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单词 Unusual
1. The flavours intermingle to produce a very unusual taste.
2. This bird is an unusual winter visitor to Britain.
3. It is unusual for him to come punctually.
4. They were punished with unusual rigour.
5. This cake has an unusual flavor.
6. She gave me an unusual gift.
7. Something unusual is about to happen.
8. Her unusual talent gained her worldwide recognition.
9. He observed well on her unusual appearance.
10. What an unusual combination of flavours!
11. It's unusual for Dave to be late.
12. Hess has an unusual philosophy of life.
13. Did you eat something unusual?
14. This egg has an unusual flavor.
15. She is unusual to the point of eccentricity.
16. It was considered unusual for a gentleman's son to study medicine.
17. A notable feature of the church is its unusual bell tower.
18. This dish has an unusual combination of tastes and textures.
19. If you experience any unusual symptoms after withdrawal of the treatment then contact your doctor.
20. Ordinary working with unusual attitude to complete, simple questions to use a comprehensive thinking to decision, the matter will look at the way[http:///unusual.html], distant ideal rely on real efforts to achieve.
21. They have replanted many areas with rare and unusual plants.
22. The arrival of a taxi was unusual enough; an unknown woman getting out of it was sensational.
23. It is quite unusual for a freshman to be younger than eighteen or older than nineteen.
24. There has been some unusual variance in temperature this month.
25. It was an unusual day for summer, damp and chilly.
26. I received a most unusual present from my aunt.
27. Some unusual phenomena are chasing through my mind.
28. She had on some very unusual earrings.
29. Her gaze sharpened, as if she had seen something unusual.
30. There was something, dare I say it, a little unusual about him.
1. The flavours intermingle to produce a very unusual taste.
2. It is unusual for him to come punctually.
3. They were punished with unusual rigour.
4. This cake has an unusual flavor.
5. She gave me an unusual gift.
6. Something unusual is about to happen.
7. Her unusual talent gained her worldwide recognition.
8. What an unusual combination of flavours!
9. It's unusual for Dave to be late.
10. Hess has an unusual philosophy of life.
11. Did you eat something unusual?
12. This egg has an unusual flavor.
13. She is unusual to the point of eccentricity.
14. It was considered unusual for a gentleman's son to study medicine.
15. A notable feature of the church is its unusual bell tower.
16. This dish has an unusual combination of tastes and textures.
17. If you experience any unusual symptoms after withdrawal of the treatment then contact your doctor.
18. They have replanted many areas with rare and unusual plants.
19. Her gaze sharpened, as if she had seen something unusual.
20. There was something, dare I say it, a little unusual about him.
21. The arrival of a taxi was unusual enough; an unknown woman getting out of it was sensational.
22. It is quite unusual for a freshman to be younger than eighteen or older than nineteen.
23. There has been some unusual variance in temperature this month.
24. It was an unusual day for summer, damp and chilly.
25. Symptoms are unusual paleness and tiredness.
26. Uranus is unusual because it is tilted.
27. Try to think of unusual and ingenious solutions.
28. The unusual control panel on the walls caught our attention.
29. It was not unusual for the bank to involved in litigation over failed companies.
30. He covered a wide range of topics with unusual candour.
31. The editors have normalized the author's rather unusual spelling.
32. This is an unusual building with a checkered history.
33. There was nothing unusual about/in her physical appearance.
34. To be appreciated as a parent is quite unusual.
35. He is, shall we say, slightly unusual.
36. The boy's unusual behaviour puzzled the doctor.
36. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
37. Symptoms are unusual paleness and tiredness.
38. She has a very unusual name.
39. Did he observe on your unusual performance?
40. This unusual sight fixed our attention.
41. The subject is considered from an unusual angle.
42. It is not unusual for royal cousins to intermarry.
43. She kissed him with unusual fervour.
44. It's unusual for him to refuse a drink.
45. He has an unusual cast of mind.
46. It's unusual for Donald to be so bad-tempered.
47. She had some rather unusual ideas about raising children.
48. She's happy with her unusual living arrangements.
49. An unusual noise arrested his attention.
50. The exchange of prisoners during a war is unusual.
51. The sparse line of spectators noticed nothing unusual.
52. Pep up meals by adding more unusual spices.
53. He was an unusual man with great business talents.
54. It is unusual to see snow in this region.
55. I grew up in rather unusual circumstances.
56. Her unusual lifestyle set her apart as a child.
57. He uses a lot of unusual expressions.
58. And you didn't notice anything unusual?
59. The unusual paneling on the walls caught our attention.
60. Do you smell anything unusual?
61. There were some unusual happenings at school last week.
62. This is a highly unusual case.
63. An unusual painting arrested his attention.
64. She's a very unusual woman, one of a kind.
65. Its unusual nesting habits differentiate this bird from others.
66. It's unusual for the trees to flower so early.
66. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
67. Her voice was imbued with an unusual seriousness.
68. In Grandfather's day, owning a television was very unusual.
69. Uranus is unusual because it is tilted.
70. Try to think of unusual and ingenious solutions.
71. The unusual designs were probably imported from Iran.
72. The gearing of this machine is unusual.
73. Films of this length are pretty unusual.
74. It's unusual for a woman to do this job.
75. The photo was taken from an unusual angle.
76. The chemical structure of this particular molecule is very unusual.
77. She behaved for all the world as if nothing unusual had happened.
78. The unusual shell has long been the subject of legend.
79. Since then, Captain Fawcett has flown passengers to many unusual places.
80. Powell's unusual journey to high office is an inspiration to millions.
81. His unusual name has long been a source of merriment among his friends.
82. His unusual choice of subjects made it harder to find a job.
83. In an age when few women became politicians, her career was unusual.
84. Their kitchen is painted an unusual shade of yellow/an unusual yellow shade.
85. Kennett embodied in one man an unusual range of science, music and religion.
86. We were treated to the unusual sight of the Prime Minister singing on TV.
87. It was the unusual colour of his jacket that caught my eye.
88. Two exclusions from one school in the same week is unusual.
89. I was actually on time, which is unusual for me.
90. He was a very unusual musician inasmuch as he was totally deaf.
91. She showed an unusual generosity of spirit to those who had opposed her.
92. The antique furnishing provides an unusual contrast to the modernity of the building.
93. The British are said to have an unusual sense of humour.
94. The unusual control panel on the walls caught our attention.
95. Did you notice any unusual depression or dullness of mind?
96. Mr. Hitchens said you have solved some very unusual cases.
97. It's unusual for people of such different political opinions to be able to walk together.
98. The President took the unusual step of altering his prepared speech in order to condemn the terrorist attack.
99. This unusual building barely fits the definition of a house.
100. It's not unusual for young doctors to work a 70-hour week .
101. a male secretary/nurse/model or a woman/female doctor/barrister/driver. However this is now not usually used unless you need to emphasize which sex the person is,[] or it is still unusual for the job to be done by a man/woman:My daughter prefers to see a woman doctor.
102. Ross shows unusual perception for a boy of his age.
103. It's not unusual for a junior doctor to work a seventy or sometimes an eighty hour week.
104. The interest of the painting lies in its unusual use of colour.
105. This type of china is rather hard to categorise, it's very unusual.
106. It's not unusual to feel rather lost when you first start college.
107. It is not unusual for women to work a 40-hour week.
108. The house had all the modern conveniences that were unusual at that time.
109. He covered a wide range of topics with unusual candor.
110. We've discussed the unusual form of the book - now, what about the content?
111. The aquarium has some interesting specimens of unusual tropical fish.
112. This type of china is rather hard to categorize,it's very unusual.
113. They seldom rock the boat or annoy the mayor or board of aldermen with unusual budget requests.
114. He spoke with a seriousness that was unusual in him.
115. Her publishers knew they were taking a gamble when they agreed to publish such an unusual novel.
116. The most unusual car was a Benz which had only three wheels.
117. It's unusual for young people over 25 to still live in the parental home.
118. The most unusual fact in the story is often used in the headline.
119. Occasionally, unusual creatures are washed to the shore, but they are rarely caught out at sea.
120. It's unusual to have a goalkeeper as captain of a football team.
121. Today, we have the privilege of listening to two very unusual men.
122. It's not at all unusual to feel very tired in the early months of pregnancy.
123. There's an unusual twist to the plot at the end of the book.
124. The psychiatrist must learn to maintain an unusual degree of objectivity.
125. There were several things about that evening that marked it out as very unusual.
126. This drawing of the monastery was done from an unusual angle.
127. He was feeling after a reason for their unusual conduct.
128. Captain Ben Fawcett has bought an unusual taxi and has begun a new service.
129. It was not unusual for the bank to involved in litigation over failed companies.
130. It's not unusual to feel very angry in a situation like this.
131. I've been wearing glasses for ten years. You can also say you have something on:She had on some very unusual earrings.
132. He covered a wide range of topics with unusual candour.
133. I hope you'll all keep your eyes and ears open for anything unusual.
134. The doctor asked whether any of the children had been presenting any unusual symptoms.
135. It is still unusual enough to attract attention.
136. It was unusual for Hauser to blow his top.
137. Where are the adventurous programmes, the innovation, the unusual?
138. Fender's life outside cricket was bursting with unusual achievements.
139. This unusual, colourful hanging ornament will brighten any room.
140. He discovered an unusual meteorite.
141. This unusual property is what first alerted researchers to the fact that a core exists at the center of our earth.
142. Dining and dashing was not unusual in the Salomon Brothers cafeteria.
143. Especially unusual to find them in a Tyrian, because as a rule Tyrians only care about making money.
144. From Honk Kong comes a confusing romance about chance encounters between lovesick cops and unusual women.
145. It's fairly unusual for high school seniors to befriend freshmen.
146. This is an unusual fund that mixes stocks, bonds and cash from markets all over the world.
147. Even by Third World standards, it was an unusual basketball game.
148. Attracted by its unusual colour and shape the beachcomber picked it up.
149. Another unusual feature in this price class: outputs that enable those wishing to upgrade their home theater with separate power amplifiers.
150. It's not unusual to find them basking on the slopes of the teeing areas.
151. It is not unusual to find that countries adopt the best parts of both strategies in order to tackle air pollution problems.
152. Soon after the goats ate the berries, they began prancing around with unusual gusto.
153. Henkel made the change-and that resulted in an unusual problem for the advance team.
154. Courts will only interfere with a spending decision of a public authority in the most unusual circumstances.
155. One of the more unusual pieces is a late Ming amorous couple in ivory, around 4 inches long.
156. To reassure investors, some utilities have taken to selling bonds with insurance,[sentencedict .com] once an unusual tactic for utility bonds.
157. Young physicians, trained in medical school according to an acute illness model, found Carville an unusual place.
158. Answer: a. Why: When creating an unusual adjective from other types of words, use a hyphen.
159. Among the more unusual jobs Amelia took on at the airfield was decorating the public rooms.
160. This doorway did not stand in the center of the wall, which seems unusual.
161. A former legal-aid attorney, Mr Morrison is unusual in accepting, even welcoming, a liberal label.
162. The Colonel was invariably festooned in the fruits of Bo-Bo's labours and - if unusual - her labours were most accomplished.
163. It is unusual for me to participate or to feel I belong if I do.
164. By this point people are usually very capable and confident and it's unusual for them to fail.
165. It was unusual for anything in particular to happen in Mafeking Street.
166. Then write an outstanding characteristic-a physical attribute, a result it brings, or an unusual feature.
167. His unusual choice and his talent brought a second audition, and then the coveted part in the West End.
168. It would be no use using an unusual and catchy approach with a very conservative firm.
169. Kids are known for blurting something important out at unusual times.
170. For all I know there may have been cool showers, unusual chilly nights and days.
171. Due to its unusual structure, the bill will be considered in a committee of the whole House in the main chamber.
172. Nothing unusual - clocks behaving as before, keeping good time and continuing to emit their light beams.
173. Unusual interests, off the beaten track experiences should be of interest.
174. The National Trust acquired this unusual property in 1951, but few records were kept of the garden's early management.
175. It was not unusual for these awards to be hailed in a community as major political accomplishments.
176. This was an unusual situation, an opportunity to be candid for once.
177. But other hostels were successfully established in areas of outstanding beauty or interest, often in historic, unusual buildings.
178. In California, especially in San Francisco, there is a great acceptance of the unusual.
179. The room, with its unusual decor and accoutrements, was always kept locked.
180. For all he knew it might not be unusual to unearth human bones in grounds such as these.
181. Both the capability-building priority and the unusual time commitments bore serious risks to their professional advancement and reward.
182. A certain bench in the park, near the chess players, ordinary things, not unusual in any way.
183. Moving with unusual speed, the House is expected to approve on Friday a controversial bill to limit gay marriages.
184. Pavilions of Splendour is the brainchild of Gwyn Headley who says the idea was born from a growing demand for unusual properties.
185. Monservate was demolished after an outbreak of bubonic plague, an unusual fate for a station.
186. On Dec. 4 King Bhumibol made a highly unusual intervention and called on the two sides to settle the affair peacefully.
187. He wore casual country tweeds and checked shirt which was unusual on Old Year's Night.
188. The interior was certainly unusual with its enclosed pews, low barrel ceiling,[http:///unusual.html] and tiny altar.
189. As a result, enterprise networks, distributed network management, and unusual software applications were implemented in parallel worldwide.
190. The use of antidepressants in children under 12 is unusual.
191. It was not unusual for him, unaided, to drink two bottles of wine in as many hours.
192. What was going on now, however, was unusual: Harold was coming alive in the midst of others.
193. If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary. Jim Rohn 
194. It is not unusual for women to work a 40-hour week, followed by a further 40-hour week of domestic chores.
195. He studies an unusual beech tree, in what he later remembers was his last happy moment.
196. Within this context, many observers were not surprised that the prosecuting authorities reached an unusual plea bargain arrangement with Kanemaru.
197. Its bank of five blast furnaces and the unusual water balance tower can still be seen.
198. It's a very unusual breed of goat, dating back to the time of Cleopatra.
199. Whether you are fascinated by the unusual, or enchanted by sheer beauty, there is something for everyone here.
200. My cousin Barbie was similarly rewarded because she played the bassoon, another unusual instrument.
201. There are also patents on varieties of seeds and plants, as well as unusual genes and cell lines from indigenous peoples.
202. Read in studio A rather unusual hot air balloon has completed its maiden voyage.
203. It is an unusual technological challenge to be certain of the market and racing to produce the chemical to meet it.
204. So, at first, we saw nothing unusual in his bonce doing the rhumba on top of his neck.
205. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
206. He had remarked that she was unusual but, as long as things went well, he would abide by her wishes.
207. One of the most interesting and unusual of the citrus varieties is the blood orange.
208. The shadow cabinet elections are arousing unusual interest because of change at the top.
209. These unusual chemical shifts for imino and amino protons are indicative of novel hydrogen bonding.
210. It takes unusual strength of character to fight against so much opposition.
211. In the centre of the room sit two small, wizened figures, playing chess with unusual wooden pieces.
212. Another very unusual feature of these glasses is that they contain very low calcium oxide levels-c. 1 %.
213. A preliminary autopsy report showed he had a slightly enlarged heart, not unusual for an athlete.
214. Starting with outright animation, the sequence concludes with a most unusual instance of overt travelling matte.
215. Even Packard admitted to himself that the unusual wildflower must have been a fluke, or misidentified.
216. Disputes between natural and adoptive parents are not unusual and a fair proportion of arrangements break down.
217. Verbal abuse on the streets was commonplace, a brick through the window was not unusual.
218. I feel a very unusual sensation - if it is not indigestion, it must be gratitude. Benjamin Disraeli 
219. Two professional baseball players find their lives drawn together in unusual circumstances.




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