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单词 non-controversial
释义  ˌnon-controˈversial adjective  not likely to cause any arguments or disagreements 不会引起争议的 Most of the proposals are fairly non-controversial. 大多数提议都不会引起任何争议。Examples from the Corpusnon-controversial• Approval of several non-controversial appropriation mini-bills, instead.• Only fairly simple, non-controversial bills are likely to succeed by this method.• I set out to write a totally non-controversial book about a non-controversial figure.• The Urban Programme and the Partnerships were relatively non-controversial, funding many worthwhile projects of a social, environmental and economic nature.• Therefore, only non-controversial information can be available.• His secret has been to approach ordinary people about non-controversial issues.• More significant for Scandinavia was its retreat in 1950 back to limited and relatively non-controversial sectoral coordination at the regional level.ˌnon-controˈversial adjectiveChineseSyllable  any to arguments not cause or likely Corpus




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