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单词 Assess
1. We need to assess the impact on climate change.
2. The insurers will need to assess the flood damage.
3. It's difficult to assess the effects of these changes.
4. We tried to assess his suitability for the job.
5. I'd assess your chances as low.
6. It is difficult to fully assess the damage.
7. Interviews allow you to assess the suitability of candidates.
8. How do you assess your students?
9. Small town banks have to assess the relative riskiness of their loans.
10. It's difficult to assess the impact of the President's speech.
11. We are trying to assess how well the system works.
12. It is difficult to assess the full extent of the damage.
13. It is difficult to assess the building's value properly without seeing it.
14. The technique is being tried in classrooms to assess what effects it may have.
15. Small town banks have to assess the relative riskiness of their.
15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. As an adult, you can assess the situation realistically.
17. We should equitably assess historical figures.
18. The directors will have to assess our credit risk.
19. She suggests you first assess your income and outgoings.
20. The court will assess the damages.
21. I'd assess your chances as extremely low.
22. The college has few ways to assess the quality of education overall.
23. A topic-based approach can be hard to assess in primary schools with a typical spread of ability.
24. The appraisal system seeks to assess employees' strengths and weaknesses.
25. At the moment it is difficult to assess the extent of the damage.
26. The job of the jury is to assess the credibility of the witness.
27. We need to assess the merits of both proposals before making our decision.
28. It is too early to assess the full extent of the damage.
29. We know some sex offenders dupe the psychologists who assess them.
30. We shall have to explicate its basic assumptions before we can assess its implications.
1. We need to assess the impact on climate change.
2. The insurers will need to assess the flood damage.
3. It's difficult to assess the effects of these changes.
4. We tried to assess his suitability for the job.
5. I'd assess your chances as low.
6. It is difficult to fully assess the damage.
7. Interviews allow you to assess the suitability of candidates.
8. How do you assess your students?
9. We know some sex offenders dupe the psychologists who assess them.
10. Small town banks have to assess the relative riskiness of their loans.
11. We are trying to assess how well the system works.
12. It is difficult to assess the full extent of the damage.
13. The technique is being tried in classrooms to assess what effects it may have.
14. We shall have to explicate its basic assumptions before we can assess its implications.
15. Small town banks have to assess the relative riskiness of their.
15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. We should equitably assess historical figures.
31. It's impossible to assess how many officers are participating in the slowdown.
32. A representative of the company will call on you to assess the damage.
33. It's too early to assess the long-term consequences of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
34. We need to assess the new situation and adapt accordingly.
35. It was for the police to assess the validity or otherwise of the evidence.
36. The study aims to assess the effects of passive smoking on the non-smoking population.
37. Officials arrived to assess whether it is safe to bring emergency food supplies into the city.
38. It is important to assess the reliability of the data.
39. The inspectors assess the physical state of schools and equipment.
40. Drilling will continue on the site to assess the dimensions of the new oilfield.
41. There has been no yardstick by which potential students can assess individual schools before signing up for a course.
42. Ask them to send you information on how to assess the value of your belongings.
43. It's too early to assess the full extent of the damage.
44. By 1989, they were using neural networks to assess credit risks.
45. He needed at least three days to assess the genuineness of their intentions.
45. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
46. We'll be able to assess the competition at the conference.
47. Assess Mussolini's domestic policies and achievements to 1935. 2.
48. Ballater was trying to assess the situation objectively.
49. Local traders met today to assess the damage.
50. Stanley stopped to assess the chances of driving on.
51. Francis Urquhart is more difficult to assess.
52. Try to assess your progress daily in this way.
53. Psychologists will assess the child's behavior.
54. Scientists are particularly interested in observing the thawing and freezing of the polar icecaps in order to assess changes in sea level.
55. Our pilot project aims to assess the feasibility of identifying people at risk,[] nothing more.
56. Their role is not to review the work on the files, but to assess whether the files comply with quality standards.
57. Three times during that year, Cottle was called before medical boards to assess his fitness for active service.
58. The research attempts to assess the nature and extent of black progress in recent years in light of these issues.
59. The doctor had helped assess the problem because she had a good relationship with her patient and had documented all her injuries.
60. The children could use a standard proforma to assess their own performance against the relevant parts of the attainment targets.
61. Every year, he reviews the staff and then asks two aides to assess his performance.
62. In fact; a test may be the weakest way to assess what a student has learned.
63. The officers, Brown said, talk to the person to assess the situation.
64. Some countries conduct all foreign trade through state corporations which assess needs according to their current economic development programmes.
65. We can assess all the relevant factors for you, and produce the right amount of cash at the appropriate time.
66. The most accurate way to assess an individual's temperament is by observing his expressions and behaviour.
67. All in all it was a wide variety of clinical situations in which to assess the efficacy of homoeopathic treatment.
68. The accountants' contract with the parties was to assess damages claimed in the terms of reference.
69. Teachers are required to plan and prepare lessons, assess and keep records of pupils' progress, and maintain discipline.
70. Its new scheme will assess the credit risk of new borrowers according to their age, marital status and number of children.
71. The report was commissioned from scientists in five countries in order to assess the impact of dramatic reductions in carbon emissions.
72. Doctors at Leicester Royal Infirmary are to assess the benefits of giving magnesium to heart attack victims immediately after an attack.
73. This project is to assess whether sufficient material exists to enable a more substantial research project to be undertaken.
74. That is, it may be easier to agree a price for a contract for clinical services than to assess cost or cost-effectiveness.
75. Have steps been taken to assess the impact of building programmes and medical staff absence on patient activities?
76. Crandall, manager of the park, was waiting Monday for state officials to arrive to assess damage.
77. I then attempted to assess how much advantage accrued from each such possible use.
78. However, even disintegrated mud brick can help to assess rebuilding phases in Penivian villages or Near Eastern tells.
79. A few schemes assessed or intended to assess, practical work.
80. Three of the questions in the Hull survey were designed to assess how well known these ideas have become.
81. You should be able to assess this work and remember names as you never know when you might need them.
82. Pollution experts from the National Rivers Authority were called in to assess the danger of fuel leaking into the canal.
83. To assess the impact on education, we turn to some specific cases.
84. The above studies have attempted to assess the presence of circulating platelet aggregates.
85. One month after completion of this treatment their C-urea breath test was repeated to assess the H pylori state.
86. The published works give one a chance to assess the audiences with whom the author attempts to share information.
87. Nor need the courts assess the extent to which such harms are measurable against any standard of consequential morality.
88. Further meeting time is allotted to assess the topics after they have been taught.
89. First, it would be necessary to monitor the quantity of pollution of each firm in order to assess its tax liability.
90. As part of a trial to assess the effectiveness of follow-up radiotherapy after chemo, Carmel is not receiving the treatment.
91. A criterion referenced marking schedule is used to assess the students at each clinical station.
92. In addition to departmental seminars, there are courses in research methodology and practice and regular meetings with a review board to assess progress.
93. She said she knew of no other way to assess the value of a piece.
94. A three-year research programme to assess the life-span characteristics and as-built performance of flat roofing systems in under way.
95. In terms of the features which are used to assess class most Shetlanders seem to recognise that they lag behind.
96. Some local education authorities assess children at the end of primary school in order to make allocations to secondary schools.
97. At least two separate industries will be examined, to assess to what extent the results may be generalized.
98. The watchdog plans to issue formal regulatory guidance setting out how companies should handle endowment complaints and assess where compensation is due.
99. The ruling executive wanted a decision postponed to assess a review of benefits and taxation.
100. During the event, extensive water quality samples were taken to assess the degree of pollution.
101. Judicious negotiators will at this stage look to the future to assess likely changes in the balance of power.
102. A simple pretest will quickly assess for the researcher errors that can be quickly corrected.
103. He apologised for having failed to assess the extent of corruption and abuse of power.
104. For these reasons the functional significance of these observations is difficult to assess.
105. Forgetting the holidays temporarily,(http:///assess.html) she headed out in her car to assess the damage for herself.
106. Professional career counsellors can assess your strengths and weaknesses and offer advice.
107. Some of these duties, such as the duty to assess risks, also apply to the self-employed.
108. These can help interviewers assess personality and give a clearer picture of the interviewee's strengths and weaknesses.
109. Then the flow was dropped to 8, 000 again, so scientists could assess the effects.
110. Another problem is that of trying to assess performance when there may be no tangible product to measure.
111. Increasingly, nongovernmental aid agencies large and small carefully assess security before committing themselves to a country.
112. Underwriters previously used a laborious manual system to assess risk, cross-referencing data from maps, spreadsheets and technical data.
113. Use your abilities to negotiate, clarify, request, and assess instead.
114. This brings us on to the question of how do organizations assess the effectiveness of their advertising?
115. The different categories of traveller are very hard to assess at all precisely.
116. The National Cancer Institute was sponsoring more than 30 studies to assess the role of certain nutrients, he said.
117. Registered images are used to assess the degree of change that has occurred during the time-period represented by the two images.
118. His management team gathered in a war room to assess the damages and strategize a recovery plan.
119. It may be that your child has chemical sensitivities - reading Chapter Nine should help you to assess this possibility.
120. If properly appreciated, and seen as instruction, the empirical can be used to assess theoretical and conceptual formulations.
121. I felt they wanted me to assess people's needs when that was their responsibility.
122. In Delaware, employers are helping assess student prod products that combine academic research with its real-world applications.
123. The aim of our study was to assess the efficacy and longterm effectiveness of treatment with endoscopy in Dieulafoy's disease.
124. Additionally, the stalemate over economic union makes it difficult to assess the costs of insurance or mortgages arranged abroad.
125. Personal evaluations occur bi-annually and are used to assess both changes in the basic wage and individual bonus payments.
126. It is very difficult to assess accurately the costs of corporate crime.
127. It is quite another thing to assess how out of balance the individual is and how to set about restoring the balance.
128. Originally this means of disposal was performed as an experiment to assess what happened to the radioactive material.
129. The booklet aims to help parents assess recent educational changes.
130. The way to manage money is firstly to assess what you have coming in and what you have to pay out.
131. His task was to be to assess whether the Commonwealth could assist with constitutional negotiations.
132. The brigade commander was able to assess the situation and take proper courses of action.
133. LEAs are to assess the cumulative educational effect of these decisions.
134. I believed that we should assess the future cost of the whole social security system, and make any necessary changes now.
135. Each review group was asked to assess current and future needs for each specialty.
135. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
136. How would you assess these changes in terms of the assumptions?
137. A professional hypnotherapist should assess each potential patient carefully and advise against treatment where necessary.
138. Industrial hazards and risk assessment Once hazards have been identified there may follow efforts to assess the hazard risk.
139. This problem is likely to be encountered often by decision makers wishing to assess the methodological quality of published studies.
140. Trials are currently being carried out in 12 areas involving 62,000 properties to assess its effects.
141. There is no significant attempt to assess the validity of existing spending patterns.
142. It is also difficult to assess the quality of husband/wife relationships.
143. Spontaneous platelet aggregation Several studies have attempted to assess whether there is evidence of increased circulating platelet aggregates in diabetic subjects.
144. Mitchell trudged down the hall toward his corner office, detouring into the washroom to assess the damage to his hair.
145. Essentially the project will assess the question of whether a competitive advantage can be sustained through planned technological change.
146. The study will assess the claims made for both the costs and benefits of international collaboration.
147. Focusing on class situation enabled us to assess the significance of the challenge that the information specialists might pose to managerial authority.
148. The upshot of the interview is that Jimmy be referred for a psychiatric evaluation in order to assess the need for medication.
149. Box 3. 1 suggests how you might try to use the concepts and methods of micropolitical analysis to assess such questions.
150. Even more difficult to assess is the extent to which and in what ways religion might be important to people.
151. At your request, we will assess your energy needs and recommend or design a specific solution to meet your precise requirements.
152. Decision makers need to assess the relative value for money of competing health care interventions.
153. But hares were declining before paraquat was introduced, and the effects of agricultural chemicals on wildlife are notoriously difficult to assess.
154. This present study was not designed to assess the biological significance of endotoxaemia, however, nor the treatment of colitis.
155. High Commissioner for Refugees visit the detention center twice a week to assess those requests.
156. On my second outing with the boots I was trying to assess how watertight they were as it was raining heavily.
157. Rather few comparative data are available from which to assess recent status changes, but these appear to have been marked.
158. But many system developers are unable to assess requirements properly.
159. Fourth, to assess to the extent to which estate agents have an impact on the housing market.
160. Elites can more easily assess the situation and attitudes of both allies and rivals by monitoring television and radio broadcasts.
161. Directly measured tissue oxygen tension and arterial oxygen tension assess tissue perfusion.
162. Workstart is an experimental programme to help us assess what forms of wage subsidy work best.
163. If dysphagia persisted despite dilatation, barium swallow examination was undertaken to assess the oesophageal lumen.
164. There is no simple method to assess proliferation in single gastric crypts.
165. A subsequent survey was conducted in September, 1982 to assess attitudes within the medical profession itself.
165. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
166. The only way to decide is to assess the situation in each case in terms of the cat's quality of life.
167. Six months after the law came into force it is hard to assess its effect.
168. It is not the task of the county councils to assess the cost benefit of the scheme in detail.
169. But the education secretary says they're needed to assess a pupil's ability.
170. Such interviews are particularly important to assess character and to see if the interpersonal chemistry is right.
171. To assess whether patients are at risk for any reason and to minimize any risk to them. 4.
172. These procedures are essentially intended to assess the social costs of school reorganization.
173. This will become important in the final chapter, when we try to assess the Presocratics on their own terms.
174. Ask to see the previous year's bills so you can assess the running costs.
175. The research will assess the management and effectiveness of one local enterprise agency based in Colchester, Essex.
176. This computer program will assess how much is spent on each student within the school.
177. This gives the engineer a chance to hear your music and assess how to record your band.
178. Both the other candidates have been feverishly trying to assess what damage he has caused them.
179. Also,[] there is a need on the part of decision makers to assess the relative value for money from competing health care interventions.
180. There is no record that the county ordered a traffic study to assess alleged traffic hazards.
181. So we shall briefly stand back and assess its significance.
182. Moreover, the assumption that such differences are inherent has encouraged the development and use of standardised tests to assess child development.
183. Newson-Smith and Hirsch concluded that social workers could safely and reliably assess attempted suicide patients.
184. So assess your finances, look at where you can make cuts in expenses.
185. You have to assess the situation in light of everybody who is out there.
186. Some empirical evidence is available as regards the first of these; the present research seeks to assess what role syntactic input plays.
187. A further unpublished project attempted to assess the anxiety characteristics of the type of client who benefited most from the treatment package.
188. An even later flight to assess late senescence of the cereal crops might be undertaken this year.
189. The study aimed to review referral patterns and assess the cost effectiveness of oesophageal manometry in clinical practice.
190. The influence of wages is more difficult to assess because cause and effect are entangled with one another.
191. This represents an attempt to assess a level of income below which it is impossible to ensure survival.
192. The task originally used by Piaget to assess knowledge of seriation of length is a simple one.
193. One month after completing this treatment, the C-urea breath test was repeated to assess eradication of the infection.
194. However, a consideration of this measure reveals the problems faced when trying to assess the extent of poverty.
195. A monitoring programme is designed to assess the rate of leaching in inorganic ions and hydrocarbons from the deposit.
195. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
196. This study aimed to assess the usefulness of endosonography in the surveillance of these patients.
197. Another difficulty arises when trying to assess how far different media may be taken as propositional.
198. In this chapter we analyse the nationalized industries, explain how they have been run, and assess their performance.
199. How might you assess whether most college students are politically active?
200. For patients with postoperative dumping or diarrhoea it is prudent to assess gastric emptying before starting remedial surgery.
201. In addition, the research will assess the way in which the economic expectations of elderly people have changed over the twentieth century.
202. It is in this context that we need top assess Working for patients.
203. One of the most difficult areas to assess is the impact on those who are staying outside.
204. Because metering would be such a major change, trials are under way to assess the likely benefits and costs.
205. Each sample will be recontacted after a year and after two years to assess the degree of change amongst the young people.
206. Twenty six patients were given follow up appointments, either to assess treatment or to give the results of histological examination.
207. Assess the impact of modern medical devices on the emergence and prevention of nosocomial infections.
208. A light meter can be used to assess the level of lighting present.
209. The committee will continue to assess how we can improve.
210. These councils would assess local needs, contribute to local service plans within the overall strategic plan and monitor local service provision.
211. He is an agricultural science graduate from Oxford University and feels competent to assess evidence and act logically.
212. Above all they don't test, assess or measure progress in any way.
213. She drifted helplessly along in calm water at just over three knots, making it virtually impossible to assess her sailing characteristics.
214. Its aim was to examine scientific evidence on climate change, assess environmental and socio-economic impacts and formulate realistic response strategies.
215. So far only a preliminary amount of work has been carried out in order to assess the restoration work required.
216. It is therefore very important to try and assess the more enduring changes shown in Figure 8.4, and Table 8.4.
217. By the time students complete the first grade, it is fairly easy to assess students' basic academic skills.
218. We live in a highly credentialed society that can only assess people on the basis of pieces of paper.
219. If they do, juries should be told of the circumstances in order to assess the credibility of a witness.
220. Another use of the simulation model might be to assess the effect of increasing the urban area lying within a river basin.
221. It is expected, in its first year, to assess more than 1,500 patients.
222. Then, during the interview you can attempt to use the candidate specification to assess how the person matches up to your requirements.
223. His eyes seemed to be trying to assess how much he knew.
224. This project looks at the records which could be used to assess the impact of unions on the shop floor of industry.
225. To enlighten the community orientation further,(http:///assess.html) one can assess the degree of intensity found in the commitment to the community.
226. These practices are highly significant for attempts to assess the way in which trusts were interpreted.
227. It explains how to recognize particular types of rug, and how to assess quality and value for money.
228. According to Johansson, government planners typically assess how energy demand has grown alongside economic growth.
229. Also it is hoped to monitor the current advertising campaign and to assess the reaction to diesel power.
230. In fact it is just as misleading to ignore the packaging and expect some one to assess the new situation without any help.
231. A scatterplot is needed to assess the linearity assumption underlying each correlation or regression coefficient between pairs of quantitative variables.
232. This prospectus is designed to help you to assess the practical possibilities for study at Edinburgh.
233. Either way it's best to test them before you travel to assess their effect.
234. To assess rectal epithelial proliferation, the labelling index was determined in at least 15 crypts per section.
235. The second main problem relates to the delay in the occupational therapist's visit to assess the application.
236. Furthermore, assess the impact of their cash-flow practices on your own relationship with customers and suppliers alike.
237. The first job of the Fitch Benoy team, led by divisional director Charles Dunnett, was to assess the existing fabric.
238. The group will investigate coastal processes and assess these in the context of late Quaternary and Holocene conditions.
239. They appoint Visiting Groups within disciplines to assess the value of particular scientific research programmes and groups of workers.
240. It is always difficult to assess the political significance of an individual leader.
241. Beyond it we must look at actual behaviour to assess the impact of higher taxes on incentives.
242. Projects can be used to assess a wide range of cognitive and practical competences.
243. Objective: To assess the effects of free fatty acids on adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol secretion in healthy adults.
244. Wood added the State Department is sending the U.S. Charge D'Affaires in Khartoum, Alberto Fernandez, to Darfur to assess the situation following the moves against the aid groups.
245. Finally, the synthetic system of noise fuzzy assessment developed was used to assess noises of a woodworking sander, planer, fretsaw, obtaining their noise assessment results.
246. In the presence of this sign, the physician should proceed with a more aggressive physical therapy program and further assess patella malalignment.
247. Objective To assess the associations between Doppler ultrasound derived luteal blood flow indices and luteal hormonal profile in midluteal phase in spontaneous and stimulated cycles.
248. ObjectiveTo assess the feasibility of nephrectomy via combined transgastric and transvesical approach in a porcine model, and to summarize our experience.
249. Objective To assess the clinical therapeutic effect of sotalol on atrial paroxysmal fibrillation.
250. Objective:To assess the accuracy of threshold using the multiple auditory steady state responses (MASSR) to bone conduction stimuli in a group of patients with conductive hearing loss.
251. Despite its importance as a treatment target, no consensus exists on how to assess dyspnoea in this setting.
252. Debt management ratios assess the extent to which an organization used debt to finance investments.
253. Objective: To provide clinical experience and assess the clinical effect of submental island flap in reconstructing oral and maxillofacial tissue defects.
254. Undertake this analysis, that utilize the cost assess and profitability index will able to build a competitive advantage and better reward for the new product.
255. To assess the clinical application of scanning laser polarimetry in the diagnosis of open-angle glaucoma.
256. Objective:To assess the long-term efficacy and safety of Astragalus granule in treatment of recurrent aphthous ulcer.
257. Objective To assess the clinical outcome of extended partial pericardiectomy in the treatment of pediatric acute suppurative pericarditis.
258. An economic model based on available datums is established for quantitative assess this damage.
259. Objective: To assess the clinical effect of hydroxyapatite as an intra-orbital tamponade to be secondary implanted.
260. Objective To assess the efficacy of compound cyproterone acetate (CPA) and metformin in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
261. In friendship, like attracts like. Assess your behavior occasionally to determine what kind of friend you are.
262. Gouras also developed many of the non-invasive methods used to assess neuronal function in mouse visual system, such as electroretinography, which measures the retina's response to light.
263. Objective : to assess the relationship between azoospermia or severe oligozoospermia and Y chromosomal microdeletions.
264. ObjectiveThis paper summarized the different levels of serum BNP of CE and NCE, and was to assess the clinical significance to identify the type of the cerebral infarction with serum BNP level.
265. Objective To assess the EKG occurring in acute barium poisoning.
266. Objective To assess the influence of apheresis and wash on platelet function and morphology. Washed platelet of quality and clinical effect were observed.
267. It is proved again that using this method to assess planning duration risk and calculating a reasonable duration which have high risk bearing capacity is proper.
268. Assess, locate, and recommend changes to the distribution channel as needed.
269. Objective To assess the efficacy of the treatment of varicosity of great saphenous vein (GSV) using high ligation of GSV and point-form-stripping (PFS) with the aid of tourniquet.
270. Additionally , to introduce competition, improve assess system, innovate teaching, limit game playing are other choices.
271. The RMS is not a valid manner in which to assess the quality of the results of a multidimensional model.
272. Both rolling-bar test and pole-climbing test were performed to assess motor function.
273. Objective To assess the influential factors of STR genotyping in 10% unbuffered formalin fixed paraffin embedded samples.
274. Could you tell us how to assess aortic stenosis accurately?
275. Objective To assess the limitation of computed tomography ( CT ) in the diagnosis of cervical disc herniation.
276. Objective To assess collateral compensative capacity by transcranial Doppler(TCD) in patients with internal carotid artery occlusion .
277. By researching the efficiency of aerial defence missilery, the paper establishes the spheriform damage rule,(http:///assess.html) and using it to assess the aerial defence missilerys efficiency.
278. Objective: To study the expression of the small subunit ribonucleotide reductase(R2) in gestational trophoblastic diseases (GTD) and to assess its prognostic value.
279. Objective To assess the clinical effects of "Tongjingan Plaster" in the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea.
280. Objective To assess motor function of the extremities before hemispherectomy by transcranial magnetic stimulation motor evoked potential (TMS-MEP).
281. Objective To assess the present status of precaution of vitamin D deficiency rachitis , and execute an intervene treatment to the existed diseases and evaluate the effect.
282. Objective : To assess the transverse abdominal incision sutured by one layer outside peritoneum in open appendectomy.
283. Smallest space analysis, a statistical technique for creating a spatial representation of data, is examined to assess its usefulness for analyzing use-of-space data.
284. Objective To assess the processing level and processing property of image motion extrapolation in pilots in comparison with those of controls.
285. Objective To assess trans - scalp coronal incision for complicated maxillofacial fractures.
286. Objective To assess the effect of levonorgestrel - releasing intrauterine system ( LNG - IUS ) on serum lipids and hepatic function.
287. OBJECTIVE:To assess the the influence of anti-alginate serum on the adherence of mucoid Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm and the penetration of biofilm.
288. Objective To assess feasibility, sensitivity of transesophageal echocardiography ( TEE ) in visualizing coronary artery segments and velocity ( CFV ).
289. This paper employs the generational accounting approach to assess the intergenerational and gender-specific fiscal burden imbalances.
290. To assess the resources for essential and emergency surgical care in the Gambia.
291. The fingerprint can help distinguish the quality and assess the differences of Pogostemon cablin by ratio of patchouli alcohol and pogostone from various areas in China.
292. How to assess and test the capability of peak-load shifting of cool storage air- conditioning is always the emphasis of the government and industry concerns.
293. ABSTRACT:Objective To assess the value of subintimal angioplasty in treating patients with iliac artery occlusive disease.
294. The Chand analysis did not fully assess all the experimental and systematic errors—and, being based on a simplified version of the many-multiplet method, might have introduced new ones of its own.
295. Objective To assess the value of ictal video-electroencephalography monitoring (IVEEG) in presurgical evaluation for medically intractable nonlesional temporal lobe epilepsy(TLE).
296. Test objectives: use specific block impact on the mattress over and over again, to assess their impact, and the durability of solid retentivity.




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