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单词 Variation
1. The prices for food are subject to variation.
2. The regulation allows of no variation.
3. Currency exchange rates are always subject to variation.
4. Prices have not shown much variation this year.
5. The businesses showed a dramatic variation in how they treated their staff.
6. This delicious variation on an omelette is quick and easy to prepare.
7. White bread is really just a variation of French bread.
8. There is considerable variation in ability across the range.
9. She is studying language variation across the social range.
10. There is very little melodic variation in the piece.
11. Prices are subject to variation.
12. The variation is not statistically significant.
13. Variation among humans is limited to the possible permutations of our genes.
14. The survey found a wide variation in the prices charged for canteen food.
15. There is little variation by sex or social class in these attitudes.
16. There is a great deal of variation among the responses.
17. There may be a variation of plus or minus 5% in the prices that are quoted.
18. The petitioner ask for a variation in her maintenance order.
19. The genetic variation of some plants from their parents results in expansion of the gene pool for a particular species.
20. This soup is a spicy variation on a traditional favourite.
21. Considerable variation was found in the terms offered by different banks.
22. The study concluded that the variation between the different CD players was very small.
23. Every day without variation my grandfather ate a plate of cold ham.
24. The medical tests showed some variation in the baby's heart rate.
25. A summery variation is to add finely chopped cress.
26. Oreganato is actually a variation of Cajun Three-Pepper Bread.
27. There was considerable variation between countries and between industries.
28. To further confuse the issue(sentence dictionary),() there is an enormous variation in the amount of sleep people feel happy with.
29. Unemployment rates among white-collar workers show much less regional variation than corresponding rates among blue-collar workers.
30. A mother's ears are attuned to even the slightest variation in her baby's breathing.
1. The prices for food are subject to variation.
2. The regulation allows of no variation.
3. Currency exchange rates are always subject to variation.
4. The businesses showed a dramatic variation in how they treated their staff.
5. This delicious variation on an omelette is quick and easy to prepare.
6. White bread is really just a variation of French bread.
7. Prices are subject to variation.
8. The petitioner ask for a variation in her maintenance order.
31. Shallow Pools and Crevices Considerable variation in shore fauna can occur even in the same stretch of coast.
32. The only variation in attire was how tightly the towel was rolled.
33. Usually there will be some random variation of this sort superposed on a relatively constant overall pattern.
34. There is enormous variation in psychopathology, family dysfunction, and medical complications associated with anorexia nervosa.
35. Yet other species exhibit variation patterns that defy analysis of the sophistication of present-day biology.
36. There is variation depending particularly on social class, household composition, and stage in the life cycle.
37. A Levy-Jennings quality control chart is a graphic representation of the acceptable limits of variation in the results of an analytic method.
38. The pattern of light and dark areas represents variation in rock type and surface weathering in this arid region.
39. And one has to remember that sperm counts also show a natural seasonal variation.
40. There was some variation in this regard as different colonial powers pursued different expansionist policies.
41. This, in its turn, may conceal considerable variation in practice.
42. This variation in signal intensity may reflect the differences in the cell density of tissues that express the gene.
43. Reproducibility studies on the data used to calculate the scan score yielded a coefficient of variation of 5.5%.
44. Moreover, there was considerable variation in the grammar-school provision in different areas within each Local Education Authority.
45. Roberts's evidence suggests that there has been considerable variation historically in how far support structures extend to more distant kin.
46. A variation was to drive cattle on to cultivated land, and then have damages assessed at the full value of the animals.
47. Physiological mechanisms which control the population dynamics are also subject to variation and selection.
48. In a number of clinical disorders the cell count is subject to periodic or highly irregular variation.
49. Yet this considerable variation in organizational model appears to arouse remarkably little interest in its consequences.
50. It is apparent that such a pattern requires the existence of a variation in the piling up of water along the beach.
51. In a medical textbook,() the choice between clavicle and collar-bone can justly be called a matter of stylistic variation.
52. Similarly, the variation of distance refraction and the presence of astigmatism is also lower than for humans.
53. The difference in baselines between these two groups results from the large degree of individual variation in salivary secretion.
54. The mechanism allows for great variation and complexity in magma chamber sedimentation.
55. Social perspectives on cognition have come to accept cultural differences not as deficits but as important variation.
56. This impression is borne out on close acquaintance, there being little variation in contour on the wide top.
57. Authors have identified considerable consistency in individual authorities' spending patterns over time despite the variation between authorities.
58. But there is wide variation among Internet providers in cost, features, software, reliability and customer service.
59. Brandt switched the emphasis from geographical variation to the study of the annual cycle of plankton growth found in the northern oceans.
60. Anyone dealing with such figures will know of the enormous variation in coding practice in different areas.
61. There was considerable variation in the tolerance to the procedure with one patient able to accept a 52 minute rotation time.
62. Neither type corresponds precisely to that seen in vertebrate enamel, and the extreme variation in crystal orientation is puzzling.
63. There was also considerable variation in the structure of teachers' planning.
64. We propose a novel variation, namely that proteoglycans on an endothelial cell can bind and present cytokines to passing leukocytes.
65. The coefficient of variation within assays was 8.2% and between assays 12.8%.
66. Somewhat more of a variation occurs if we examine the eight capped metropolitan boroughs.
67. The variation here is accounted for by the differences in the very small number of entrants gaining firsts.
68. National guarantees can not possibly take account of this variation, and standards can often only be met at a cost elsewhere.
69. All blood samples were obtained between 0830 and 0930 h to keep to a minimum the spontaneous circadian variation of fibrinolytic system.
70. There was in 1986-7 considerable variation between Partnerships in the balance of expenditure.
71. Variation: Substitute 8 ounces finely chopped fresh mushrooms, sauteed until browned in one tablespoon oil, for dried mushrooms.
72. Lavandera has pointed out that much work on syntactic variation tends to focus on syntactic rather than social constraints.
73. So there are some linguistic correlates that go with these particular units as we would expect since this is a variation analysis.
74. As with schools, though, these global figures conceal great variation from subject to subject.
75. In truth, therefore, serial variation forms have not the theme-based unity of the classical form.
76. Any variation will generate both an audio and visual alarm at Grid Control.
77. The central axis of their variation is their degree of autonomy.
78. Thus, if the second-messenger network were to enter a domain of chaotic behavior, chaotic variation in membrane potential would result.
79. Clause 7 raises the question whether the asylum seeker wishes to submit any variation or amplification of the notice of appeal.
80. In most complex systems the sources of variation are likely to be numerous.
81. A second major variation within socialist ideology is democratic socialism.
82. But there is considerable variation between countries and the differences do not correlate well with current fertility.
83. As with most averages, these percentages conceal a degree of variation between individual schools.
84. My brief review of personal care given by relatives has stressed the theme of variation, especially by gender.
85. Age is probably the most important variable in explaining variation in those sports that require physical contact and strength.
86. The extent of nectar production is apparently associated with pollinator size and there is variation in its sugar content and dilution.
87. Waiting time by specialty is meaningless as it conceals a wide variation among consultants' clinics.
88. The resultant local variation in working arrangements has greatly complicated national assessment.
89. Measurement provides a deeper understanding of variation, and the observation of variation gives a reason to measure.
90. Serious difficulties can arise when a contract is varied without proper consideration of the effect of the variation on the expert clause.
91. As the generations go by, under the assumption of blending inheritance, variation is bound to become swamped.
92. There is considerable variation between sports around the overall averages reported above.
93. Who knows what infinitesimal variation of brain chemistry might have made Kaczynski susceptible at birth to the hospital trauma nine months later?
94. The second manner of semantic variation concerns the activation by different contexts of different senses associated with ambiguous word forms.
95. In spite of this variation, daily hot-water demand will remain more or less constant.
96. If such balancing selection maintains a substantial fraction of life-history variation, it will generate negative genetic correlations among life-history traits.
97. Because such systems do not take into account the variation in individuals, they are generally only of interest to the classicist.
98. Sliding door variation and then a same foot lunge.
99. No such Variation shall vitiate or invalidate this Contract.
100. Biological variation resulting from recombination, mutation, and selection.
101. He patented a variation on the sandal.
102. Objective: To study age - related variation of ratio and type of collagen fibers in human sinoatrial node.
103. This experiment examined natural population variation in chemical constituents and pulping properties of Pinus massoniana Lamb.
104. When the white noise level ( coefficient of variation ) increases to 20 % , the cyclical fish population spasmodic.
105. The instability of morphological variation in flower of Z . grandiflora might be related transposable genetic element.
106. Landfill leachate contained high concentration of pollutants and great variation is compositionrate.
107. The variation characteristics of shallow confined groundwater are similar with phreatic water.
108. The variation of shade gives whole picture aview, but never lose its inimitable mystery.
109. Use variation 2, running the lacing at a steeper angle to create a four - way lattice.
110. Clearly , there is substantial anatomic variation in the location of the vertebral artery.
111. The closed form solution can be obtained from method of S - transformation: a variation of Laplace transformation.
112. This means that poorer countries with low income - variation can outscore richer ones with high variation.
113. Spontaneously directed variation and selection is an incredibly powerful problem solver.
114. The variation of circulating water flow directly affects the vacuum of condenser efficiency of steam turbine.
115. Besides,(http:///variation.html) the general variation principle was introduced to solve electromagnetic problem in lossy media.
116. Objective To investigate the genetic diversity of morphological variation types in Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi.
117. This symbol vision sense organ meets straight, the variation is strong, easy to distinguish, the memory.
118. Any variation of printing speed will influence the reappearance of printing color.
119. The notion that wide variation in practice proves that medicine is not based on science rebuttal.
120. Phenotypic variation coefficients were all greater than the genetic variation coefficients.
121. Furthermore, the major disadvantage of the field - oriented control is its sensitivity to rotor time constant variation.
122. The Neandertal DNA sequence falls outside the variation range found in humans today.
123. The reactive power variation of wind farm interconnected with power grid leads to voltage fluctuation grid.
124. A variation on this would be to use a baker's rolling pin to apply the paper.
125. Kids were jumping on the trampoline, shooting baskets and playing manhunt, a variation on hide - and - seek.
126. Soil matric potential, leaf potential and atmosphere water potential is diversity in temporal and spatial variation.
127. Cell delay variation is not controlled in this service, although admitted cells are not delayed unnecessarily.
128. According to the variation view of sociolinguistics, grammatical items change under the influence of social factors.
129. Objective : To probe respiratory function variation after secondary thoracotomy operation.
130. Thin - film ZnO pyroelectric sensors use the pyroelectric effect to convert temperature variation to corresponding electrical signal.
131. Objective: The shape, location and variation of parathyroid glands were studied.
132. One other variation is to do both chemo and tamoxifen.
133. The distance variation of radiation pattern in the near field of an electric Hertz dipoles.
134. To learn nasal bone normal variation, we can lessen the misdiagnosis of nasal bone fracture.
135. Inventor Butts 's favourite variation is double bag Scrabble, with the vowels and consonants in separate bags.
136. Objective To study the variation of peripheral blood NK Sub - class ratio in recurrent spontaneous abortion.
137. The influence on reflective spectrum of fiber grating with nonuniform temperature variation field is discussed.
138. The vibration signal from the reciprocating engine is non - stationary, time - variation , so, application of HHT is a good choice.
139. The contents of organic material, limonite and manganese hydroxides influence the variation of ore element.
140. A graph which shows this variation with time is called a waveform.
141. Special experiments were conducted to analyze gravitational erosion variation in rill evolution process on loess slope.
142. Analysis of Seedling Growth Variation and Selection among Families of Pinus ussuriensis Cheng et Y . W.
143. The dynamic SIF variation was found to lag behind the stress - pulse imingement by several microseconds.
144. Interesting and attractive fabrics can be obtained by utilizing the rib variation of the plain weave.
145. Objective To study the genetic variation and inbreeding of Xishuangbanna miniature pig.
146. A type of variable star whose period of variation is tightly related to its intrinsic luminosity.
147. Speed variation is influenced by the initial status of vibrancy during switch time of drive frequency.
148. The proportionality constant M is provided and its variation with geometry and Biot number ( ? ? ) is discussed.
149. The genetic variation of Liaoning cashmere goats was studied with random amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) markers.
150. Ordinary differential equations, Partial differential equations, Linear algebra, Special functions,() Calculus of variation.
151. The variation of residual energy of propellant in ammunition after long period storage is stud - ied.
152. A coefficient of variation ≤2.2 % has been suggested as a target for imprecision for plasma glucose.
153. The Quick Fix pane now offers variation previews for every adjustment option.
154. Is Photosensitive Epilepsy Less Common in Males Due to Variation in X Chromosome Photopigment Genes?
155. More over, the volume strain step of co - seismic variation was mainly tensional in Changping Seismic Station.
156. The characteristic and the effect factor of variation with time of induction heating also been analyzed.
157. It displays about as much morphologic variation as a brown paper bag.
157. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
158. The variation of landscape heterogeneity is the main factor to change the structure of wader communities.
159. Verb salience is found to be significantly associated with the simple past variation.
160. The most difficult differential solubility techniques to perform are those involving variation of pH or temperature.
161. As statistician, I expect variation among students both in correct and incorrect solutions.
162. Abstract: The variation of residual energy of propellant in ammunition after long period storage is stud - ied.
163. The variation regularity of nugget diameter is shown in the spectrum charts of the current signal.
164. Perhaps it is a refutation of the whole opening line ( variation ).
165. Variation rule of Slag amount during scheelite direct alloying is worked out by theoretical calculation.
166. And there are great variation in frequency of lovemaking among happy couples.
167. The reluctance seismogroph implies a variation of the principle of the moving - coil seismograph.
168. This color - sensitive inventiveness leads to a variation of repetitions of form and motifs.
169. Results We analysed the variation of data, like ET, NO, and used relative statistical method.
170. The dynamic SIF variation was found to lag behind the stress - pulse impingement by several microseconds.




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