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单词 Adapt
1 The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. 
2 The reasonble man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself, Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. 
3 She knew how to adapt herself.
4 You should adapt yourself to the new class.
5 He is going to adapt his play for television.
6 It's amazing how quickly people adapt.
7 The author is going to adapt his stories for television.
8 I suggested he should adapt himself to his new conditions.
9 It is really hard for Jim to adapt to the new environment.
10 All living organisms have to adapt to changes in environmental conditions.
11 The children are finding it hard to adapt to the new school.
12 The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.
13 He added philosophically that one should adapt oneself to the changed conditions.
14 Yulan magnolia can adapt to a variety of soils.
15 Businesses must adapt to change or stagnate.
16 All organisations need to adapt to changed circumstances.
17 He maintains Islam must adapt to modern society.
18 Chung has tried to adapt to local customs.
19 Businesses have to adapt to change.
20 The company can easily adapt to changing demand.
21 It's amazing how soon you adapt.
22 How do these insects adapt themselves to new environments?
23 We have had to adapt quickly to the new system.
24 It took him a while to adapt himself to his new surroundings.
25 When I adapt something I translate from one meaning to another as faithfully as I can.
26 The scriptwriter helped him to adapt his novel for the screen.
27 You must adapt to the norms of the society you live in.
28 The designing institute has been revamped recently to adapt itself to the new developing circumstances.
29 The world will be different,[] and we will have to be prepared to adapt to the change.
30 When you go to a new country, you must adapt yourself to new manners and customs.
1 You should adapt yourself to the new class.
2 It's amazing how quickly people adapt.
3 It is really hard for Jim to adapt to the new environment.
4 The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to adapt to the change.
5 All living organisms have to adapt to changes in environmental conditions.
6 The children are finding it hard to adapt to the new school.
31 They have had to adapt themselves to a war economy.
32 A large organization can be slow to adapt to change.
33 To remain competitive the company has to be able to adapt to the changing marketplace.
34 We need to assess the new situation and adapt accordingly.
35 Some carers and dependants find it difficult to adapt to a role reversal .
36 Although these vegetables adapt well to our temperate climate, they tend to crop poorly.
37 The ability to adapt is a definite asset in this job.
38 It took me a while to adapt to the new job.
39 Shelves were built to adapt the library for use as an office.
40 Adapt your usual eating regime to make it more nutritious.
41 The good thing about children is that they adapt very easily to new environments.
42 Some species of animals have become extinct because they could not adapt to a changing environment.
43 The two cultures were so utterly disparate that she found it hard to adapt from one to the other.
44 We live in a changing world and people must learn to adapt.
45 The organisms were forced to adapt in order to survive.
46 Some animals have a remarkable ability to adapt to changing environments.
47 A lot of companies have found it hard to adapt to the new system.
48 We must constantly adapt and innovate to ensure success in a growing market.
49 They have to adapt and change.
50 The Quakers failed to adapt and almost died.
51 I can probably adapt some of his ideas.
52 We had to adapt and play more direct.
53 You will either adapt to changes or become unemployed.
54 When just depends on how I adapt.
55 Then they try and adapt and mould it.
56 Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. Stephen Hawking 
57 There are all sorts of ways you can adapt these ideas to make the patterns give your exclusive results.
58 But many farmers will need help to adapt to the new conditions, and we will continue to provide assistance.
59 He could hardly adapt the style of the building's closest neighbour, the Soviet-like Novotel Hotel.
60 For example, it enables the more severely disabled to adapt equipment, such as computers, to meet their needs.
61 Pluralists have even tried to adapt Schumpeter's account, but have neglected his strong elitist account of input politics.
62 While Man has stopped developing, animals seem to learn, adapt and change all the time.
63 Those that failed to adapt perished.1 With his own eyes he saw proofs of it.
64 The projections build in the ability of farmers to adapt to climate change by changing crops and farming methods.
65 They will also adapt their social structure under different environmental conditions.
66 Our remote ancestors took two hundred million years to learn how to adapt to the land.
67 In all of these situations the dominant social system lost its ability to adapt.
68 You need to adapt to the demands of your own particular life-style.
69 If the population as a whole fails to adapt under pressure, the species will be wiped out by a rival.
70 Progress is often alarmingly rapid as their enthusiasm and natural abilities adapt to the new environment.
71 It enjoys slightly acidic water and seems to adapt well to higher than usual temperatures.
72 It used to be the normal practice to adapt buildings for different purposes over their lives.
73 The guiding principle of the Okapi research is that the system must adapt itself to the user rather than the converse.
74 He was like a chameleon, she thought with wry admiration, able to adapt at will to any situation.
75 More often, however, the cause is simple frustration at being unable to adapt to the technical demands of the art.
76 Comments: A very hardy plant which, though essentially a bog one, will adapt well to submerged conditions.
77 We adapt and suppress our needs in order to behave in a civilised fashion.
78 After living in a house with a garden, it's hard to adapt to living in a flat.
79 Clientelism is a strategy used by capitalists and workers to adapt to a situation where there is limited mobility.
80 Eating habits have changed under external influences, and it is not always easy for farming to adapt to such changes.
81 I have learned to adapt the eating plan to my needs.
82 However, resources are required for these opportunities for education to learn and adapt business approaches.
83 Retraining of the network to adapt to changes in the operating environment requires only processing time and new data.
84 In recent years, farmers have tried to adapt their product to a supposed demand for leaner beef.
85 Such foreign-controlled labs may help adapt or develop products and/or production processes to better conform to local conditions.
86 We must learn when to adapt and when to resist, or be swallowed up.
87 It also discussed the possibility of a World Bank grant to help industry to adapt to the demands of the protocol.
88 Ken found it hard to adapt to the new age.
89 Training will be provided for recruits who have the ability to adapt their skills to the needs of our programmes.
90 This means the network could learn continuously and adapt to changes over time.
91 During the six months I spent there I realised how important it was to adapt quickly.
92 A wide range of examples illustrate the text, designed to help teachers evaluate and adapt the materials they themselves use.
93 We can adapt our theories, or cast around for fresh ones, to suit our intuitions.
94 The Treasury will develop a system of control that temporarily contains the pressures: the spending departments will adapt.
95 If the owner had sufficient capital to adapt to the new methods, he did so.
96 It has the ability to respond to local conditions, and the flexibility to adapt.
97 It must now face the imperial impotence that Britain has found it so difficult to adapt to.
98 We can only generalize, and leave the composer to adapt the ideas put forward here to his own needs.
99 This in turn made it a simple matter to adapt Watt's engine to provide rotary motion.
100 After initially responding to new smells, they quickly adapt and stop responding once the smell becomes familiar.
101 Darwin's observations led him to deduce that plants and animals could adapt to their surroundings.
102 In the second movement, the instruments seem divided into groups and gradually adapt roles.
103 Personality formation continues when and if the adolescent begins to adapt the self to the adult world.
104 His heirs developed the business to adapt to changing modes of transport.
105 Other speakers adapt to far more, perhaps to most of them, at one time or another.
106 Even the foreground artists had to be specially selected, because not everyone was willing or able to adapt his technique.
107 As we adapt biologically to our environment, we adapt intellectually.
108 As the nature of insider dealing changed, there was a corresponding need to adapt other legal doctrines to fit the abuse.
109 This, however, is the reality of nursing, and the student must be helped to adapt to all situations.
110 To adapt to the increasing complexities of modern business life, an organisation can not afford to be a sluggish bureaucracy.
111 It would do - just - although they would have to shorten some of the solos and adapt the range.
112 Although tigers have been able to adapt to different climates and landscapes, they have not been able to live alongside people.
113 They are typical in that they adapt non-literary work on language.
114 Indoors(), there are many ways in which you can adapt your environment to suit the needs of your pets.
115 There was clearly a need to adapt my lifestyle, but playing the role of victim was never among my plans.
116 Tough targets have been set in quality and service levels and everyone has had to adapt to new ways of doing things.
117 It is you they need, and your skills they must be prepared to help you to adapt and improve.
118 The feedback also taught the managers to adapt their style to the subordinate.
119 They are expected suddenly to adapt to the modern world after a century of colonial domination and outside interference.
120 I've tried to adapt an adult's one but haven't been very successful.
121 Like other enforcement agents they adapt by employing protective strategies.
122 Teaching those with learning disability, sometimes physically disabled as well, to adapt to the demands of society.
123 This idea is so simple yet so effective that other manufacturers will surely adapt it in their ranges.
124 Having to adapt to changes in the school and to undergo a second deskilling.
125 Mollusks, like all living organisms, constantly adapt to changes in environmental conditions.
126 As farming methods changed, so the designs of farm buildings may have been changed to adapt to the new ideas.
127 Moreover, social values and structures have shown a remarkable ability to adapt to a rapidly changing environment.
128 Clearly all organisations, if they are to be successful need to adapt to changed circumstances.
129 Often families, like the patients, floundered in their efforts to adapt to new roles and changed life stories.
130 This method of planning was widely criticised for its inefficiency and its inability to adapt to changing demands.
131 The parties have failed to adapt and have lost much of their power and influence and most of their reason for being.
132 Its advanced manufacturing center helps local industries adapt to changes in technology and reduce costs.
133 The gonococcus has to adapt to any changes in its environment, particularly those which may compromise its chances of survival.
134 He asked that she be given six months' grace at Althorp so she could adapt to life without him./adapt.html
135 Usually Guppies are hardy fish and adapt to most water conditions, but they do prefer alkaline water.
136 The reasonable man adapts to the world, the unreasonable man makes the world adapt to him. Therefore progress depends on the unreasonable man. George Bernard Shaw 
137 This revamping is geared toward helping workers adapt to changing times.
138 Stanley Mill has survived, largely because of its ability to adapt to the changing needs of the market.
139 What about learning how to change things for the better rather than merely learning to adapt to the way things are now?
140 One interesting thing about this fish is the temperature that it can apparently adapt to.
141 Musicians will be sensitive to the mood of the congregation and adapt their material as the service proceeds.
142 Children develop the capacity to see the view of others, consider intentions, and better adapt to the social world.
143 What they can read without any introduction is certainly possible for literate adults to adapt to.
144 If they can not learn to adapt, they will suffer the consequences.
145 Obviously, in the increasingly crowded cage of urban life we have had to adapt.
146 They have had to adapt to high temperatures, shortage of water and a very brief time in which to reproduce.
147 They families say that people with severe learning difficulties do not adapt well to sudden changes of environment.
148 Certainly Jeanne had never tried to adapt him to the realities, a job for which she was remarkably ill equipped anyway.
149 Because the novel is written mainly in dialogue, a spurious impression was given that it would be easy to adapt.
150 I read the account of an architect who was consulted by a church with unsuitable premises which they wanted to adapt.
151 Teaching strategies need to adapt to this new situation, to exploit the potential offered by computers.
152 It is an interesting fact that countries can be divided by their ability to adapt to other cultures.
153 The student has to improvise and adapt the procedure without departing from the principles of aseptic technique.
154 The stomach is a biological structure that animals use to adapt to their environment.
155 The two who stay may well be the ones who adapt to the new system the best.
156 Any species-any country-that fails to adapt will join the pantheon of the extinct.
157 He showed his ability to adapt his performance as either the whim took him or as he was taken by circumstances.
158 It inherits not a fixed set of actions, but the ability to adapt to many.
159 Adagio for Strings Adapt to 5 Bassoons.
160 IDEs must adapt to industry changes, the officials argued.
161 Some businessmen cannot adapt to change because they have tunnel vision.
162 As the programmer must learn to adapt to social selection, survival of the fittest.
163 Kudzu is a leguminous annuals, thermophilic heat - resistant, drought - tolerant, adapt mountain grown.
164 Adapt to treat dermatophytosis , athlete's foot and feet tickle.
164 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
165 Surgery Simulation System can be used to train surgeon to adapt for new operational methods, and also it can be used to preview the process of operation so as to discover some unpredicted problem.
166 The hot source can adapt steam, oil or electric heater.
167 To adapt to the reformation of retirement pension system, the enterprise should regenerate the pension accounting.
168 At present, Chinas food logistics can not adapt well to the changes in the food market.
169 Bilingual : How do you adapt your services for Chinese customers?
170 What we will have to do is we will have to adapt to the meteorological conditions.
171 States are lumbering dinosaurs that take years to adapt to change.
172 PLL frequency synthesizer with DDS reference will adapt to local oscillator of modern radio.
173 Information systems should flexibly and quickly adapt to variable requirements.
174 The article is about how to adapt air hammer to perform local upsetting operation.
175 " As a Cuban, my father was eager to adapt to his new environment.
176 The lumped parameter method can adapt to estimating the pre-cooling time of Longan, which provides the foundation data and the theoretical basis for design of forced-air pre-cooling system.
177 Because of the swimming crab grow rapid, have good ability to adapt the circumstance, suffer from little diseases, high price and the price stabilization and so on.
178 Underwater horizontal gate is a new gate adapt to modern city landscape hydraulic engineering.
179 Animals could react, choose, migrate, adapt and give room for the blossoming of pseudo - Lamarckian evolution.
180 What we will have to do is we will have to adapt to metrological meteorological conditions.
181 He was an adapt in the irony of incongruously grouping.
182 In fact, leaves may adapt to sun or shade as a result of acclimatization.
183 It is economic and to adapt. isto the recovery and sustainment of the whole oral functions.
184 This kind of multi - dimensional teaching system enables Singapore's students to adapt the internationalization tidal current.
185 Storage allocation algorithm uses the first time to adapt to ( FF ) method.
186 Clonal plants adapt themselves to different level of resource availability by phenotypic plasticity.
187 The Visual Artists Rights Act ( VARA ) was adapt the Copyright Act to the Berne Convention.
188 The development of corouary atheros - elerosis reduces the capacety of the vascular bed adapt to hypoxic stress.
189 I asked myself where my mother could be, whether she'd also been able to withstand the poison, her lungs adapt to this solitary inclemency and the dearth of oxygen.
190 A type of omni - directional wall - climbing robot which can adapt mutiform well.
191 Third , to adapt to the audience's esthetical psychology in China while benefiting from foreign movie techniques.
192 Through adjusting its spare part, the peeling machine can adapt to different sorts fruits.
193 They tried to adapt the public address system into a radio transmitter.
194 Bench mark the best and adapt good ideas to make them great.
194 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
195 Adapt and modify moves for participants with injuries, postural issues, varying goals and abilities.
196 Baldwin - Lomax algebraic turbulent model is corrected to adapt the feature of the base flow.
197 Maise, millet and kaoliang adapt readily to varying natural conditions.
198 When the Technos is enlivened by Bios we get artifacts that can adapt, learn and evolve.
199 It may take them time to acclimatize and adapt(), and local food their tastes.
200 Blind anole still has the ability to change color to adapt to surrounding environment.
201 Be bale to work under pressure and adapt to shift.
202 Adapt the World Hemophilia Day theme to further your own needs.
203 However, manners have had to adapt to a number of situations hitherto unthought of.
204 Octagonal stupa originated in Gandhara to adapt to the octagonal temple there.
205 Once we understand how the machine works we can adapt it to aerate different ingredients.
206 Facing the new situations, we should reorientate the training objectives of talents in this major in order to adapt them to the need of social and economic development.
207 We design an architecture adapt to search engine oriented business, and analyse design and implementation of the index part.
208 Coca - Cola had to adapt almost 300,000 vending machines to accept the new coins.
209 Maize, millet and kao liang adapt readily to varying natural conditions.
210 Experiments were made to adapt this variety of shrimp to fresh water.
211 Denpend on the needs we will adapt the following ways in management: taking storefronts for rent, centralized cashier, brand agency, cooperative sales, sales by procuration and sale online.
212 Hammer - shape pulverizer adopts particular hammer - shape rotor, which has excellent pulverizing, elect , adapt to carbamide, monoammonium and so on.
213 And this is a wise selection to adapt global climate change.
214 The method is adapt to the manufacture of involute and straight bevel gear.




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