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单词 Roads
1. All roads lead to Rome.
2. Trees were to be left uncut, roads unpaved.
3. Let's leave when the roads are clear.
4. The roads intersect near the bridge.
5. The roads to Bordeaux were heavily congested.
6. After the rainstorm, there were pools on the roads.
7. He guided her across the roads.
8. There are many roads to success.
9. As we went along, the roads became muddier.
10. After a heavy rain, the country roads were souped.
11. Motorways have largely superseded ordinary roads for long-distance travel.
12. The roads are clogged with holiday traffic.
13. In the rainy season the roads become a quagmire.
14. The local council is/are in charge of repairing roads.
15. Take extra care on the roads this evening.
16. Snow and ice have caused chaos on the roads.
17. The roads had been salted after snowed.
18. The Rocky Mountains have rugged mountains and roads.
19. The trails broadened into roads.
20. Convicts were made to break stone for the roads.
21. The flashing lights denote dangerous roads ahead.
22. The roads converged at the stadium.
23. In Mid-Wales six inches of snow blocked roads.
24. Smoke from burning fields drifted across nearby roads.
25. We need more money for roads, hospitals and schools.
26. Commuters will face long delays on the roads today.
27. The two roads merged into one.
28. The mud made the roads impassable.
29. At weekends the roads are jammed with holidaymakers coming to gawp at the parade.
30. If you think that these transport problems can be solved by building more roads, you completely misunderstand the nature of the problem.
1. Trees were to be left uncut, roads unpaved.
2. Let's leave when the roads are clear.
3. The roads intersect near the bridge.
4. The roads to Bordeaux were heavily congested.
5. He guided her across the roads.
6. There are many roads to success.
7. As we went along, the roads became muddier.
8. After a heavy rain, the country roads were souped.
9. The roads are clogged with holiday traffic.
10. In the rainy season the roads become a quagmire.
11. Take extra care on the roads this evening.
12. Snow and ice have caused chaos on the roads.
13. The roads had been salted after snowed.
14. The Rocky Mountains have rugged mountains and roads.
15. The trails broadened into roads.
16. Convicts were made to break stone for the roads.
17. The roads were cordoned off.
18. The flashing lights denote dangerous roads ahead.
19. The roads converged at the stadium.
20. In Mid-Wales six inches of snow blocked roads.
21. Smoke from burning fields drifted across nearby roads.
22. We need more money for roads, hospitals and schools.
23. Commuters will face long delays on the roads today.
24. The two roads merged into one.
25. The mud made the roads impassable.
26. At weekends the roads are jammed with holidaymakers coming to gawp at the parade.
27. If you think that these transport problems can be solved by building more roads, you completely misunderstand the nature of the problem.
28. Stick to the main roads and you won't get lost.
29. Striking lorry drivers agreed to lift their blockades of main roads.
30. There was heavy/a lot of traffic on the roads this morning.
31. Stick to the main roads and you won't get lost.
32. Striking lorry drivers agreed to lift their blockades of main roads.
33. Dense fog is covering roads in the north and visibility is very poor.
34. There was heavy/a lot of traffic on the roads this morning.
35. Opposition demonstrators have erected barricades in roads leading to the parliament building.
36. The establishment of the socialist system to we opened a reach the ideal state of roads, and the ideal into reality needs to rely on our hard work.
37. We jolted along rough wet roads through an endless banana plantation.
38. The army has set up checkpoints on all the major roads in the area.
39. You have to drive slowly on these crooked country roads.
40. An improved mass transit system would cut traffic on the roads.
41. The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long, and make that season of ice and snow more endurable.
42. After the election the new government commenced developing the roads.
43. There are a multitude of small quiet roads to cycle along.
44. There were a lot of drunk drivers on the roads on Saturday nights.
45. Snow and ice have left many roads treacherous, and motorists are warned to drive slowly.
46. Roads have to be dug up to lay underground cables.
47. If there are dreams about a beautiful South Africa, there are also roads that lead to their goal. Two of these roads could be named Goodness and Forgiveness.
48. Both presidential candidates have promised to make a pitch for better roads and schools.
49. Dense / thick fog is affecting roads in the north and visibility is poor.
50. If we can get off by seven o'clock, the roads will be clearer.
51. He first promised two weeks ago to clear Britain's congested roads.
52. The two roads intersect at the suburb of the city.
53. If the snow isn't cleared from the roads quickly,() it packs down hard and makes driving difficult.
54. Weep not for roads untraveled. Weep not for paths left alone 'cause beyond every bend is a long blinding end.
55. There was dirty brown slush all over the roads and pavements.
56. A steam roller is used in making and repairing roads.
57. The government ordered an airlift of medical and food supplies to the disaster area because the roads were destroyed.
58. Paratroopers were dropped behind enemy lines to capture key points on the roads into the city.
59. They were spreading grit and salt on the icy roads.
60. Visibility on the roads is down to 20 metres due to heavy fog.
31. Opposition demonstrators have erected barricades in roads leading to the parliament building.
32. We jolted along rough wet roads through an endless banana plantation.
33. The army has set up checkpoints on all the major roads in the area.
34. You have to drive slowly on these crooked country roads.
35. An improved mass transit system would cut traffic on the roads.
36. After the election the new government commenced developing the roads.
37. There are a multitude of small quiet roads to cycle along.
38. There were a lot of drunk drivers on the roads on Saturday nights.
39. Snow and ice have left many roads treacherous, and motorists are warned to drive slowly.
40. Roads have to be dug up to lay underground cables.
41. Both presidential candidates have promised to make a pitch for better roads and schools.
42. Dense / thick fog is affecting roads in the north and visibility is poor.
43. If we can get off by seven o'clock, the roads will be clearer.
44. He first promised two weeks ago to clear Britain's congested roads.
45. The two roads intersect at the suburb of the city.
46. If the snow isn't cleared from the roads quickly, it packs down hard and makes driving difficult.
47. There was dirty brown slush all over the roads and pavements.
48. A steam roller is used in making and repairing roads.
49. The government ordered an airlift of medical and food supplies to the disaster area because the roads were destroyed.
50. Paratroopers were dropped behind enemy lines to capture key points on the roads into the city.
51. They were spreading grit and salt on the icy roads.
52. Visibility on the roads is down to 20 metres due to heavy fog.
53. After the earthquake many roads were obstructed by collapsed buildings.
54. The two roads merge a mile ahead.
55. The municipal authorities have kept the roads up well.
56. These two roads are parallel.
57. Father will not chance driving on the icy roads.
58. The icy roads were sanded after the snowstorm.
59. These rough roads soon wore the tread of motorcycle tires off.
60. The roads here are much quieter here than in London.
61. After the earthquake many roads were obstructed by collapsed buildings.
62. We came by country roads, not by the motorway.
63. It's no joke driving on icy roads.
64. Rioters blocked roads and stoned vehicles.
65. Schools were closed when the roads iced over.
66. Traffic on the roads is heaviest at weekends.
67. Roads punched out of the wilderness by massive bulldozers.
68. Hundreds of departing motorists jammed the roads.
69. Some roads are closed because of drifting.
70. The mountain roads are terrifyingly steep.
71. Roads and railways artery every province.
72. Snowplows have been out clearing the roads.
73. The roads twist round hairpin bends.
74. The two roads meet just north of Flagstaff.
75. The roads were cluttered with cars and vans.
76. Crows scavenge carrion left on the roads.
77. The car's performance on mountain roads was impressive.
78. The empty roads make this area good cycling country.
79. Icy roads are a danger to drivers.
80. The main roads have been salted.
81. After today's heavy snow, many roads are still blocked.
81. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
82. There was total chaos on the roads.
83. Heavy snow is blocking all roads into Scotland.
84. There was very little traffic on the roads.
85. The two roads merge a mile ahead.
86. The wintry weather has caused chaos on the roads.
87. Soon we were bowling along the country roads.
88. How can we reduce the carnage on our roads?
89. The roads are choked up with traffic.
90. We use tar to make roads.
91. The roads cross just outside the town.
92. The municipal authorities have kept the roads up well.
93. The roads were slick with wet mud.
94. These roads are unsuitable for use by heavy vehicles.
95. Some roads are closed owing to drifting.
96. Five roads radiate from the square.
97. The local council is in charge of repairing roads.
98. I expect they'll be gritting the roads tonight.
99. The region is traversed by several roads.
100. Many roads were flooded and impassable following the storm.
101. The roads merge a kilometre ahead.
102. The roads are built to accommodate gradual temperature changes.
103. Where do the two roads join?
104. Driving on icy roads can be pretty hairy.
105. The roads were slick with rain.
106. Drive carefully on those icy roads.
107. Public utilities dig up roads to lay pipes.
108. The roads were thick with holiday traffic.
109. Driving sleet brought more problems to roads last night.
110. The ice on the roads made driving conditions treacherous.
111. The roads should be less crowded today.
112. Britain's roads are a danger to cyclists.
113. These two roads are parallel.
114. Our car was slithered on the icy roads.
115. The roads are icy, so drive with care.
116. The small roads are chock-a-block with traffic.
117. Bombing had made roads and railways unusable.
118. The desert roads are pitted with potholes.
119. Where do the two roads join up?
120. Five main roads fan out from the village.
121. Father will not chance driving on the icy roads.
122. Be extra careful when walking along country roads.
123. The icy roads were sanded after the snowstorm.
124. Archaeologists have traced many Roman roads in Britain.
125. The two roads meet just north of the city.
126. Repairing roads is a dirty job.
127. Wet roads are a hazard to drivers.
128. Most roads are now clear of snow.
129. Police say the rain's making the roads greasy.
130. In spite of the snow, the roads remained open.
131. Five roads radiate from this roundabout.
132. Building larger roads could generate more traffic.
133. The speed limit is strictly enforced on urban roads.
134. The ice on the roads was slowing us down.
135. There wasn't much traffic on the roads .
136. We kept to the roads we knew.
137. The car handles well(), even on wet roads.
138. The roads are reasonably clear of snow.
139. It's very dangerous to drive at high speed when the roads are wet.
140. He commanded that roads be built to link castles across the land.
141. As traffic grew(), the conventional wisdom was that roads should be widened to make room.
142. Police have erected barriers across the main roads into the town.
143. The government's major concern is with preventing accidents on the roads.
144. The local council is responsible for the upkeep of roads.
145. Greater investment in public transport would keep more cars off the roads.
146. Prostitutes were forbidden to solicit on public roads and in public places.
147. The main roads of the city have been blocked off.
148. The suspension is designed to cushion passengers from the effects of riding over rough roads.
149. Their mail is delivered to boxes on the roads near their farms.
150. These rough roads soon wore the tread of motorcycle tires off.
151. About half of those funds has gone to repair public roads, structures and bridges.
152. Reducing the number of road deaths is not simply a matter of improving roads.
153. The government will finance the building of the new roads with the taxes it collects.
154. The proportion of small cars on America's roads is increasing.
155. A number of roads have been blocked by fallen trees.
156. On icy roads, a four-wheel drive vehicle really comes into its own.
157. Many streams have flooded their banks, making some roads impassable.
158. Motorists have been warned about black ice on the roads.
159. The roads into the docks were closed off by iron gates.
160. The number of cars on our roads rose dramatically last year.
161. The number of deaths on the roads has dropped sharply.
162. The roads here are much quieter here than in London.
163. Truck drivers have blockaded roads to show their anger over new driving regulations.
164. The city spent $7 million to remove snow and ice from the roads.
165. Northbound traffic will have to be diverted onto minor roads.
166. The roads were full of traffic and we were travelling at a snail's pace for two hours.
167. New roads are being built to cope with the increased volume of traffic.
168. New roads will link the principal cities of the area.
169. These narrow roads are a leftover from the days of horse - drawn carriages.
170. He explained away his late arrival by blaming it on the crowded roads.
171. Be careful / Take care when you drive on icy roads.
171. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
172. All roads are blocked by the heavy snowfall. The passengers are in danger.
173. It's a moot point whether building more roads reduces traffic congestion.
174. To prevent fires, the sides of the roads are kept clear of underbrush.
175. Its wide roads, which can take fourteen lanes of traffic, have been kept away from living areas.
176. The council is responsible for putting grit on icy roads.
177. After the storm, many roads were made impassable by fallen trees.
178. Some roads are paved with cobblestones, some with slabs of stones.
179. When it's icy, the city salts the roads to thaw the ice.
180. Driving snow and sleet brought more problems to the county's roads last night.
181. Police are patrolling the major approach roads to the stadium.
182. Police and motoring organizations said the roads were slightly busier than normal.
183. Plan your route in advance, using main roads as far as possible.
184. Because of the heavy snow, roads were passable only with care in parts of Northern England.
185. The roads were icy but she stopped the car expertly.
186. The number of cars on the roads is increasing all the time.
187. The roads are very dangerous there—I'd give them a wide berth and go by train.
188. All roads into/out of the town were blocked by the snow.
189. The settlement consists only of shacks; there are no roads, no water, no street lighting.
190. For my money, Sunday is the best day to travel because the roads are quiet.
191. All the roads leading to the village had been mined.
192. Council lorries had been out gritting the icy roads the night before.
193. The roads are jammed with cars taking people to horse show.
194. It is already evident that new roads only generate new traffic.
195. I took it for granted that we should build new roads.
196. Investment in the railway network would reduce overcrowding on the roads.
197. I've roughed out the direction that we should take, but I'll leave it to you to choose the details and the exact roads.
198. When the Berlin Wall came down it wasn't just the roads that opened up but the waterways too.
199. Driving on those rough roads has really done for my car.
200. Carcasses of burnt-out vehicles lined the roads near the scene of the worst fighting.
201. Building new roads increases traffic and the converse is equally true:reducing the number and size of roads means less traffic.
202. Wintry conditions are making roads hazardous for drivers in the northeast of England.
203. Cars were sliding off roads that were slick with rain.
204. There's a crying need for more roads,(http:///roads.html) but at the same time the wildlife needs to be preserved.
205. Reducing speed limits should lead to fewer deaths on the roads.
206. There was a fair amount of traffic on the roads.
207. We only need to wear shoes because the British built roads which hurt our feet. Anthony Burgess 
208. Don't tell a woman she's pretty; tell her there's no other woman like her, and all roads will open to you. Jules Renard 
209. An old road always looks richer and more beautiful than a new road because old roads have memories! Mehmet Murat ildan 
210. Improvement makes strait roads, but the crooked roads without Improvement, are roads of Genius. William Blake 




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更新时间:2024/10/7 0:42:44