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单词 Alter
(1) An old dog cannot alter its way of barking. 
(2) He's my alter ego we go everywhere together.
(3) As times alter, men's affections change.
(4) We've had to alter some of our plans.
(5) Barry Humphries's alter ego Dame Edna has taken the US by storm.
(6) Would you alter it?
(7) Gissing used his fictional alter ego to attack Victorian morals.
(8) Drugs can alter your perception of reality.
(9) People alter their voices in relationship to background noise.
(10) Property prices did not significantly alter during 1999.
(11) She had to alter her clothes after losing weight.
(12) She is trying to alter the coat.
(13) It doesn't alter the way I feel.
(14) Superman's alter ego was Clark Kent.
(15) He is unlikely to alter his game plan.
(16) We have to alter the house into a barn.
(17) Clark Kent is Superman's alter ego.
(18) He remained obdurate(), refusing to alter his decision.
(19) Closing the factory would irrevocably alter the character of the local community for the worse.
(20) Nothing can alter the fact that the refugees are our responsibility.
(21) The right to deliberately alter quotations is not a concomitant of a free press.
(22) Nothing can alter the fact that we are to blame.
(23) Mrs Reagan was widely regarded as the President's alter ego.
(24) It was the suggestion that he might alter course to win an election that really nettled him.
(25) The current division of labor between workers and management will alter.
(26) Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. Alter what is changeable, and accept what is mutable.
(27) Although long-distance phone calls are going up, the charge for local calls will not alter.
(28) If your new coat is too large, a tailor can alter it to fit you.
(29) By changing the tomato's genetic blueprint , scientists can alter the rate at which it ripens.
(30) Unemployment has come down slightly but this does not alter the fact that it is still a major problem.
(1) We've had to alter some of our plans.
(2) Barry Humphries's alter ego Dame Edna has taken the US by storm.
(3) The current division of labor between workers and management will alter.
(4) Would you alter it?
(5) Gissing used his fictional alter ego to attack Victorian morals.
(6) We have to alter the house into a barn.
(31) You can alter/change the whole appearance of a room just by lighting it in a certain way.
(32) These are radical changes which will alter the complexion of the British contemporary dance scene.
(33) He denounces people who urge him to alter his ways.
(34) The fact that she had become wealthy did not tempt her to alter her frugal way of life.
(35) It would be sacrilege to alter the composer's original markings.
(36) The government has interfered in industry, with disastrous results, by attempting to alter economic trends.
(37) She was about to alter the trimmings of the dress.
(38) I'll have to alter the diagram. I've made a mistake.
(39) Even a clear finish will alter the colour of wood slightly.
(40) You never change/alter.
(41) Pregnancy can alter the behaviour of some females.
(42) And again(http://), the Club decided to alter the clubhouse.
(43) The court did not alter the $2,500 judgment.
(44) Circumstances must alter your way of speaking.
(45) Encourage him to alter position 2-4 hourly.
(46) With age comes changes that alter the physical environment.
(47) Hence, transfers alter the composition of private goods production.
(48) It seemed certain that nothing would alter the situation.
(49) Room acoustics Room acoustics can completely alter speech reception.
(50) The plan will alter traffic patterns in the area.
(51) Very exceptionally the Bank may alter the above arrangements.
(52) A change in perception does not alter facts.
(53) Time doesn't alter attitudes and facts.
(54) We know from many studies that quite subtle changes in tasks can significantly alter their difficulty level.
(55) Such a mechanism is particularly useful if there is a need to alter the kinds of proteins present to meet changing circumstances.
(56) However, in some areas where religious loyalties remain strong, such loyalties can still alter the pattern of class voting.
(57) When it was too late to alter the course of events, the party's leaders found the courage to assert themselves.
(58) Hormonally active synthetic chemicals can damage the reproductive system, alter the nervous system and brain, and impair the immune system.
(59) The occasion challenged her to either alter her vision or to imagine new ways of achieving it.
(60) Similarly, basal serum gastrin concentrations do not alter with ageing in healthy men.
(61) Reaction to speech Commentators claimed that Hussein's speech did nothing less than alter the strategic balance in the Middle East.
(62) Finally, the organization reaches the point where it lacks the resources required to alter the perception of its performance.
(63) I am aware of journals that alter text substantially yet never seek the authors' approval.
(64) The Wizards could make more trades that could alter their salary cap structure and the makeup of the team.
(65) Of course that didn't alter the fact that de Tracy had changed sides.
(66) Those decisions to alter production plans represented £5.6 million a year forgone, about 8 percent of the value of timber harvested.
(67) Alter each role play, have group members provide feedback on what the person did well and what aspects need improvement.
(68) The untimely death of his father did nothing to alter the youngest Charlton's ambition.
(69) Likewise, close friendships sometimes alter when one friend retires - and not the other.
(70) The duty of the court is neither to make nor to alter nor to pass judgment on the law.
(71) Allen v. Hyatt suggests that the courts are willing to recognise special circumstances which alter the nature of the relationship.
(72) But she would have to alter her travel plans - she is due to be abroad that day.
(73) If you can alter the shape through muscle release then the mental and emotional condition of the person will also change.
(74) On the one hand there is awe at the way the elements can so radically alter the landscape.
(75) During the past couple of years(http:///alter.html), Jerry had practically become his younger alter ego.
(76) The balance within the curriculum and the emphasis in teaching it now need to alter accordingly.
(77) The heat can penetrate combustible materials, alter their composition and make them ignite at lower temperatures.
(78) Since it is difficult to predict how rainfall will alter, it is uncertain which countries will benefit and which will suffer.
(79) This does not alter the fact that if Rule 1 applies the buyer becomes owner at the instant the contract is made.
(80) Hence retinoic acid does not seem to alter the relative growth and elaboration of rhombomeres, but induces changes in their identity.
(81) Taxes usually alter equilibrium prices and quantities and these induced effects must also be taken into account.
(82) It has also been argued that changes in patterns of work may alter the balance of domestic work.
(83) It also means being prepared to alter plan, or course, as circumstances develop.
(84) The question then arises: how high would the tariff have to be to alter the relationship?
(85) The party's most likely recourse is a face-saving compromise with the Ministry of Finance that does not alter the statusquo.
(86) Minor changes in specification can alter the implications of the model significantly.
(87) This means users can view and alter documents anywhere on a Postscript-based network without modification.
(88) Then, that autumn, and quite by chance, something happened which was to alter his life.
(89) I can easily alter the dress for you, but I'll need your exact measurements.
(90) Conventions of weaning may alter while family structure does not.
(91) Neither method is entirely satisfactory since apparently homologous muscles may change their sites of attachment during evolution and alter their functions.
(92) Minimally, the binding of protein to this element should alter the chromatin structure of the promoter.
(93) The famous Education Act of 1944 extended educational opportunity but did little to alter the nature of it.
(94) With a little knowledge you can make very healthy changes to your diet without having to alter radically your whole way of eating.
(95) The right to alter the facts is not a concomitant of a free press.
(96) This is a very basic pattern but it can alter a plain garment dramatically.
(97) Circumstances could clearly alter the balance in favour of one group rather than another and emphasise some considerations more than others.
(98) So in some cases a compromise must be made, although this should not substantially alter the overall effect of formality.
(99) This utility allows you to alter images in such a way as to produce the best possible hard copy from your printer.
(100) Such strange patterns of relatedness may alter the economic balance, but do not themselves cause sterility.
(101) Scattered through the policy review are proposals to: Drastically alter the status and organisation of the Department of Trade and Industry.
(102) The way out of this predicament was to alter their own environment through their own metabolism.
(103) If particular LEAs see fit to alter their priorities and redeploy funds from one area to another,() that is their decision.
(104) The greatest discovery of any generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering the attitudes of their minds. Albert Schweitzer 
(105) Today is the last day Granada can alter its bid unless a new bidder prepares a competitive offer.
(106) Most factors that normally or pathologically alter renal magnesium excretion operate in the loop of Henle.
(107) It doesn't alter the way things are for most people.
(108) Cells in the limb bud must record whether they are forelimb or hindlimb cells and so alter their programme.
(109) Then you can experiment, try a variety of functions, alter the structures(), and evaluate the differing results.
(110) It is an offence to demolish or to alter a listed building unless listed building consent has been obtained.
(111) The ruler could not on his own initiative build fortresses, hire troops or alter the judicial system.
(112) Modern telecommunications technologies have the potential to alter dramatically the role of wired media.
(113) Treatment with sucralfate did not significantly alter the number of capillaries or myofibroblasts.
(114) Away! let us away!-this instant let me alter the course!
(115) She did not throw clothes away if she could mend them or alter them to make them more fashionable.
(116) After the judgment the Government was obliged to alter the law on the right to beat one's children.
(117) Even where migrants do join in, they tend to alter completely the nature of the events.
(118) Physiological changes that normally accompany the aging process alter absorption, distribution, excretion, and drug metabolism.
(119) Now that frenzied chorus of hot air is being used to try to whip up a hurricane designed to alter public opinion.
(120) Placing such tasks in context does not increase success rates but does alter the pattern of incorrect responses.
(121) A cosmetic change to alter the face of the offside rule Talking point.
(122) Different sweeps - sideways, front and back, or up and down - each alter different musical attributes.
(123) But can violence alter the structure of discontent in a culture of desire?
(124) Some also alter the painted registration number on the car to match the fake plates.
(125) Whether you like it or not you're going to have to change your ways and alter your lifestyle.
(126) Straus was Ickes's alter ego a newspaperman, a liberal, a fighter, a curmudgeon.
(127) It was an experience which was to alter his life.
(128) But this does not alter the fact that there is an issue between Eckhart and Snyder, between incarnation and transcendental release.
(129) The present arrangements appear to work satisfactorily and I see no reason to alter the present position.
(130) In the circumstances, programmes to alter reproductive patterns might incorporate special provisions for reaching individuals of lower socio-economic status.
(131) It is going to fundamentally alter the rules by which which business operates.
(131) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(132) Secondly, the computer keyboard has many additional keys which are used to alter the function of the alpha-numeric keys.
(133) Neither group has any incentive to alter its mode of behaviour.
(134) Alter all, the swarm can only cover about a metre of ground every three minutes.
(135) It has a 70% crystal content and it doesn't alter its shape or size one iota.
(136) If you achieve some betterment, give further thought to other things you want to alter.
(137) Much depends on the determination of workers to defend jobs and conditions, and factors like this may alter considerably over time.
(138) This means there will be some exchange between the solder and the metal which will alter the composition of both.
(139) For example, using Wallston's battery of research methods does not alter their gender associations.
(140) Didn't alter the fact that he'd deliberately sought her out because of her parents.
(141) Alter baptism, she cuts her hair short and dresses like a man.
(142) Margara seems very much the alter ego of her creator.
(143) The mental aftermath points up how body changes can significantly alter lifestyles, relationships and self image.
(144) In turn this will move producers back down their marginal cost curves and alter the net-of-tax price producers require.
(145) Our clients reserve the right to alter this timetable in the event of unforeseen circumstances.
(146) I didn't realise at the time the extent to which it would actually alter my life.
(147) The stories are there - we need only change our focus, alter our frame of reference, in order to find them.
(148) His mouth never seemed to alter in shape; rather it expanded and contracted proportionally when he spoke.
(149) Unquestionably the visit was to alter the entire course of his development as an artist.
(150) Using Date or Time unfortunately doesn't alter the system clock for good.
(151) They changed the way they cooked agave to alter the sugar content.
(152) Feelings could override facts, as facts could alter feelings. Choose the truth first, rather than following after feelings. Anthony Liccione 
(153) A simple way of upgrading switching is to fit dimmer switches, which alter the light level.
(154) More limited forms of resistance such as normal trade union activity do not alter the fundamental relationships of class inequality in capitalist society.
(155) Step 5 Determine the extent of this behaviour; does its frequency or seriousness justify your efforts to try and alter it?
(156) It would only shift if the government chose to alter the money supply.
(157) These patterns show, in their several ways, how one change can alter many at once.
(158) While it may not provide a specific remedy for the complainant, it can force public bodies to alter policy and procedure.
(159) What may be less obvious is how time consuming, expensive, and risky it is to alter such arrangements.
(160) Discovery did not alter her plans, only slowed them down.
(161) But I can't alter a film that's - what's the expression - already in the can.
(161) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(162) Alternatively, the government may wish to alter its monetary policy.
(163) Most people fail to change because they know little about how to alter their behaviour.
(164) Not even the gawky years of adolescence would alter it.
(165) Substances that alter consciousness are found in use among probably all the people of the world.
(166) Alter three years of working as a consultant, over ninety percent of my new clients were being referred by previous clients.
(167) You can alter the color and size of the image using a remote control.
(168) If history is any guide, the power to transmit crack-proof codes could alter the fates of civilizations.
(169) This tends to support the hypothesis that although customers will complain about price increases it does not necessarily alter their visiting behaviour.
(170) The differing forms of these strategies will fundamentally alter the direction and scope of central interventions and peripheral responses.
(171) Time has established their worth, which is now unlikely to alter substantially, either in terms of esteem or financial value.
(172) Equally Odette and her alter ego Odile attract the prince less through their enchanted beauty than through their artlessness.
(173) This delayed cash flow will alter the net present value of an arbitrage transaction which involves buying shares.
(174) Once the pair has been installed in the breeding tank, they will begin to alter the decor to suit themselves.
(175) For thousands of years, some cultures have used plants and herbs believed to have healing properties or to alter consciousness.
(176) Equal rights aside, you can't alter facts to suit your beliefs.
(177) And any time the Cardinal ventured into the lane, McCoy was there to block or alter shots.
(178) Jeff is already a victim but his actions could alter the balance and restore the upward mobility of his career. 2.
(179) The final year of the Occupation did not fundamentally alter this status.
(180) Both incompatibility and parthenogenesis microorganisms alter host chromosome behaviour during early mitotic divisions of the egg.
(181) This would drastically alter the emphasis of most campaign fund-raising operations and increase the ability of individuals to affect the outcomes.
(182) He was not much closer to Belafonte, whose alter ego he played in the show.
(183) She could not believe that the typhoon winds of change could alter our family.
(184) To alter the margins, headers and footers, and other details select Page Setup.
(185) When this new creation is shown to a human, it might then extend or alter his ideas.
(186) Both single large doses and fractionated doses of radiation have been shown to alter small intestinal motility in animals.
(187) In so doing, they alter the shape of the repressor so that it can no longer bind to the operator region.
(188) Neither man had time to conceal or alter his facial expression, and Rostov was struck by the disparity.
(189) The border was closed, and they were forced to alter their plans.
(190) Even the magic word processor can not solve the problem of afterthoughts, which are likely to alter a complete structure.
(191) Yet none of the fathers portrayed thus far has actually had to dramatically alter his work life in order to father.
(192) Try to alter her flight and go home tomorrow? Seek alternative accommodation somewhere,(http:///alter.html) via the local tourist board maybe?
(193) Schools may feel powerless to alter a situation in which wider economic and political forces have such a crucial influence.
(194) However, a planning authority can, through its development plans and decisions, alter the character of a neighbourhood.
(195) Only at w *; will firms and households be unwilling to alter their realized behaviour.
(196) He can not alter a departmental decision or award compensation but may suggest an appropriate remedy to the appropriate Minister.
(197) The following illustrates how these ideas might alter a conversation with Miles.
(198) An organization typically needs only to alter the balance of fears and beliefs that lay at the core of its decision-making processes.
(199) But they do not alter the basic fact: markets now operate more fluently, reliably and consistently.
(200) By manipulation of the tomato's genetic blueprint, scientists can alter the rate at which it ripens.
(201) But the channels may alter the water drainage pattern in the dry area and help to rejuvenate it, he said.
(202) Training on word processing is useful to edit precedents, alter work outside office hours and to type confidential memos.
(203) When we gather together in Church on christmas Day around the alter with the priest we are full of joy.
(204) Imposing such a burden would alter the basic structure between state and federal governments, which is critical to our constitutional scheme.
(205) If you alter something you have written on a cheque, you must initial the change.
(206) The dateline doesn't alter the rules of engagement in the real world.
(207) Little Miss Fogerty was in considerable awe of Miss Watson, but a burglary was to alter their relationship.
(208) You can not do that for her, can not alter her frame of mind.
(209) The greatest discovery of my generation is that man can alter his life simply by altering his attitude of mind. William James 
(210) Nor should we ever underestimate the capacity of old people to alter life-long patterns of interaction when need arises.
(211) The latter may well cause the amount and the calibre of the load to alter.
(212) The change in relative prices causes consumption patterns to alter.
(213) Parsons did not substantially alter this view, and as a result lost the stress Freud had placed on conflict.
(214) It was as if she could sense some real urgency whenever he was forced to alter their plans.
(215) Would their behaviour alter dramatically if they were left to hunt for food in the wild?
(216) The very presence of the media also tends to alter the relationships between the political and social institutions which they link up.
(217) Alter what is changeable, and accept what is immutable.
(218) They alter the cleaves amyloid precursor protein.
(219) Please alter the declarative sentence into an interrogative one.
(220) To finally unlearn our lessons And alter our stance.
(221) The shipboard computer could automatically alter course.
(221) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(222) They alter the way it cleaves amyloid precursor protein.
(223) Changes of myocardium blood can markedly alter IVC motion.
(224) No one can alter the fact, ex post facto.
(225) The strongest man cannot alter the law of nature.
(226) To alter ( a word ) by inflection.
(227) This sentence is in the active voice. Can you alter it into the passive voice?
(228) Hallucinogens are psychoactive substances that powerfully alter perception, mood, and a host of cognitive processes.
(229) He is like the a alterable boss . He frequently messes me around with his alter - anytime mind!
(230) Article 20 A testator may revoke or alter a will he previously made.
(231) The electricity supply must be turned off at the mains before you alter the lighting circuit.
(232) A testator may revoke or alter a will he previously made.
(233) New understanding of permafrost melt could soon alter global - climate models.
(235) Gage now believes that changes in behavior can affect neurogenesis and alter the brain's wiring.
(236) The manager asker her to alter the mistake on the price - tag.
(237) In this respect, volatile anesthetics may alter the sensitivity of post junctional membranes to depolarization.
(238) And law as superstructure, also won't alter oneself economic basis.
(239) USDA did not alter its forecasts for Brazilian and Argentine soybean production.
(240) It made him uncomfortable to alter his plans and think out something new.
(241) Introduces a new fluid drive transmission system of the alter velocity wind turbine.
(242) The organiser reserves the right to alter this programme as may be necessary.
(243) We'd like to alter the unloading port from Tokyo to Osaka.
(244) Moreover , it can obviously alter the secretion level of P and LH of the adult rat.
(245) At last count, Snoop has lived well over 100 alter - egos.
(246) Conclusion Desferrioxamine and ferric chloride don't alter the total amounts of IRP 2 mRNA in HL - 60 cells.
(247) Divinely Morphic: Nerull and any other entity of lesser deity power or greater can alter Carceri.
(248) A common pattern is seen with scapho - lunate ligament tears that alter the normal wrist joint mechanics.
(249) Fantasia: Yes. I will also alter course to avoid the storm. Out.
(250) Pending a settlement of the dispute, no party may unilaterally alter the existing water regime.
(251) Was , in Deinem Alter hast Du Angst vor Wasser?
(251) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(252) Book publisher may alter or abridge a work with the permission of the copyright owner.
(253) Several other herbicides, including amitrole, barban, dicamba , and MCPA, alter aphid populations on treated hosts plants.
(254) Drugs may be utilized to alter the pharmacokinetic profile of a toxicant.
(255) Remember what you should remember, forget what you should forget, alter what is changeable , accept what is mutable.
(256) Article 20 A testator may revoke or alter will he previously made.
(257) That's a foolproof taximeter as drivers are unable to alter the readings.
(258) This alter - quality solvents presents starlike in asphaltum, and its size and distribution will influence capability.
(259) With every remaking, evolution becomes a process more able to alter itself.
(260) Miracles are both beginnings and endings, and so they alter the temporal order.
(261) Liechtenstein's move is likely add pressure for nations such as Switzerland to alter its bank - secrecy practices.
(262) This absoluteness of the act of choice does not alter the relativity of each epoch.
(263) What drugs alter prothrombin time, but not by changing warfarin levels ( pharmacodynamics )?
(264) Such changes can alter the social structure, leading people to move.
(265) But the captain insists to think logbook remembers is a fact, cannot alter.
(266) To alter or falsify ( accounts, for example ) for dishonest gain.
(267) These superficialities of name and form cannot alter the that the empire was in reality Hellenic.
(268) I believe they want to alter its culture and modus operandi.
(269) A Book publisher may alter or abridge a work with the permission of the copyright owner.
(270) But the image isn't fixed and immutable. You can alter it.
(271) It is a poor saying of Epicurus , Satis magnum alter alteri theatrum sumus.
(272) I have to listen the familiar jangling of the loose alter he sll the time carried.
(273) This great flowering of annotating and indexing will alter the way we discover books, too.
(274) What drugs alter prothrombin time by interacting with warfarin levels ( pharmacokinetics )?
(275) To alter ( a legislative measure, for example ) formally by adding, deleting, or rephrasing.




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