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单词 Immigration
1 What is the Labour Party's policy on immigration?
2 He called for a common European policy on immigration.
3 He bribed immigration officials and entered the country illegally.
4 Immigration is a contro-versial issue in many countries.
5 Because of all red tape at immigration I missed my connecting flight.
6 There was a sudden increase in immigration from Eastern Europe.
7 He was criticized for his tough stand on immigration.
8 The government has adopted an aggressive posture on immigration.
9 She took her case to an immigration appeals tribunal.
10 What is your party's policy on immigration?
11 Immigration is expected to taper off.
12 The government is keeping tight control on immigration.
13 Hughes believes that immigration controls should not be relaxed.
14 Immigration fell in the 1980s.
15 I can't agree with the government's line on immigration.
16 There are plans to introduce strict immigration quotas .
17 The government has decided to tighten its immigration policy.
18 The country now has a quota on immigration.
19 Recent legislation has reduced immigration to a trickle.
20 He called for much stricter curbs on immigration.
21 Do British immigration laws conflict with any international laws?
22 The party is split over the issue of immigration.
23 Immigration officials will ask to see your papers.
24 There are strict limits on immigration .
25 Congress has loosened the restrictions on immigration.
26 UK immigration procedures will have to be changed to bring them into line with the latest European ruling.
27 The measures are meant to stem the tide of illegal immigration.
28 The prime minister has adopted an inflexible position on immigration.
29 He found himself in hot water over his comments about immigration.
30 The character of this country has been formed by immigration.
1 He called for a common European policy on immigration.
2 He bribed immigration officials and entered the country illegally.
3 Immigration is a contro-versial issue in many countries.
4 Because of all red tape at immigration I missed my connecting flight.
5 There was a sudden increase in immigration from Eastern Europe.
6 The measures are meant to stem the tide of illegal immigration.
7 The prime minister has adopted an inflexible position on immigration.
8 Do British immigration laws conflict with any international laws?
9 A considerable number of people object to the government's attitude to immigration.
31 The defeat in the vote forced the Cabinet to change its policy on immigration.
32 All the bleeding hearts and socialists oppose the changes to the immigration law.
33 The government favours the introduction of tighter controls on immigration.
34 The government is determined to ride out the political storm sparked by its new immigration policy.
35 He spent 25 years campaigning against racist and unjust immigration laws.
36 The literature on immigration policy is almost unrelievedly critical of the state.
37 After you've been through immigration , you can go and get your luggage.
38 Young people are more amenable than older citizens to the idea of immigration.
39 As the ship berthed in New York, McClintock was with the first immigration officers aboard.
40 The problems of immigration were not the question at issue.
41 Immigration officers tried to serve her with a deportation order.
42 A considerable number of people object to the government's attitude to immigration.
43 Immigration is shaping up as a major issue in the campaign.
44 We landed at Heathrow and went through customs and immigration.
45 The passengers went through immigration control and collected their baggage.
46 He accused ministers of breaking election pledges to tighten up on immigration.
47 They are whisked through the immigration and customs formalities in a matter of minutes.
48 Immigration and race relations were key political issues at the time.
49 Buchanan opposes abortion, affirmative action, immigration and imports.
50 Since then immigration has been fairly stable.
51 They forgot about choosing between immigration and the gun.
52 The governor has ordered a clampdown on illegal immigration.
53 But with 3.8 million people unemployed and violence against foreigners on the rise,[http:///immigration.html] immigration remains a politically charged issue here.
54 If they had access to interpreters, it would enable his Department speedily to deal with immigration cases.
55 The Chief of Immigration then locked his filing cabinet and announced that Nina and I were wanted upstairs in another office.
56 Demonstrations throughout the city have focused on immigration and an calling for an amnesty for illegal aliens.
57 But the council also said that frequent changes in immigration and asylum policies had played a fundamental and negative role.
58 The moves also came amid increased cooperation over immigration issues following a 1994 flood of refugees.
59 There is more disagreement among delegates on other issues, such as immigration and education, he said.
60 It's planned to turn part of the site into a detention centre for the immigration service.
61 Their passports were checked by immigration officers at the airport.
62 I want to dwell upon the draft immigration rules because most hon. Members have mentioned them.
63 Both men are running nasty television advertisements in California against illegal immigration.
64 The reasons they switched their allegiance included anxiety about globalisation, a rejection of political corruption and fear of immigration.
65 This is in line with immigration laws which have been blatantly sexually discriminatory against black women.
66 Even when caught by the coastguard or the Immigration and Naturalisation Service they seldom get sent back.
67 Following immigration we were soon back on the dockside watching the crew again.
68 The Senate will return to its consideration of illegal immigration Monday.
69 But then came the news his immigration application had been delayed a few weeks because he's a diabetic.
70 But Buchanan, Alexander and Forbes seemed intent on fighting over everything from immigration to the flat tax and education.
71 Those who argue against black interests or against non-white immigration typically deny that they are prejudiced.
72 The basis for the rejection was the section of the immigration laws barring people affiliated with the Communist Party.
73 There are no significant new constraints on governments to make joint foreign, defence, immigration or policing policies.
74 At issue is a provision in the 1986 immigration bill barring the hiring of illegal aliens.
75 Immigration officers attempt to catch people entering the country under false pretenses.
76 Immigration is no longer at the heart of political clashes during election campaigns.
77 Republicans eager to take credit for curbing illegal immigration wanted the over-all bill to proceed, without the education provision if necessary.
78 The immediate trigger for the protest is a parliamentary bill designed to crack down on illegal immigration.
79 Several governments, particularly from the larger states, sought co-operation on immigration and frontier controls and also closer police collaboration.
80 A law that took effect in 1994 requires applicants for new licenses to provide proof of legal immigration status.
81 They will possibly be charged with violating federal immigration laws, Schweitzer said, and will be deported.
82 Standard immigration was regulated by a series of laws that set an annual cap on the number of entrants.
82 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
83 Detecting secret compartments remains a challenge for immigration inspectors, Ward said.
84 Immigration includes both people seeking permanent settlement and those seeking temporary employment who want to circulate back and forth.
85 The economic case for substantial immigration is thin, and there are significant ecological and other arguments against it.
86 And immigration is still refusing to see that this man deserves consideration for his sacrifice.
87 Immigration officials had to cut the dash board to get her out.
88 Congress is to launch an inquiry into discriminatory acts by immigration officials.
89 Blocks away is a dangerous park, a black market for drugs, weapons and counterfeit immigration papers.
90 There was at that time little public pressure to curb immigration.
91 He was doubling for Immigration who had gone home to babysit while his wife went to the movies with her sister.
92 He had never before been through Customs and Immigration at Heathrow.
93 The House has already approved an immigration bill that includes an amendment sponsored by Rep.
94 Miyako Immigration was following all the official procedures, but they had every intention of letting Loi ashore.
95 Other legislators say the priority should be maintaining control of U.S. immigration and not rewarding lawbreakers.
96 Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., who supports the immigration package but is viewed as a potential ally.
97 The bill effectively bars migrants from joining class action suits that challenge practices of the Immigration and Naturalization Service.
98 New religious ideas and moral codes were made accessible by widescale immigration, cultural exchanges and mass communication.
99 The immigration case was not one of them, so the lower court ruling stands.
100 The likeness was remarkably good, certainly enough for a quick check at Immigration.
101 Immigration is shaping up as a major presidential campaign issue this year especially in California.
102 The House will likely approve a single bill containing controls on both legal and illegal immigration.
103 Both government agencies and large employers encouraged immigration from the Commonwealth to meet labour shortages throughout the 1950s.
104 Read in studio Campaigners against a new detention centre for the immigration service have held a torchlight protest.
105 False passports, employment agents, attempts to bribe immigration officials, the long uncertain wait.
106 It also argued for immigration controls and the repatriation of those immigrants without jobs or qualifications.
107 The figures alone, however, are unlikely to settle the ongoing disputes and passions around immigration.
108 My view of the future is controlling illegal immigration but respecting people who are legally here.
109 Any change in the law could open the floodgates to increased immigration.
110 This increase occurred after the 1996 Asylum and Immigration Act, which denied refugees access to social housing, began to bite.
111 Customs and Immigration officers boarded the aircraft as soon as it landed to give Jackson clearance to leave.
112 Buchanan wants to erect a fence on the nation Southwest border to stop illegal immigration.
112 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
113 Activists criticized the state's deafening silence on the issue of immigration.
114 Furthermore, successive governments have appeared to accept this definition of ethnic relations as largely a question of immigration control.
115 President Clinton had threatened a veto of the immigration bill if it included the Gallegly amendment.
116 The immigration officer made a couple of phone calls and I was allowed 24 hours to collect Esmeralda and leave.
117 The Senate began debating its version of the immigration bill on Monday.
118 Some immigration experts say that if these figures were more widely understood, immigration foes might not concentrate so much on U.
119 Immigration policy is not mentioned again after the early pages, and there he comes across as an apologist.
120 The House approved a version of the immigration bill with the Gallegly amendment in it.
121 Proposition 187 has been blocked by the courts, but opposition to illegal immigration remains strong in California.
122 Establishing such enclaves would inevitably encourage the immigration of larger companies seeking tax exemptions.
123 The proposal provoked a storm of criticism that it was racist from immigration groups and campaigners on behalf of ethnic minorities.
124 They recovered, but immigration officials said they were close to death.
125 Right-wing politicians have called for a tight curb on immigration.
126 It subsequently accused Hong Kong of breaking a 1982 agreement on immigration and said it would handle returns on a case-by-case basis.
127 The report states that immigration authorities have found evidence of 250 brothels in 26 cities where victims of trafficking are working.
128 A feature of the demonstration was the large number of placards denouncing the immigration policies of the Socialist government.
129 The platform also takes hardline approaches to the issues of immigration and crime.
130 Hispanic immigration has brought more Catholics.
131 The capital, Nairobi, is choking on uncontrolled immigration.
132 laws restricting immigration into the US.
133 He would like to enact a comprehensive immigration reform.
134 You must go through Immigration to the departure lounge.
135 The immigration of 1956 included many people from Hungary.
136 Immigration a top issue with President Calderon.
137 Now , stopping illegal immigration must go handhand with reforming our creaky system of legal immigration.
138 Immigration deserves a far more serious public debate than it has received to date.
139 Our attorneys are multi - culture, bilingual lawyers who experienced with US immigration law.
140 For more information on citizenship and naturalization, contact an attorney who specializes in immigration law.
141 But he is also charged with violating immigration laws and trespassing.
142 The Hongtong County big Chinese scholar tree was at that time a main immigration station.
143 Moreover, both Labour and the Conservatives are committed to curbing future immigration.
144 Department of Immigration will appoint a special agent responsible for collecting more personal data.
145 He argues that the best way to deal the immigration problem is a guest worker program.
146 Japan suffers from tepid economic growth, draconian immigration policies and a shrinking population.
147 Immigration concerns will also likely surface in talks between Presidents Obama and Calderon.
148 Unlicense Practice of Law ( UPL ) is a serious crime for immigration law.
149 The big Irishman with the Immigration badge looked at him.
150 On April 3, a gunman a rampage in an immigration center in Binghamton , N . Y.
151 By 1931, then, France alone in Europe was a country of massive immigration.
152 New York State Library: Genealogy: Tracing Your Immigrant Ancestors - Immigration resources at the New York State Library.
153 But since 2001 the threat of terrorism and xenophobia has made immigration harder.
154 The governor's immigration policy causes road rage in New York.
155 You have to present your passport and disembarkation card to the immigration officer.
156 Immigration is no solution, since a population of 100,000 is the limit , most islanders opine.
157 Then you should get permission to work from the Immigration and Naturalization Service.
158 This allows people to formalise their finances without formalising their immigration status.
159 Immigration to the U.S. is causing a brain drain in some countries.
160 The approval of immigration applications, and then apply for a green card.
161 Another non - nefarious cause of increasing income disparity may be our ever - higher immigration rates.
162 United States Citizenship and Immigration Services announced the new civics questions and answers last week.
163 Yet immigration and the rise of Islam have triggered a backlash.
164 Migration is a generic term used to refer both to immigration and to emigration.
165 Mps are pressing for the repeal of the immigration act.
166 When all items are completed, present this form to the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service Inspector.
167 Indian immigration officials have been instructed to bar the Kashmiri visa holders from leaving India.
168 US immigration officials have again delayed moves start repatriating six - year - old Cuban shipwreck survivor Elian Gonzalez.
169 Joan Xie , Esq. is a senior attorney who specialized in business immigration law and immigration litigation.
170 Japanese immigration to the United States had been regulated since 1907 by the Gentlemen's Agreement.
171 But they will not curtail either illegal immigration or illicit working as much as supporters claim.
172 In most of Europe there is another big reason for accepting more immigration: demography.
172 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
173 However, conviction of a single misdemeanor ( minor offense ) have no effect on a student's immigration status.
174 Only the arguments about congestion and social friction seem to weigh against liberal immigration policies.
175 And like Japan, Taiwan faces a demographic problem, with a slowing birthrate and little immigration.
176 Congress passed Immigration and Naturalization Act. Many Chinese immigrants came.
177 The Immigration Department is also a department with good vision and a zeal for constant betterment.
178 But a xenophobic anti - immigration turn is a surefire way to bring down the American hyperpower.
179 The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service is doubling, and in some cases tripling its fees.
180 Immigration provides America with legions of unofficial ambassadors, deal - brokers, recruiters and boosters.
181 Source: National Immigration Agency, Ministry of the Interior of Taiwan, ROC.




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