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单词 Characteristic
1. To say little and perform much is the characteristic of great minds. 
2. Bananas have their own characteristic smell.
3. Change, impermanence is characteristic of life.
4. He spoke with characteristic enthusiasm.
5. The whole herb has a characteristic taste and odour.
6. It is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things.
7. Windmills are a characteristic feature of the Mallorcan landscape.
8. She spoke with characteristic modesty.
9. He accepted the award with characteristic modesty.
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. She behaved with characteristic dignity.
11. The North/South divide is characteristic of Britain.
12. Her predominant characteristic is honesty.
13. Neon emits a characteristic red glow.
14. This characteristic marks her off from her sister.
15. Violent images are a defining characteristic of his work.
16. Stubbornness was a characteristic he shared with his mother.
17. With characteristic impetuosity, he announced he was leaving school.
18. Unfortunately a big nose is a family characteristic.
19. With characteristic rashness and valor, Peter plunged into the icy water.
20. Modernism was the characteristic expression of the experience of modernity.
21. A characteristic of the feminine psyche is to seek approval from others.
22. A characteristic of the camel is its ability to live for a long time without water.
23. Sentimentality seems a characteristic of all the writers of that period.
24. Religious symbolism is very characteristic of the paintings of this period.
25. Hostility towards outsiders is characteristic of both human and non-human animals.
26. characteristic of a patriarchy.
27. With the hospitality so characteristic of these people, they opened their house to over fifty guests.
28. The main characteristic of the strike has been its longevity.
29. Rosalind conducted the meeting with characteristic aplomb/with her usual aplomb.
30. 'We have not done quite well enough,' Macmillan said, with characteristic understatement.
1. Bananas have their own characteristic smell.
2. The whole herb has a characteristic taste and odour.
3. Modernism was the characteristic expression of the experience of modernity.
4. Exquisite workmanship is the outstanding characteristic of these artistic handwork's.
31. Exquisite workmanship is the outstanding characteristic of these artistic handwork's.
32. The need to communicate is a key characteristic of human society.
33. The creamy richness is characteristic of the cheese from this region.
34. This book is suffused with Shaw's characteristic wry Irish humour.
35. She spoke with characteristic enthusiasm.
36. Basking is highly characteristic of arctic insects.
37. Nehru responded with characteristic generosity.
38. But then drama was always Soft Cell's defining characteristic.
39. The vase is characteristic of 16th century Chinese art.
40. Is blood group an inherited characteristic?
41. Each species of bird has its own characteristic song.
42. Originality is a defining characteristic of Great Groups.
43. Solitude for this writer was the defining characteristic.
44. From this emerges the time-specific characteristic of the photograph.
45. This last is the most important characteristic of all.
46. This pattern is characteristic of the local architecture.
47. Whatever the colour scheme,(http:///characteristic.html) there are certain characteristic styles.
48. This is characteristic of a Cockney accent.
49. He complained with characteristic peevishness.
50. This social mobility is a characteristic feature, and has two implications.
51. This kind of difference in detail is very characteristic of convergent evolution, as we have seen.
52. Dress not only covers and decorates the body but instils in the wearer its own characteristic strengths and weaknesses.
53. Whatever the cultural background one characteristic went right across the board: the desire to evangelise.
54. Interdependence is the natural characteristic of an economy based on the division of labour.
55. Component subskills in reading and spelling A characteristic feature of any skill is a hierarchical organisation of component subskills.
56. Naturally, if some one has a characteristic you strongly disapprove of you will rate them as being more favourable and vice-versa.
57. The closed system is thus characteristic of grammar, the open set of lexis.
58. Another important characteristic of the sentimental comedy is its moralizing, ethical nature.
59. They refused to accept Morgan's assertion that the gens and group marriage were characteristic of the earlier human societies.
60. Readers will find a central concern about the factors that influence social welfare a characteristic of many writings on social policy.
61. A large brain relative to body size is an almost universal foetal characteristic of vertebrates, and certainly of mammals.
62. Finally, for both Wimsatt and Brooks a defining characteristic of poetry was irony.
63. It was to determine the most important characteristic that accounted for their early success.
64. In short, to borrow a voguish term, they acquire the competencies which are characteristic of higher education.
65. It shatters satisfyingly when hammered, and it does so in a characteristic way.
66. This saves a bit of space and avoids giving a whole profile where only one characteristic is actually used.
67. The diagnosis of Crohn's disease was made by colonoscopy with biopsy or characteristic radiological appearances on barium studies.
68. The location and quality of the pain are most characteristic.
69. Neither the price nor any other characteristic of the transport system enters into it.
69. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
70. It is helpful to think of a leader more as a role with characteristic ways of behaving than as a particular person.
71. The electrons and muons in these molecules can take up several different configurations, each with their own characteristic energy.
72. Didier Camberabero kicked a penalty and converted a characteristic try by Serge Blanco.
73. Such examination may also help us to determine provenance by revealing inclusions characteristic of particular geological sources.
74. The essential defining characteristic of this relation is its capacity to give rise to pleonasm.
75. Window design is also a characteristic feature of Gothic architecture.
76. The second solution is to regard linguistic knowledge or competence as a characteristic of the individual child.
77. Failure to record consultations is probably fairly widespread, and so this proportion is likely to be characteristic of the total.
78. Monotony was a cardinal sin for Victorian architects, just as it is the predominant defining characteristic of modern architecture.
79. The colouring of Scandinavian cattle in the past was also characteristic in that many showed variations of the colour-sided cline.
80. The most characteristic feature of addictive disease is that it is a relapsing condition.
81. One characteristic of contemporary art history has been its extensive use of non-art-historical texts.
82. The essential characteristic of Byzantine dome construction is that such a dome is supported upon and covers a square form.
83. But perhaps its most important characteristic is one which is only implicit.
84. This high frequency of participation across a large number of sports is an important characteristic of sports participation.
85. A key characteristic of research is that it is public.
86. The characteristic rich, booming tone of this instrument is due to the length and large diameter of the resonators.
87. The graveyard especially is a good place to examine the strange and beautiful gravestones characteristic of old Basque burial grounds.
88. She prided herself on her honesty and knew that Helen shared this characteristic.
89. A defining characteristic of the Bund was its acceptance of debate and dissent.
90. M39 is very loose, but sufficiently condensed to make it obvious, particularly in view of the characteristic pattern of its leading stars.
91. The whole process produces characteristic structural changes in the metal which can be detected by microscopic study of sections through the artefact.
92. Though these problems are a characteristic feature of modern life, they have been with us for a very long time.
93. The Senate plan thus anticipated simplifying the review process characteristic of the categorical grants.
94. But some symbols acquire their additional semantic properties from some characteristic they have as actions or things.
95. Yet the defining characteristic of all patronal social relations is the privileged situation of the patron.
96. These hills result from hydrothermal alteration of the granites which are characteristic of the area.
97. In this chapter we have seen that growth is an inherent characteristic of both the Kingdom and the Church.
98. The reduction of mortality from both stroke and ischaemic heart disease are characteristic of much of the developed world.
99. These are the characteristic features of a Gender Identity Disorder of Childhood as seen in a male.
99. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
100. So volcanic rocks are composed of only a few mineral groups, each group having its own characteristic atomic structure.
101. Nevertheless, the defining characteristic of this period was undoubtedly the Cold War.
102. They were all running, each in its own characteristic way, like a gathering of old friends in animated conversation.
103. A mineral is defined as any one of a number naturally occurring solid inorganic substances with a characteristic regularly ordered crystalline form.
104. One other characteristic of the 1880 system is also remarkable.
105. It is early morning and dawn has crept over the land with the suddenness characteristic of summer.
106. The characteristic lesion is similar in both horses and donkeys and is somewhat different from bovine parasitic bronchitis.
107. This indicator must be a characteristic that is easily identifiable, and which clearly distinguishes working-class students from others.
108. The bird adopts a characteristic squatting posture with its wings thrust forward to allow the ants access to the important feather tracts.
109. These and certain sea anemones often leave a mucous trail that, upon dissolving in water, gives off a characteristic odor.
110. This characteristic stems from the diversity of techniques required to climb the rock.
111. Perhaps the most important characteristic of an expert chess player, however, is flexibility when uncertainty arises.
112. There is a characteristic pain from the sternum to the back with the catarrh and the cough.
113. A further characteristic to aid a correct diagnosis is a marked shortening of the bloom stalks.
114. Low branching and twisting then produces bundles of diverging and spreading fibrils which eventually fill out into the characteristic spherical structure.
115. It pays to advertise and many cleaner species employ dazzling stripes or have characteristic bobbing movements to draw attention to themselves.
116. A very humid climate fostering tropical vegetation in a swampy and lagoonal surrounding is characteristic of this period.
117. The characteristic feature of Brindley's canals was their winding routes, following contours as far as possible without involving major earthworks.
118. Collegeeducated and schooled in black culture, Williams's more urbane style was characteristic of many of the early black deejays.
119. The most striking characteristic of Morris's designs is a sensuous vitality derived from his deep love of nature.
120. Any abortive treatment must have a very rapid action because of the pain crescendo characteristic of these headaches.
121. Naomi is meeting the changes in her life with characteristic optimism.
122. It is a characteristic of both adjudicatory and regulatory bodies that they produce a binding determination of the issue before them.
123. This lack of genuine relationships with other human beings is characteristic of the unreality of Capitol Hill.
124. Characteristic activity: necessarily occurring with adverbs like always and continually.
125. These traits are ingrained and stable dispositions to respond to certain situations in particular ways characteristic of the personality.
126. Analysis of the anterior wall biopsy specimens showed none of the characteristic histopathological features of mucosal prolapse.
127. They concluded that the wary response is more characteristic of the social circumstance than of the individual's level of development.
128. Sport can possess the characteristic of a capital good, one that yields a return as part of a market production process.
129. The use of alternative names is a characteristic feature of Near Eastern writing.
130. Those who hold that tongue speaking is the defining characteristic of pentecostalism insist on the Topeka advent.
131. Yet they did have an important influence on the evolution of bargaining structure and the characteristic form which it assumed.
132. Now, one characteristic shines like a beacon in a storm, like the sun breaking through clouds.
133. Contrasts of major and minor keys with the same root, found but once in Stuck's first book, are characteristic.
134. Granulomata themselves were comparatively infrequent, and other histological features characteristic of Crohn's disease were less conspicuous than usual.
135. It could be argued that telepathy is a desirable characteristic for the subordinates of such a person!
136. When, in his most characteristic gesture, he presses a gesticulating finger to his forehead, his hand trembles.
137. And this is without the inevitable political and legal wrangling so characteristic of any nuclear activity in the United States.
138. A part of the difficulty in leaving county cricket lies in its consuming characteristic.
139. A chief characteristic of isolationism is not caring very much about what happens elsewhere.
140. I at once sensed the physical austerity and the quality of social and intellectual superiority characteristic of the best public schools.
141. It is the characteristic chemical products of such enzymes that give a cell its individual shape and behaviour.
142. The mammals have their own special and characteristic way of fuelling their developing young.
143. They share the characteristic of being established recognised professional bodies: The Association of Consulting Engineers.
144. This apart, their characteristic posture was not one of confidence about the world they lived in.
145. In general, the examples exhibit behaviors that are more characteristic of people than of conventional computers.
146. The evangelists make the point in their own characteristic ways.
147. But amygdalin reacts with an enzyme in the almond to produce glucose and two very characteristic compounds, benzaldehyde and prussic acid.
148. A perception of the bureaucrat's power resources is another characteristic feature of some theories of colonial government.
149. It took its characteristic dark colour from the addition of roasted barley to it.
150. This appears to be closely related to whether we share the observed characteristic or not.
151. The second characteristic of my industrial world is that it is incredibly international.
152. This characteristic is reinforced by the existence of departments within departments.
153. This highly characteristic Fifties attitude makes Souza's work look as if it belongs to a time rather than a place.
154. The bright chestnut is considered the most characteristic colour and, all other things being equal, the one to be preferred.
155. These spatter cones contain little, if any, fine-grained ashy material and are amongst the most characteristic products of Hawaiian eruptions.
156. The overall effect is of information produced in a much less dense manner than is characteristic of written language.
157. One of the most characteristic signals of a cat entering or leaving a social group is the raising of its tail.
158. This moral valuation of the geometrically simple is a markedly human characteristic.
159. At the same time concern for historical accuracy, as well as psychological honesty, is a characteristic of the modern writer.sentencedict .com
160. One of the characteristic features of their communities is the street-based group activity.
161. Dictionaries define one word in terms of others, and this characteristic may be shared to some extent by semantic memory.
162. Similarly, the transverse colon was recognised by its characteristic triangular folds and the sigmoid colon by its circular folds.
163. Characteristic is a reluctance to admit the quantity consumed, drinking secretly alone, and taking gradually increasing amounts.
164. A few characteristic ways of changing minds may be examined.
165. That is its distinguishing characteristic, and something to which we shall return.
166. The hard core of a programme is, more than anything else, the defining characteristic of a programme.
167. This pattern of alternate feeding and resting is characteristic of all grazing animals.
168. Another characteristic of reactions to chemicals is that they come on very promptly after the exposure - which helps in the diagnosis.
169. But Mr Kostunica is suggesting, with characteristic caution, that any such prosecution await reforms of the legal system.
170. But race is not the distinguishing characteristic of this growing rape epidemic.
171. One characteristic of modern industry is that it is capital-intensive rather than labour-intensive and hence does not provide much employment.
172. History thus cuts man down to size by reminding him of his origins: its characteristic insight is hindsight.
173. Each has already developed its own characteristic way of exploiting that major insect invention, flight.
174. Like woodland, such areas have their own archaeology - and their own characteristic field monuments.
175. This was particularly noticeable among the younger policemen, for whom this imagery seems to be a defining characteristic of their work.
176. There is something very characteristic of Mary Leapor in these lines.
177. In the advanced case, the upper limb is carried in a characteristic posture of flexion, adduction, and pronation.
178. Set back from the road the hotel is reached through picturesque roads of characteristic pastel colour buildings.
179. This line intersects the characteristic about 2 degrees from the equilibrium position, so 8, - 2 degrees -0.035 radians.
180. In essential schizophrenia the characteristic pattern is of withdrawal from the impacts of experience in the outside world.
181. The inability to reverse operations is characteristic of the cognitive activity of the preoperational child.
182. A dominant characteristic of the location-factor school is its focus on the particular features of areas in order to explain their relative fortunes.
183. These small crystals are known as phenocrysts and are one of the most characteristic features of andesites.
184. As well as such differences in educational attainment, there are differences in the characteristic linguistic behaviour of various groups.
185. Each member has a specific role and a specific characteristic.
186. The choices are unlimited, but here are some of the characteristic elements which help to give a kitchen a particular atmosphere.
187. This change is so characteristic that its absence should raise a serious question about the diagnosis.
188. It was a bold and a characteristic step by this young aristocrat of twenty-two.
189. Within the legal container of marriage, the idealization and illusion so characteristic or the in-love state can take a nasty knock.
189. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
190. Another characteristic of the industry is that larger MSOs often may have financial interests in cable networks and programming they carry.
191. The other key characteristic of the even-toed ungulates that would have helped this process along is the structure of the feet.
192. All the changes and symptoms that arise are noted and studied to detect patterns and trends that are characteristic and commonly occur.
193. To a much lesser degree, retailing may share some such characteristic.
194. Moving away from traditional melody, the main characteristic of serialism is the non-repetition of rhythms.
195. I have focused attention on identification with the society as being the most characteristic attitude thus expressed by citizens.
196. Nothing was said there which relied on any special characteristic of pain.
197. The characteristic styles of great architects and designers may be seen clearly reflected - Chippendale, Sheraton, Adam and Hepplewhite.
198. Similarly the term polar desert covers both the area and the vegetation characteristic of it.
199. In spite of its quantitative sound, political equality never means having an equal amount of any chosen characteristic.
200. They do not exhibit the semantic indeterminacy characteristic of poetic metaphors.
201. Whatever its benefits, a beaver lake is a conspicuous and characteristic feature of the landscape.
202. Mitch Miller always had a very characteristic conducting style, with his hand in the 0.
203. The parameter is the average mean square of the unperturbed dimension, which is a characteristic parameter for a given polymer chain.
204. It is very unlikely that future generations will exhibit this particular demographic characteristic.
205. Larry, with characteristic generosity, invited everyone back to his house.
206. Consider two of the characteristic features of the first sub-stage of the period Piaget calls the period of concrete operations.
207. The result is a characteristic pattern of light and dark fringes.
208. What is characteristic of his interpretation is that he did not attribute any importance to the Maccabean movement.
209. Subjectivity is the fundament characteristic of value.
210. In the end, system characteristic and system error summarized.
211. If we analyses the mostly contradiction of the high frequency power amplifier, we can find load characteristic curve and the salient features of it in any condition.
212. Blind Image Restoration is the process of estimating both the true image and the blur from the degraded image characteristic using partial information about the imaging system.
213. The essential theory of the mechanical characteristic test of the wiper motor without torque and speed sensors is discussed in this paper.
214. Based on analyzing the Qingjiang basin rainstorm's characteristic, studying out its method and precept on the estimation of PMP/PMF.
215. Third, runs out the trade the fetter, the mold has the individuality characteristic character image.
216. The electron emission film can restrict the field intensity to a low level when it causes an emission current to flow, and has a uniform electron emission characteristic.
217. The characteristic is looked that resembles stockily but actually insincere, frequently quarrels with the same table of Pakistan.
218. Results The characteristic performance that the spondylolysis of lumbar spine was the bone wreath consecution to break off.
219. Simile, metaphor, metonymy and synecdoche have the same characteristic that is metaphoric use.
220. Glossoscopy , one of the four diagnostic methods of TCM, is the most characteristic diagnostic method. It has important meaning for the diagnosis and prognosis of malignant tumors .
221. Mucor - fermented soybeans are the regional characteristic products in Sichuan and Chongqing.
222. By generation of characteristic file end data dispatcher, the versatility of the dedicated data-base is improved.
223. The last part explores the values and significance of the characteristic of grotesqueness of network literature from its grotesque features, that is, unofficial, legal and Utopian.
224. The application of the historical method, is one characteristic of this article.
225. A characteristic pattern of connections among neurons (nerve cell) in the eyes of most animals (including humans) is lateral inhibition network.
226. The Sha Shibiya dramatic art characteristic, is the fantasy and the real ingenious union.
227. The input characteristic parameter is one of the most important basis.
228. The open loop characteristic of the double detector is calculated in theory and the double magnetic detector comparator is constructed for testing and performance evaluation.
229. The existing reducer design causes the reducer to vibrate and to make a noise usually, when considering of only static characteristic but neglecting of dynamic performance.
230. Business English major and vocational school has a professional characteristic of the interdisciplinary compounding type.
231. Suspicion, the offspring of fear, is eminently characteristic of most wild animals.
232. The complanation and humanity regression are the general characteristic of the game tendency, and humor, puffiness, ridiculous, and making joy are the main expression.
233. The performance characteristic of PVC membrane structure composite used in mo - dern building was introduced.
234. It is proved that the normal pressure on the sliding surface, sliding velocity and surface characteristic have influence on variety laws of frictional coefficient on the sliding surface.
235. Of, relating to, or characteristic of a humanitarian or humanitarianism.
236. The essence and characteristic of Pan-Slavism was fully showed in the War between Russia and Turkey in 1877-1878.
237. VCSELs basic theory and the device characteristic are briefly introduced in this thesis.
238. The potential characteristic, key security issues and design principles for achieving the security of broadcast communication in wireless sensor network are analyzed.
239. The electric characteristic parameters of package for high speed ASIC include propagation delay, characteristic impedance, cross talk, parasitic inductance and capacitance.
240. But may the shuttle back row chair be this kind of characteristic display incisiveness.
241. Rather characteristic MRI signal changes were found in most retro bulbar lesions.
242. The linear response and the frequency characteristic of the spring system are studied theoretically and experimentally.
243. If this arc voltage saltation information can be extracted, we will get the characteristic information of necking down formation.
244. In the concrete design, the main design factor was body measure, which asked for the furniture effect on human body to coordinate with the human being's physiological characteristic and measure.
245. This paper introduces a kind of digital micro - ohmmeter, its characteristic and the use method.
246. Before adding this, be opposite in Guangzhou periphery of characteristic agriculture step on a dot, lavender, cherry, frog, goose, holothurian , rose, even firedrake fruit he has studied.
247. Among the structure variable of the website characteristic, except interactive is not confirmed, other three variables separately have the immediate influence to the sensation characteristic.
248. The HIS color model is used and the chroma is taken as the most characteristic parameter.
249. The data demonstrates that the temporal and spatial distribution characteristic of copepods is closely related with that of Eriocheir sinensis larvae in the ponds.
250. The operating principle and flow characteristic of micro valveless pump were introduced.
251. " Pallas laughs bashfully , say: "They are very outstanding,(/characteristic.html) also have each characteristic each of course.
252. This paper discusses the programming strategy of singlechip in details depending on the principle and the characteristic of C51F023 singlechip and MCF5272 processor.
253. This paper describes using large scale integrated circuit—switch capacitatice filter (SCF) as basic components, taking out the characteristic of speech and making up microcomputer into control centre.
254. The dilatation process of coal mass is depicted by 3 characteristic quantities , namely, volume compression, steady dilatation and dilatation mutation.
255. The model established by this method can be used to calculate the steady and dynamic characteristic of the turbo-fan engine and can also be used to study the MIMO control of the aero-engine.
256. According to technique of image pre-processing and feedback control and radiated characteristic of furnace, the model, working waveband and parameters of CCD is settled.
257. Analyzes the principle errors in measuring small dimensions by Fraunhofer diffraction , including Fraunhofer approximation error and the place detecting error of extreme value characteristic aspect.
258. Objective To discuss the clinical characteristic of juxta-articular bone cyst.
259. The Characteristic application and progress of PTC in indirect electrooxidation are introduced, as an example , the indirect electrooxidation of xylene is reported.
260. The characteristic of this system is the employment of an incremental encoder as the speed sensor.
261. The processing system of urban life rubbish should be characteristic of resource, harmlessness and shrinkage.
262. By analyzing the disadvantage of the traditional NC engraving machine based on orthogonal coordinates and the kinematics characteristic of industry robot, a robot with five knuckle arms is designed.
263. Then we used ANSYS finite element program to calculate the local stress in anchorage zone of the border span and analysed its local mechanical characteristic.
264. The dynamic characteristic analysis of ship lifter always been a weak part of the lifter field.
265. To the scheme of mechanical on load tap changer combined with thyristors, its characteristic of arc suppression is analyzed in details, and a corrected scheme is then present.
266. There are two kinds of method to calculate the eigenvalues of a matrix:characteristic polynomial method and QR method.
267. The structural characteristic and operating principles of KD type hydraulic tap hill drill with folding rotary mechanism are introduced.
268. From the step response characteristic, it can design and calculate the optimized parameters of PID controller.
269. Its characteristic manifestation is myasthenia of limited distal of limb, finger and wrist accompanied with distal amyotrophy, cold anaesthesia and fasciculation when finger or wrist extending.
270. Results The tonsillar dendritic cell sarcoma had no characteristic clinical manifestations.
271. The results show that the probability distribution characteristic of the vertical permeability coefficient in fissured rock zone is much close to the log-normal distribution.
272. The result was showed that the combustion characteristic of the blended coal was different with the coal quality characteristic and the blend ratio changed in the blended coal.
273. Secondly, analyze to the characteristic of the right of privacy.




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