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单词 Convince
1. How can I convince you ?
2. He has managed to convince even the sceptics.
3. It's hopeless trying to convince her.
4. Her arguments didn't convince everyone, but changes were made.
5. He managed to convince the jury of his innocence.
6. We were able to convince the students of the need for wider reading.
7. Orson Welles managed to convince many Americans that they were being invaded by Martians.
8. The government must still convince the sceptics that its policy will work.
9. I have given over trying to convince him.
10. Thomas, she sensed, could convince anyone of anything.
11. She utterly failed to convince them.
12. We failed utterly to convince them.
12. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
13. They argue heatedly, but neither could convince the other.
14. He managed to convince voters that he was for real.
15. It was well-nigh impossible for him to convince her that he was right.
16. If he doesn't manage to convince them, it won't be for want of trying .WHICH WORD?
17. The government must still convince the sceptic that its policy will work.
18. He has to convince a judge that he wasn't going to abscond with the money.
19. I tried to convince them, but they weren't the least interested.
20. Baker had to convince jurors that his client had been nowhere near the scene of the murder.
21. I couldn't convince him no matter how hard I tried.
22. But he now has to convince sceptics that he has a serious plan.
23. His doctor tried to convince him that he wasn't really ill and that it was all in the mind.
24. Agricultural companies have failed to convince consumers that GM foods are safe.
25. She used all her powers of persuasion to convince Tilly that it was the right thing to do.
26. He was unable to convince the sceptics in the audience.
27. It took many hours to convince the court of his guilt.
28. He could not convince those who held the money bags that his idea was viable.
29. There is a holy, mistaken zeal in politics, as well as religion, by per-suading others we convince
30. Autosuggestion is the power of mind over matter - if you convince yourself that you are cured, you will be.
1. He has managed to convince even the sceptics.
2. It's hopeless trying to convince her.
3. Her arguments didn't convince everyone, but changes were made.
4. He managed to convince the jury of his innocence.
5. We were able to convince the students of the need for wider reading.
6. Autosuggestion is the power of mind over matter - if you convince yourself that you are cured, you will be.
7. Orson Welles managed to convince many Americans that they were being invaded by Martians.
31. You'll have a fight on your hands to convince the committee.
32. It took a lot of persuasion to convince the committee of the advantages of the new scheme.
33. You'll need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job.
34. If you can convince a child you love him, you can teach him anything.
35. Sometimes my imagination runs away with me and I convince myself that they are having an affair.
36. I've been trying to convince Jean to come with me.
37. She had to use all her native wit to convince the police.
38. I'm not going to believe it myself, never mind convince anyone else.
39. I tried to persuade her to see a doctor. The main meaning of convince is to make someone believe that something is true:He convinced me he was right.
40. The officials were eager to convince us of the safety of the nuclear reactors.
41. The waste disposal industry is finding it difficult to convince the public that its operations are safe.
42. As a killer punch this fails to convince.
43. Here again he failed to convince his liege.
44. I did not have to convince her.
45. Uncle Michael had tried to reassure and convince.
46. But the arguments did not convince.
47. He'll try to convince you of Mitchell's innocence.
48. I knew it would be hard to convince my father, because he wanted me to go to university.
49. With humility she managed to convince her husband that she was obedient to his every wish.
50. We tried to convince our-selves that she could manage a quick and complete recovery.
51. What is needed is three simultaneous negotiations that I plan to undertake: One is to convince Congress to pay our arrears.
52. One of these is to attempt to convince the organization that a crisis will occur if current policies are continued.
53. She also said James McDougal tried to convince her to testify against Clinton also.
54. North, badly wanting to shut him up, tried to convince him it was otherwise.
55. These arguments would not convince a student of natural selection.
56. Whether that will be enough to convince buyers to stick around remains to be seen.
57. She even managed to convince the man that she'd been sent by Roman to inspect the goods.
58. I had tried to convince my company's president that these ideas were viable.
59. Birch fails to convince me that a more traditional theology could not do the job.
60. It went through several mutations, but he failed to convince his publisher of its commercial viability.
61. Eliot's argument, never entirely convincing in its own age, had by the 1940s ceased to convince altogether.
62. The actor gives his usual gruff delivery, meant to convince us he's honest.
63. The only way they can market their products is to produce literature detailed enough to convince the prospective buyer.
64. We Raika are trying to convince government to set up armed posts along the migration route to protect us.
65. No, of course he wouldn't, she tried to convince herself.
66. Saturday you have to convince a partner or boss of the value of an action plan.
67. If he hadn't managed to convince her during the past eighteen years, he was unlikely to succeed this morning.
68. I can't remember what he said to convince me, but I obeyed his request.
69. We need to convince both the parent and the child that there is something attractive to offer.
70. You have failed in your attempt to convince me of the coincidence between the bourgeois and the human.
71. How can you convince potential customers that you're reliable, and will deliver the goods that you promise?
72. In some ways, I needed that glimpse to convince myself that he was really dead.
73. We may convince others by our arguements, but we can only persuade them by their own. Joseph Joubert 
74. We countered with a successful campaign to convince the young lawyers section to take a pro-ERA stance.
75. But she manages to convince Todd that he is the one for her.
76. An informant may, therefore, negotiate with others to convince them that she or he is ill and deserves attention.
77. But his more immediate task is to convince the left to campaign for him.
78. The government is trying to convince the public that it's getting tough on corruption.
79. It may yet be possible to convince manufacturers, governments and the public that energy saving is worthwhile for its own sake.
80. I am convinced that only my genuinely clear conscience let me convince the adults around me that I was totally innocent.
81. McMahon had failed to convince the manager on his five previous appearances.
82. President Kim failed to convince his opposition that he meant to consult with them freely in order to ride these twin tigers.
83. It will be hard to convince voters it was a badly written law.
84. Certainly, it was not difficult to convince some patients of the desirability of going to Carville on a purely voluntary basis.
85. He creates disorder and manages to convince people only he can resolve it.
86. It had been hard to convince the Imperial's sommelier of the necessity for the presence of porter and ginger beer.
87. But Jimmy manages to convince Ron to think more sensibly.
88. How many more deaths will it take to convince the authorities of the need to test drugs more thoroughly?
89. Was there any point in even wasting her breath trying to convince him?
90. Seeing him lying in a coffin with a stake through his heart might go some way to convince me.
91. But one month of Dwayne Hosey seemed to convince the Red Sox that he was their starter.
92. In the absence of any other proof, the thumb alone would convince me of God's existence. Isaac Newton 
93. This, in turn, will help us to build up the evidence we need to convince our audiences.
94. It seemed impossible to convince him that anyone was in any danger.
95. Bragg says that universities urgently need to convince academics that popularising research is respectable.
96. But Mr Espina has his work cut out to convince people that he was not in cahoots with Mr Serrano.
97. I try to convince myself that it's conditioning, the poor boy and his fears of success.
98. One of the most difficult things in the world is to convince a woman that even a bargain costs money. Edgar Watson Howe 
99. I couldn't convince them at the other end that I needed an ambulance because I was outside the hospital.
100. He walked heavily beside her, trying to convince himself that Francesca had not seen them.
101. Most of us try to convince ourselves that the law will be amended within several years.
102. And it requires no very high degree of education to convince them of this.
103. It warms the cockles of my female heart to know that such womanly wiles still continue to manipulate and convince.
104. Shultz refused to play along[sentence dictionary], saying that Peres should convince his own prime minister.
105. Never let anyone, or any diet, convince you that calories don't count in achieving weight loss.
106. They become so blinded by adoration they manage to convince themselves their child has qualities of genius.
107. The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong is to let him have his way. Josh Billings 
108. Just what would convince the Prime Minister that the country is in crisis.
109. And his job could be threatened if he fails to convince delegates that Britain's economic crisis is not his fault.
110. You have a answer for every possible line of inquiry. You will convince him, via sheer willpower of your identity.
111. It is said true love exists only among women. Convince yourself of this with Female Lovers and accompany curious and unmoral couples on their first innocent lesbian experiences.
112. He needed to talk to his future mother-in-law and convince her that his intentions were honorable.
113. Mr. Cohen's recent jaunt to Beijing was intended to convince the Chinese government that it must decisively curtail its ties to Tehran, or face real economic costs.
114. So, of course, I'm constantly tempted to be naked at inappropriate moments. I'll convince myself that whipping it out is the end-all-be-all answer to certain problems.
115. Eventually I gave up, fearing one more attempt to convince her I wasn't completely feeble would end up with me on a Telethon.
116. The broker whispered that he knew a secret algorithm for the success, but he could not convince the mathematician.
117. The broker whispered that he knew a secret algorithm for the success, but he could not convince the analyst.
118. Lacklustre performance failed to convince many to stay once the moratorium expired, however, prompting RAB to review its business and move to delist – a move formally announced last Friday.
119. This powerful work will convince you of the benefits you will derive from PMA.
120. Americans tend to think of the presidency as all-powerful, but much of its authority comes from the ability to convince the public to follow, and the same is sometimes true in diplomacy.
121. The majordomo tried to convince him, and the gardeners also pressed, but Rezak remained stubborn.
122. Along with the free loan, the Milan powerbroker hopes to convince Real president Florentino Perez to cover a percentage of Kaka's wages to make the move happen.
123. And in this volume of stories presented here, he tries to draw the young gunslinger , Roland Deschain himself, into his deadly web and convince him of the inevitability of his cause.
124. But it was hard to convince those involved to write specifications for unimplemented features, and implemented features were likely to become the basis of new items in the specification.
125. Keeping the college all-female, therefore, will improve morale among students and convince alumni ( alumnae ) to keep supporting the college financially.
126. If he could show us, he could convince us that harmony is not really invisible, then we would no longer have a counterexample to the claim that the invisible can't be destroyed.
127. He tries to convince me such and such is true.
128. For health sectors to justify the large sums of money they will need if climate change does accelerate insect-borne disease, they must be able to convince governments that it is a high priority.
129. Liu Xing continue to use his AAPL rotten to convince the other side of the tongue.
130. All the mumbo jumbo about stabilizing"debt-to-GDP" and ignoring interest payments are examples ofbudget-speak, intended to convince people that "something is being done"when little, or nothing, is.
131. The Premier League was unable to convince a top four side to play in the Asia Trophy but still hope the tournament can play a key role in its long-term plan to grow in China.
132. It will be our job to convince him that it will be a sound investment.
132. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
133. This movie is widely considered to be muddled mess, but somehow the producers managed to convince Louis Gossett Jr. to co-star in it.
134. Leonard attempts to convince Sheldon he misses Amy and that he's trying to replace her with "a bunch of cats, " to which Sheldon responds, "Clowder."
135. in a plane's cargo hold was enough to convince Alysa Binder and Dan Wiesel that owners needed a better option to get their pets from one city to another.
136. Switzerland struggled to convince skeptical European neighbors to support its ambitious and costly TransAlpine rail plans in the 1990s.
137. You will use the legal analysis and advocacy skills you have developed at law school to convince judges with arguments based on established rules found in public international law.
138. That the conduct of the Moscow Trials was such as to convince any unprejudiced person that no attempt was made to ascertain the truth.
139. Benitez is hoping that the lure of possible glory with Liverpool rather than an increased pay packet will be enough to convince Mascherano that his future remains at Anfield.
140. Thirdly, the writer fails to convince in his argument that hearing books on audiocassette makes a child more eager to read and to learn.
141. So he planned a comprehensive, multivolume work to convince scientists and the world.
142. But the work doesn't convince rheumatologist Lars R?nnblom of Uppsala University in Sweden.
143. But I'm sorry to say the word of three 13 - year - old wizards will convince few others.
144. I told Saul the story about my sheep and how I had slain thelion which managed to convince him to let me go fight Goliath.
145. When I saw this photo op I had to convince our driver to stop just for a second so I could take this one picture.
146. Why would I tell someone he can run DB2 or Oracle 7 for OS/2 in a beige box, if I could convince him to buy a RS/6000?
147. And yet no amount of government support can convince Mr. Eira that his livelihood, intractably entwined with the reindeer, is not about to change.
148. When people did not want to buy and cookies, she would try to convince them what a good cause Girl Scouts are.
149. The president and vice-presidents had to give campaign speeches. The other students also had to convince people to vote for their candidates.
150. One trip for their Jack Russell terrier in a plane's cargo hold was enough to convince Alysa Binder and Dan Wiesel that owners needed a better option to get their pets from one city to another.
151. And, certainly, the current world crisis will convince the Chinese even more that they are right not to give up state control of the commanding heights of the economy.
152. For they give life, with the genius of their own inventions, to those same political principles that for some time now the dominant powers try to convince us of their obsoleteness.
153. It could bring enormous benefits if I could convince Congress to pass the budget, and if it got the hoped-for response from the Federal Reserve and the bond market.
154. Paris was unable to convince members to keep the Olympics in Europe for a third straight time after the 2004 Summer Games in Athens and 2006 Winter Games in Turin,[] Italy.
155. The challenge we faced in 1954 was to convince the American people of the importance of Dien Bien Phu.
156. Their optimal strategy was to convince the rest of Congress and the president that they might just be crazy enough to block a deal unless they got enough of what they wanted.
157. In addition, the speaker will employ expressions involved in high expectedness, possibility, and reliability to convince audiences to take action or reinforce the existing attitude of listeners.
158. And if that doesn't convince you, maybe this will get you going: Fail to burn triglycerides and they can end up in long term storage on your hips or stomach.
159. Multi-national producers have attempted to convince the world's leaders that GM is the answer to solving Third World hunger but a UN study last year dismissed their claims.
160. It takes some pushing by banks to convince them to take an additional payment vehicle.
161. Fiesco and Gabriele are led in, and Paolo tries to convince the old man to assassinate the doge, while inciting Gabriele with insinuations about Boccanegra's relationship with Amelia.
162. Try to convince a good friend to take a holiday with you.
163. If you can convince him it's necessary, you'll have the best of both worlds: a regular paycheck and the freedomto work outside the box.
164. This was probably the first paper to convince many scientists that they needed to think seriously about greenhouse warming.
165. This will not only convince your superiors, but it will also help you rejigger your thought processes.
166. His report helped to convince the U.S. Congress to withdraw this region from public auction.




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