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单词 Investor
1. The most important quality for an investor is temperament, not intellect.
2. The way a good investor does really well is by engaging in successful futurology.
3. The investor believes that his investment will pay off handsomely soon.
4. The changes in share values have damaged investor confidence.
5. A very good investor will outguess the market.
6. Ask the investor to check the correctness of what he has written.
7. A New York investor offered to acquire the company's shares for $13 each.
8. The main investor in the project is the French bank Credit National.
9. Suppose an investor held 1,000 shares in Polly Peck.
10. Our financial consultants can advise the small investor.
11. General Electric is Forstmann Little's biggest investor.
12. Kelleher liked the idea and became a minor investor.
13. But what is the investor buying with these funds?
14. The company is bankrolled by a Swiss investor.
15. On maturity, the investor receives the par value.
16. The investor may not be happy for the vendor to see the report for different reasons.
17. In Miami, one investor who had lost $ 4 million shot and killed a Merrill Lynch branch manager.
18. No, not unless you consider billionaire investor Warren Buffet a sucker.
19. The ideal for each investor will vary according to the amount available to invest and individual risk tolerance.
20. Whether the charge of investor short-termism is valid turns essentially on whether the stock market is efficient in pricing shares.
21. There is a twenty-day cooling-off period in which the investor can choose to back out of the contract.
22. The aim of the service was to offer everything the independent investor wanted, bar advice.
23. Markowitz's two-parameter model spawned an academic industry engaged in exploring the ramifications of the investor behaviour implied in the original formulation.
24. He wisely wore camouflage on his trips to Frankfurt: long-term investor brown.
25. Such a state of affairs provides the seller with a unique opportunity to exploit the relatively weak bargaining position of the investor.
26. The deregulation of the capital market brought with it the need for increased investor protection.
27. He felt that property often required a unit too large for all but the largest institutional investor.
27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
28. Of course, the court may still grant a disgorgement order merely where it is satisfied that an investor has been adversely affected.
29. If money is invested, then interest is paid to the investor.
30. This means that complete market surveillance is possible and better investor protection is thus also possible.
1. The way a good investor does really well is by engaging in successful futurology.
2. The investor believes that his investment will pay off handsomely soon.
31. The villain is an investor who kills with such glee that he almost seems corny.
32. The investor decides on the currency most likely to appreciate against sterling and puts money on deposit in that currency.
33. Under the weight of Ranieri and his traders, investor mistrust eroded.
34. Otherwise the investor will get the bid price less charges, although the sale commission will be waived on larger amounts.
35. An investor can wait for a transaction to match their order by placing it within the limit order system.
36. Are you a long-term investor or short-term trader? How often will you meet with me personally?
37. For example, suppose an investor has correctly anticipated a rise in the price of his or her chosen security.
38. With portfolio insurance the objective of the institutional investor or fund manager is to maintain the value of a portfolio.
39. If the borrower should default, the investor has legal recourse to the bank that made the first acceptance.
40. He writes a monthly column for Wired and was an original investor.
41. Your directors would consult the appropriate investor protection bodies before making any cash issue in excess of the guidelines.
42. Basic investor safeguards, such as the disclosure by the adviser of his remuneration, may not be available.
43. Cyclical stocks ended the year at the bottom of the barrel, illustrating the growing investor skittishness about the economy.
44. It put him, as investor in these two as well as Ballantynes the printers who were also insolvent, in deep trouble.
45. Merrill is the largest investor in high-yield bonds in the world.
46. Some criterion must then be devised for dividing these shares between the potentially more than 2 million investor applications.
47. By year end, most every investor had reason to smile.
48. Mr Hooke is hoping he can meet with BAe's finance director this week along with his lead investor.
49. We should look at corporate greed, investor stupidity and lack of backbone within national governments as the down side of globalisation.
50. For the avoidance of doubt I make clear that the investor would not be entitled to recover more than £100,000.
51. The investor doesn't start to smell a rat until the payments aren't coming in.
52. The focus of investor attention was on the New York Stock Exchange, he said.
53. Under current law, an investor who owns shares purchased at different prices can use any of three methods to compute profits.
54. The American investor boosted his stake in the company to 15%.
55. In addition to investor skittishness over the impeachment threat, the technology sector plunged for the third consecutive day.
56. Subsequently, the company failed, the investor lost its money and claimed against the auditors.
57. And how much more attractive the area might then be to potential investor industrialists who appreciate the value of air travel?
58. However, since March 1982 any investor can hold index-linked gilts.
59. On rare occasions, owners fail to redeem their property and the county government deeds it over to the investor.
60. The yield is the annual percentage of return an investor earns on a stock.
61. Only one investor found the nerve to find fault with what the vast majority considered to be an excellent performance in 1991.
62. However, as this is a riskless hedge the investor should expect to receive the riskless rate of return.
63. How should the small investor begin to invest in the stock market?
64. The first investor, the small business owner, pays 28 % of the nominal gain.
65. Having just mopped up the minority in Siemens-Nixdorf, would Siemens be ready to admit a new investor into the company?
66. Similarly, the investor base of the market has tended to change from private account holders to institutional investors.
67. The tradition of dressing up a corporate image in print runs deep at Investor Insight and its affiliates.
68. On this basis it makes more sense for an investor to invest in promise than in reality.
69. Now assume the investor bought the stock with a loan and deducted the interest, as currently allowed.
70. In the bankruptcy filing, Capital Cities is named as the lead investor, with a 20. 4 percent stake.
71. Creativity, employee commitment, investor patience and professional and trade skills are the other essential parts of the brew.
72. Still, he argues that any break in the stock or bond markets could help revive investor interest in commodities.
73. These seek to enhance investor protection and promote the integrity of the securities, futures and options markets.
74. In other words, he is a longer-term investor than the short-sighted institutions.
75. Hence, the investor is partially shielded from the full force of any general market decline.
76. Having made the initial payment, the investor need make no further effort.
77. Practice varies as to whether the investor should disclose the due diligence report to the vendor.
78. Airline stocks also have been weak in recent days because of investor worries the East Coast blizzard will trim earnings.
79. Roll and Ross argue that these portfolios may have desirable qualities for the potential investor.
80. All this will effect the private investor in two ways.
81. The notification requirement will apply to any investor, even if the investor is not EC-resident.
82. This has proved to be over optimistic as Haymarket was forced to withdraw from the purchase after a key investor pulled out.
83. Must you really understand duration to be a savvy investor?
84. The main unknown feature is the nature of the investor base.
85. He suggested that if the errant investor was not happy, he should take his money elsewhere.
86. He says the younger Symington is both a director and an investor in Melones Internacional.
87. The White Paper argued that the existing investor protection laws were outdated and incomplete.
87. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
88. The banker then designs a security to give the investor that exposure.
89. We assess the factors behind the development of the markets, highlighting the importance of the regulatory environment and investor preferences.
90. Just under 50 percent will be available for the individual investor if demand warrants.
91. You might also like to read the section on investor protection at the end of Chapter 5.
92. Effective supervision of securities firms of their employees and agents is a foundation of the federal regulatory scheme of investor protection.
93. The company says he is now in the position of a passive investor, owning about 16% of the stock.
94. What risks and rewards would an investor incur by writing calls on shares that he or she owns? 10.
95. With a managed fund the investor makes a deposit, and the manager decides on the spread of currencies and the contracts.
96. News that an investor has bought a significant stake in any company is likely to lift that company's share price.
97. Another way for an investor to limit voids is to buy more than one flat or house.
98. Chartwell is offering to rebate half of its renewal commission to clients-£3,144 in the case of one investor.
99. But one main purpose, protecting the small investor, barely arises with debt securities.
100. It will take the dotcoms some time before they regain investor confidence.
101. If there is not quite an embarrassment of riches, there is enough to make the small investor blush at the choice.
102. Such funds usually offer less flexibility than individual shares handpicked by the investor.
103. In many countries this still gives the foreign investor a position of significance.
104. Even the most casual buy-and-hold investor should make a complete reassessment of holdings every five years.
105. But even that market has suffered an attack of investor nerves.
106. If the shares are retained, the investor is offered a mid-market rather than a bid price.
107. It was the first major and comprehensive revision of investor protection legislation since the mid-1930's.
108. At the private investor level, the use of offshore centres is almost limitless.
109. Should the stock market take a big tumble anytime soon, at least one investor is well positioned to benefit.
110. The advantage of such a charging structure is that the investor is rewarded with a lower initial charge.
111. The framework for investor protection is shown in Figure 12.3, and outlines the channels of authority. 12.3 OVER-REGULATION?
112. In the case of the second investor, our model reproduces the tax-based investment strategy offered by numerous money managers.
113. It was a key investor and the name carried great authority.
114. This month General Magic received some bad news from its biggest investor.
115. As well as the lawyers to the investor, lawyers will have been appointed by the buy-out team and by the main debt providers.
116. Also, utility stocks with their ample dividend yields tend to attract investor attention when rates are low elsewhere.
117. In the case of equity finance, an investor provides a company with cash in exchange for shares in the company.
118. A business owner or investor might choose to display a stock ticker with the latest stock prices.
119. Imagine, for example, you are an institutional investor managing several billion dollars.
120. However, this would not have been worth as much as the Guardian payout to the average investor.
121. At the end of the year, the second hypothetical investor must liquidate 40 % of his capital gains.
122. Investor relationship management(IRM) is a new method in China.
123. Maybe the moniker of Adventurous Investor puts them off!
124. With investor angst rising, Washington has swung into action.
125. The big agencies bill the issuer, not the investor.
126. CGU is a leading international institutional investor.
127. Coca-Cola is a Motley Fool Income Investor pick.
128. Institutional investor has several system effects.
129. A keen investor may choose to snap up both firms and create a transatlantic brokering powerhouse.
130. Both the investor clusters and stock absolute yield obey negative power law.
131. The high quality project will not only latent value to investor and society but also bring good prestige to the building enterprise, so the completive power of enterprise is strengthen.
132. Should the investor impute a $2 per share amortization charge annually ($80 divided by 40 years) to calculate"true" earnings per share?
133. But the U.S. firm has in recent years become a passive investor, and has been looking for another domestic partner.
134. Third, whether or not an investor is fully invested may influence the urgency of raising cash from a stockholding as it approaches full valuation.
135. Some investor think probably, the setting board capital doorsill, it is a kind of unfair practice.
136. Through the two developing stages including legal list and prudent person rule, the Prudent Investor Rule was formed on the basis of Modern Portfolin Theory.
137. Lately, Street has been no place a contrarian investor seeking to do battle with the bears.
138. Never forget the undisputable truth: any investor can never overturn the market trends, because it is actually investors as a group who collectively form the trends.
139. Unless saving and investment are done in kind, a financial intermediary must link saver and investor.
140. When the investor buys in below book value, the process reversed.
141. Although " veteran " sina and " one elder brother " the annual outstanding achievement of Tecent has not give heat, but investor people be in already hold one's head high expect.
142. I. The deregistration of an overseas Sino-funded enterprise or institution shall be decided by the investor or sponsor of the enterprise or institution.
143. Any retail investor wishing to subscribe for the Retail Notes needs to have a bank account and an investment account with one of the Placing Banks.
144. The short line market will still shake under the even line adhesion tendency, the investor is not suitable acts heedlessly .
145. China's decision to keep its currency weak has caused the government to lose control of inflation and risks fuelling wage-price gains, billionaire investor George Soros said.
146. Conducted location ion, investor ion business feasibility study for the aviation retread project.
147. The wide-ranging impact GE has on the economy, coupled with another round of strong earnings,(Sentencedict) bolstered investor confidence.
148. At present happy net is in with business of many venture capital investment (VC) contact, aurora borealis regards happy net as first-run investor also will continue to increase investment.
149. Regrettablly is, be in ursine city commonly prices when, investor can be far from these pannikin.
150. The bank typically would sell it in the banker's acceptance market and later, at maturity, pay off the investor at par as the payment from the importer comes due.
151. The expert believed that the market already fell into the bear market, at present discusses the cow bear boundary already insignificantly , waits and sees is the young investor good chooses.
152. We are improveing our legal system so as to protect the interest of foreign investor.
153. Investor should adequately forecast the transformation of house market macro - future, to avoid unreasoning and gambling investing.
154. The essence of a venture capital transaction is that the investor puts cash in the company in return for newly-issued shares in the company.
155. "We know that small stock caps are inefficient and volatile, but if you are a long-term investor looking to put a small cap stock in a global context they are valuable," said Mattiko.
156. Fiat's Sergio Marchionne had spoken too bluntly about the need to cut capacity in Europe, and RHJ was portrayed as a vulture investor.
157. The investor may consider through the Dow Jones Index daily option direct investment undulatory property, once news releasing, has the large fluctuation, then gains the security profit.
158. At the other end of the market from the speculating home buyer was the speculating investor.
159. The borrower sells a security to the investor and agrees to repurchase it at a specific date and a pre-agreed price so that the investor could get the benefit.
160. The huge undulatory property makes the investor to tremble with fear, but one week heartless falls suddenly before this compares should be a good change.
161. Transaction costs are very important in security investment, and must be considered by investor in finance markets. Haling no consideration of transaction costs might lead to invalid portfolios.
162. An investor will pay a price for a bond equal to the present value of the bond principal plus the present value of the bond interest.
163. So, developers enter into a financial arrangement with an investor who does have a large tax bill.
164. He's secured $2 million in venture capital from investors such as Vancouver, the Canada-based McLean Group and Jim Boettcher, a well-known Silicon Valley tech investor.
165. Caution two: Must the being careful investor have no plan with the risk which brings excessively congenially .
166. The mood was as bleak as anything I've experienced as an investor.
167. The high quality project will not only latent value to investor and society but also bring good prestige to the building enterprise, so the completive power of enterprises is strengthen.
168. Or we note the ownership life cycle as a former growth stock such as Microsoft (MSFT, news) ages toward a value stock, losing one type of investor as it picks up another.
169. Chapter, Rana Jazayerli has spoken on panels for employment-based visas, in particular the EB-5 Immigrant Investor petition. An experienced litigator, Rana has also successfully filed actions in U. S.
170. That means an investor rush to redeem the bonds could delay payment.
171. The largest investor refers to the investor with the largest share of capital and its capital contribution accounting for no less than 30 percent of the AFC's total equity.
172. The Google accord may make Yang more vulnerable in a proxy fight against billionaire investor Carl Icahn, who says Yang botched the Microsoft negotiations.
173. An investor who provides financial backing for small startups or entrepreneurs.
174. If the venture does not run well, the foreign investor may lows everything he has invested.
175. Assuming no anti - dilution protection Series A investor will suffer a 40 % loss.
176. Portugal is currently the third largest foreign investor in Mozambique, behind South Africa and Australia.
177. For Corporate Investor Participant, the no . provided must be that of the Designated Officer.
177. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
178. However, below current environment, more and more investor begin exercise its are in depreciate financing opposes attenuant right mediumly, the fee scale in aiming to protect its to be in a company.
179. Investor can earn excess yield from these firms only when the P/E ratio is lower than that of industry.
180. If the investor can exert significant influence over the investee, they should employ the cost method to account for the Long Term Stock Equity Investment.
181. OSX, with its early-stage business and dependence on a related company for contracts, is also not necessarily the best indicator of investor appetite.
182. He said Hurray rejected without explanation the investor group's call to start negotiations and due diligence.
183. That tracks with a new poll by, an Internet site backed by investor advocates.
184. The private investor that we welcome home is contributive also those who share fund prepare.
185. Real estate investor Mort Zuckerman tells the CNBC TV network that about 10 percent of one of his charitable trusts was invested with Madoff and had lost about $30 million.
186. A banker's acceptance is a short-term debt issued by a business firm on which a large commercial bank has guaranteed payment to the investor so that it becomes a liability of the bank.
187. The linkage of domestic depositories will facilitate the clearing of cross border trades in debt securities in Asia. It will enlarge the investor base and broaden domestic debt markets.
188. Investor proclivities to buy Treasury securities and dollars could finance the American deficits for a while.
189. Acting in a fiduciary capacity, the trustee is primarily concerned with preserving the rights of the investor.
190. Description: Offers personal loan services. Provides corporate profile, introduction to products and services, and investor information.
191. What does Warren Buffett, billionaire investor and economic soothsayer, like this week?
192. In order to build investor confidence, the escudo was fixed to the dollar.
193. Mr. Paulson, a soft-spoken native of the New York borough of Queens, was an overlooked investor for much of his career.
194. Ownership of equities by inheritors, creditors or other beneficiaries in accordance with law due to bankruptcy, dismission , cancellation, revocation, or death of an investor in the enterprise.
195. The equity method is to establish the proportionate relationship between the long-term equity investment account of the investor and the net assets of the invested.
196. Note: Correlations and standard deviations are calculated using returns in each country's own currency; In other words, they assume that the investor is hedged against exchange risk.
197. Because, still have more the a Gordian knot allows investor people anxiety-ridden.
198. The investor's require rate of return can be defined as the minimum rate of return necessary to attract an investor to purchase or hold a security.
199. The subjects of the acquisition include the artificial person , person, partnership and sole - investor enterprise.
200. The concept that commercial estate invests is investor through buying praedial hind, rental or again resell will achieve earnings.
201. Typically, we are the lead or co - lead investor and maintain board representation.
202. S. government to act to protect investor interests, highlighting rising concerns around the globe about the protracted budget talks taking place in Washington.
203. At present, the institutional investor participates in the stock index prompt sale the step speeding up gradually.
204. Buffett adds that there's nothing wrong with being a know-nothing investor, and that they should diversify.
205. Now China has itself become a leading international investor in its own right.
206. A sales charge paid by the investor at the time of purchase.
207. Investor Relations Asia - Albatronics ( Far East ) Company Limited investment holding company listed in HK ( Stock Code: 987 ).
208. I mean for the dot com startups. It used to be that anyone could start an online company(sentence dictionary), but investor interest has dried up almost overnight.
209. On option market the gain of butterfly spread investor is random.
210. MANAGERS across Japan were stunned last month when a factory belonging to Ogihara, a Japanese diemaker, was sold to BYD, a Chinese carmaker that boasts Warren Buffett as an investor.
211. The primary problem of security investor protection in our country is that it is hard for minority investors to overcome collective action dilemma, and the lack of their powerful prolocutor.
212. Agricultural Bank shares made a relatively lacklustre debut, casting doubts over investor appetite for mainland banks.
213. The result is, these investor were shared finally gluttonous fill a banquet.
214. Despite improved growth prospects across the globe, heightened sovereign risk and the threat of monetary and fiscal tightening have deeply dented investor appetite.
215. Burt Kozloff, an investor in Dennis's current fund, laid out the painful truth: "Dennis Trading Group was -50% down in June but then made a slight recovery in July."
216. The establishment of securities corporation withdrawal mechanism is exceptive and complicated. It is including securities corporation withdrawal, investor protection and reduce the financial risk.
217. An unfavorable depreciation allowance may keep the foreign investor out.
218. The benefit of a stop-limit order is that the investor can control the price at which the trade will get executed.
219. The taxpayer would get the same terms as the private investor.
220. The fund heavy warehouse stock falls largely symbolizes that the institutional investor also falls into panic, this stops to the market falls quite disadvantageously .
221. Somebody who is a foreign investor and more sensitive about the public profile will be more impacted by that pressure.
222. This system not only cut down operating cost, also shortens the order process for investor.
223. Empirical studies reveal that investor protection affects capital market assessment and cushion capacity in a country.
224. Gobble has raised $1.2 million in funding, led by LinkedIn cofounder and blue-chip tech investor Reid Hoffman, who checks in on the company regularly.
225. Allegedly outstanding investor Lei Jun once fuddle one's cap is celebrated 3 days with showing.
226. Transfer of land : Under the land transfer contract, the right to use land held by a foreign investor may be transferred, rent and mortgaged within the frame work of the approved provisions.
227. The plaintiff was an inexperienced investor who had wished to invest conservatively.
228. Article 3 An equity joint foreign trade corporation is a company with limited liabilities. The foreign investor shall provide at least 25 per cent of the total registered capital.
229. If you are a Joint Individual Investor Participant, all joint individuals must sign. If a Corporate Investor Participant, your authorised.
230. An investor in this sort of fund would have been well-advised to have a lot of diversification.
231. We defined an accredited investor as someone who can participate in a DPP or other sophisticated programs.
232. Be rewarded 1 % of the earnest money advanced By the investor.
233. This paper investigates the optimal investment portfolio with stock, defaultable zero-coupon bond, treasury bond and money market account when the investor faces default risk.
234. Sequoia Capital would seem to be the lead investor, given that Sequoia partner Alfred Lin (former CFO/COO at Zappos) is listed as the company's only outside director.
235. Foreign investor also because US dollar depreciation will give up to The US government's lending money.
236. China is the junta's key ally and trade partner, and an eager investor in the isolated state's sizeable natural resources.
237. Investor flight from risk means that debt market liquidity could dry up as interest rates rise.
237. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
238. One, such as an investor, that sells securities or commodities in expectation of falling prices.
239. So far, the Van Eck ETF has entered into swaps only with Credit Suisse Group, which is a qualified foreign investor.
240. Recommended long - term investor paternity machine intervention, sharing the company's upcoming high - speed growth and income.
241. After more than 10 year′s endeavor, China has successfully become a pioneer investor of the international sea-bed area and has exclusive exploitation rights.
242. We analyze and conclude 3 factors which lead to hot issue market: capital demand, information asymmetry, investor sentiment.
243. In addition, NVCA still suggests to reduce the capital gains tax of IPO investor.
244. Because an investor cannot directly buy or sell an index, index futures and options contracts are cash settled by allocating a dollar amount to each index point.
245. Finding an investor is great news for the Hummer brand.
246. If the investor can exercise a significant influence in a long-term investment situation, the equity method must be used.
247. NEW YORK (Reuters) - Billionaire investor George Soros on Tuesday predicted a "stop-go" economy for the United States, saying fears of inflation will drive up interest rates and choke off growth.
248. A canny investor would need to predict when the dollar will once more start tumbling.
249. Registration and credit certificate of the country or area the investor is located in.
250. Custody transfer is the transfer of custody between two custody accounts opened by same investor, or transfer bond on hand from one custody account to another under the same investor.
251. 'A key to Buffett's success as an investor has been that he's never tried to call market tops or bottoms.
252. It is the two-pronged support of a rise in industrial offtake and ongoing support from investor nervousness in western markets that is expected to continue driving silver prices.
253. Review Shanghai building city the change of and scudding clouds, cause most investor to lose way.
254. Using punny humor and wry examples, he explained the arcane world of finance, with its foggy phrases such as "selling short" and "buying on margin, " to the newly empowered personal investor.
255. Wonderful Book. I highly recommend all of John Bogle's writings to any investor. John's views are strongly grounded with both theory and extensive empirical data.
256. It reveals the shortcomings of popular but hedgehog-like investment strategies and shows how a fox-like investor adjusts to new market realities.
257. Outstanding stock includes any shares that a company has issued but has not repurchased-that is,() stock that is investor owned.
258. Ceteris paribus , any investor who does not need money soon should prefer stocks to bonds.
259. An investor can avoid the risk of a stop order not guaranteeing a specific price by placing a stop-limit order.
260. But the biggest investor of all is Prime Minister Putin, who visited Abkhazia last summer for the war's first anniversary, and pledged $500 million in state aid to strengthen Abkhaz defense.
261. But the quintessential gold bug is an investor who expects every form of paper wealth to collapse, along with civilisation itself.
262. This article main research our country organization investor bond investment income,[] risk and performance.
263. Additional, venture capital investor adds redemptive provision increasingly in investing a clause.
264. Reciprocally, the Mainland is the second largest external investor for Hong Kong.
265. 'Ultimately, it translates to returns, ' said one investor who has put money in all three Silver Lake large-cap funds.
266. After the negotiable securities operating unit accepts the investor entrusts, should according to principle the time preference carry on declaration tendering...
267. Member of the Securities and sources of funds is the cornerstone of investor protection fund.




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更新时间:2024/7/9 5:44:11