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单词 Accuse
(1) I thought the doctor was going to accuse me of hypochondria.
(2) Republicans accuse Democrats of using delaying tactics to prevent a final vote on the bill.
(3) Politicians accuse the media of talking up the possibility of a riot.
(4) I've been wrong to accuse him.
(5) How dare you accuse me of lying!
(6) He laughs loudly when I accuse him of fibbing.
(7) Some people accuse the tax inspectors of bully-boy tactics.
(8) You can't accuse me of being selfish.
(9) I hate it when people accuse us of that.
(10) You have no reason to accuse him of laziness.
(11) Unions accuse the government of dismantling the National Health Service.
(12) It's wrong to accuse him when he's not here and can't answer you back.
(13) You can accuse me of cowardice, but I still wouldn't volunteer to fight in a war.
(14) Talk things through in stages. Do not accuse or apportion blame.
(15) If I don't go tonight, everyone will accuse me of being antisocial.
(16) No one could ever accuse this government of not caring about the poor.
(17) It would be premature to accuse anyone until the investigation is complete.
(18) Opposition parties accuse the newspaper's editor of being a government lapdog.
(19) There's no way anyone could accuse this woman of being cold and unfeeling.
(20) The American plane makers continue to accuse Airbus of unfair competition.
(21) His father would accuse him of neglecting his filial duties.
(22) Let no one accuse us of idle posturing.
(23) He doesn't accuse us of selling our souls.
(24) What does a wife ever accuse a husband of?
(25) Both sides accuse each other of instigating the fighting.
(26) Men often accuse women of not being logical.
(27) Oh, nobody can accuse me of a crime.
(28) But they accuse me of lying in my book.
(29) However, it may be unfair to accuse the candidates of failing to attain the unattainable.
(30) Nevertheless, with the passage of time the Soviet side could begin to accuse us of bad faith.
(1) I thought the doctor was going to accuse me of hypochondria.
(2) Republicans accuse Democrats of using delaying tactics to prevent a final vote on the bill.
(3) Politicians accuse the media of talking up the possibility of a riot.
(4) I've been wrong to accuse him.
(5) It's wrong to accuse him when he's not here and can't answer you back.
(31) He didn't actually accuse me of stealing, but that was the implication.
(32) They accuse the authorities of intimidating others to stop them joining their ranks.
(33) Bisset protested that it was wrong to accuse Burke of inconsistency, because of the change of his arguments.
(34) It would not be fair to accuse the authorities of doing nothing.
(35) Minority voices on both sides will complain and accuse their governments of selling out.
(36) You can't just accuse me without backing that accusation up.
(37) Sergei Solov'ev was wrong, however, to accuse the tsar of conducting the war with a lack of resolution.
(38) It is thought impolite to accuse voters, sometimes called people, of having in any way failed.
(39) Clash looms over air traffic control Many critics of Railtrack accuse it of putting profits above passenger safety.
(40) The retailers accuse the two credit-card companies of illegally tying their debitcard products to their credit cards.
(41) Critics of opponents to development frequently accuse them of being blinded by nostalgia and motivated by personal vested interest.
(42) His slide work caused many to accuse him of using an easier-to-use valve trombone.
(43) Ramaphosa's own transformation into a tycoon has disappointed some blacks, who accuse him of desertion.
(44) People accuse the whites of being prejudiced, but blacks can be just as bad.
(45) Envious village elders would instigate whispering campaigns against them, or accuse them directly of witchcraft.
(46) I was also frightened that she wrote to accuse me of disturbing her peace.
(47) Boris Fyodorov survived the attack and returned to accuse senior Kremlin aides of siphoning cash out of the fund.
(48) No one could ever accuse Glass of a lack of ambition.
(49) Do you suppose he has to accuse us of aggression and pull out all stops on cheap emotionalism?
(50) Student leaders accuse him of failing to understand the system.
(51) Critics accuse the company of acting too slowly in notifying residents of the chemical leak.
(52) Critics accuse him of having a blind spot on issues of ethics.
(53) Few other Democrats were so bold as to accuse Clinton publicly of playing politics with the issue.
(54) The company has turned over to plaintiffs' lawyers about 30 complaints in which customers accuse New Hanover of racism.
(55) Human rights activists accuse the United Nations of appeasing the militia.
(55) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(56) In fact she almost expected them to accuse her of causing the conscience-prodding dip into their pockets.
(57) Residents say they understand that agents have an important job, but they accuse the feds of lies, intimidation and harassment.
(58) Q: How do you respond to those critics who accuse the movie of being over-directed?
(59) The anti-globalisation movement will accuse the Bretton Woods twins, whose goal is to end poverty, of causing it.
(60) The vision of the vain, silly girl she had been seemed to accuse her in some obscure way.
(61) If his old allies accuse him of lying about lying, he deserves that.
(62) Pretend you are doing this in your sleep. Accuse him of stealing your food stamps.
(63) She didn't doubt that when Naseem and Nadia talked together they would accuse her of eating the egg.
(64) Thereafter he quickly became its most renowned liberal member, leading some opponents to accuse him of judicial activism.
(65) No doubt you will merely accuse me of being an old fuddy-duddy trying to stop young people having fun.
(66) He couldn't very well go up to him and accuse him of giving old Mr Schofield a fatal heart attack.
(67) Why did socialist feminists accuse us, at best, of being hedonistic female chauvinists, and at worst, Fascists?
(68) They will help us explain the prosecutor 5 zeal to accuse on insufficient evidence.
(69) Amos Brown, a supervisor, also accuse Graham of failing to fight hard enough against the sin of racism.
(70) He wasn't going to accuse her of being a fair-weather boatman.
(71) She was apt to accuse the witnesses for the prosecution of lying.
(72) The oil companies accuse villagers of breaching the pipes to steal the fuel or to claim compensation for the resulting pollution.
(73) Paris is the only capital to accuse us of money-laundering.
(74) State-owned television used a film of the episode to accuse conference participants of engaging in decadent activity.
(75) It was a deliberate lie on the part of regulationists to accuse repealers of having no desire to rescue women from prostitution.
(76) One way of doing this is to accuse teachers of failing to teach relevant skills and attitudes.
(77) If she asked, he would accuse her of nagging, of wanting to keep tabs on him.
(78) It is particularly concerned that assessments should not falsely accuse parents and families on the basis of unproven diagnostic and predictive techniques.
(79) He's had a lifelong fight with feminists who accuse him of extreme male chauvinism and damaging their dignity.
(80) How can you accuse me without knowing all the facts?
(81) The protesters accuse Kuchma of ordering the murder of Gongadze, whose headless body was found in woods last November.
(82) You can't accuse her of not facing facts, can you?
(83) It always amuses me when Liberal Democrats accuse me of having a ministerial career.
(84) But did those nasty labor activists have to publicly accuse her of exploiting children to help children?
(85) Clinton has come under fire from Republicans in Congress who accuse him of doing too little to fight drugs.
(85) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(86) The new plaintiffs accuse an Avis franchisee, not the Avis system, of discrimination, he said.
(87) Bush chose to accuse his rivals of playing politics with the nation's strategic assets.
(88) Accuse me not, beseech thee, that I wear.
(89) They may even accuse them of disloyalty.
(90) I refuse to accuse Fuse of diffusing confusion.
(91) They may even accuse the child of disloyalty.
(92) Make sure of your facts before you accuse him.
(93) The mood after be lovelorn, who can accuse oneself?
(94) Environmentalists accuse it of trying to sidetrack the issue.
(95) The Americans cannot accuse him of ignoring the problem.
(96) We don't want to accuse anyone unjustly.
(97) Critics accuse companies of using ads to mislead us.
(98) Later, at home, Zilla would accuse him of being a coward and a weakling.
(99) She can not accuse me of showing one bit of deceitful softness.
(100) They may even accuse them of disloyalty, or make some spiteful remark about the friends'parents.
(101) No one would accuse the euro zone of competitive devaluation.
(102) Contemporary evangelical Biblical scholars often forget the unity of revelation; e. g. they pitch Jesus (a Hippie-like lover of all people) against Paul (whom they accuse of being a woman-hater).
(103) To excuse oneself before there is occasion is to accuse oneself.
(104) And I can even shrug off the unjustifiable accuse the university education of the unemployment rate.
(105) Senior Indian officials from India's ruling Congress party accuse Shiv Sena of stoking the rallies for political gain.
(106) His one-time admirers now accuse him of being a turncoat.
(107) Once think! I resolute brush-off your suggest, even you are toward me put forward accuse let it be.
(108) You can peruse a library of Clinton-hating books that accuse her of everything from lesbianism to murder.
(109) But some accuse RBS of taking its eye off the ball.
(110) To the joint stock company accuse a problem to want to understand correctly.
(111) I don't think it's fair to accuse me of having an attitude problem.
(112) He often forces me to change woman, I want to accuse his forcible rape really.
(113) We can also accuse the dental surgeon of being unsympathetic and the researcher of being unscrupulous for selfish reasons. They have both failed in their duty.
(114) Accuse me of being a spoilsport and I will plead guilty.
(115) Masses remove furniture thinks Baidu forms tort, accuse Shanghai then court of the 2 nd intermediate people.http://
(116) And some pestilent men of Israel, men of a wicked life, assembled themselves against him to accuse him: and the king gave no heed to them.
(117) We'll never accuse you of having done anything forgetful or unmanly.
(118) He's filing accuse against the company for racial this crimination.
(119) The crime of money - laundering is a new accuse in New Criminal Law.
(120) I do not want to accuse, I do not even want to accuse the accusers let looking away be my only negation and all in all and of the whole someday I want only to be a yes sayer.
(121) Opposition parties accuse the electoral commission of siding with the ruling party during the counting process of the first round.
(122) If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
(123) If I buy it today, will you accuse me of frivolity.
(124) You can't even accuse them of being some sort of overnight corporate entity.
(125) Washington and its allies accuse Iran of developing nuclear weapons under cover of a civilian energy program - a charge Tehran has denied repeatedly.
(126) In which case, we can also accuse him of naivete.
(127) compassion's part that leads the up - holders of capital punishment to accuse the abolitionists of sentimentality in being more sorry for the murderer than for his victim. ...
(128) Opponents accuse the league of being a xenophobic, regionalist and populist group, coalescing around anti-immigration policies.
(129) To make a claim of wrongdoing against; accuse or blame.
(130) His jealous competitors frequently accuse he of be too acquisitive or of taking apart theirs trade.
(131) Never accuse a reviewer of dishonesty or exaggeration; erroneous claims are often the result of a misunderstanding, not maliciousness.
(132) Many Lebanese politicians accuse Syria of his killing, which Damascus steadfastly denies.
(133) The next time your friend does not get one of your jokes, there is no need to accuse him of being a lamebrain.
(134) In the legal action, Salinger's lawyers accuse the new unauthorised novel of being "a rip-off pure and simple".
(135) They accuse Nato of using eight rockets to carry out the attack, which pulverised a country estate west of the capital Tripoli.
(136) India says no improvement in the relationship can come until Pakistan cracks down on the militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba, who Indian authorities accuse of carrying out the Mumbai attacks.
(137) Have you ever had a case where somebody accuse your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?
(138) His jealous competitors often accuse him of being too acquisitive and of taking away their business.
(139) You can never accuse Just Cause 2 of taking itself too seriously, especially when you come to the point in the game where Rico is attacked by Uzi-wielding ninjas.
(140) They can't seem to really resist the Jewish leaders who want to accuse Paul of being insurrectionist.
(141) They accuse the World Bank of wasting money on ineffective medicines.
(142) Boehner referred to Democrats as Defeatocrats, going on to accuse the minority of embolden terrorists.
(143) Journalists accuse President Victor Yanukovych of giving the order to switch TVi off -- state officials deny involvement.
(144) He very fear, ask cure of one accuse falsely to help then.
(145) Brian sided with his sister, which led his mother to accuse him of being disloyal.
(145) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(146) In the run-up to the poll, human rights groups accuse Beijing of creating a "climate of fear" aimed at skewing the result.
(147) This is to associate one of logion that accuse an assistant president to hold president Liu Chuanzhi concurrently.
(148) To excuse oneself before there is occasion is to accuse oneself. To draw blood in full health gives the hint to ill will. An excuse unexpected arouses suspicion from its slumbers.
(149) Boehner referred to Democrats as Defeatocrats, going on to accuse the minority of helping embolden terrorists.
(150) Don't accuse yourself of being lazy or being a procrastinator, but ask – what's making this so difficult?
(151) Carrying Cheng where to accuse to also can say is a challenge that stands to all dragnet.
(152) Critics also accuse the mayor of flattening the Russian capital's architectural heritage and replacing its historic buildings with tasteless sham replicas.
(153) You might accuse XP practitioners of being delusional, but not of being poor - quality - oriented hackers.
(154) Refugees accuse both government troops and rebels of burning villages Burundi.
(155) Mr Nawaz does not overtly accuse America of sabotaging the plane.
(156) Those people should accuse of using living animals like chickens or rabbits fledge boa.
(157) NOBODY could accuse the generals who run Myanmar of making hasty reforms.
(158) Besides , you could hardly accuse Mr Obama of timidity.




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