course, opposed by the old guard.
48 This is a desperate situation which requires a truly radical solution.
49 He's trying to bring together various strands of radical philosophic thought.
50 Looking ahead, we must expect radical changes to be made in our system of government.
51 With such a majority,(http:///radical.html) the administration was emboldened to introduce radical new policies.
52 He has surrounded himself with a raft of advisers who are very radical.
53 The new centre-right government's radical objectives are often couched in moderate terms.
54 The Greens see themselves as a radical alternative to the two major British political parties.
55 The feeling among the grassroots of the Party is that the leaders are not radical enough.
56 Radical feminism is currently the fashionable topic among the chattering classes.
57 He has stuck by his radical plans for economic reform.
58 Radical, militant factions want to continue using the hostages as a lever to gain concessions from the west.
59 This would be a radical departure from the subsidy system.
60 The radical 500-day plan was very clear on how it intended to try to restrain inflation.
61 This thesis led to a radical reshaping of Labour policies.
62 Most people felt Mr Major fought a pretty mealy-mouthed campaign in which radical ideas were either dropped or blunted.
63 These are radical changes which will alter the complexion of the British contemporary dance scene.
64 We need to make some radical changes to our operating procedures.
65 If he presents himself as a radical he risks scaring off the moderates.
66 The mayor was criticized by radical reformers for his indecisiveness.
67 They wanted a weak president and a strong one-chamber parliament able to push through radical reforms.
68 The Conservative government will not slacken the pace of radical reform.
69 His radical views place him outside the mainstream of American politics.
70 Radical factions say the talks are getting nowhere and they want to withdraw.
71 The climate was too hot politically to make such radical changes.
72 The Russian Parliament has approved a program of radical economic reforms.
73 The government embarked on a programme of radical economic reform.
74 The whole system was crying out for a radical review.
75 In her essay, she characterizes the whole era as a period of radical change.
76 We observe that the first calls for radical transformation did not begin until the period of the industrial revolution.
77 The country is about to take a radical departure by electing a woman as its new president.
78 He has made one of the most powerful American films of the year by keeping faith with his radical principles.
79 What we are proposing is a radical change in approach.
80 Overcrowded conditions fuelled discontent and facilitated the spread of radical ideas.
81 I don't belong to the school of thought that favours radical change.
81 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
82 This has brought about a radical revision in the style of school management.
83 In a radical departure from Gov.
84 It represents a radical and all-embracing transfer of allegiance.
85 Newcastle is not remembered as a radical demagogue.
86 It is radical, revolutionary and deeply disturbing.
87 I used to edit a radical student newspaper.
88 Radical intellectuals were the most disenchanted of all.
89 The elements in this mixture barely seem to hang together; or rather, radical disjunctions are part of the effect.
90 She hunted stereotypes down as if they were sewer rats and stuck radical slogans to the fridge door.
91 On the other hand, there were grave limitations in using existing adult education institutions for radical education and action.
92 These radical changes, designed to make work more rewarding, were not confined to the tax system.
93 Changes in his wardrobe were one thing, radical alterations in the traditional country code were quite another.
94 The last three groups were a type of radical Protestant sometimes called Anabaptist, because they did not believe in infant baptism.
95 We conclude, therefore, that the radical perspective on the labour process offers a far-reaching critique of conventional organisation theory.
96 The actual policy response to the C D P analysis was far removed from the radical prescriptions of the activists.
97 Until last week, Kaczynski had neither been arrested nor involved in radical political activity, a law enforcement official said.
98 Shakespeare provides a particular problem for radical critics who ideologically object to eminence.
99 A long-term solution may be a radical reform of the Press Complaints Commission aimed at getting more informative, balanced reporting.
100 Instead of being directly involved, radical supporters were diverted into the groups where their thoughts could be sifted and selected at will.
101 It has been a radical rallying cry ever since Lenin laid it down as doctrine.
102 Radical breaks on stamp duty are planned to entice house buyers into rundown areas.
103 Six months is not a long time in which to evaluate the most radical overhaul of the civil justice system since 1875.
104 Yet far from ensuring loyalty to the statusquo, their elevated position made students receptive to radical ideas.
105 The plan enhanced Chapman's fame in the football world generally, but it was too radical to win immediate acceptance.
106 But that is clearly a radical step, only likely to be taken when very serious abuse is involved.
107 The eighteenth century was thus a period of slow evolution rather than radical change in military affairs.
108 All this has happened in the country that was first to reap the benefits of radical reform.
109 There are, however, considerable problems with such approaches, however desirable radical adult educators may consider them to be.
110 Radical action Many companies already identify audit committee members in the annual reports.
111 Members of the radical Right combined with communists in holding an illegal meeting.
112 Partnerships are a radical intervention in a world stuck with its past(Sentence dictionary), confounded by its present and fearful of its future.
113 Maxwell's electromagnetic theory involved an aether occupying all space, whereas Einstein's radical recasting of it eliminated the aether.
114 She also endorses the radical feminist view that the well-being of private and public life depends on a better understanding of feeling.
115 By last year the crisis had reached such proportions that Southern California introduced radical new regulations to control air pollution.
116 The Wurzel is the most sophisticated and its inventor has studied heron behaviour and come up with a radical audible warn-off.
117 The outcome of the voting on June 13 was portrayed by observers as a victory for supporters of radical economic reform.
118 This belief will call for radical changes in employment, management and corporate strategy.
119 I would make it less coy about its radical tradition Inky fingers!
120 However, in the context of the climate that had previously existed at Fremont, this was radical stuff indeed.
121 The Health Service has become a dinosaur. It needs radical reform if it is to survive.
122 Radical elite theorists regard Weberian, or organization theory, conceptions of bureaucracy as ideological.
123 Even a few years earlier, the prospect of radical change in the Roman Catholic Church was virtually unimaginable.
124 You believe that artistic expression involves some kind of radical transformation.
125 I was privileged to use the leadership principles Chuck Yeager describes in leading radical transformations in four major Air Force organizations.
126 Local eradication of prostatic cancer probably occurs more commonly with radical prostatectomy than with radiotherapy.
127 Many, particularly among the younger deputies, were convinced that something radical had to be done.
128 One might think that radical behaviourists such as Skinner would advocate the classification of stimuli along purely physical dimensions.
129 Already he has called an extraordinary meeting of directors and supporters to discuss his radical new proposals.
130 This radical break with tradition had far-reaching effects on the tone and substance of the poetry.
131 But that scenario presented geophysicists with a radical yet plausible explanation for the anti-continents.
132 But sometimes one longs for her to try a radical change in direction.
133 Radical activists wanted to break up the estates that once belonged to the Shah and his acolytes.
134 But the other changes have been both radical and far-sighted.
135 The more radical campaigners focus on poverty eradication and debt cancellation.
136 However, they do not expect any radical revision to emerge in the run-up to legislation.
137 A final recommendation of the consultants was a radical attempt to forge a closer working relationship between the board and staff members.
138 Marxist theories Marxist-based studies of crime are sometimes referred to under the titles of radical or critical criminology.
139 The radical right's anxieties had been further strengthened by the effects of the Bolshevik revolution of 1917.
140 Downsizing continues apace with radical change thanks to galloping new technology, while the current merger epidemic leads to unpredictable job loss.
141 Early into the strike, the university backed down, but a small core of radical students continued to occupy the campus.
141 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
142 The very radical autonomy of modernist cultural forms makes their social or social-historical explanation an extremely difficult pursuit.
143 He would scrap the federal income tax and replace it with a national sales tax, a radical idea.
144 Mary Daly's classic work Gyn/Ecology is a good example of radical feminist wordplay.
145 A radical criminology which appears to deny this will be seen as callous and rightly rejected.
146 Rather than concluding that I had been too radical in Opposition, I fast came to the view 1 had been too cautious.
147 The body politic may have undergone radical surgery and it may have aged considerably, but it has continued to endure.
148 Senior Tories pressed Michael Heseltine, the environment secretary, to discuss radical changes to the poll tax.
149 On contact with the chemoattractant they form oxygen free radical species and there is release of lysosomal enzymes after phagocytosis.
150 It seems that our pursuit of happiness is proving to be much more radical than we bargained for.
151 City College was a radical and controversial experiment long before the advent of open admissions.
152 However, the Colorados' Batllismo Radical faction, which hitherto had had one representative in the Cabinet pulled out of the coalition.
153 Among more radical monetarists and free marketeers there remains disappointment that the government had not done more to shift the middle ground.
154 She was on the editorial board of the radical magazine Black Dwarf.
155 By the end of World War I, however, she faced a widening split with her radical allies.
156 The ostensible reason was Mr Moussa's supposedly unauthorised dialogue with representatives of the main radical religious group, the Jamaat Islamiya.
157 Other studies have showed that profiting from agrarian reform can be combined with a more radical political commitment.
158 Radical subjectivism brings the anguish and forlornness of existentialism to man at the close of dualism.
159 It was a radical departure from the past, an interlude of democracy in an otherwise unbroken line of authoritarian rule.
160 From the 1950s to the 1990s radical changes in teaching styles reflect major changes in social and cultural values.
161 We can only hope Congress may have a radical change of heart about welfare benefits.
162 Conservative and radical scientific ideas were disseminated from Paris by naturalists and anatomists returning home inspired by what they had heard.
163 Others emphasize the radical, sometimes even personally risky, break that a new convert must make.
164 This radical and sweeping blueprint for Britain's peacetime civil aviation industry was considered by the War Cabinet on 25 February 1943.
165 Some critics echo the radical anti-abortion lobby in comparing stem cell research to the Holocaust.
166 She was a reporter with the City Press, and an occasional correspondent for the Star - a radical national daily.
167 Politicians who objected to Mrs Thatcher and her radical conviction politics suffered the anguish of apparently unresolvable frustration.
168 He was a middle class radical who fancied the idea of being around two real street kids.
169 Can it avoid self-destruction caused by the strong ideological differences among its moderate and its more radical factions?
170 A couple of the more radical organisations have said they respect a diversity of tactics ranging from popular education to direct action.
171 These new ideas demand radical changes in the design of the entire business process.
172 In these senses this show contributes to contemporary radical perspectives within the visual arts,(http:///radical.html) especially as contextualised within the gallery.
173 The most radical feminists have approached the question from the opposite direction.
174 Prescriptions have included decentralization, electoral reform and more radical economic policies.
175 After Stonewall this process sharply accelerated, creating a radical new medical situation in the gay world.
176 Gielgud will be best remembered for a series of radical interpretations and performances in Shakespearean roles.
177 His detention has provoked the anger of his supporters, who include the radical state senator Tom Hayden.
178 First and most radical, a new means of propulsion other than the internal combustion engine might be considered.
179 Things might be difficult for a while but I didn't envisage any radical changes.
180 Neither parents nor politicians are crying out for radical reform of the system.
181 This is likely to lead to radical changes in the committee's procedures, which could be implemented next year.
182 It was responsible for drafting a Bill and a campaign which resulted in the introduction of radical and influential legislation in 1974.
183 However, radical community education is not concerned with complementing or invasion.
184 They need time to digest radical change, otherwise their immediate reaction is negative.
185 Many people feared that the 1969 Act was too radical and would make life too easy for the young delinquent.
186 It also underlines one of the main reasons why community education did not become a radical movement for social change.
187 Moreover, such educational concepts are integrally related to political commitments to a radical and decentralised democratic social and political structure.
188 One way of assessing the government's radical intent is to examine its policies towards the provision of private health care.
189 Alongside the current assessment revolution are equally radical curriculum initiatives associated with a whole alphabet soup of acronyms.
190 But the radical wing of ETA seems to have switched its attention to journalists.
191 The more radical strategies will not be feasible unless the political climate of the organisation is conducive to major change.
192 The radical elite theorists emphasized that popular participation is perfectly feasible, but collusion between elite groups prevents it from being established.
193 Agit-poppers convinced themselves that rock was archaic and debased, no longer capable of functioning as a medium for radical comment.
194 With the other chamber resisting radical change, Miller finalized the new proposal at a meeting with Kingston Tuesday morning.
195 The party seems to be becoming less radical, and drifting more towards the centre.
196 Councillors are set to consider a number of radical measures to alleviate problems with buses using the town centre.
197 She is careful not to criticize the president, but makes it clear that she thinks the government's policies should be far more radical.
198 The time has come for a radical re-examination of the provision of services for this particularly disadvantaged group of people.
199 But in fact the notional/functional approach has generally been represented as a radical departure, a complete break with the past.
200 Where Marxism is seen to advocate radical change, functionalism is seen to justify and legitimate the statusquo.
201 It is paradoxical that so old an image should be seen to represent such a new and radical departure.
202 This would be a radical departure from the subsidy system that has dominated the agricultural economy for more than 50 years.
203 Radical rhetoric can disguise essential continuities in policy or simply provide a posthoc gloss to changes which were happening anyway.
204 Key events included radical job changes and serious problems,(http:///radical.html) as well as lucky breaks.
205 Radical restructuring could work only if Sam had people on his side, pulling together instead of pulling the company apart.
206 Other beneficiaries include an international financier and fugitive, Marc Rich; a leftist radical convicted of conspiring to bomb the U.S.
207 The company needs to adopt a much more radical approach.
208 Well, not too radical actually, since trades unionists are not noted for their enthusiasm for rapid change.
209 It is tempting to underestimate the scale and radical nature of changes occurring around us, socially or geographically.
210 What he contributes as a participant in collective life ranges from reform to radical re-structuring.
211 It rejected evidence from government witnesses that present management arrangements were working well and has called for a radical reorganization.
212 The stance on independence represented a victory for the party's radical New Tide faction.
213 Incidents such as this one were commonly reported by military intelligence as evidence of black ties with radical groups.
214 Several faculty whose work embodied a radical critique of culture were dismissive of the work we did.
215 The most radical and definitive solution would be for all Third World debtor countries to collectively renounce their debts.
216 The more successful the environmental movement becomes, the more radical its partisans become.
217 Various international bodies warned of the need to impose radical austerity measures without delay if adverse trends were to be reversed.
218 They further confused the tone of a piece that had about it the whiff of 1970s radical agitprop.
219 The ships of these fleets had also undergone a radical change.
220 This radical change of emphasis proved to be extremely unpopular with doctors both in primary care and the hospital service.
221 Protected areas of global importance, including the Wolong Panda Reserve, may experience radical changes.
222 He never deviated from the radical right's agenda, but he gave it a warm, sympathetic face.
223 You may wish to consider the nature of its nationalisation programme and critically examine how radical or socialist it was.
224 Yet community education in working-class communities has not grown to offer a radical alternative to traditional adult education provision.
225 The 1976 Act also makes a radical change as regards the grounds for granting or refusing an application for a licence.
226 This departure from the rigid procedures of experimental psychology sets up a radical challenge to the conventional discipline.
227 What is more, protein from plants can be cheap and need not involve you in too much radical diet change.
228 In the next decade, microcomputers will stimulate radical changes in every part of the educational system.
229 It was' 68, and we were both, you know, radical, and civil rights, and feminism.
230 The widening of educational opportunity in the immediate post-war period was not accompanied by radical changes in its content.
231 Blackwell's radical ideas point to the tentative beginnings of a discourse on active female sexuality.
231 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
232 As always with such radical experiments, business people feared for their prosperity, equating passing traffic with increased turnover.
233 The fortunes of the young are always the most affected by radical economic change.
234 Procedures after the discovery of these tumours have varied from mere follow up to radical gastrectomy.
235 Student assemblies, cafeterias, and libraries provided a semi-institutional network within which radical ideas and literature could circulate.
236 We call this a radical pluralist position, since it represents a compromise between Marxism and the pluralist tradition in sociology.
237 In terms of domestic policy there will not be any radical changes.
238 For a government committed to radical change, they had a number of disadvantages.
239 Firstly we believe representative government to be an unprincipled fraud and propose a radical alternative in the form of participative democracy.
240 Radical elite theory's machine model presupposes that both party and state organizations are effectively controlled by socially dominant elites.
241 Perhaps disloyalty to an existing dispensation that has endowed one with one's privileges does look like radical chic.
242 Apparently Vinik had a radical change of heart when it came to technology stocks generally in November.
243 An emerging contemporary example of radical change is in the business which to date has been concerned with the defence industries.
244 With the Tories elected for a fourth successive term, the politics of the opposition are obviously up for radical examination.
245 Far from hanging on to its radical credentials, abstract expressionism was seen by many to have sedimented into mainstream orthodoxy.
246 But again political events were overtaking the scheme and bringing in their wake a radical reshaping of the whole programme.
247 The prospect of artificial intelligence and life online has contributed to a radical shift in interpersonal relations.
248 Treatment may begin with simple or radical hysterectomy.
249 A radical reappraisal of our trade with China.
250 Hundreds of radical students flocked to Sian.
251 The effect of residence time on mechanism of chain termination of An radical polymerization was discussed.
252 My friend, Patrick, has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr. Lane ? ? s Radical Progressive Party.
253 Pro - Nogenol: Cell protector; Helps to transmit Vitamin C through the body; Free radical scavenger.
254 Objective To investigate factors related to bladder function rehabilitation and urodynamic change in after radical hysterectomy.
255 Eg : " My friend, Crawley, has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr Lane's Radical Progressive Party . "
256 Inspired by motorsport, the new SLK is a radical step forward in roadster design.
257 RESULTS: Fifty - four patients underwent abdominal radical hysterectomy, and 35 underwent total laparoscopic radical hysterectomy.
258 Methods: 26 patients who were scheduled to receive radical hysterectomy were enrolled in this study.
259 A truly radical redesign of aid policy was never on the cards.
260 We performed radical prostatectomy on localized prostate cancer cases. pathology reports after operations reinforced our diagnosis.
261 A Comparison of Stages IB 1 and IB 2 Cervical Cancers Treated With Radical Hysterectomy.
261 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
262 This seminal vesicle is from a 45 year - old man who underwent radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer.
263 Anti - corruption must stick to the two aspects oftaking stopgap measures and taking radical measures.
264 Objective To study the protective action of rearm by anti - oxygen free radical to the grafted liver.
265 Objective : To probe into the operation method and clinical result of extraperitoneal laparoscopic radical prostatectomy.
266 BACKGROUND: Radical prostatectomy is widely used in the treatment of early prostate cancer.
267 The forms of prostate cancer included radical prostatectomy external beam radiotherapy and brachytherapy.
268 On racecourse's Hamilton an inch, his radical surmounting already had even caused the matches hostility.
269 After a radical reform, the social welfare system ising smoothly.




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