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单词 Addition
1, Our baby brother is an addition to our family.
2, In addition to endure, we have no choice.
3, I minored in literature in addition to art.
4, To accomplish great things, in addition to dream, must act.
5, Such an outfit would be a useful addition to my wardrobe.
6, The company provides cheap Internet access. In addition, it makes shareware freely available.
7, In addition to the thick fog, there was a heavy swell.
8, In addition to the 81 positive comments, 26 students had neutral, mixed, negative or off topic views.
9, Use a good waterproof adhesive in addition to the screws.
10, In addition to the photos, nothing taken away; In addition to the footprints, nothing left.
11, In addition to you,and who is eligible walked around in my heart.
12, Part-time English classes are offered. In addition, students can take classes in word-processing and computing.
13, There will be simple tests in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
14, They nobbled two children as hostages in addition.
15, You do that in addition?
16, She gets various perquisites in addition to her wages.
17, Multiplication and addition are associative operations.
18, In addition there are six other applicants.
19, He worked it out through simple addition.
20, She's ready to learn simple addition and subtraction.
21, Addition, subtraction, multiplication,[http:///addition.html] and division are binary operations.
22, That is a simple addition.
23, There is, in addition, one further point to make.
24, Addition and division are forms of computation.
25, They've just had an addition to the family.
26, The addition of networking facilities will greatly enhance the system.
27, Since you left crushing the dream with, then I choose in perishing in addition.
28, She's young and dynamic and will be a great addition to the team.
29, The final chapter is no more than a scrappy addition.
30, Pasta's basic ingredients are flour and water, sometimes with the addition of eggs or oil.
1, Our baby brother is an addition to our family.
2, I minored in literature in addition to art.
3, The company provides cheap Internet access. In addition, it makes shareware freely available.
4, In addition to the thick fog, there was a heavy swell.
5, In addition to the 81 positive comments, 26 students had neutral, mixed, negative or off topic views.
6, Use a good waterproof adhesive in addition to the screws.
7, She's young and dynamic and will be a great addition to the team.
8, Part-time English classes are offered. In addition, students can take classes in word-processing and computing.
9, There will be simple tests in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
10, You do that in addition?
11, She gets various perquisites in addition to her wages.
12, That is a simple addition.
13, They've just had an addition to the family.
14, The freighter carries a few passengers in addition to its cargo.
31, A secretary would be a welcome/useful addition to our staff.
32, In addition, interest on Treasury issues isn'tsubject to state and local income taxes.
33, She can do addition, but she hasn't learned subtraction yet.
34, In addition to a competitive salary, the company offers attractive employee benefits.
35, The test involves simple calculations, such as addition and subtraction.
36, Students choose from optional subjects in addition to the core curriculum.
37, It was completely refurbished in 1987, with the addition of a picnic site.
38, A major addition to the earlier revisions of the questionnaire is the job requirement exercise.
39, Ann will be a very useful addition to our team.
40, This is a fine book; a worthy addition to the Cambridge Encyclopedia series.
41, The freighter carries a few passengers in addition to its cargo.
42, This excellent book will be a welcome addition to the library of any student.
43, You will, in addition, pay to the Bank any losses, costs, expenses or legal fees .
44, The plus sign is used in addition and the minus is used in subtraction.
45, The film star has an incredible car in addition to a large house.
46, In addition to these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight.
47, Some dentists are convinced that the addition of fluoride in water is ineffective as a prophylactic treatment.
48, They built a big addition onto the back of the house.
49, In addition to my weekly wage, I got a lot of tips.
50, In addition to his movie work, Redford is known as a champion of environmental causes.
50, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
51, There's a postage and packing fee in addition to the repair charge.
52, In addition to his flat in London, he has a villa in Italy and a castle in Scotland.
53, Sit here beside me. Besides means 'in addition to something':What other sports do you play besides hockey? Do not use beside with this meaning.
54, This addition may interfere with the symmetry of the building.
55, In addition to giving a general introduction to computers, the course also provides practical experience.
56, Turn sparkling wine into Buck's Fizz with the addition of chilled orange juice.
57, In addition to gene, intelligence also depends on an adequate diet, a good education and a decent home environment.
58, In addition to natural rivers, the Chinese working people have dug many canals.
59, I wrote feature stories, in addition to editorials.
60, In addition, affective experiences and feelings are now conserved.
61, So it is a useful addition to our equipment.
62, Virtually every new addition looks like a strong one.
63, In addition to writing, I also enjoy rock climbing.
64, The latest addition is number 7 Godards Lane.
65, A bottle of wine would make a pleasant addition to the meal.
66, In addition to discharging eligible patients, Gordon sought to change a series of other long-standing practices.
67, In addition to the aforementioned film projects, Elliott has appeared in two TV comedies.
68, Thucydides suggests, in addition, the existence of a diplomatic component.
69, Hopefully, the recent addition of a young Limousin bull will help us mop up stragglers next spring.
70, In addition, some categories of administrative services managers may grow more quickly than others.
71, In addition, the model provides no account of how pronounceable non-words are read aloud(), nor of how context influences word identification.
72, A framework would be created for the addition of other languages as further options.
73, In addition to its services, which Sniffen said include medical advice, the center offers food, clothing and emergency loans.
74, Although this book only covers the United States compliance regulations, it is nevertheless considered a very valuable addition to the literature.
75, In addition to getting the university kick-started, Stacy cites his greatest accomplishment as hiring a top-rate faculty.
76, I put this down to the use of rosewood for the fingerboard and the addition of some extra internal bracing.
77, Notice that the key now includes a new element, line, in addition to type, field, and word.
78, Addition of acetic acid to the urine sample dissolves the salts and clears the urine.
79, In addition, the aerobic activity helped them to increase their metabolic rate which is, after all, what every slimmer needs.
80, In addition,[http:///addition.html] 785 works were acquired by gift and bequest.
81, These will require, in addition to the factors described in the previous section, an allowance for the effect of increased parental choice.
82, In addition to this, every vision is surrounded by a kind of halo designed to gain its acceptance.
83, Chosen with discrimination, they make a welcome addition to parish church music.
84, In addition, one adopted son was knighted and an adopted daughter became another dame.
85, Meanwhile, in addition to these administrative changes, important developments were taking place within the hospitals as knowledge of mental disorder increased.
86, A new addition to the collection is Signature Automatic Pencils for brows, lips and eyes.
87, The main thing is that they make a welcome addition to marine tanks.
88, We run hydraulics, electricals, environmental systems, in addition to the loading and the weight and balance duties.
89, In addition, the students should be allowed to choose the way they prefer to achieve mastery of the material of the unit.
90, In addition, some authorities have transferred to their colleges of higher education advanced courses previously located in other major establishments.
91, In addition, Abbey National provides office accommodation for the Centre.
92, On a technical level the book is well-informed, well-presented, and is a valuable addition to any serious mountaineer's library.
93, For the public they are a welcome addition to the number of foot police regularly patrolling the town.
94, In addition to the department itself, there are several other departments and research centres in the University with which we maintain active links.
95, While it is difficult to fault this book, a list of abbreviations would have been a useful addition.
96, Most recent addition, a full-size SE.5A was unveiled on August 11.
97, Hydrolases are enzymes that split molecules with the addition of water, for example, amylase, lipase, and alkaline phosphatase.
98, In addition to its lower cost, short-term debt offers one other advantage over long-term debt and that is its added flexibility.
99, The team shot quizzical glances at their new addition but made no move to get rid of him.
100, Sweetened only by honey, the soft texture is created by the addition of fresh buttermilk.
101, All in all the Tudor monarchs made no permanent addition to the financial resources of the Crown.
102, This helps to develop empathy - the ability to see things from the other's point of view in addition to one's own.
103, In addition there is a major charter airline shown in Table 11.5 which has not appeared before.
104, The acid reaction of these soils has almost certainly been ameliorated by the addition of shelly sand from the adjacent machairs.
105, In so far as she possibly can, she lets this great dull store of words speak for themselves, without addition to their number.
106, In addition. AIDS victims often develop a rare type of cancer, known as Kaposi's sarcoma.
107, In addition to the daily little worries, these were the sweeping imponderables that held their attention.
108, In addition, anyone injured on the job must submit a much more detailed account of the accident than was previously required.
109, Along with the addition of this option, you must now press Enter after making your selections from this prompt line.
110, But in addition, Placide could not keep to herself what had happened.
110, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
111, And so news of a new addition to the facilities at the Sobell wall in Holloway caused much excitement.
112, Life does not proceed by the association and addition of elements, but by dissociation and division. Henri Bergson 
113, However, unless they include well-amplified organ tones, they are a useful addition to the organ rather than a substitute for it.
114, The most recent addition is a beautiful Chapel of the Knights of the Thistle.
115, It was clear that the light from this side was better even without the addition of huge windows in the roof.
116, Interference by iron or copper is prevented by the addition of cyanide.
117, This excellent book will be a welcome addition to the library of many a clinician, student, and teacher.
118, Develop performance-based admissions standards in addition to, or in place of, more traditional entrance requirements.
119, In addition, samples containing granulomatous lesions from patients with acute disease should be most likely to contain a causative pathogen.
120, Many of these immigrants had suffered the loss of their wealth and privilege in addition to the trauma of losing their home.
121, There is also the welcome addition of a focus ring on the lens.
122, The address book is an odd addition, given that the database is perfectly adequate for fulfilling this need.
123, It is more akin to the toilet found on a modern jet airliner, with the addition of spring-loaded thigh restraints!
124, This is an addition to the original language specification and it can not be guaranteed to remain unchanged in future releases.
125, A new security system was installed. In addition, extra guards were hired.
126, In addition, government policies need to be believable; banning cigarette advertising would almost certainly cut consumption.
127, A very useful addition is the communications room created between the two halls in 1978-1979 at a cost of £619.69.
128, Either is a useful addition to the six standard colours.
129, The latest addition to the modest skyline ... the ecumenical church.
130, Any abuse of the Flexible Working Hours facility can result in its withdrawal, in addition to any disciplinary action which may be taken.
131, It was a large warehouse that had been converted by the addition of beds into a dormitory.
132, In addition to addressing the crowds as he journeyed through Galilee and around Jerusalem(), he drew aside to be with his closest associates.
133, The Simpsons built a big addition onto the back of their house.
134, If so, is the excision of the unenforceable part capable of being achieved without other addition or modification?
135, In addition there is a billiard room, solarium, cinema, indoor and outdoor pools, bowling alley and gym.
136, In addition, other policies had an adverse effect on the major conurbations.
137, In addition to air pollution concerns, the opponents don't want the courts raised above ground.
138, In addition, more than $ 1 billion of new agency debt was priced.
139, These massive objects sometimes weighed several pounds, and with the addition of padding must have been unbearably hot.
140, This book contains in addition to many useful tables an excellent list of 716 references which are up-to-date until 1997.
141, In addition, it seems no public warnings were issued about the addition of this potentially dangerous chemical.
142, Duck sausage is an absolutely wonderful addition to many dishes.
143, A recent addition to the locomotive working stud is Derby built Fowler Class 4F, No. 4422.
144, The Apollo collection is a wonderful addition for any Mahalia Jackson aficionado.
145, In addition, the legislation is intended to make the Fed more accountable to elected officials by insisting on reforms.
146, In addition, a decrease in size seems to have accompanied adaptation to an exclusively arboreal life.
147, It was not an alternative to cultural transmission, but in addition to it.
148, Indeed, they may be appreciated as a lively addition to the garden, to be watched from time to time from the kitchen window.
149, It is a useful addition to the growing volume of material available covering spreadsheet techniques of interest to scientists.
150, In addition, gifts would be required in any negotiations with foreign powers, especially if they culminated in a marriage alliance.
151, Maybe these lines were a late addition - though the dialogue seems curiously inconclusive without them.
152, In addition, interest on overdue tax accrued indefinitely and not on a day-to-day basis even if it was so calculated.
153, In addition, managers can align themselves with those who have dominant power styles more appropriate to a new situation.
154, There has been a last minute addition to the programme for the President's visit.
155, In addition Norman's capacity for enjoyment made him an excellent companion on their trips abroad.
156, In addition, the timing of elections can also affect the structure of power within presidential democracies.
157, The Labour party advocates that in addition to its well-known policies of intervention, control and regulation.
158, These were, after all, the new or unique addition to their world.
159, Last year, they investigated 3, 500 allegations by parents and employees, in addition to regular inspections.
160, The rules apply to the basic married couple's allowance and also to the age-related addition.
161, In the last three months there has been a new addition to the family - our daughter, Rachel.
162, The addition of neural network methods came about because of several problems.
163, In addition personal differences among trainee advice workers must be accommodated.
164, Despite the addition of fertilizer, flowers are still unable to grow in the soil.
165, The facilities are available to visitors in addition to those making private bookings.
166, In addition to these considerations of Layfield, the collection of the tax should not be excessively costly or present substantial new administrative problems.
167, So a Creature object will contain the species field in addition to the name and description fields inherited from the Thing class.
168, In addition to all those new factors, several alternative proposals - including some involving King's Cross - have emerged.
169, They were close personal friends in addition to business partners.
170, In addition,[] there are growing networks of gay religious organizations that provide places for gay people to express their spirituality.
171, In addition, many specialists in industry or academia will also benefit from the overview of the subject that is provided.
172, The other biopsy specimen was maintained in organ culture with or without the addition of vitamin D metabolites.
173, Most patients who are suffering from alcoholism have considerable personal and social difficulties in addition.
174, The U. S. Virgin Islands are welcoming a new addition to their family.
175, This time we had the welcome addition of a sheepskin backrest, an inflatable neck support and a selection of surgical collars.
176, In addition, he lacked experience in the vital sphere of foreign affairs.
177, Consider the love stuff, since it is the main addition.
178, The latest addition to the Gossard collection is a little slip dress.
179, In addition, parish priests were feeling the pinch through reduced income from alms and tithes.
180, The Scholarships, Grants and Awards have been strengthened for 1993 with the addition of several new ones.
181, The staircase and walls are of white marble, with the addition of lapis lazuli for the geometrical floor pattern.
182, It is relatively straight forward in operation, and once set can be forgotten - a valuable addition to the program.
183, The latest addition is International Blue Shield, aiming to provide rapid reaction teams when an unexpected threat emerges.
184, In addition, divided catalogues or separate classified catalogues could also have acted as a deterrent to subject searching.
185, In addition, oxygen inhalations are given to abort the acute attacks.
186, In addition, the Chancellor plans to restrict the married couple's allowance to the new low rate.
187, In addition, Microsoft last week appointed Rick Belluzzo as president.
188, All this comes out in Worsley's excellent introduction, a very valuable addition to the literature on the subject.
189, If you already started the document and saved it on the disk, recall it for editing or addition.
190, In addition to the full edition, there exist abridged and medium editions of the scheme.
191, In addition to inaugurating a new era of news, PointCast is pioneering an innovative way to advertise on the Net.
192, At Checkers, Mills is overseeing the addition of patio dining accessible by a new outside entrance.
193, You will be paid overtime in addition to your regular salary.
194, In addition to this, there is a married couples's allowance which is usually paid to the man in the first instance.
195, In addition to whole words, the closed class also contains affixes.
196, The latest addition to our successful twin-colour Designer Range of Tilturn and Casement windows offers endless colour combinations, inside and out.
197, The change also affects medical offices that perform abortions in addition to unrelated services.
198, In addition to the transfers, they lost seniors Ron Riley, the school career scoring leader, and Joe Zaletel.
199, The statute, in addition to its provision for silent meditation, authorized teachers to ask students whether they wished to pray.
200, In addition to insinuating their Embassy man into the Cheltenham delegation,[sentence dictionary] the Soviets could have scored a separate gain.
201, High school students can select from a variety of applied academic courses in addition to a more traditional college-preparatory curriculum.
202, For two years I worked as a residential officer in old people's homes in addition to my academic work.
203, Without her earnings, and with the addition of Charlotte, money seemed to have dwindled to nothing.
204, In addition, Grills said, no civic leaders were asked about their faith.
205, In contrast to hemoglobin F, most hemoglobins will denature in alkaline solution and precipitate upon the addition of ammonium sulfate.
206, Another new addition to the range is a mixed pack, containing three yellow and three red tomatoes.
207, In addition, all regional buyers inspect and approve all raw material stores personally to ensure they achieve our laid down standards.
208, The manufacture of cloth was thus no more than a marginal addition to the subsistence agriculture of the interior.
209, In addition the church might consider placing paid advertisements from time to time, highlighting forthcoming events which could be made especially attractive to the outsider.
210, This may be in addition to any de minimis provisions negotiated by the vendor in the sale agreement.
211, It is our most recent addition to this popular range of disks which are being ordered by new users of Windows 3.1.
212, Hyssop is an oil useful to the regeneration of the skin and is a good addition to the bath, homemade lotions or body oils as a result.
213, In addition, a reduced concentration of 5-HT in the supernate of endo-toxin group was also observed.
214, In addition, the driver may when the speed does not surpass 10 kilometers operated the vehicle roof, after make and break end of process, also will have the sound signal reminder.
215, Now, in addition to the rocket belt, there are experiments with a turbine belt.
216, In addition to the system applicable to all types of mobile phones, the general call forwarding services are also available via the same service.
217, The experiments prove that after being modified treatment, the addition of cold-hardening resin is cut down, so that the cost of cold-hardening resin sand can be decreased.
218, In addition, loss of cell adhesion may contribute to loss of contact inhibition and thus play a role at the earlier stage of the neoplastic process.
219, In addition, the NPC Standing Committee is working out a Supervision Law.
220, The morphology of peripheral blood cells of adult Silurus meridionalis has been studied with both electron and light microscope, and, in addition, glycogen and peroxidase in cells were detected.
221, Control of fluid loss for a mud is achieved by several means, one of which is by addition of fluid-loss-control materials to the mud system.
222, In addition to water, have purification tablets such as Halazone and Globaline, but be sure to read the label on the bottle before using the tablets.
223, In addition, the applications of graphic processing and virtual instrument also enhance the accuracy and reliability of the measurement and offer direct display through the senses.
224, In addition, leukemoid reaction occurred and acted as indicator of recurrence.
225, In addition to mirror, reflected the thing is beyond count.
226, In addition, the Asset - Backed Commercial Paper Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility ( AMLF ) was created.
227, As a result, it is possible to get a better discharge flow in the feeding zone of the ingot mold where the discharge device of molten steel is placed, in addition to less turbulence.
228, In addition, anxiety triggers the "fight or flight" reflex that sends blood away from the central body, including the penis, and out toward the limbs for escape or self-defense.
229, In addition, a kind of statistical filter algorithm fit to shingle chip microprocessor system and its program configuration used by this PCR instrument are presented.
230, In addition, when roller gear when no meshing clearance between generates this kind of gear poles.
231, In addition, monophosphate - activated protein kinase ( AMPK ) levels were high during fasting and low during HF diet.
232, In addition, EPCs proliferative, migratory and adhesive capacity were also impaired.
233, In addition , independent surveyor's reports of the loss or damage and the correspondence concerning liability for loss or damage are necessary.
234, In addition, Obama must hand his water glass to a secret service man for a thorough destruction after drinking water outside the White House.
235, Addition Reactions to Alkynes, Hydrogenation , Halogenation and HX. Hydration of alkynes. Tautomerization.
236, In addition, this text explores the optimum distribution question of the limited fund with the linear programming model, attempt to analysis complicated problem quantitatively.
237, In addition to IDE support, a tool's documentation and library support are important factors in your evaluation.
238, In addition, the tickets of training expense , sports dance activity venue are a main consumption channel too.
239, In addition, the influence of structural property of kaolinite to wave velocities and dynamic mechanical parameters are analysed.
240, The essence of new FM forging method is the addition of blank width ratio control.
241, Both groups were observed in respect of stage of anesthesia induction, stage of maintain, and stage of analepsia, in addition, the heat, respiration rate and heart rate variation of piglets.
242, In addition , From emission spectrum, the as - prepared ultra fine luminescent LaPO _ 4∶ Eu powder can emit bright red luminescence.
243, In addition, food sources are polluted by pesticide and veterinary medicine is also very important.
244, In addition,[] the properties at elevated temperature and service life of the quick-firer steel were analyzed and discussed.
245, The tensile skin is designed to create more dynamic inhabitable spaces for the users in addition to providing building enclosure.
246, In addition, 2 people of husband and wife are abstinency meet too for long again, the husband often can be compared in sexual life excited.
247, In addition to using Arnica to relieve pain and stiffness, some athletes use it as a preventative.
248, In addition, the macro-scale of self-organized criticality of the power system can be revealed from the viewpoint of the total load demand vs. the total network transfer capability.
249, In addition to English are some materials are ( in ) French, German, Hindi ( Portuguese ) and Spanish.
250, The mechanism and the various factors influencing the 1,4 addition of Carbenes to dienes as well as the applications of these reactions in organic synthesis are reviewed.
251, In addition to manual pages accessible from a command line, the Free Software Foundation has created a number of info files that are processed with the info program.
252, Describes a wine whose alcohol content has been increased by the addition of brandy or neutral spirits.
253, In addition, the ray effect in the spherical harmonics approximation mitigates with increasing optical thickness within gray medium.
254, Risk of leakage may be covered In addition to the fpa and wpa clause.
255, But he is still carrying almost $400 million in debt secured by his extensive music-publishing holdings, in addition to the smaller loan backed by Neverland.
256, In addition, to meet particular needs, we also provide guests with special room types, such as Serene Room , Lady's Suite and Executive Taipan Room .
257, In addition, X ray, SEM and numerical simulation have been employed to the estimation and prediction of bead filling mold, pattern making and quality of finished pattern.
258, In addition, the German taxpayers Union has committed itself in opposition to rescue Opel car.




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