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单词 Poet
1, The worst tragedy for a poet is to be admired through being misunderstood. 
2, He is highly rated as a poet.
3, William Wordsworth wrote lyric poetry/was a lyric poet.
4, She was an extremely gifted poet.
5, Robert Burns is Scotland's most venerated poet.
6, He was a celebrated poet.
7, At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet. Plato 
8, at the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.
9, The poet recited some of her recent poems.
10, A poet is one who can convert ordinary words into a meaningful and effective piece of writing.
11, Every man is a poet when he is in love.
12, He is a lyric poet.
13, A poet sometimes falsifies accent.
14, The poet archaized her work with many Elizabethan words.
15, The poet has symbolized his lover with a flower.
16, He was a poet,[http:///poet.html] an anarchist and a vegan.
17, She has serious limitations as a poet.
18, The old poet decried the mediocrity of today's writing.
19, She's more of a poet than a novelist.
20, He is a very underrated poet.
21, He was a poet of a sort.
22, No one today doubts Eliot's distinction as a poet.
23, Ben Okri is a Nigerian-born poet and novelist.
24, He was a painter and poet.
25, The poet is enamoured of beauty.
26, She wrote the perfect epitaph for the poet.
27, He was a poet and an ardent spiritualist.
28, Her interest in politics began to overshadow her desire to be a poet.
29, She is not only a novelist but also a poet.
30, The boat races during the Dragon Boat Festival are traditional customs to attempts to rescue the patriotic poet Chu Yuan. Chu Yuan drowned on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in 277 B.C. Chinese citizens now throw bamboo leaves filled with cooked rice into the water. Therefore the fish could eat the rice rather than the hero poet. This later on turned into the custom of eating tzungtzu and rice dumplings.
1, William Wordsworth wrote lyric poetry/was a lyric poet.
2, She was an extremely gifted poet.
3, Robert Burns is Scotland's most venerated poet.
4, He was a celebrated poet.
5, The poet recited some of her recent poems.
6, Her interest in politics began to overshadow her desire to be a poet.
7, She is not only a novelist but also a poet.
8, A poet is one who can convert ordinary words into a meaningful and effective piece of writing.
31, The poet passed over early in life.
32, As a poet he hardly approaches John Milton.
33, The poet eloquently expresses the sense of lost innocence.
34, The poet lived a happy life in his later life.
35, In the closing lines, the poet indulges his sense of irony.
36, The poet threw off a poem at the evening party.
37, The poet ranted his humorous verses before a big crowd.
38, In today's review section Anthony Edwards, playwright, poet, novelist and general wordsmith, talks about his glittering career.
39, The poet compressed many thoughts and emotions into a few well-chosen words.
40, A poet could not but be gay in such a jocund company.
41, The poet compares his lover to a rose in his poems.
42, He was determined to reinvent himself as a poet and writer.
43, Keats' reputation as a great poet rests largely upon the odes and the later sonnets.
44, He not only wants to be taken seriously as a musician[/poet.html], but as a poet too.
45, A poet always searches how to reinvest words with new meaning.
46, In many of his poems the poet reflects on the quietude of the countryside.
47, A poet writes poems.
48, The poet e. e. cummings wrote his name with small letters, not capital letters.
49, She was a poet living in the early fifteenth century.
50, He was another minor poet, perhaps unfairly consigned to oblivion.
51, This is a poem that perfectly conveys to the reader what the poet feels.
52, He will go down in history as a realistic poet.
53, What do you think the poet is getting at in these lines?
54, The poet expressed his burning passion for the woman he loved.
55, When the poet stumbled over a line in the middle of a poem, someone in the audience corrected him.
56, Sometimes he is funny; sometimes he seems like a poet.
57, In her last days the poet expressed concern for her father.
58, He was generally acknowledged to be the finest poet in the land.
59, The crowd cheered as Premier Wayne Goss unveiled a lifesize statue of poet Banjo Paterson.
60, The poet fell in love with her and immortalized her in his verse.
61, The poet compares his lover's tongue to a razor blade.
62, A bronze plaque marks the house where the poet was born.
63, He achieved campus-wide fame as the Phantom Poet.
64, Later he became poet laureate of the United States.
65, She had become increasingly successful as a poet.
66, Thomas Aquinas, and its greatest poet, Dante Alighieri.
67, Poet and editor of JackLeg, a community-based literary magazine.
68, He is a poet of a different nature.
69, Seamus Heaney is Ireland's greatest living poet.
70, What inspired that rebellious young poet called Rimbaud?
71, Rush is a poet and writer of fiction.
72, The poet Alan Dixon evidently thinks the same.
73, Poet Isaac Rosenfeld played the surly butler.
74, But the poet Goethe roundly rejected that idea.
75, Have you ever heard of the poet T.S. Eliot?
76, Susskind Eikhl is a famous poet.
77, Peter considers himself a poet.
78, I am rock's foremost poet and ill-mannered grouch.
79, Michelangelo, sculptor, painter, architect, and poet, died in 1564.
80, Love, the poet said, is woman's whole existence. Virginia Woolf 
81, By inventing a myth, the epic poet frees himself from the group.
82, Obviously, what the poet communicates to the reader in this poem is a complex reflection of her current mental state.
83, I had gained a poet but was losing a lover, perhaps the last I would ever know.
84, These love poems are believed to have been composed by a poet at the court of King Henry II.
85, Her husband was an electrical engineer who wanted only to be a poet.
86, Wistfully, William Wordsworth wrote: en and everyone understood what the poet meant.
87, The poet sees in life a truth that gives significance to the otherwise mean and trivial things.
88, He was, simultaneously, a loving father and sensitive poet and a ruthless dictator who presided over a reign of terror.
89, Nor is he an old-fashioned, bookish poet with antiquarian tendencies like Tennyson.
90, If you want to be a poet, you must evolve your own style of writing.
91, The poem contains references to places where the poet spent his childhood.
92, From here to chanson twelve is hell to heaven but our game old poet seemed to work his miracle.
93, Sidney as a poet, therefore, understandably asserts the improving role of poetry against those hostile to literature.
94, Robert Louis Stevenson the novelist and poet who travelled extensively, preferred the donkey.
95, The poet Arthur Rimbaud led a short but extremely eventful life.
96, The qualities that make a poet are not different in kind from what other men have.
97, He was excellently placed to be the next Poet Laureate when the position fell vacant in ninety-six.
98, The poet Emily Dickinson is known for her brilliant fancies.
99, The first epic poet of a human group is the first individual.
100, She officially unveiled a carved plaque to commemorate the centenary last year of the death of poet Richard Watson.
101, In 1879, Maurice, son of the poet and novelist George MacDonald, died at the age of fifteen.
102, He is poet in residence at the Inn on the Alameda in Santa Fe.
103, For the most part the later sonnets of celebration of the Friend impute no such extraordinary motives to the Poet.
104, My daughter, the poet, says Sofia was the goddess in charge of wisdom long ago.
104, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
105, The lines were written by an obscure English poet named Mordaunt.
106, The 66-year-old poet said the grant will enable him to make some long-range plans.
107, When a revised edition appeared c. 1775, Leapor was still the most heavily represented poet.
108, He was its poet and its prophet for almost 60 years and when he died Saturday, a lyrical voice was silenced.
109, The poet Francis Rose wrote in 1855 of how King Alfred ... his blow-stone blew.
110, Bedwyr, the poet and dreamer, who suffered ten times over for one grief, was the finer man.
111, Whatever his capacity as a poet, Theobald was no fool as an editor or as a critic.
112, After grad school, a series of grants allowed the peripatetic poet simply to write.
113, She is a poet who is admired by other poets but not well-known to the general public.
114, The other is a conversation with the poet Liao Yiwu active in the 1989 democracy movement and subsequently jailed.
115, They did not expect to get home, says the poet; still, they went to sleep.
116, She loves the Poet, and will do anything to please him, including turning tricks for a variety of kinky characters.
117, The juggernaut bucked and the poet held on to the side to prevent himself being thrown around.
118, If he were a poet he would write a poem to that glimpse of bare ankle.
119, I am the poet of the poor, because I was poor when I loved; since I could not give gifts(), I gave words. Ovid 
120, Born in 1818, he had been educated under the supervision of the liberally inclined Romantic poet Vasilii Zhukovskii.
121, He pictures the poet or dramatist surrounded by a group of fans in the coffee-house.
122, His standing as a critic reflects his standing as a poet.
123, If you only write when inspired, you may be a fairly decent poet, but you'll never be a novelist. Neil Gaiman 
124, The quotation propelled an unpretentious poet called Minnie Haskins blinking into the light.
125, In all, it seems that Leapor has, at last, been recognized as a poet worthy of serious consideration.
126, The last poet they had had, had been Ralph Hodgson, before the war.
127, As a poet, I think I write intelligently, but I’m not an intellectual. Gulzar 
128, In short, the comic poet is invading the territory of the tragic muse.
129, She has written the definitive book on the poet Wordsworth.
130, Morris wrote endlessly and was even offered the post of poet laureate.
131, The poet Goethe is a supreme exponent of the Romantic response to nature.
132, It is obvious that Matson is a poet, if only for her precise word choice.
133, A poet must write poetry and a musician must make music - or they will never be happy.
134, More literary verse usually has fewer levels of metrical organisation, thus allowing the poet a more flexible use of language.
135, It was the family home of the Dryden family and was visited by the poet John Dryden.
136, By the order of words the poet even hints that Thessaly is more fortunate than her sister Sparta.
137, Since then, Johnson has established himself as a novelist with the large, messy talent of a hard-boiled poet.
138, Are you acquainted if only by repute with a Mr Landor who is a poet?
139, Later on a poet with real soul, but now with the Friday sport, here's Tim.
140, The great modernist poet Wallace Stevens supported himself as an executive at a Hartford insurance company.
141, Alvin met the genial master poet Langston Hughes, who became a lifelong friend and confidant.
142, The poems are delivered with the pompous self-importance of an obscure poet addressing a small band of intellectuals.
143, He was already a famous poet and playwright, but he was a family man, too.
144, There are other poems attacking the Friend in which the Poet writes from a closer perspective.
145, The poem is not the depository for the feelings and reactions of the poet trying to share secrets with the reader.
146, You were saying, Joan, that you regard Grimes as a poet in a way.
147, With his teachers he salvaged from oblivion many of the Swahili poets, notably the Mombasa poet, Bwana Muyaka.
148, In this poem the poet is expressing an anxiety about the modern day church.
149, The second volume, according to Duncombe, was edited by Isaac Hawkins Browne, a poet and sometime member of parliament.
150, A writer and poet, he had spent 25 years in prison camps, being released in 1990.
151, Sometimes he seems to be an extraordinary blend of artist, poet and businessman.
152, Its clear narrative thrust is appropriate for the subject, though perhaps surprising in a novel by a poet.
153, As a struggling poet in the late twentieth century, I often thought that some early poets achieved publication very easily.
154, She kinda thought of him as a poet, and I think he loved her for that.
155, This poet regarded the joys of gods with bemused, unshockable, and endlessly credulous respect.
156, He had a good ear for language, and was a talented scholar, translator, and lyric poet.
157, Ladd, a Boston-based bassist / poet / producer, never lets the music out of his hands.
158, In return for their favor he acted so atrociously that no poet ever tried to explain his conduct.
159, One of the Peckhams' sons is a poet, another is an environmental consultant, and the third is a doctor.
160, It should not be thought, though, that Mauchline's fame is restricted to its associations with the poet.
161, The mistress of Socrates deigned to Cast her smile on this unknown poet.
162, Therein, lies the heart, the pity and the anguish of this initial collaboration between Strauss and poet Hugo von Hofmannsthal.
163, But in the principality last week he was hailed as a greater poet than Dylan Thomas.
164, Virgil too is the only poet who gives clearly the geography of the underworld.
165, Dissident A rabbinical poet with hippy dreadlocks was king of the clients on vodka street.
166, It would, however,[http:///poet.html] be absurd to complain that Blunden and Mellor chiefly admire skill in a poet.
167, Shakespeare's poet is in a frenzy, possessed by the spirit of artistic creation.
168, A marriage begun without financial security looks hazardous to the poet, let alone where the man seems cunning and manipulative.
169, We had a beatnik poet who wore salami patches on his tweed sport coat.
170, But one great poet is perhaps enough in any family, even the most civilized.
171, I must choose between Dana's love and my own identity as a person and as a poet.
172, Tonight he brings his talent back to town as part of the Make a Date With a Poet series.
173, A poet in retirement, 1800-7 During these years we are still on the high plateau of Wordsworth's poetic achievement.
174, The well-known poet, e.e. cummings, does precisely that; he achieves special effect by using unusual grammatical configurations.
175, It seems that Freemantle was uneasy about poems which even in the most literal sense made the poet look bad.
176, Maud Gonne was the muse of W.B. Yeats, the Irish poet.
177, Raymond Williams's assessment of Stephen Duck's collapse as a poet once he entered polite society has already been commented upon.
178, This study is not an attempt to rescue from oblivion a poet whom critical attention has neglected.
179, We had a sort of poet in this house once. I expect you'd think nothing to her.
180, Whitechapel reminded the poet of a scene from Dante's Inferno.
181, Luckily, they happen upon a blind poet who foretells their future and helps them start their journey.
182, Rudi had been, at various times, a coffeehouse poet and an amateur philosopher, but nothing really came of it.
183, Education Wordsworth was an intelligent and highly educated man: he was a learned, clever, even a witty poet.
184, In those times, a poet could descend on you with all his retinue and eat you out of house and home.
185, Living well, it seems, is the best revenge, even for a genial poet.
186, As the poet said, "Only God can make a tree" - probably because it's so hard to figure out how to get the bark on. Woody Allen 
187, The esteemed poet and ecological essayist has lived here with his family for 25 years.
188, There may be, as the poet John Keats once suggested, a natural human response to what is beautiful and true.
189, Among the cast of clowns is the Brouhaha theatre group and poet Jegsy Dodd.
190, How could a self-styled poet be so oblivious to taste?
191, Stephen Duck, however, is not the first instance of a labouring class poet in the eighteenth century.
192, It is difficult to know where to have Randolph Ash. I fear he will never become a popular poet.
193, The poet and the painter have never met before, but their pairing seems inspired.
194, No Hellenistic poet or philosopher quoted it[Sentence dictionary], although modern scholars have sometimes deluded themselves on this subject.
195, The poet improves on nature, giving a landscape more vitality and heightened beauty.
196, On the reverse in the artist's left-handed script is a three-word inscription from the Roman poet Pliny.
197, But the Poet interferes with the preparation of the meat and drops a can of red pepper into the broth.
198, The person I had seen could have not the slightest interest in a beat-up old poet like me.
199, Last July I met a young smart poet Provence.
200, How do you rank Wordsworth as a poet?
201, Where do you rank Wordsworth as a poet?
202, Wordsworth is a poet in memory of the past.
203, Robert Frost is a very famous American poet.
204, He is a poet who calls himself a peacemaker.
205, Gaetano Veloso is an excellent songwriter and poet.
206, He is unarguably a great poet.
207, Morton: Dude, you are a warrior poet.
208, The famous poet sought after truth all his life.
209, Les Murray is a famous Australian modernistic poet.
210, Orpheus was the greatest poet who ever lived.
211, My poet , thou canst touch on all the notes.
212, "If parents are bows and children are arrows, " said an Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore. "Can you never shoot?"
213, Wei Zhuang , suzerain of the Huajian Ci field, is a famous poet in late TangDynasty.
214, The poems ofthe famous ancient Korean poet - Bai reflects the style and rhyming and Song poetry.
215, Queen of Romania ( 88 - 9') and poet who wrote under the pseudonym Carmen Sylva.
216, The poet addressed many poems to his mistress, praising her beauty.
217, Burns - night started 200 years ago as a tribute to the famous Scottish poet, Robert Burns.
218, Nash was a fun poet, and it was for a good cause.
219, Wordsworth enters St John's, and publishes his first poem. He later became Poet Laureate.
220, Today we tell about the well - known American poet, Walt Whitman.
221, English poet and diplomat known for his epigrams and satirical verse.
222, No one can be a poet without a certain unsoundness of mind.
223, I imagined that feeling the wetness on the bottom of my feet made me a poet.
224, Queen of Romania ( 1881 - 1916 ) and poet who wrote under the pseudonym Carmen Sylva.
225, Liu Chenweng is a famous scholar, poet ,[] essayist andand Yuan Dynasty.
226, Ralph Waldo Emerson , American Author, Poet & Philosopher, ( 1803~1882 ).
227, At first swan song meant the last work of a poet, musician or writer.
228, As a poet, Zhang Zhidong naturally had his own creation attainment and the poetics principle.
229, Thomas Hardy is a novelist(), and a poet as well.
230, A poet wrote a note about a toad in the road.
231, He is the 14 th poet laureate of the United States and received many awards.
232, ' swineburne , " he repeated, with the same mispronunciation. " The poet. "
233, Du Mu is a famous poet and poser in the late Tang Dynasty.
234, Richard Bentley Regius Professor of Divinity from 1717, completes his edition of the Latin poet , Horace.
235, The poet Percy Bysshe Shelley's heart refused to burn at his cremation, leading his wife Mary, author of Frankenstein, to keep it as a memento in her writing desk until the day she died.
236, Wallace Stevens is considered an unapologetically Romantic poet of imagination.
237, The excellence poet gross flounder both ends in idiot and balance.
238, The use of these lists has reminded many of readers of the poet Walt Whitman.
239, The late English Poet Laureate - Ted Hughes mainsequence Crow tells how the protagonist grows to maturity.
240, Dante Gabriel Rossetti is a famous English painter and poet in the 19 th century.
241, The At first, swan song meant the last work of a poet, musician or a writer.
242, Emily Dickinson ( 1830 - 1886 ) was as famous a poet as Walt Whitman , who lived in the nineteenth century.
243, Emily Dickinson , a famous American poetess of the 19 th century, is a unique and unprecedented poet.
244, Christina Rossetti is widely regarded as the greatest female poet in English up to her own time.
245, Milton claims that epic poetry is the highest ambition for a poet and then he goes on to explain how it is that the epic poet should comport himself. I love this.
246, Thomas Hardy , English novelist and poet, was born in Dorset , the son of a stonemason.
247, No one knows it yet, but the city has a new poet: The Sauerkraut Poet.
248, Thus the most outstanding poet always desires to be made a poet laureate.
249, Liang Chung - tai was a famous poet, poem theoretician and translator in the thirties.
250, Celan is now recognized as the greatest German poet since Rilke.
251, She was a lyric poet who developed her own particular meter ,[http:///poet.html] known as sapphic meter.
252, Soviet poet whose collections of verse include Parabola ( 1960 ) and The Triangular Pear ( 1962 ).
253, The poet Robert Frost frequently told me about his first love.
254, Irish poet William Butler Yeats , 1865 - 1939 , was one of the greatest poets of English Modernism.
255, A famous poet in the Russian Silver Age number of remarkable poems with a unique style.
256, The poet reputedly drowned while trying to kiss the moon's reflection from a boat.
257, And then the proud and smirking Poet and Maker falls ten thousand feet into dubiety .
258, Fang Yue was a famous patriotic Ci poet of the Song Dynasty.
259, Nash was a fun poet , andwas for a good cause.




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