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单词 Prominent
1. The single tree in the field is prominent.
2. She was prominent in the fashion industry.
3. Arthritis and rheumatism are prominent crippling diseases.
4. He played a prominent part in the campaign.
5. She married into a prominent family.
6. Mandela played a prominent role in the early years of the ANC.
7. The brown rat has prominent ears and a long scaly tail.
8. The government should be playing a more prominent role in promoting human rights.
9. Nuclear weapons will play a less prominent part in NATO's armoury in the future.
10. The house is in a prominent position on the village green.
11. Here the window plays a prominent part in the design.
12. It is rare to find a prominent politician with few political enemies.
13. He has a prominent nose.
14. The decision prompted an outcry among prominent US campaigners.
15. A single tree in a field is prominent.
16. He is a prominent writer on civil liberties.
17. He is prominent in science.
18. Housing occupied a prominent place in the discussions.
19. She is a prominent Tory right-winger.
20. She has a rather prominent chin/nose.
21. He is a prominent physician.
22. Note the statue to Sallustio Bandini,() a prominent Sienese.
23. He was dismissed for publicly insulting prominent politicians.
24. She is a prominent citizen of the town.
25. He had an angular face with prominent cheekbones.
26. New books are displayed in a prominent position on tables at the front of the shop.
27. Our house is the most prominent one in the street; it's painted red.
28. He has been a prominent victim of alleged witch-hunts against whistle-blowers in the NHS.
29. The story was given a prominent position on the front page.
30. The statue was in a prominent position outside the railway station.
1. The single tree in the field is prominent.
2. She was prominent in the fashion industry.
3. Arthritis and rheumatism are prominent crippling diseases.
4. He played a prominent part in the campaign.
5. Mandela played a prominent role in the early years of the ANC.
6. The brown rat has prominent ears and a long scaly tail.
7. The government should be playing a more prominent role in promoting human rights.
8. Nuclear weapons will play a less prominent part in NATO's armoury in the future.
9. Here the window plays a prominent part in the design.
10. It is rare to find a prominent politician with few political enemies.
11. He has a prominent nose.
12. He is prominent in science.
13. He is a prominent physician.
14. He was dismissed for publicly insulting prominent politicians.
31. The World Cup will have a prominent place on the agenda.
32. It's worrying that such a prominent politician is so easily led.
33. He was fascinated by her physiognomy — the prominent nose, brooding eyes and thick hair.
34. The Catholic Church has played a prominent role throughout Polish history.
35. In gardens, cankers are most prominent on apples and pear trees.
36. The shop front occupies a very prominent position on the main street.
37. The church tower was a prominent feature in the landscape.
38. One prominent symptom of the disease is progressive loss of memory.
39. Already, some prominent Republicans are adopting this moderate position.
40. Patriotism was a prominent feature in Bush's election campaign.
41. Shortly, thereafter, sentimentalism became prominent in other genres.
42. Others had been advisers to prominent politicians.
43. The Golden Globes have become very prominent.
44. Faint lateral veins spread from a somewhat prominent midrib.
45. Prominent Republicans have expressed outrage at the decision.
46. Prominent traffic signs warn you to beware of camels.
47. The upper lip was steep and prominent.
48. Renal magnesium wasting is a prominent feature.
49. But prominent psychologists and psychiatrists are alarmed.
50. They were a sub-order with sharp claws and a prominent second toe looking like a huge sickle.
51. In my memory there were prominent headlines and a sudden flurry of importance.
52. When they become rich and prominent, they find women easily available.
53. It helps to make the message prominent by using red ink or something similar that catches the eye. 5.
54. Ocker Hill Power Station with two prominent chimneys, a sewage works and a canal surface with oil and floating debris.
55. John McCain, R-Ariz., co-sponsor of the most prominent reform proposal on the congressional docket.
56. It was a perfect Great Hall of the People crowd: prominent, well behaved; all clappers, no complainers.
57. The surviving stations either are owned by prominent government officials or have close links to the government.
58. The same is true where harmonic colour is to be a prominent feature of the music.
59. Growing pressure for democratic change On Oct. 3 the Appeal Court overturned the conviction and sentencing of two prominent political prisoners.
60. On 28 January he was expelled from the Party, to be followed later by several prominent supporters of his campaign.
61. Another map showed contour lines, the positions of a few prominent objects and the heights of one or two locations.
62. His dementia advanced rapidly, with further impairment of vision, and the myoclonus became more prominent.
63. In a phone message to a friend, Siegel also threatened to picket the home of a prominent gay philanthropist.
64. McKinley and Excite currently command two of the five most prominent spots for search engines on the Netscape browser home page.
65. A prominent midrib and 4 to 6 lateral veins are present.
66. It was a heavy snowfall and by morning even the most prominent landmark was disguised beneath a thick covering of snow.
67. Spatial analysis features particularly prominent on the research agenda relating to natural and technological hazards and geodemographics.
68. Duty done(), the vodka was playing a prominent part in his triumph.
69. He became a nationally prominent horse breeder, fostered charities, sat on corporate boards, served in the Connecticut legislature.
70. It was initially his elder brother, Sir Richard Damory, who was more prominent.
71. He had made up his mind to appoint a nonpolitical committee of outside experts and prominent private citizens.
72. The wife of a prominent banker, his own banker as a matter of fact, said the banker liked mashed potatoes.
73. In this chapter we examine the prominent modes of actual political behavior of individuals.
74. Prominent Republicans, including Bob Dole, advised the President publicly to cancel the trip.
75. Post-war architects, amongst whom Frederick Gibberd was soon prominent, popularized a style which drew on many influences.
76. They flowed into the taut nostrils and along the prominent bones in the cheek.
77. A prominent example is the research conducted in the 1970s on the development of a new international division of labour.
78. And, even then, Morris played footsie with prominent Republicans, such as Sen.
79. Prominent among the protective mechanisms that are controlled by nociceptive neurones is the microcirculation of the gastric mucosa.
80. At any rate, the most prominent critic was Nick Seitz, the editorial director of Golf Digest and its sister publications.
81. These days, knitwear is a prominent part of every collection.
82. Transnational migration, by no means a novel phenomenon, is also a prominent feature of many communities.
83. No Soviet figure, let alone such a prominent one, had ever mounted such an attack in the Western press.
84. She had a white puffy panicky face and prominent eyes accentuated by pink eyeshadow.
85. But on other prominent subjects, many more students are embracing staunchly conservative views.
86. Falck's indifference to what is considered smart has cost him the more prominent position he once looked like occupying.
87. Imports from the continent valued £3.9 million, with linen, wine, timber, naval stores and bar iron prominent.
88. Every prominent scholar of nineteenth-century art planted himself in front of her, writing paraphernalia at hand.
89. On a prominent knoll near the end of the path is a distinctive cairn built in Robinson's memory.
90. Hughes was the second prominent researcher at Georgetown to face problems because of reproductive research.
91. He had a prominent handlebar moustache and a high colour to his cheeks.
92. Wexford found the lead, obligingly left by Sheila in a prominent position on top of the refrigerator.
93. Behind me, there is a prominent display of Kotex napkins and an advertisement for a special sale on Ex-Lax.
94. She went on playing, one prominent cheekbone dusted orange by the candlelight.
95. Mr. Wing was a prominent local architect and he went on to design and build the House of Industry.
95. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
96. His father is a prominent attorney and one-time doubles partner of George Bush.
97. In the process the owners themselves became prominent community leaders and among the biggest advertisers in the emerging gay press.
98. In passing North Harbour continue to be prominent in the to-ing and fro-ing of leading players.
99. But during the nineteenth century soldiers were perhaps more continuously prominent in this way than ever before.
100. Elisabeth greeted him with a smile of relief, her teeth prominent beneath swollen lips.
101. But the newly appointed national security adviser has been assiduously built into a prominent player in the Bush team.
102. The group included Mayor Owen McAleer and two prominent members of the water commission.
103. Worrying about(), concentrating on and listening to the head noises will make them seem even more prominent and dominating.
104. Prominent male issei had been shipped out as early as December 7 of the previous year.
105. Its most prominent church is in London, with a fine musical tradition.
106. This gap is one of the most prominent features on the political landscape at the dawn of 1996.
107. The trappings of prominent elected offices do not shield the occupants from the challenges, temptations and failures of daily life.
108. Some very prominent fathers have gone out of their way to share lessons acquired through family tragedies.
109. The sinewy neck and its prominent adam's apple, the all-too-heavy make-up, the pronounced muscles on the legs and arms.
110. Located in prominent positions, and as official monuments lacking avant-garde credibility, they have little artistic currency.
111. Q.. People are talking about how Houghton may be losing its prominent authors. How are things now?
112. From about the fourteenth century lay artists became more prominent, sometimes travelling and sometimes settled in urban workshops near wealthy patrons.
113. Prominent anti-abortion activists in the party had opposed the resolution, because it might prove embarrassing.
114. In 1992, the violence escalated with the murders of two prominent producers and numerous incidents of extortion and threats.
115. A group of them even inVited one of the prominent leftist student spokesmen to attend the lectures and help direct the questioning.
116. A prominent anti-nuclear campaigner in Caithness expressed caution about the report.
117. Other prominent left-wing republican activists were Eamonn Melaugh and John White.
118. Moreover, a prominent feature in the gel retardation experiments is the presence of a smear between the two well-defined bands.
119. This means leaving faeces in a prominent place, rather than covering them up in the litter tray.
120. Code language for a prominent leader bringing a business through a difficult period and offering a better long-term contract to employees.
121. As a prominent figure in Rottweiler rescue, she's stubbed her toe on more unfair bullying and downright idiocy than most.
122. These ribbon-like leaves are pale green, with a prominent midrib and usually two lateral veins on either side.
123. Stephens collected samplers done by young ladies from prominent Eastern families who attended female academies.
124. Race factor in south Race was a prominent factor in two Southern gubernatorial elections.
125. Among those involved were Bowes Egan and Eamonn McCann,(http:///prominent.html) later to become prominent civil rights activists.
126. In severe infections, diarrhoea is the most prominent clinical sign.
127. The two most prominent rightists were Kim Ku and Syngman Rhee.
128. And exhibited a number of times at the Salon and enjoyed some success as a member of a prominent artists' organization.
129. Revision and recycling is a prominent feature of the course, pulling together all strands of students' learning to date.
130. Serpens contains a prominent globular cluster, M5, which is not far below naked-eye visibility.
131. The effect of this intense focus on modes of address is that personal pronouns become unusually prominent.
132. In patrilineal descent groups, he argued, the individual family and private property were prominent and the communal principle already moribund.
133. In our wishful thinking about the 1960s, no figures occupy a more prominent place than the Kennedys.
134. The leaves are also fleshy with a prominent midrib, with five pairs of lateral veins.
135. After 1406 its advisory role may have become more prominent.
136. Also the duration of HBsAg positivity was shorter and the presence of cirrhosis was more prominent in responders.
137. Dozens of prominent conservative politicians and activists are working to generate memorials to honor the 90-year-old Reagan.
138. Other natural sites acting as terminal points are prominent rock outcrops, springs and holy wells.
139. He finds that job ads placed in prominent papers like the Financial Times serve him well.
140. The housing needs of the elderly, in particular, must be a prominent policy issue in years to come.
141. The well developed buccal capsule of the adult parasite is prominent as is the bursa of the male.
142. Both of these issues have a prominent part to play in assessing the impact of taxes on different groups.
143. The museum's own commercial activities, always criticised as unsuitable for a prominent national institution, have not been very effective.
144. M56 is not at all prominent, but shows up as a faint patch of light.
145. He also has made Sinclair a prominent player in the business community.
146. Voluntary effort has been prominent in the development of services for deprived children.
147. The popular daily press in the Edwardian years began to give quite a prominent place to sport.
148. Most prominent billing was accorded to the proprietor, a Baron von Braun.
149. Her father was a prominent local businessman and the chairman of the Bench.
150. Rhythmic pulse can be a very prominent and essential feature of the music.
151. Despite the striking lobular disorganisation and prominent hepatocellular changes, there was only mild inflammation.
152. Actually, I had offers on leaving law school from the most prominent New York firms.
153. The Constitution, in short, is subject to interpretation by different bodies, the most prominent being politicians, judges, and scholars.
154. Both sexes may erect hackles on neck when alarmed, to form prominent whiskers.
155. Fire Precautions Instructions about what to do in case of fire are placed in prominent positions throughout your place of work.
156. Phrenologists became equally puzzled by villains with prominent bumps of honesty and integrity.
157. Trismus may be very prominent( ), resulting in a clinical presentation mimicking tetanus.
158. Although several might yet face tough races, none of the most prominent Republican governors would be considered underdogs for re-election.
159. Mr Keyse played a prominent part in arranging the purchase of the railway following its closure in 1956.
160. Rheme position, on the other hand, is prominent on an overall discourse level.
161. He would neither confirm nor deny that Smith was the officer accused by Kennedy.Smith has not been a prominent officer.
162. From 1830 Lille was run by mayors who were prominent businessmen.
163. Leave the path and walk along the hillside until you come to three prominent cairns - the Grey Lads.
164. Badr's departure followed a sustained campaign by the opposition for his dismissal for publicly insulting prominent intellectuals and politicians.
165. The most notable adult victim was a prominent New York politician and Democratic candidate for the vice presidency.
166. These results could suggest a prominent role of tissue type plasminogen activator in the pathogenesis of endothelin induced gastric mucosal damage.
167. Apologists wishing to exploit a revisionist history of science invariably stress the profoundly religious orientation of many prominent scientists.
168. Sand traps are prominent, but not sand boxes -- while golf courses are plenty(), parks are few and far between.
169. Don't enter the firing ranges when the red flags are flying - usually from prominent places such as hilltops.
170. A large number of constructed reliefs by other artists, both less well known and prominent, are also on display.
171. However, a contextually prominent action can not justify the use of a surface anaphor, such as I did, yesterday.
172. Among these, the most prominent is the emphasis cities have placed on programs to develop or attract high-technology industries.
173. They are also translucent with a prominent midrib and many fine lateral veins.
174. Chapter 4 considers why the female nude played so prominent a part in the making of modern art practice.
175. Four metal-using and manufacturing industries are prominent at the head of the list, with losses of more than 200,000 jobs each.
176. The most prominent of these lessons is that bottom-up infrastructure succeeds and sometimes even spectacularly.
177. Now there is talk of recruiting blacks and Latinos, traditionally absent from the higher union ranks, to more prominent positions.
178. Each was low and irregular, plain white plaster walls with prominent wooden spars bracing the ceiling and an open stone fireplace.
179. One child was in the care of the Misses Beevers, prominent local philanthropists.
180. A group of prominent black lawyers is preparing lawsuits for next year claiming reparations for slavery from government and private companies.
181. Several prominent firms engaged in genetic manipulation for the agricultural and food industries have been excluded from participation in the venture.
182. The changing and temporal character of all existing things is prominent in the commentary although it stands in opposition to Zeus.
183. Prominent projections of the bones can become sore to touch, especially the cheek bones.
184. Most prominent amongst these are terms that mock the miller as an impotent and inadequate cuckold.
185. Mr Jackson in his turn glanced at Janey, whose eyes began to bulge from under her prominent lids.
186. She saw the names of prominent corporate donors mentioned liberally throughout the library and recoiled.
187. Her family were prominent and staunch parliamentarians and, after the Restoration, noted dissenters.
188. Prominent strips of inlay were left unfinished; awkward patches of pink sandstone intrude into the glistening white of the dome.
189. The Denver-based company initially raises $ 20 million in equity from several nationally prominent venture capital groups around the country.
190. They are also prominent in investigating potentially dangerous occurrences in the day's routine.
191. Each cowpat was slapped into position where it dried with its prominent hand-print, looking like a work of art.
192. In 1885 Balmer discovered a striking numerological relationship between the frequencies of the most prominent lines.
193. Most of them had shingled awnings borne on prominent brackets projecting over their simple wooden platforms.
194. A popular rendezvous and a familiar landmark with its prominent clock tower.
195. The organisation claims the support of prominent industrialists and of former members of the security forces.
196. A narrowly avoided divorce scandal involving a prominent Member of Parliament.
197. One of the rarest creatures at a Washington cocktail party these days is a prominent Republican still working on the first marriage.
198. Guimaraes had emerged from near retirement to play a prominent public role in the process to impeach Collor.
199. At her first Balmoral when she stayed with her sister Jane, the Parker-Bowles were prominent among the house guests.
200. The exhibits will include paintings, graphics, masks, photographs and sculptures by more than 200 prominent and emerging artists nationwide.
201. We have already alluded in Chapter 2 to the prominent position this occupied in earlier Chomskyan grammar.
202. Semantics has not always enjoyed a prominent role in modern linguistics.
203. A prominent figure in the major controversy that arose was Mrs Castle.
204. The cars were painted khaki with the red cross in a prominent position.
205. At around 40 pence per portion, they are a prominent feature on any chip shop menu.
206. The leaf-blade bears circular dark patches, and has a prominent midrib and lateral veins.
207. They join several prominent Montgomery Democrats who are considered possible contenders, including Sen.
208. Within the main belt are several distinct orbital families of large asteroids, each family named for its most prominent member.
209. One of those killed was a suspect turned witness in the April 1989 murder of a prominent property developer.
210. Mori recent history is commemorated by the town's most prominent statue.
211. Its unique folk art has been featured by the Smithsonian Museums and other prominent art galleries throughout the U.S.
212. Deep tendon reflexes are usually diminished, but in cases with prominent lateral column disease may be hyperactive with extensor plantar reflexes.
213. Her face seemed thinner, the high cheekbones more prominent somehow.
214. But with the significant exception of presidential candidate Pat Buchanan, few prominent Republicans have addressed those issues in recent months.
215. We had prominent citizens and influential groups cable the Prime Minister and the provincial Premier.
216. Her short wavy black hair was combed neatly back from a rather narrow sloping forehead with prominent brow ridges.
217. He looked at the hand - pale and elegant, with prominent knuckles,(http://) the nails glistening with red varnish.
218. My only niggle is that the seams on the top of the shoulder are quite prominent and uncomfortable.
219. He was probably the first prominent Western person to suggest that the Soviet regime had failed to obliterate religion within its domains.
220. The child has skinny, freckled legs with prominent knees.
221. Cycle without end, huiweiwuqiong, very sharp prominent personality.
222. The nose is prominent, extending beyond the lower jaw.
223. All of these entities lack prominent foamy macrophages.
224. Summary : Verdi and Puccini are both the most prominent Italian opera composer.
225. Last month , the, a prominent newspaper editor critical of the war was killed by gunmen.
226. Franz Liszt was prominent in the European music life in 19~ ( th ) century.
227. First, the classroom form and the prominent student unify for the center.
228. Other, less prominent buffers include proteins, phosphate, bone, and haemoglobin.
229. Prominent nucleoli are seen in the nuclei of this prostatic adenocarcinoma, which is a characteristic feature.
230. Relations and friends of prominent Nigerians have also been targeted by gangs ransom money.
231. The Zhangqiu green onion has high, long, crisp, the sweet prominent characteristic.
232. Looney has entered many, 6, but a goal to be specially prominent.
233. He was a prominent statesman and strategist in the history of China.
234. The financial restraint is the most prominent financial characteristic in poverty and underdevelopment regions.
235. Inattention or attention transitoriness was the prominent characteristic of all the students.
236. Loanwords are an important sociolinguistic phenomenon. English loanwords are prominent in Cantonese.
237. Nixon was incensed by what he saw as the cynicism of prominent Democrats.
238. Broadcasting it live over the internet have been getting support from prominent intellectuals and ordinary alike.
239. Goitre: Enlargement of gland, causing a prominent swelling at the throat.
240. After Nee died in 1972 in a Communist jail, Lee became the group's most prominent teacher.
241. To give special attention to ; display , publicize, or make prominent.
242. From then on, he succeeded in reporting prominent political figures like Nelson Mandela and Yasser Arafat.
243. Objective To choose several variables as the indices for prominent zygomatic complex.
244. Virginia Woolf is one of the most prominent writers in English literature.
245. Benign cysts may be more prominent premenstrually and regress in size during the follicular phase.
246. Currently, the imbalanced urban - rural development is the prominent contradiction facing China's modernization construction.
247. There is no prominent change of gelatinization properties during ohmic heating.
248. Objective We explore the value of three - dimensional scan and the diagnostic criteria for prominent malar complex.
249. I made an appointment with the head librarian of a prominent teacher - training college.
250. Such personality attributes credit in Roman law in Utah for more prominent.
251. Your teenager is bemoaning a prominent pimple, and the day before the dance too!
252. Objective : To investigate the diagnostic criteria for the prominent malar complesx.
253. Microscopically, a neutrophilic exudate is seen involving the meninges at the left, with prominent dilated vessels.
254. Introduction Deep garnet - coloured wine . Red fruits are prominent on the nose.
255. The prominent personage among the guests at the dinner party I found to be Mr. Murthwaite.
256. In rare cases , mild nuclear pleomorphism(), prominent nucleoli and mitotic figures may be seen.
257. The most prominent faces were those of Vladimir Putin and Mikhail Gorbachev.
258. Smiling, frowning, squinting and other habitual facial expressions cause these wrinkles to become more prominent.
259. Wholesaler's prominent reputation may result in positive carryover effects on allied'retailers.
260. Result the ethical behavior had three prominent character: anxious period illusional period despairing period.
261. Ecological responsibility, civilized critique, ecological ideality and ecological presentiment are prominent character of Ecological Literature.
262. In addition , Luzhou - flavour liquor is required to have stronger aroma scent and prominent flavouring.
263. Genghis Khan created a Mongolian nation's most prominent history, as their spiritual wealth Forever.
264. Playing a prominent role in Atayal music is the Jew's harp.
265. Seen here is the anus and perianal region with prominent prolapsed true ( internal ) hemorrhoids.
266. He Xiangning was not only a prominent democratic revolutionist , but also a famous painter.
267. Has multiple functions, the most prominent is to achieve a hierarchical picture show.
268. At greater epicentral distances the Rayleigh waves become very prominent.
269. The most prominent feature of these architectures is the overhang.
270. Conclusion: The result provides a guide for the clinical diagnosis of the prominent malar complex.
271. Though the secularization of monks is not secularity of Yuan Danasty , it is the most prominent.
272. They have thin lips and papery eyelids, box jawbones, prominent Adam's apples and withered hearts.
273. Social skill in preschool period has prominent long - term and short - term effects.
274. The spoken word, even in the colonial period, had a peculiarly prominent place in America.
275. Her face was a prominent advertisment of the lighthearted English countrygirl.
276. The occipital bone is very prominent. The head is a topknot of long silky hair.
277. Typography is one of the most prominent elements in my designs.
278. Huang Pei - hua occupies a prominent position among the contemporary Zhuang nationality writers.
279. The prominent feature of a double - charge soliton is that its potential double peaks.
280. There syndromes generally become more prominent as the steroid doses increases.
281. At medium power , nodular sclerosing Hodgkin's disease has prominent bands of fibrosis.
282. Condyloma accuminatum has prominent koilocytosis in the upper epidermis that is not found in verruciform xanthoma.
283. Prominent in the raceway surface and rolling direction parallel to the narrow shroud.




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