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单词 Presentation
1, The presentation was very slick.
2, The Mayor will make the presentation herself.
3, The manner of presentation is highly important.
4, All the students have to give presentation by turns.
5, The presentation of prizes began after the speeches.
6, You had to admire the slick presentation of last night's awards ceremony.
7, This newspaper maintains a good balance in its presentation of different opinions.
8, Members will be admitted on presentation of a membership card.
9, On presentation of the relevant identity documents you may collect your property.
10, They are preparing for the presentation of a new musical.
11, The president made a presentation to the businesswoman of the year.
12, The presentation of prizes will begin in the town hall at nine o'clock.
13, Good presentation skills.
14, The trial was adjourned following the presentation of new evidence to the court.
15, made an unceremonious presentation.
16, You're too slipshod about your presentation.
17, The presentation will take place indoors if it's wet.
18, Computer graphics will give your presentation the professional touch.
19, 40 of her colleagues gathered for her farewell presentation.
20, The presentation of the material was untidy.
21, The Queen will make the presentation herself.
22, Their presentation put ours to shame.
23, The presentation ended on an upbeat note.
24, Improving the product's presentation should increase sales.
25, Often presentation wins out over content .
26, Don't underestimate the importance of neat presentation.
27, We went to the premiere of their new presentation.
28, She needs to improve her presentation of the arguments.
29, She is meticulous in her presentation of facts.
30, We serve traditional French food cooked in a lighter way,()(http:///presentation.html) keeping the presentation simple.
1, The presentation was very slick.
2, The Mayor will make the presentation herself.
3, All the students have to give presentation by turns.
4, The presentation of prizes began after the speeches.
5, You had to admire the slick presentation of last night's awards ceremony.
6, We serve traditional French food cooked in a lighter way, keeping the presentation simple.
7, This newspaper maintains a good balance in its presentation of different opinions.
8, Members will be admitted on presentation of a membership card.
9, On presentation of the relevant identity documents you may collect your property.
10, The president made a presentation to the businesswoman of the year.
11, The presentation of prizes will begin in the town hall at nine o'clock.
12, The trial was adjourned following the presentation of new evidence to the court.
13, The Queen will make the presentation herself.
14, She is meticulous in her presentation of facts.
15, His presentation was clear and incisive.
16, Last week we went to the presentation of a new play.
17, The presentation of food can be as important as the taste.
31, His presentation was clear and incisive.
32, I felt the performance/speech/presentation lacked punch.
33, His presentation was a crock of shit.
34, The speaker gave an interesting presentation on urban transport.
35, I admire the clear, logical presentation of her arguments.
36, Paul always gets nervous whenever he has to give a presentation.
37, The presentation was a collaborative effort by all the children in the class.
38, Your presentation must move effortlessly from one point to the next.
39, They are known to place/put/set a high value on good presentation.
40, I think the chief exec was favourably impressed by your presentation.
41, We want to make her a presentation to celebrate her jubilee.
42, The magazine asked its readers to send in their comments about the new style of presentation.
43, The ideas in the show's presentation were good, but failed in execution.
44, Can I have a word in your ear about tomorrow's presentation?
45, Television commercials during a dramatic presentation break up the continuity of effect.
46, The compliments she received after the presentation boosted her self-esteem.
47, The sales manager will give a presentation on the new products.
48, The date for the presentation should have been inked in by now.
49, I went to see the National Theatre's presentation of Arthur Miller's 'The Last Yankee'.
50, James Watson, Philip Mayo and I gave a slide and video presentation.
51, In an interview, smart presentation can tip the balance in your favour.
52, Last week we went to the presentation of a new play.
53, Usually, the presentation is made on the other side of the pond.
54, Well, if you missed the presentation because you couldn't be bothered to turn up on time, that's your hard luck!
55, He received his award at a presentation in London yesterday.
56, The party's electoral message may be obscured by the glitz and glamour of its presentation.
57, I'm going to ask each of you to make a short presentation.
58, Club members will be admitted on presentation of their membership cards.
59, It was pleasing to know that the presentation had gone so well.
60, The presentation of food can be as important as the taste.
61, Candidates have to give a short presentation on a subject of their choice.
62, Then came the presentation of the awards by the Queen Mother.
63, Check the presentation. Get it properly laid out with a title page.
64, When making your presentation, it is important to have all the facts at your fingertips .
65, Presentation is important if you want people to buy your products.
66, Candidates will have to give a presentation on a given topic.
67, I'm sorry to leave you in the lurch but I can't do the presentation with you this afternoon.
68, In an interview, smart presentation can tip the scales in your favour.
69, The presentation of prizes and certificates will take place in the main hall.
70, There were five people altogether who attended the presentation.
71, I do not think this presentation advances the arguments.
72, She gave a presentation before the board of directors.
73, Exhibition and audiovisual presentation about the house.
74, Our work is the presentation of our capabilities. Edward Gibbon 
75, These presentation were made during the annual sales conference.
76, In language presentation and practice there should be a story of some kind or a series of anecdotes or incidents.
77, Conran has gone so far as ending catwalk exhibitions totally in favour of presentation by video.
78, They broke the basic rule of presentation which applies in politics as much as it does in other fields.
79, Feel free to make your presentation in whatever way is most agreeable to you,() using visuals if you so prefer.
80, A trophy and bursary will be awarded to the Winemaker of the Year at a presentation on 14 October in London.
81, Its initial presentation indirectly reflected the growing polarities within Christendom.
82, In the evening there is a barbecue dinner around the camp fire, followed by a presentation of Meo dances.
83, Following the formal presentation tea and sandwiches were available as old friends and colleagues met.
84, Chef Stroehl is known for the artistic presentation of his dishes.
85, Today, the defence makes its final presentation to the jury.
86, A drop in ratings and interest seems to coincide with pageant attempts to a more natural presentation.
87, The best documented measure of severity was a simple classification based on each patient's initial state of distress on presentation.
88, While these symptoms impart a conformity to the clinical presentation, the underlying psychodynamic psychopathology is varied.
89, At the medal presentation, the loudest cheers came for Strug.
90, The presentation of the first patient with a subacute sensorimotor peripheral neuropathy is typical of intoxication with inorganic arsenic.
91, The mode of presentation, laboratory findings, and compliance and response to a gluten free diet were assessed.
92, The software also includes libraries for instrument control, data analysis and data presentation.
93, In Profile is intended as a final presentation this year to celebrate 10 years of survival.
94, Printing and presentation should be as attractive as possible - after all the library is an attractive place isn't it?
95, It can therefore pay to subject your verbal presentation to some extremely critical scrutiny before it reaches its final destination.
96, The presentation of straying males is, then, much less censorious.
97, As I was doing the project management part of my presentation today it hit me like a ton of bricks.
98, The clinical presentation of complex partial seizures is diverse and includes psychiatric, motor, and somatic signs and symptoms.
99, The festivities were capped by an emotional presentation of a set of Bohemian cut glass from the staff to Bernard and Laura.
100, The presentation was divided into three sections, the first being instrumental.
101, Lack of awareness of late presentation of traumatic rupture of the diaphragm in children may result in a delay in diagnosis.
102, Any visual aid should be carefully selected and planned to add clarity to the presentation. 2.
103, In the first three months of 1987 a number of the company's cheques were dishonoured on presentation.
104, Councillors yesterday accepted the idea in principle after a presentation by Homesmith.
105, The presentation of comparative figures has been adjusted to reflect the new standard.
106, Establish an independent committee to advise on the objective presentation of health statistics and prevent their political manipulation.
107, During the presentation(Sentence dictionary), listen carefully and take brief notes. 4.
108, On the whole, the show is appealing, stimulating and marked by an admirable clarity of presentation.
109, Most of all, he desires to make an intelligent presentation.
110, It makes it abundantly clear that even the possession and academic presentation of information necessary for an ethnography could be actionable.
111, At the end of the presentation you'll all have a chance to ask questions.
112, It is a nonspecific test and must be interpreted in the context of the total clinical presentation. 4.
113, Generous cash prizes from the Northern Bank will be awarded to winners in four categories at a special presentation ceremony.
114, When Tilbey had finished his presentation, Brown got up and asked the thirteen students to give him a big hand.
115, What may appear in their presentation as polar opposites are in reality shifting points on a continuum.
116, To deal with this extra dimension, we add Chapter 9 on conversation, and Chapter 10 on speech and thought presentation.
117, C S Collins An obvious enthusiast, with a strong sense of humour which did not detract from his very informative presentation.
118, Somehow you have to play devil's advocate against your presentation and try to knock it to pieces.
119, This part of building a successful presentation demands a degree of intellectual honesty that may test even the most confident manager.
120, Presentation Packs - Special Stamps and information pack in one, sumptuously illustrated in full colour.
121, Decide on the order of the presentation of material to the learner and produce flow diagrams. 4.
122, Further publicity can be gained from local presentation ceremonies later in the year.
123, This might be a typical presentation of acute hyperventilation caused by rapid shallow breathing during moments of high anxiety.
124, Afterwards, the rest of the group will critique your presentation.
125, To carry conviction your presentation must move effortlessly from one statement to the next taking your audience with you.
126, The walls and ceiling would be painted with scenes from the Buddha's life and the presentation of gifts by benefactors.
127, The conventional view would be that our patient had asymptomatic coeliac disease and developed a lymphoma, which precipitated the initial presentation.
128, He snored through the presentation and awoke with the applause and jumped up and took a bow.
129, And then, later on in the evening, he began to get agitated as the presentation neared.
130, Platform services supervisor Bob Tryanor made the presentation before a small audience of platform staff.
131, Usually, the clinical presentation is not subtle, and the presence of a malignancy becomes obvious after a thorough clinical examination.
132, Comparative figures Prior year comparative figures have been restated to conform to the current year's presentation where appropriate.
133, Abel, for example, is obviously a Democrat, as he slipped more than a few anti-Reagan barbs into his presentation.
134, Warrington Council has been given a detailed presentation on Liverpool's proposals by airport managing director Rod Hill.
135, The official presentation will occur as soon after that as in convenient for all parties.
136, The quality of the work submitted by candidates for the Test has improved, but more in presentation than in intellectual calibre.
137, Trismus may be very prominent, resulting in a clinical presentation mimicking tetanus.
138, Each Agency will make a brief presentation of its work to date and its plans for the future.
139, We compared the times taken to establish a definite diagnosis for the remaining infants from the time of presentation at the hospital.
140, A presumptive diagnosis of gout can often be made on the basis of hyperuricemia and the clinical presentation.
141, SmartStream provides data access, distribution, presentation and development functions for managing purchasing, asset management and manufacturing systems.
142, But after their three-hour presentation, Ranieri rose to deliver the closing address.
143, Where changes in presentation are made, appropriate adjustments are made to comparative figures.
144, Eichert made the comments during a presentation about a new teacher evaluation system.
145, However, despite the apparent consensus, there were notable differences in style, presentation and treatment where these values were concerned.
146, Payments are made to the exporter by the bank on presentation of documents certifying compliance with the original contract.
147, Each presentation from the two subgroups was greeted by spontaneous applause.
148, The earliest presentation with cancer of the bowel in this series was 21 years.
149, It has generally been found that people can only absorb around seven key ideas in any verbal presentation, nomatterhow well conveyed.
150, There have been few controlled prospective studies of the effect of transferring to human insulin on the clinical presentation of hypoglycaemia.
151, Harlequin has a range of tailored data presentation applications such as Watson - for criminal investigations - and a crew rostering system.
152, If signs are to be effective for user orientation, they must be carefully planned with regard to position, content and presentation.
153, One of the hospitals in Grampian had spare capacity in radiology and made a presentation to the fundholding group.
154, He adds that the graphics capabilities allow the operation of a slideshow without the need to buy a specialist presentation graphics package.
155, We would offer a slide or video presentation followed by discussion and scriptural reflection.
156, P J Desmond Clearly demonstrated the complexity of the issues in a well-argued presentation which suffered at times from being a little unfocussed.
157, An additional advantage of this method of presentation is that it made the situation less realistic for subjects.
158, Clearly, though, the best way to improve your presentation skills is through practice and constructive criticism, hardly new concepts.
159, A highlight of the evening will be the presentation of a special award to a local designer.
160, The season went well and the club recently held its presentation dinner dance where the trophies were awarded.
161, Whiter illustrates his point by showing how the conditions of Elizabethan dramatic presentation reinforced the use of certain repeatedly connected images.
162, It was kind of funny watching the presentation blow up in Harry's face.
163, Partial randomization of presentation order was achieved using the video controller.
164, Style may crystallize into persona and persona be understood as a public presentation of a particular type of social being.
165, That the respondent has deserted the petitioner for a continuous period of at least two years immediately preceding the presentation of the petition.
166, How effective do you consider this means of presentation and how widely could it be applied to other discourse types?
167, The previous half-year figures have been adjusted for this change in presentation.
168, A good staff manoeuvred to avoid such disasters,(http:///presentation.html) attempting to manipulate the presentation of news.
169, The Bank has not given a formal ruling on this method of presentation from a capital adequacy perspective.
170, Often included was a humorous presentation by a deaf man.
171, The viewpoint is somewhat narrow and there are several controversial areas where the presentation is very one-sided.
172, With strong oral communication. presentation and report writing skill.
173, Open and proactive, with good communication and presentation skills.
174, The entire presentation was a snow job.
175, Superior color reproducibility increases presentation impact.
176, A sight draft is a bill payable on presentation.
177, Payment will be made in Pound Sterling in London on presentation of on board bill lading.
178, Many students find giving an effective oral presentation difficult and stressful.
179, He doesn't only quite skillful in oral presentation , but also possesses rich expressions.
180, Teams will document their efforts in a written report and make formal presentation of their results.
181, A recording of a newscast, talk show or other oral presentation originally generated via the radio.
182, Our terms of payment are by irrevocable L sight draft against presentation of shipping documents.
183, Students are also required to assess their project a final oral presentation.
184, Guangdong shares similarities in cultural presentation with other places in south China during Paleolithic Period.
185, Witness Statement I have been present during the oral presentation of this research study.
186, The ability of writing is secondry to the oral presentation in some jobs.
187, Significant falciparum parasitemia had been identified at presentation in both cases.
188, Several short documents, a longer report or article, and a short oral presentation are required.
189, On December 2000, the candidate cities will give the IOC a 10 - minute oral presentation.
190, The buyer is required to make payment on the presentation or sighting of the draft.
191, Students deliver an oral progress report [ Week 5 ] and a final oral presentation [ Week 13 ].
192, The research paper and oral presentation are essential components of the course curriculum.
193, We report a case of pulmonary tuberculosis with hemoptysis as the initial presentation.
194, This project will be presented to the class in an presentation and a brief written report.
195, Readability is enhanced by improving the visual presentation of text.
196, Ten - minute oral presentation of an area of particular personal interest and experience.
197, Class assignments include three brief analytical papers and one oral presentation.
198, Five - minute oral presentation of an area of particular personal interest and experience.
199, I hope you'll be able to see the power point presentation.
200, Paper copies of visual presentation materials should be distributed before the recitation.
201, Jimmy Poon presenting a souvenir to Augustine Tsang at the end of his presentation.
202, Format of the conference include: briefing, presentation, computer simulation , case study, forum [],(http:///presentation.html) and panel discussion.
203, The written and oral presentation of experimental results is also emphasized in the course.
204, Familiar with exhibition presentation, advertising design, stage set up and related regulations and process.




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