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单词 Dialog
1. Select an option from the dialog box.
2. At last there can be a reasonable dialog between the two governments.
3. Two actors carried on a dialog in the middle of the stage.
4. Another might trigger a dialog box, offering the user one of several command options.
5. The old dialog is replaced by a new wizard with expanded flexibility and functions.
6. Select the desired fault in the Triangulate dialog box.
7. How to open a format cells dialog box?
8. In the Attach to Process dialog box, click Attach.
9. Click the Run button in the Run dialog.
10. The Format String dialog box appears.
11. The run dialog allows the user to launch applications.
12. In the QuickWatch dialog box, click Add Watch.
13. For more information, see Search Criteria Builder Dialog Box.
14. The Select Code Type dialog box closes.
15. An error has occurred raising the Page Setup Dialog.
16. Brings up the Select Data Source dialog box.
17. The Encapsulate Field dialog box appears.
18. It is the Insert Object(s) wizard dialog (Figure 4)./dialog.html
19. Now write a telephone message according to your dialog.
20. Include the New Folder button in the dialog box.
21. Click'OK'to the informational dialog that appears.
22. In the Security Policy Setting dialog box, click Add.
23. Describes the Add Output Group dialog box.
24. In the Connect to Server dialog box, click the server that you want in the Server type list, type a server name in the Server name box, and then click Connect .
25. Kingsmill Bond at Moscow's Troika Dialog suggests the Baltic company Trigon Agri as a way to play the catch-up story in the Eurasian steppe.
26. While only one chapter is exclusively dedicated to this issue, it is certainly raised whenever necessary to further the dialog.
27. Specifically, we will explore the topic of how to use dialog boxes as our input-output devices.
28. To print a single tile you must exit the Poster and Banner Printing Options dialog box and reposition the ruler origin so it is at the top left corner of the area you want to print .
29. Of all the strings listed in Figure 5, the blank string at the top of the dialog doesn't need to be translated.
30. This text is a hyperlink. Its color may be changed using the Color Scheme dialog.
31. Red also is enthusiastic, sex appeal and exciting color, it can cause a heartbeat to quicken, blood pressure is elevatory, appetitive , increase a dialog.
32. When you see the Confirm Attribute Changes dialog box, select the Apply Changes To This Folder, Subfolders And Files option button and click OK.
33. Start node contains dialog boxes that are displayed before the actual installation begins.
34. For example, set the title of the dialog, build the POST data and URL, and make the asynchronous request.
35. Every time an application puts up a modal dialog box, it goes into an idle waiting state, doing no work while the user struggles with the dialog. This should never happen.
36. In the next dialog, you can configure which memory spaces will be cacheable for instructions and data.
37. Through man-machine dialog, the load forecasting of various forecasting terms can be flexibly realized.
38. The user interface block contains only localizable user-interface elements such as strings, error messages, dialog boxes, menus, embedded object resources, and so on for the neutral culture.
39. Can you rearrange things on the window or dialog to expand horizontally?
40. And the main modules of the system contain analog input module, user dialog module, frequency dividing module and isolate-driving module.
41. Each dialog state has one of more grammars associated with it, that are used to describe the expected user input, either spoken input or touch-tone (DTMF) key presses.
42. A dialog box appears and asks you to confirm the deletion.
43. The Form Control Properties dialog box has three pages: General, Data and Events.
44. This value determines the default setting in the Print Setup dialog whether to scale pages by a given percentage.
45. The following dialog boxes should only be placed in the End node: Register User and Finished.
46. An asynchronous request is made to the server to retrieve the dialog content.
47. Think of the dialog as being in either beginner or advanced mode.
48. This permission is granted through the User Account Control dialog box.
49. Name the style Material Style Test ,[] then click OK in the New Style Name dialog box.
50. Then when the Run dialog comes up, type in CMD and click OK.
51. This value gives the percentage by which to scale each printed page. Please use the Print Setup dialog to edit this value.
52. To print non-Latin text, use the Print... in the format selection menu of the report dialog.
53. Gets or sets the document name to display (for example, in a print status dialog box or printer queue) while printing the document.
54. Secondly, the technologies of man-machine dialog system are researched in this paper, and the interface of man-machine is realized soundly.
55. This paper describes the development of window software in dialog system PWP window process package.
56. It's not a particularly strong movie in terms of plot, action, or pacing. Its best dialog comes its most notable character, a computer portrayed as a disembodied voice and unexpressive camera lens.
57. Access Code dialog, check your Access Rights in the Lock dialog.
58. On the Print dialog box, under Print range, choose Pages and type 1 in the box.
59. Usually you will create an LLB when you are saving a VI, so after the LLB file is created, a dialog box appears to let you name your VI and save it in your new LLB.
60. Note: Text truncation implies the inability to access the complete text, even employing alternative user interface mechanisms like scrolling, displaying another dialog, or providing a More button.
61. In the pop - up dialog box, type the server computer name or IP address, click Connect.
62. N the use of dialog to draw the polygon, and is a kind of garish colors!
63. The Rational Software Analyzer configuration dialog provides a reserved area to allow users to display and change any properties associated with the rule.
64. You use dialog with traditional, text-based interfaces; Zenity proffers the style of the modern, windowed desktop.
65. If you do not specify connection parameters, a connection dialog appears, asking you to supply the missing connection parameters and startup options.
66. This vague dialog of fatigue has been catalogued with its analogues.
67. You need to close the spelling checker dialog box before you can check the spelling of this document.
68. In the Save File As dialog box, type a new name for your script.
69. For more information about DDX, see Dialog Data Exchange and Validation.
70. You can, if you wish, display the entered position on the star chart by clicking the Goto button on the dialog.
71. A progress dialog box will appear that gives execution status. See Tool execution and messages.
72. When Disk Cleanup has calculated how much space you can free up, in the Disk Cleanup for dialog box, scroll through the content of the Files to delete list.
73. Are you canceling the dialog and leaving the rules mismatched?
74. Manage shareware application registration and trial periods with this dialog.
75. Click the Add button in the Define Name dialog box to define a name without closing the dialog box. You can add any number of names before you close the dialog box.
76. Opens the Find Names dialog box, allowing you to search the directory and add a member to the distribution list.
77. Set the Drag and drop text editing option in the General , Text Editor , Options Dialog Box.
78. Selections on the Printer Options dialog box over - ride any default settings.
78. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
79. You can still control the grid in individual Dialog editor windows using the Toggle Grid button on the Dialog Editor Toolbar.
80. Select the Area tab on the dialog to set final display options for the data grid.
81. A dialog appears informing you that the Goal Seek was successful.
82. Don't forget to set the tab order in the dialog box.
83. Select Animation in the Display menu. If you did this correctly. A dialog box at the bottom of the screen appears.
84. The code gets the subscription name, the queue manager to use, and the queue name to send the message from the dialog.
85. In the edit scene, the Mail Retention button launches a modal dialog box that allows the user to set a retention period and an approver (if required).
86. So the users are in the face of the intuitionist graphic or dialog box, and then the cumbersome data is avoided.
87. In list and tree based controls, start typing the name of the value that you want to select: A filtered pop-up dialog allows to quickly navigate to the desired value.
88. How can I customize the open dialog adding any control to it.
89. This value determines the default setting in the Print Setup dialog: whether to center pages horizontally. Please use the Print Setup dialog to edit this value.
90. dialog to capture either a single window or the whole screen.
91. The general process to achieve this goal is to build (or adapt) a model, apply a spoken command against that model in a recognition process, and then decide on an action in a dialog manager.
92. Data Preview dialog box is from the copy in the project folder.
93. Face color for three-dimensional display elements and for dialog box backgrounds.
94. This property is set in the Search Path dialog box.
95. Randomize: Opens a dialog for setting up randomization parameters for this account.
96. After the modeless dialog opens, the parent program continues without interruption.
97. Based on dialog box interactive mode provide freeform section planes by rotating vector. And a method to build section plane by polygonal splitting joint is put forward.
98. In modal dialogs, the Cancel button means, " Abandon my input and close the dialog. "
99. 'It is too late and is almost impossible to get rid of the U.S. debt, ' said Evgeny Gavrilenkov, chief economist at broker Troika Dialog and member of a government advisory panel.
100. Der Dialog zwischen plebiszit? rer Masse und F ü hrerfigur istderamerikanischen Demokratie ja nicht fremd.
101. This need not be expensive, but it will require greater participation, an active dialog within the community, and a willingness to question some of our long-standing traditions.
102. In the Breakpoint Condition dialog box, enter a valid expression in the Condition box.
103. The Label field contains the string that will be visible to the user when the analysis configuration dialog is visible.
104. This is the default paper orientation. Please use the Print Setup dialog to edit this value.
105. Irregular code window. Arbitrary irregular painting dialog window, or even dig out the hole.
106. Dialog boxes ( confirmation dialogs in particular ) ask questions. Toolbars offer choices.
107. Click Test Object and then click Insert Object(s) on the menu of the main window to open the wizard dialog.
108. Generate markup by using a dialog box,[/dialog.html] such as the Insert Table Dialog Box.
109. Could not detect file character encoding. Please make sure the file is not binary and try to select encoding in the Open dialog.
110. Pressing the Print Screen key invokes the gnome-screenshot application with no options, captures the entire screen, and displays the dialog shown in Figure 2.
111. In the Select Item in Project dialog box, double-click the Application Folder.
112. Subclass dialog design, split the source window, interface development is a good resource.
113. The realization of the Options dialog box and the window class of the data exchange.
114. This string gives the default region to be repeated at the left of each printed sheet. Please use the Print Setup dialog to edit this value.
115. This type a transitory bulletin because the dialog disappears and the program continues without user intervention.
116. Click OK in the Symbol Style dialog and click OK in the Display Options dialog.
117. If you were to add a link file and restart Eclipse using an existing workspace, the Configuration Changes dialog would be shown.
118. If it is NULL, the dialog object's parent window is set to the main application window.
119. On the Create new application dialog (Figure 6), enter or select the appropriate values for all fields and then click the Create button.
120. Battery Status applet features a battery status dialog, power statistics, CPU frequency scaling and power management preferences.
121. Insert Dialog Button 015015 Inserts a new dialog into the active workbook.
122. The details of the current data frame coordinate system display on the dialog box.
123. In the top part of the dialog box, select the symbol that separates the columns.
124. This value determines the default setting in the Print Setup dialog whether to print row and column headers.
125. This value can be changed in the Page Setup dialog.
126. When the dialog box opens and asks where to put the process implementation, click OK to accept the default.
127. This value determines the default setting in the Print Setup dialog whether to print row and column headers. Please use the Print Setup dialog to edit this value.
128. You can view the result of a LINQ statement by using DataTips, the Watch window, and the QuickWatch dialog box.
129. In this article, you've seen how to use data templates by dragging data from the Page Data view onto the page and then learned how to locate these templates in the Preferences dialog.
130. From the Import Content Set dialog, select Files from a file system folder (such as DOC, PDF, and HTML files).
131. This is the default paper specification. Please use the Print Setup dialog to edit this value.
132. In the resulting Add Project Output Group dialog box, select a project from the Project list.
133. This contact is not associated with a KDE address book entry, where the email address is stored. Check that a contact is selected in the properties dialog.
134. Using the Page Style dialog - can specify margins to two ( fractional ) decimal places.
135. Use Orca.exe (from the Microsoft Platform SDK) to extend the Installation Address dialog box.
136. This value determines the default setting in the Print Setup dialog: whether to center pages vertically. Please use the Print Setup dialog to edit this value.
137. The print setup function would offer up all those choices about paper and copies and fonts . It would also be very reasonable to be able to go directly from the configure dialog to printing.
138. In the Edit Remote Site dialog box (see figure 11), enter the appropriate URL of the update site that you created.
138. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
139. Enter loancalculator. jsp in the URL field in the Configure URL dialog that pops up, leave the Label field empty, and click OK.
140. When you add a list box with a horizontal scroll bar to a dialog box using MFC classes, the scroll bar will not automatically appear in your application.
141. I argued that the obliterate dialog box should include a photograph of a 75-year old catholic nun scowling and holding a yardstick.
142. In the left pane of the Run dialog box, right-click Eclipse Application and select New_configuration.
143. On the Paste Special dialog, in the Selection area, select only the Formats option.
144. Since you don't want to relocate your WC, just abort this dialog.
145. Changes the active control field in an option section of a dialog.
146. If a programming error occurs in the product, communicate the occurrence with a dialog, and log it.
147. This module allows the user to set the page margin in twips and will then display the printer page setup dialog using the correct values for their locale.
148. Select the Environment tab of the Run dialog box as shown in figure 11.
149. On the Goal Seek dialog, the correct cell is already entered in the Formula cell field.
150. In the Save File As dialog box, select a location for the file.
151. This dialog can be used to setup external command line applications as audio encoders.
152. The relative change in the target cell is less than the Convergence setting in the Solver Options dialog box for the last five trial solutions.
153. Adds a new path to the Search Path dialog box.
154. Founds based on the dialog box project, all tacitly approve then.
155. The Admin user account ( to activate the Logon dialog box ).
156. In the Join dialog box change the comparison operator between the primary keys as required.
157. Use the "add strings" dialog to edit your string list or double click on a string.
158. The default page header for new documents that can be modified using the page setup dialog.
159. For more information, see Advanced SQL Generation Options Dialog Box.
160. Those instances appear as normal printers in the print dialog and allow you to quickly select the print format you want.
161. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the paper section of the dialog box (paper size and paper source) is enabled.
162. Modal Dialog programming: Use the dialog editor that contain the different dialog resource control.
163. In other words, it's almost like a silent movie, as most of the dialog completely misses its destination, while Bean stumbles right through the middle.
164. The End node contains dialog boxes that are displayed after the installation is complete.
165. This value determines the default setting in the Print Setup dialog whether to print empty but formatted cells. Please use the Print Setup dialog to edit this value.
166. I believe that , you know, unilateralism is too expensive, and open dialog is too slow.
167. The default page footer for new documents that can be modified using the page setup dialog.
168. Click in the color bar to open the Gradient Editor and set the color stops as shown. Click OK to close the Gradient Editor dialog box.
169. Select the Background tab of the Style Builder dialog box, and click the ellipsis button (. ) Next to the Color field to open the Color Picker dialog box.
170. In the Initial and Ambient Conditions dialog box specify initial values of the flow parameters.
171. The Connection Properties dialog appears, prompting you to define another database connection.
172. Do your users a favor and never create another confirmation dialog box.
173. In clavier times, the input method is person and computer dialog, enter Internet world fundamental pattern.
174. Unit information in the help dialog now displays abilities and upgrades.
175. To display the Choose Item dialog box, click the Input list field.
176. Long Zheng will be happy: we've got rid of the Add Fonts dialog that has served Windows faithfully for the last twenty years.
177. In the Advanced Compiler Settings dialog box, select the Remove integer overflow checks check box.
178. To start using msconfig, open the Run dialog box again, type in "msconfig, " and press "OK."
179. Design the cards in portrait or landscape orientation with the page setup dialog.
180. This value determines the default setting in the Print Setup dialog whether to print first right then down.
181. The Query Statement field at the bottom of the dialog displays the actual JPQL query being generated, and it is updated to reflect the current state of the dialog.
182. Please click Options on the Tools menu, and clear the Break On All Errors checkbox on the Module tab of the Options dialog, before running this wizard.
183. To print a single sheet you must exit the Poster and Banner Printing Options dialog box and reposition the ruler so it's at the top left corner of the area you want to print .
184. In the New User Library dialog, specify a User library name and click OK.
185. If you have the Tile Grid option selected in the Grid Settings dialog box, then resizing snaps to the next tile grid line.
186. Now when the dialog box is shown, it can use this selection Object to produce a link item.
187. When you launch this dialog for the first time, the default parameter for the server type is set for you, though you can change that at any time.
188. You can select a color name from the drop-down list, or you can click the adjacent ellipsis (. ) Button to display the Color Picker dialog box and choose additional colors.
189. In the Set Quotas dialog box, select the "Set database quota to" option and enter the quota value.
190. Enter any required username or password information in the Advanced dialog.
191. As you will see, Windows has replaced the DOS prompt with pull - down menus and dialog boxes.
192. At this point, a Run dialog box as shown in figure 10 displays, so you have the opportunity to pass in command line arguments to the StockBot.
193. Add a progress control to your dialog in the resource editor.
194. This tendency needs to be closely watched, because programmers have been known to insert dialog boxes into the code even after the user-interface specification has been agreed upon.
195. The moment the Create button is clicked, a dialog box appears asking about a missing dependency. This should look similar to Figure 3.
196. In the last unfavorable situation this is a minor dysfunction of the system and the microcontroller is still able to dialog with a test station via a serial or parallel interface.
197. The "More..." option at the bottom of the drop down opens the Format Cells dialog to the Number tab.
198. The resulting dialog lets you set the display options for the chart object.
199. This value determines the default setting in the Print Setup dialog whether print grid lines.
200. Unable to retrieve job ( by ordinal ). The dialog box will close.
201. We will learn more about dialog box in this tutorial.
202. Spoken language analyzing is a crucial part in human-machine dialog system and spoken language translation system.
203. To get back to work ,[http://] you must first click the Close button on Word Count dialog.
204. This dialog allows you to select the lunar eclipse about which information is required.
205. In the Replay menu, the player can select the 'Save to Movie' button to bring up the Save options dialog.
206. This dialog is a result of the programmer inflicting the implementation-model of the disk file system on the hapless user.
207. This dialog lets you merge outlines of font symbols in the currently open SWF files before saving the font as a TTF (True Type Font) file.
208. There is no explicit function for making a copy of, or archiving, a document. Users must accomplish this with the Save As dialog, and doing so is as clear as mud.
209. In the New Feature dialog, type longitude in the entry field, accept the default data type of String, and click OK.
210. Print Opens a print dialog to let you print current icon.
211. Selecting Other will prompt a dialog box to select the executable or program file of the preferred text editor.
212. Expand Work Geometry in the Derived Part dialog box, and exclude all work features other than Work Plane-BOTT of Frame.
213. The authorize() method internally invokes the dialog() method previously covered, but this time it passes a Login request for action.
214. They are visually very similar to modal dialog boxes, but they are functionally very different.
215. Enables DEP for core system images and those specified in the DEP configuration dialog.
216. This dialog displays detailed information about the currently selected log line.
217. To sync all notebooks, click the new Sync All button near the top right corner of the dialog box.
218. We can't eliminate error messages by simply discarding the code that shows the actual error message dialog box and letting the program crash if a problem arises.
219. A dialog screen ( Figure 8) helps you select the model file that has been saved with your application.
220. In the subsequent dialog box for the Process execution mode, select Microflow as shown in the figure below.
221. In the Import Wizard dialog box (Figure 6. Branching – Import document), select Microsoft Word document and then browse to the previously stored file and click Next.
222. Simply by adding some code frame windows , you can make your toolbar customize dialog works.
223. The software had many functions such as menu selection, full screen edition, Chinese operation guidance and various dialog message boxes.
224. There is probably no user - interface idiom more abused than the error dialog.
225. This simple statement meant a lot for the agile movement; it opened the way for dialog about a diverse set of agile-related issues.
226. In the Support Info dialog box, verify the version number, and then click Close.
227. This value determines the default setting in the Print Setup dialog: whether to center pages horizontally.
228. The pantry plays a secondary role, as should dialog boxes.
228. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
229. In the Open File dialog box, browse to your source file, select it and click Open.
230. One is to integrate some function menus such as text display, dialog box display, toolbar etc on the interface.
231. Pointer to an application - defined dialog box callback procedure information on functions of this type.
232. Press the Alt-F2 key combination and enter its name into the Run Command dialog.
233. These choices are the same as those shown for the Data Labels dialog.
234. On the next dialog, the Check column is already selected.
235. Figure 17 shows the Run dialog box from the debug perspective.
236. Choose Run from the menu bar, and then choose Run to open the Run dialog box as shown in figure 1.
237. On the References tab of the Fields dialog box , click Set Reference in the Type list.
238. When you constructed the message element target using the Add/Edit dialog in Figure 8, you left the Type field as String so that the Value field could be the desired string constant.
239. A Dialog Box will show your Windows CE version and processor type.
240. The startup monitor will issue a warning dialog to user immediately when a registry run key is changed by some program to make itself auto-start.
241. When you click this button, the Data Link Properties dialog box appears.
242. The profiling dialog box is integrated with the run dialog, and pre-defined profiling sets are available to users, as shown in Figure 1.
243. OutputLink tab in the Project Settings dialog box, set the Entry Point Symbol to wWinMainCRTStartup.
244. In the Add New Item dialog box,[] select Preprocessed Text Template.
245. As you work with geoprocessing tools more and more, you may find the Command Line window a real work-saver. Instead of opening a tool dialog, you enter text for a tool and its parameters.
246. In the GUI object module, we give the design mode of dialog box and controls.
247. This dialog box makes it possible for you to change the default formatting settings for the CSS Editor.
248. In the Add New Item dialog box, select Business Data Connectivity Model.
249. In the Disk Cleanup for dialog box, scroll through the content of the Files to delete list.
250. The Word dialog box for administering COM - add-ins will be shown.




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