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单词 non-compliance
释义  ˌnon-comˈpliance noun [uncountable] formal  failure or refusal to do something that you are officially supposed to do 不顺从;不服从non-compliance with Companies can be prosecuted for non-compliance with the law. 公司如违反法规可能会被起诉。Examples from the Corpusnon-compliance• Regrettably, but all too familiarly these days, there is a penalty for non-compliance.• However, the reasons for non-compliance reported by Mangla are ambiguous.• Cases which had been settled or withdrawn were removed from it and sanctions for non-compliance were announced.• The problem of the uneven playing-field goes much deeper than those arising from non-compliance.• Likewise the bishops stood prepared in 1688 to accept the penalties for their non-compliance.ˌnon-comˈpliance nounChineseSyllable  that to Corpus are do something failure or refusal you




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