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单词 Experiment
1. Facts can be established by observation and experiment.
2. The results of the experiment confirmed their predictions.
3. The experiment was a big success.
4. Mingle these two substances before the experiment.
5. The experiment confirmed my theory.
6. The results of the experiment were inconclusive.
7. The result of the experiment was satisfactory.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
8. They had to drop the experiment in midstream.
9. The demonstrators set up apparatus for the experiment.
10. This experiment is designed to test the new drug.
11. They are absorbed in the experiment.
12. Why did he do that experiment once again?
13. The experiment produced some unexpected results.
14. The researchers are repeating the experiment on rats.
15. He crystallized salt as part of his experiment.
16. Their experiment ended with success.
17. They were toiling at their experiment.
18. We should like to do another experiment.
19. The results of this experiment do not correlate with the results of earlier ones.
20. He found himself perpending it as an experiment in realism.
21. The results of this experiment don't correlate with the results of earlier ones.
22. I like to experiment with different light filters on my camera.
23. We can learn by experiment that oil and water will not mix.
24. The young film-makers were given free rein to experiment with new themes and techniques.
25. Is he any good at gardening? We might experiment with him.
26. The researchers must keep within the parameters of the experiment.
27. Don't mix up the bottles - you'll have to repeat the experiment if you do.
28. "The Scarlet Capsule" was a parody of the popular 1959 TV series "The Quatermass Experiment".
29. We may conclude that he never had recourse to this simple experiment.
30. We were perfectly satisfied with the outcome of the experiment.
1. Facts can be established by observation and experiment.
2. The results of the experiment confirmed their predictions.
3. The experiment was a big success.
4. The results of the experiment were inconclusive.
5. They had to drop the experiment in midstream.
6. This experiment is designed to test the new drug.
7. The experiment produced some unexpected results.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
8. The researchers must keep within the parameters of the experiment.
9. Don't mix up the bottles - you'll have to repeat the experiment if you do.
10. "The Scarlet Capsule" was a parody of the popular 1959 TV series "The Quatermass Experiment".
11. We may conclude that he never had recourse to this simple experiment.
12. I like to experiment with different light filters on my camera.
13. We can learn by experiment that oil and water will not mix.
14. The young film-makers were given free rein to experiment with new themes and techniques.
15. Is he any good at gardening? We might experiment with him.
16. Contrary to expectations and the weather forecast, we had a fine day for the experiment.
17. He was not here at the outset of the experiment.
18. They revealed to me that the experiment had failed.
19. Speed was a variable in the experiment.
20. The lime water has turned cloudy, therefore carbon dioxide has been produced during the experiment.
21. This chemical acts a part of an acid in our experiment.
22. The controversial experiment involved secretly filming a group of children.
31. The experiment has succeeded.
32. Contrary to expectations and the weather forecast, we had a fine day for the experiment.
33. He was not here at the outset of the experiment.
34. We did some singularly boring experiment.
35. The experiment had not been an unqualified success.
36. The experiment did not come off.
37. As an experiment, we bought Ted a watch.
37. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
38. Regrettably, the experiment ended in failure.
39. The experiment went terribly wrong.
40. The results of the experiment varied wildly.
41. This kind of experiment seems cruel in the extreme.
42. She did experiment after experiment.
43. Did your experiment hit all right?
44. I've never cooked this before so it's an experiment.
45. All his attention has centered on that experiment.
46. We decided the question by experiment.
47. This experiment was harmless to the animals.
48. Scientists test out theories by experiment.
49. Temperature was a variablein the experiment.
50. This was demonstrated in a laboratory experiment with rats.
51. The animals seemed healthy during the experiment.
52. He determined on carrying out the experiment.
53. A similar finding emerged from a later experiment.
54. He re-ran the experiment every which way he could.
55. They revealed to me that the experiment had failed.
56. We can only find the best solution by experiment.
57. Our experiment was written up into a report.
58. Success depends on the results of this experiment.
59. The experiment is conducted under strictly controlled conditions.
60. The original experiment cannot be exactly duplicated.
61. It is worth our while to try this experiment.
62. The ultimate outcome of the experiment cannot be predicted.
63. This experiment needs a more sensitive thermometer.
64. The experiment went horribly wrong.
65. We noticed how to make the experiment.
66. What hobbles you to continue your experiment?
67. We need some male subjects for a psychology experiment.
68. I decided to conduct an experiment.
69. The play was staged as an experiment.
70. Speed was a variable in the experiment.
71. The results of the experiment confirmed our predictions.
72. She reported the success of a new experiment.
73. The results of the experiment support his central thesis.
74. The results of the experiment supported her theory.
75. This question can be answered only by experiment.
76. Three students were chosen to carry out the experiment.
77. Researchers tried many times to replicate the original experiment.
78. One student performs the experiment, while his partner observes.
79. The results of the experiment are not statistically significant.
80. We decided to begin the experiment in the evening.
81. I ventured that the experiment was not conclusive.
82. The experiment itself is garden-variety science.
83. Premature disclosure of the test sites might lead to invalidation of the experiment.
84. I hinted to him that I was dissatisfied with the results of their experiment.
85. The experiment was not helped forward by White's opening a door at the crucial moment.
86. The goal of the experiment was to familiarize the people with the new laws.
87. The teacher provided some different materials and left the children to experiment.
88. Don't forget to try out the equipment before setting up the experiment.
89. The experiment had the reverse effect to what was intended.
90. It is inadvisable to generalize from the results of a single experiment.
91. The lime water has turned cloudy, therefore carbon dioxide has been produced during the experiment.
92. The success of this experiment is crucial to the project as a whole.
93. Baldwin enlightened her as to the nature of the experiment.
94. Please rub the surface of the test tube dry before doing the experiment.
95. We have to live with the fact that this experiment is a complete failure.
96. If the experiment is not successful,I am ready to pack it in.
97. This chemical acts a part of an acid in our experiment.
98. Did the experiment find any differences in terms of what children learned?
99. The final results of the experiment are due on December 9.
100. The temperature remained constant while pressure was a variable in the experiment.
101. If the conditions are not right(http:///experiment.html), the experiment will not work.
102. When do you envisage being able to finish the experiment?
103. The system was installed four years ago as an experiment.
104. He wanted to experiment more with different textures in his paintings.
105. He keeps his director posted in the developments of the experiment.
106. They teamed up in carrying out an experiment in chemistry.
107. This experiment was quickly followed up by others using different forms of the drug.
108. They were hoping for a positive result from the experiment.
109. Despite the scoffs of her colleagues, the experiment was completely successful.
110. We shall not know whether the experiment has been successful until we have received a radio message.
111. We need male subjects between the ages of 18 and 25 for the experiment.
112. With the failure of the experiment, we had reached a dead end.
113. In the second experiment they obtained a very clear result.
114. The good news chuffed him up and he went back to do the experiment again.
115. I would defend the right of scientists to experiment on animals.
116. His argument does not rest on reasoning or on experiment, but on authority.
117. The school decided to try an experiment in single-sex teaching.
118. There are too many variables in the experiment to predict the result accurately.
119. Can you account for the serial failures in our experiment?
120. He sets about creating an environment that just doesn't permit experiment, it encourages it.
121. He believes that students should be encouraged to experiment with bold ideas.
122. This experiment has been repeated several times in our laboratory.
123. The scientists doing the experiment have pounced on the effect of the particular moment.
124. He invited her to his laboratory to see if she could replicate the experiment.
125. The controversial experiment involved secretly filming a group of children.
126. The subjects of this experiment were all men aged 18-35.
127. The outcome of the experiment is in the lap of the gods.
128. For the experiment to be valid(/experiment.html), it is essential to record the data accurately.
129. Despite the crudity of their methods and equipment, the experiment was a considerable success.
130. The control group in the experiment was matched for age and sex.
131. Much depends on which individual ingredients you choose. There is nothing for it but to taste and to experiment for yourself.
132. In their experiment they made do with what little equipment they could find.
133. It's no use complaining about the failure of our experiment; what we should do now is to make the best of a bad job and get ready to start anew.
134. He persuaded me out of the idea of discontinuing the experiment.
135. He harvested rewards in fame and wealth for his successful experiment.
136. Many small birds guide themselves by the stars, as has been verified by experiment.
137. The appropriate concentration of the drug is best determined by experiment.
138. All air must be excluded if the experiment is to work.
139. They couldn't find an explanation for the seemingly anomalous results of the experiment.
140. Pascal went ahead with the experiment even though he knew it was dangerous.
141. The experiment bloomed into a $50 million business.
142. The experiment faltered bit by bit.
143. No one has attempted this experiment before.
144. In absolute terms, the experiment wasn't a complete failure.
145. You need time, affection and love to experiment.
146. Without glamour, diversity, wit and experiment, disco can deteriorate into the most boring music of all time.
147. The Wisconsin experiment proved one could cobble together a fair approximation of a prairie.
148. It vexes me when they would constrain science by the authority of the Scriptures, and yet do not consider themselves bound to answer reason and experiment. Galileo Galilei 
149. The picture project was part of a district wide experiment to involve children with professional artists.
150. Gay groups and AIDS prevention groups are beginning to experiment with different kinds of messages.
151. The Oregon experiment was introduced to ensure a basic level of health care for poor and elderly people.
152. By the March meeting, negotiators will have assessed new cargo preparation costs and additional experiment preparation expenses.
153. National Aeronautics and Space Administration engineers touted an experiment aboard Endeavour called the shuttle laser altimeter.
154. I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. Henry David Thoreau 
155. Fishing spots below the dam should return to normal soon after the experiment ends in early April.
156. He also suggested a method to distinguish to which category any given behaviour pattern belonged; this was the isolation experiment.
157. For example, a social service agency might allow an experiment on different practice models.
157. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
158. Demonstrating that a virus isolated from a human cancer can cause further cancers in other humans is clearly an unacceptable experiment!
159. This stage of experiment should focus and direct inquiry by providing some answers to old questions and suggesting some new questions.
160. I like it with a filling of apricot and orange, but you can experiment with other fruit fillings.
161. The questions arise: Does the same experiment provide equally good backing for any other theory?
162. This criticism not easy to meet but perhaps the best argument available comes from the experiment described last.
163. In the first experiment our source is a not very accurate gun which sprays bullets on to the first screen.
164. A further factor which can have an effect on the results of an experiment is the mental attitude of the experimenter.
165. Her work, and her person, came to symbolize the moral and intellectual principles on which the open admissions experiment rested.
166. In a similar experiment, a greater variety of clast sizes has been used to test bone abrasion.
167. Then you can experiment, try a variety of functions, alter the structures, and evaluate the differing results.
168. Exercise Experiment with varying positions and different amounts of weight on the back foot when you head into the wind.
169. Originally this means of disposal was performed as an experiment to assess what happened to the radioactive material.
170. A final experiment by the police at labour organization backfired disastrously.
171. City College was a radical and controversial experiment long before the advent of open admissions.
172. A scientist does experi merits, and no experiment I have ever done proves that air pollution is hurting those trees.
173. This experiment can be performed using the apparatus shown in the diagram.
174. A second experiment is then performed to calibrate the calorimeter.
175. Once all the necessary calculations have been made the experiment can proceed.
176. More will become involved if given the opportunity to experiment free of regulatory restraints and bureaucratic interference.
177. Much anxiety was expressed before the experiment lest televising would encourage showing off, bad behaviour or rowdiness.
178. In a stress-relaxation experiment, the sample under study is deformed by a rapidly applied stress.
179. It was the result of a carefully planned experiment based on numerous other experiments performed over a long period.
180. So, it's best to experiment first and see how much your setup can take.
181. The experiment had to be abandoned however as drenching rain was continuous and the tent was blown down.
182. For the majority of us, the past is a regret, the future an experiment. Mark Twain 
183. The chameleon on a mirror riddle is best kept in idealized form as a thought experiment.
184. The recent production of the play that used the gay version was a fascinating experiment, not a belated act of justice.
185. New concepts of force and inertia did not come about as a result of careful observation and experiment.
186. And biologists at universities are wary of spending years designing an experiment that may be postponed or lost in space.
187. For the initial experiment, at day 7, 70 mice were randomly allocated to one of three groups.
188. Incidentally, that experiment is now also under careful scrutiny in Professor Krauss's laboratory.
189. He went on to experiment with how far a branch could be extended in any one direction before the tree tipped over.
190. The data will be analysed and a decision made as to whether to carry out a similar experiment during the busy summer months.
191. One experiment produced crystals of protein molecules that drug company researchers believe could advance the development of antiviral drugs.
192. A good abstract painting is an experiment I don't have to conduct because some one has done it for me.
193. Its small experiment with a house brand called Arizona has bloomed into $ 50 million a year in business.
194. The classic experiment requires both a control and an experimental group to which subjects are randomly allocated.
195. Experiment will reveal that any regular polygon needs similar adjustment to transform a geometric shape into a sensory image.
196. The experiment, which had caused some worry, particularly on the Labour benches, was entirely successful.
197. Clark then wrote up the experiment, which appeared to confirm his initial brainwave, and submitted it to Nature.
198. Every manner of artistic expression, every experiment, however imaginative, however preposterous or outrageous, was now permissible.
199. We could, I suppose, have carried out such an experiment without the drastic consequences the Lieutenant has suggested.
200. See now the power of truth; the same experiment which at first glance seemed to show one thing, when more carefully examined, assures us of the contrary. Galileo Galilei 
201. The measured seasonal variations of peroxide and ozone in clean air at Cape Grim during the experiment are contrasted in Fig. 4.
201. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
202. He devised an experiment to ascertain whether salivation could occur in the absence of any obvious physical cause.
203. The bald man extended a toe and slid it experiment ally across the glassy surface of ice.
204. An experiment of the type we are considering is conducted with a large batch of proton pairs.




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