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单词 Objective
1, Our objective must be to secure a peace settlement.
2, It is impossible to be completely objective.
3, His objective was to finish by October.
4, Winning is not the prime objective in this sport.
5, We should make an objective appraisal of his job.
6, Try to be objective if you want to spend your money wisely.
7, Our main objective was the recovery of the child safe and well.
8, The objective would be to recycle 98 per cent of domestic waste.
9, The main objective of this meeting is to give more information on our plans.
10, Her main/prime objective now is simply to stay in power.
11, My sole objective is to make the information more widely available.
12, The objective of the research is to gain a better insight into labour market processes.
13, We must hold by the objective laws to do anything.
14, A clear objective was set and adhered to.
15, Her principal objective was international fame as a scientist.
16, Their primary objective is to make money.
17, The cultivation in good taste is our main objective.
18, An objective test can be quite comprehensive.
19, He kept on towards his objective.
20, Everest is the climber's next objective.
21, She gives an objective report of what has happened.
22, Our main aim/objective is to improve the company's productivity.
23, We thought it was a worthy enough objective.
24, His objective was to play golf and win.
25, Our objective is a free,(http:///objective.html) open and pluralistic society.
26, His objective was to tire out the climbers.
27, We need to establish a clear objective.
28, I believe that a journalist should be completely objective.
29, We will use every possible means to achieve our objective.
30, A jury's decision in a court case must be absolutely objective.
1, Our objective must be to secure a peace settlement.
2, It is impossible to be completely objective.
3, His objective was to finish by October.
4, Winning is not the prime objective in this sport.
5, We should make an objective appraisal of his job.
6, Try to be objective if you want to spend your money wisely.
7, We will use every possible means to achieve our objective.
8, Our main objective was the recovery of the child safe and well.
9, The objective would be to recycle 98 per cent of domestic waste.
10, The main objective of this meeting is to give more information on our plans.
11, Her main/prime objective now is simply to stay in power.
12, My sole objective is to make the information more widely available.
13, The objective of the research is to gain a better insight into labour market processes.
14, The cultivation in good taste is our main objective.
15, An objective test can be quite comprehensive.
16, She gives an objective report of what has happened.
17, Under no circumstances should we lose sight of our main objective.
18, Objective Inquiry into the heavy asphyxiation rescues measure of the new born.
19, He tried to take an objective view of the situation.
31, In pursuance of this objective, 8000 letters were sent.
32, Let justice be our objective.
33, Try to keep a clear-sighted view of your objective.
34, We succeeded in our prime objective of cutting costs.
35, A scientist must be objective.
36, Their objective was to demonstrate peacefully for civil rights.
37, The world has an objective reality.
38, Scientists need to be objective when doing research.
39, Objective measurement is difficult with such poor equipment.
40, The two groups are pursuing a common objective.
41, Under no circumstances should we lose sight of our main objective.
42, We have no real, objective, scientific evidence for our belief.
43, Objective Inquiry into the heavy asphyxiation rescues measure of the new born.
44, Their lack of affiliation to any particular bank allows them to give objective financial advice.
45, He tried to take an objective view of the situation.
46, He finds it difficult to remain objective where his son is concerned.
47, It's hard to give an objective opinion about your own children.
48, It helps them detach themselves from their problems and become more objective.
49, It is not enough to tinker at the edges; our objective must be to reconstruct the entire system.
50, Ackroyd worked out this whole plot with one objective in view.
51, The 4th Division's objective was a town twenty miles to the east.
52, He had no objective evidence that anything extraordinary was happening.
53, The reporting in the papers is entirely partial and makes no attempt to be objective.
54, Objective assessment of the severity of the problem was difficult.
55, It is advisable to write a career objective at the start of your resume.
56, They're asked to make objective, in inverted commas, evaluations of these statements.
57, Is it really possible to measure the skills of such jobs according to objective standards?
58, Biographers tend to be more accurate and objective than autobiographers.
59, I find it difficult to be objective where he's concerned.
60, I can't really be objective when I'm judging my daughter's work.
61, An objective set of rules which we all agree to accept is necessary for any ordered society.
62, I need objective advice from someone with no axe to grind.
63, A report is generally an objective description rather than a statement of opinion.
64, Our ultimate objective is to have as many female members of parliament as there are male.
65, These figures give a reliable and objective indicator of changing trends in people's lifestyles.
66, The main objective is to find a solution that is agreeable to the company in terms of cost.
67, His objective was to kill the space station project altogether.
68, Judged by any objective standards, the campaign was a disaster.
69, It's hard for nurses to be objective about their patients(), if they become too emotionally involved with them.
70, Plainly, a more objective method of description must be adopted.
71, I would really like to have your objective opinion on this.
72, Our main objective now is to tighten the grip we have on the market.
73, The main objective was to improve children's knowledge of geography.
74, The council and the government are of one mind on the long-term objective.
75, People have often had bad experiences with objective setting.
76, His objective was to permanently disrupt patient community life.
77, That is a very desirable objective.
78, Nor is it a completely objective evaluation.
79, Objective: emergency relief, long-term aid and resettlement of refugees.
80, This is the objective of courtship.
81, An objective test would be determined by a court.
82, My ultimate objective is complete debt cancellation.
83, Our objective has been to keep the airport open.
84, Objective: Promotion of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
85, There are two different ways of accomplishing this objective.
86, Perhaps her plan had accomplished its objective after all.
87, Objective truth adjusts itself to the flow of rhetoric.
88, It didn't come back with a refusal and allow us to discuss alternative ways of achieving our objective.
89, Its basic objective was to stimulate the regularity and safety of international air transport.
90, This study lacked objective or prospective data and was biased by the exclusion from the controls of people with irritable bowel syndrome.
91, Successful bids by management-employee teams would also help to meet the competition objective by establishing independent, locally based companies.
92, There is an important link between the equity objective and the concept of need.
93, The difficulty arose in how such an objective could be achieved.
94, Objective probability applies to those events which have been tested previously and found to come up with consistent results.
95, The objective of this chapter is to consider the possible causes of this cyclical movement in economic activity.
96, Objective: promotion of international collaboration in education, science and culture.
97, She at once tried to correct this movement and thus saw the pen approach its objective.
98, They alleged that scientists, supposedly objective, interpreted DNA test results in the most incriminating way possible.
99, In the corridor, the objective correlative of pre-bedroom intimacy,(http:///objective.html) the moment arrives.
100, Its objective goes beyond the dissemination of knowledge in recommending an active and intimate engagement within popular subjectivities and forms of signification.
101, The objective of the Resource Book is to allow your adult learners to pursue their studies in their own time.
102, In that case also, the state in principle sets management an objective and imposes constraints soas to achieve the result.
103, There is certainly no objective way to compute or scientifically analyze a resolution of the disagreements.
104, Once it is established what the defendant knew, then the inference to be drawn from these primary facts is objective.
105, None of these visionary schemes for Niagara ever reached fruition, but one Utopian dreamer did achieve his objective.
106, There was also an environmental objective - to maintain a proper balance between human needs and the natural environment.
107, Typical blockages to objective setting include the following: People are often not clear about what an objective actually is.
108, Human survival is the final indispensable objective of all efforts to achieve a universal humane competence in 1985.
109, He has one objective: that the delegates get the very best from his personal contribution.
110, Thus Stiglitz sees the control problem as a multiple-principal-single- agent problem with each principal having a somewhat different objective.
111, One needs to be very careful about asking if modern science really does commit one to rejecting objective purposes and values.
112, The decision-maker tries to maximise the objective up to the goal value but is not interested in values exceeding the goal.
113, Ultimately, a central objective of political theorizing is to replace proper names with abstract concepts.
114, In fact, the second objective of the US-led intervention in the crisis has turned out be the real concern.
115, Such anticipated outcomes were a far cry from the Conservative government's long term objective of a balanced budget.
116, Objective: Provision of food aid and emergency relief to developing countries.
117, The objective feedback to the employees is relevant, rigorous, and rapid.
118, It also hampers any objective assessment of the value of treatment in these patients.
119, We do not agree, however, that the trimester approach is necessary to accomplish this objective.
120, And all of marketing is targeted at one vital objective: becoming a unique brand.
121, This is still a key financial objective. Single digit margins are simply not acceptable in a company like ours.
122, Since 1979, however, their record has not always conformed to this declared objective.
123, We can not say that there is a separate, solid, objective world which different creatures perceive in different ways.
124, The system has achieved this objective and in the process has established its anti-inflation credentials.
125, It uses all sorts of quantitative and qualitative data, and allows all types of subjective and objective assessments.
126, Yet the commando captain shook off the discomfort of this experience and went on to reach his objective.
127, The immediate objective End Result: To have agreed criteria for judging Bill's performance as a supervisor.
128, The objective is to provide the student with a basic knowledge of normal human biology with aspects relevant to clinical medicine.
129, So now you know your real objective(/objective.html), and can appreciate the vital importance of this mission.
130, If you happen to.sit on a drawing pin and jump up the objective is a rear-end one.
131, When you fill out your diary, step outside yourself and be as objective as possible.
132, Ostensibly objective textual scholarship adopted editorial policies which for many years worked to ensure the above assumptions could be confirmed.
133, Would another strategy accomplish the same objective at lower costs?
134, Is de Man now going to tell us that his liberal construal of Rousseau carries the authority of objective validity?
135, Establish an independent committee to advise on the objective presentation of health statistics and prevent their political manipulation.
136, Absolute poverty is then fairly easy to define in objective though gruesome terms.
137, Here Durkheim took a leaf out of Maine's book and decided to adopt law as an objective measure of social solidarity.
138, The major objective will be to monitor these innovations and to attempt to evaluate their effects.
139, It is the only educational institution in the world that teaches aesthetic appreciation primarily through an objective method of investigation.
140, The truth is that aircraft accident investigation should be carried out in a completely impartial and objective manner.
141, It demands a kind of distance from the observer, an objective evaluation of its virtues and failings.
142, Mildara has a stated objective of obtaining an annual return of 15 % on shareholder equity.
143, From 1927 onwards, the objective was no longer solely not to be a loser by achieving bourgeois academic success.
144, Objective: to promote international trade, particularly that of developing countries, with a view to accelerating economic development.
145, Supposing the physician can find no tissue damage or that there is an inappropriate relation between objective fact and subjective complaint.
146, The main objective is to find a solution agreeable to the company in terms of its feasibility and cost.
147, For the physician, it is a demand to identify the objective source of the tissue damage which provoked the subjective awareness.
148, The second objective was met by the introduction of a betterment levy on development value.
149, Ay was more moderate and felt their objective could be accomplished without much bloodshed.
150, Thus, maximum exposure at the point of sale has become the manufacturer's objective.
151, Corpora are also useful to generative grammarians for providing an objective and reliable evaluation of a grammar's coverage and performance.
152, He and Bourboulon could work toward the same objective, largely because of political changes then evolving in Paris.
153, Because they describe an objective reality, descriptive core beliefs are simply valid or invalid.
154, The first objective is the provision of a new souvenir shop, refreshment room and booking office.
155, Listing, in theory, is an objective assessment of architectural or historical importance which does not necessarily prevent demolition.
156, Many managers interpret that as being an administrative chore, filling in objective work-sheets and completing performance appraisal forms.
157, This implied that it was possible to construct a rational theory based on these objective laws.
158, The objective is to prevent, or at least nip in the bud, unwanted feelings.
159, The extent to which local advisers can undertake an objective evaluation of a school already familiar to them is one consideration.
160, This will be in line with the Court's objective of restoring the University's financial reserves to a more acceptable level.
161, The trend toward tabloidization and instant popularization has eroded the boundary lines between news and entertainment, objective journalism and advocacy.
162, Tragicomedy gives the disjunction of the subjective and objective visions of the human situation dramatic form.
163, Because the whole critical exercise was subordinate to a theological objective.
164, Their attempts to provide more objective methods do not challenge the gender bias involved in psychological notions of objectivity.
165, Select an adviser who understands the self-victimisation concept and is far enough removed from the problem to be objective. 2.
166, Objective I-C.. Improve surveillance and rapid laboratory identification to ensure early detection of antimicrobial resistance.
167, Both cases can be covered by imposing the additional constraint and then turning to the second objective.
168, The implication is that further scientific research will eliminate residual uncertainties, allowing for a more objective assessment of harm.
169, Rather, we claim, it is the political objective of removing local government's autonomy that is at issue.
170, Here, the fall is 48 percent since the objective was introduced.
171, In fact there was ample opportunity to achieve this objective.
172, The purpose of the audit is to identify a problem and to obtain objective data for analysis.
173, This makes the impossibility of sustaining an objective, scientific programme particularly clear in psychology.
174, A clear objective was set and adhered to: recapture the islands.
175, Seeking a second opinion is strongly advised to obtain an objective assessment.
176, Until recently, the great objective was to free the peasants from the barbaric constraints of Nature.
177, Following Marx and Engels, Lenin argued that capitalism was an objective system for the exploitation of the working class.
178, The major determinant of these so-called objective needs must be the number of pupils in each school.
179, Its objective is to address fundamental issues of hybrid models of cognition.
180, The reader may question, in the light of all of the above criticisms and suggested limitations, the objective validity of citation analysis.
181, To achieve this objective, communities could choose from a long list of eligible activities specified in the legislation.
182, In the nuclear age the maintenance of this threshold between conflict and war is a basic objective of Soviet policy.
183, This purpose, for the theist, is real and rooted in an objective cosmic mind.
184, Years later, Dong disclosed to me his objective had simply been to force Diem to change.
185, What if language is not a neutral system capable of objective description and analysis?
186, How does the actual cost compare with the planned cost for meeting the objective?
187, A decision which would produce an all-Highland single-tier authority covering 10,000 square miles may seem contradictory to that objective.
188, Their prime objective was to learn, and it was easy to create a fun learning environment.
189, Perceptions of Britain's economic performance and prospects were obviously influenced by objective economic factors and by government manipulation of economic statistics.
189, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
190, One obvious policy for the achievement of this objective is for government to stimulate aggregate demand by some means or other.
191, Some researchers feel it is important to let others generate enthusiasm for their ideas so that they remain aloof and objective.
192, Oakeshott's objective in Experience and its Modes is to clarify the nature of philosophy.
193, Any comparison between these is dependent upon the further externalization of these values as objective forms.
194, An objective criterion is a typically social construct and presupposes a degree of inter-subjective understanding and cooperation.
195, There is an additional objective to listening carefully: it helps you discover which words and meanings have become assets.
196, It is difficult to remain calm and objective when one's own child is distressed, even if only through bad temper.
197, His approach was positivist and rationalist and his general objective was to lay down a theory of social evolution.
198, Here, most of all in the project appraisal, does quantification mystify and legitimate in the name of objective economic analysis.
199, The objective, in turn, provides a backcloth against which to make choices about how best to behave.
200, The 1974 legislation would appear to have accomplished this objective.
201, The continuation of farming is not so much the objective of the Directive but the means to attain its objectives.
202, I knew from experience that objective performance data would be needed in overcoming that prior conditioning.
203, I mentioned the primary objective of reducing the number of road casualties.
204, Task 7 Objective To delete files Before deleting a file make sure that it is no longer required.
205, A specific objective is that this new body will work directly with the local enterprise companies.
206, We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same. Anne Frank 
207, In Chapter 10 I analyse the inter-subjective conditions of objective validity and the relation between objective validity and truth.
208, Rather it is usual to claim objective virtues for the existing system which would be lost by a change from it.
209, Nor has it made building up the industrial base an objective.
210, In patients disabled by severe dysmotility syndromes, however, they sometimes provide the only objective evidence of abnormality.
211, On 8 April 1962, when ninety percent of metropolitan voters approved the Evian Accords, that overriding objective was finally achieved.
212, It represents the germ of an idea which someday might explode into a national objective.
213, This was the prime objective and the closing of the card catalogue was a consequence.
214, Objective: Funding of rural development programmes, mainly for the poorest Third-World countries.
215, Objective number one, then, in Nizan's mind after 1916 was to avoid the terrible fate of his father.
216, Program evaluation is concerned specifically with determining the worth or values of efforts expended to achieve a given purpose or objective.
217, Mr. Lloyd Our objective is that the number of special constables should equal about 20 percent. of the regular police force.
218, Waldock rejected this classification124 and included a separate article on objective regimes.
219, Task 14 Objective To reformat paragraphs Paragraph reformatting ... This means changing the appearance and/or position of paragraphs from their default settings.
220, A crude or facile narrative technique will inevitably fail to achieve the desired ideological objective.
221, And developments which did not contribute to, nor necessarily seek that objective were for that reason defective.
222, I firmly believe that it would be impossible to deliver that objective, even had we wanted it.
223, Thus in preparing for your meeting be sure of the objective and give consideration to the possible scope of the discussion.
224, To them, it was axiomatic that prices and interest rates should be kept down to further their objective of cheap electricity.
225, Hence security of supply continues to be a major objective of Community energy policy.
226, The Congressional Research Service is an independent agency that offers members of Congress objective analysis of issues and legislation.
227, If you enjoy games, why not compile a list of objective test questions to use in Trivial Pursuits?
228, In each case the primary objective has been to increase both earnings and productivity.
229, Working hard is a personal objective, to obtain job satisfaction and potential rewards of career advancement.
230, This process constitutes an objective social reality for individual consciousness.
231, The major objective of the counsellor, especially the counsellor who actively seeks to combat ageism, is to encourage involvement.
232, More objective observers regarded the contest as too close to call.
233, Either way, the problem is to find the right person to advise you, some one who can be objective.
234, Structural features of perception, he suggests, might be accessible to objective description even though qualitative aspects are not.
235, For a politician to have a clear objective is to offer hostages to his opponents.
236, It favours social equality but accepts that economic equality is an unrealistic objective.
237, The most effective proven mechanism to achieve price stability is an independent central bank dedicated to that objective.
238, At worst a vague objective should be couched in very precise terms.
239, These inner phantasies are projected into the external reality which is then re-incorporated as objective reality.
240, Not because holy poverty was impossible, but because it just wasn't a socially desirable objective.
241, However, the objective must be to reduce the intake of all pesticides to the absolute minimum.
242, Classical criminology did not assume that existing legal definitions of crime and the way they are enforced necessarily constitute this objective category.
243, The objective is to adjust weights so that the error in the output layer is reduced.
244, The source of objective legal rules thus appears to be the fully developed rationality of the intellectual elites of different nations.
245, Mr Lawson is right to argue that, given time, this desirable objective will be achieved.
246, He or she can help you as an objective legal adviser.
247, The final objective is to extinguish the fire, and this should occur within eight to ten minutes of ignition.
248, Our primary objective is to collect, organize and disseminate information and materials relating to academic library orientation and instruction.
249, The firm must maintain an independent and objective attitude throughout the engagement(/objective.html), rather than advocating an acquisition.
250, And they were prepared to accept unlimited losses to achieve their sacred objective.
251, Obviously they need to be countered and an objective must be set.
252, This has meant that many studies tend to concentrate on the objective assessment of a fiscally quantifiable reality.
253, Objective: To prenatal diagnosis of fetal gastrointestinal tract anomalies.
254, Objective Explore the mechanism of intermittent pre - excitation syndrome ( IPS ).
255, Objective : To investigate the diagnosis and management of delayed gastric emptying ( DGE ) after gastrectomy.
256, Objective To realize characteristics of murder case by forensic psychiatry expertise.
257, Objective : To explore the applicability of rational - emotive therapy in Chinese parents.
258, Objective : To probe into the grounding for diagnosis and delivery methods fetal macrosomia.
259, Objective : To investigate the effects of Houpu Pill on gastric emptying and intestinal transit in mice.
260, Objective To search for the relative factors of gastric cancer.
261, As fin intransigent non - objective painter, he is antipathetic to figuration, especially Expressionist and decorative.
262, Objective : To analyze the CT findings of lung metastatic tumor with cavernous and its formative mechanism.
263, OBJECTIVE : To enhancement law consciousness and ability of self - protect of pharmacist.
264, Objective Exploratory investigation of normal value of the neonate myocardial enzymes.
265, Therefore, the objective of public risk management should be minimization, not elimination, of risk - related costs.
266, Objective To investigate the surgical treatment of familial adenomatous polyposis ( FAP ).
267, Objective : To explore the clinic value of bFGF - ESSEX combination misture VitB 12 in acute radioactivity stomatitis.
268, In order to optimize the process, formulation of objective function is necessary.
269, Objective To investigate risk factors for and management of delayed gastric emptying ( DGE ) after gastrectomy.
270, Objective : To study the pathogenesis of a homozygous patient with familial hypercholesterolemia.
271, Objective; To observe the efficacy of MEBT in treating electric burn.
272, Objective : To evaluate laparoscopy assisted radical gastrectomy for early gastric cancer.
273, Objective To determine the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of functional delayed gastric emptying ( FDGE ) following subtotal gastrectomy.
274, Objective: Exploration Chinese native medicine compound prescription group side drug efficacy material.
275, Objective : To study Tongjiangweiling No.1 effect on gastrointestinal motor function.
276, Objective: Extracting total DNA of intestinal tract bacteria from human faeces to investigate intestinal microflora.
277, Objective : To make sure that Peutz - Jeghers Syndrome is a familial disease.
278, Objective Discuss the application of high pressure injector in CT Contrast Enhancement.
279, Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumors ( GISTs ).
280, Objective To investigate the etiology of two Chinese familial Budd Chiari syndrome ( BCS ).
281, Objective : To observe exercise therapeutic efficacy in patients with primary discovery hypertension.




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