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单词 Personnel
1. Only authorized personnel have access to the computer system.
2. The report form is available on disc from Personnel.
3. No admittance to unauthorized personnel.
4. Since 1954 Japan has never dispatched military personnel abroad.
5. Please send your resume to the personnel department.
6. The personnel are not happy to change these rules.
7. Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively.
8. Army personnel are not allowed to leave the base.
9. All personnel are to receive security badges.
10. Mr. Johnson is the head of the firm's personnel department.
11. The General does not like non-combatant personnel near a scene of action.
12. The Personnel Department keeps a record of employees absent through sickness.
13. There were armoured personnel carriers and tanks on the streets.
14. At these conventions, executives fraternized with the key personnel of other banks.
15. I decided to run a check on all personnel.
16. Inefficient personnel were cleaned out of the management.
17. Job seekers should apply at the personnel office.
18. He recently vacated his post as NHS Personnel Director.
19. Personnel will help you find a flat to rent.
20. Unauthorized personnel are not allowed on the premises.
21. Such information is restricted within military personnel.
22. The personnel manager will be pleased to advise you.
23. Personnel is / are currently reviewing pay scales.
24. Everyone in Personnel has attended a media skills workshop.
25. No Entry - restricted area for army personnel only.
26. One of the problem areas is lax security for airport personnel.
27. This year we have seen the retirements of several senior personnel.
28. The new director is likely to make major changes in personnel.
29. The risk of infection is confined to groups such as medical personnel.
30. Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish.
1. Only authorized personnel have access to the computer system.
2. The report form is available on disc from Personnel.
3. No admittance to unauthorized personnel.
4. Since 1954 Japan has never dispatched military personnel abroad.
5. Please send your resume to the personnel department.
6. The personnel are not happy to change these rules.
7. All personnel are to receive security badges.
8. One of the problem areas is lax security for airport personnel.
9. This year we have seen the retirements of several senior personnel.
10. Mr. Johnson is the head of the firm's personnel department.
11. The new director is likely to make major changes in personnel.
12. The risk of infection is confined to groups such as medical personnel.
13. The General does not like non-combatant personnel near a scene of action.
14. The Personnel Department keeps a record of employees absent through sickness.
15. There were armoured personnel carriers and tanks on the streets.
16. At these conventions, executives fraternized with the key personnel of other banks.
17. Inefficient personnel were cleaned out of the management.
18. The manager cleaned out inefficient personnel.
19. The country is importing a broad range of skilled personnel.
20. The State Council exercises the function and power to appoint and remove administrative personnel according to the provisions of the law.
21. The personnel manager has been casting about for somebody who can act as receptionist.
31. The manager cleaned out inefficient personnel.
32. Personnel files are kept in secure storage.
33. Service personnel are subject to the Official Secrets Act.
34. Airline personnel can purchase flight tickets at reduced prices.
35. Personnel has lost my tax forms.
36. For further details, contact the personnel department.
37. The town is off limits to military personnel.
38. Her first job was in personnel.
39. He's in personnel, isn't he?
40. I looked your address up in the personnel file.
41. On no condition should untrained personnel use the equipment.
42. Address your application to the Personnel Manager.
43. I initialled the documents and returned them to personnel.
44. The British Legion raises funds to help ex-service personnel and their dependants.
45. Britain has a dozen warships in the area, with a total of five thousand military personnel altogether.
46. There has been very little renewal of personnel in higher education.
47. A statement of your terms and conditions of employment can be found in the Personnel Handbook.
48. The president is sending in almost 20,()000 military personnel to help with the relief efforts.
49. The general manager brought forward a new reform plan on the personnel system for the company.
50. The show has been hit by the departure of key personnel.
51. The requests for transfers were channeled through the personnel office.
52. The country is importing a broad range of skilled personnel.
53. Ex-forces personnel could be the manna from heaven employers are seeking.
54. The UN withdrew its relief personnel because it judged the situation too dangerous.
55. Embassy security personnel refused to admit him or his wife.
56. A copy should then be sent to Personnel for our files.
57. Enquiries about the post should be addressed in the first instance to the personnel manager.
58. For more information about the job, please contact the personnel manager.
59. Personnel is/are organizing the training of the new members of staff.
60. After Mary sent a letter to apply for a job, she followed it up by going to talk to the personnel manager.
61. Army personnel are often forbidden to fraternize with the civilian population.
62. They lacked the scientific personnel to develop the technical apparatus much further.
63. The State Council exercises the function and power to appoint and remove administrative personnel according to the provisions of the law.
64. The Army boys had personnel carriers blockading the cross streets.
65. She works in personnel.
66. About 1,200 personnel will remain behind to take care of the air base.
67. Application forms and further particulars are available from the Personnel Office.
68. The personnel manager has been casting about for somebody who can act as receptionist.
69. The Personnel Manager glanced down the list of names of the applicants.
70. Many personnel managers started as secretaries or personnel assistants and worked their way up.
71. They fell into that twilight zone between military personnel and civilian employees.
72. The head of the personnel department dipped into his pocket and bought drinks for his fellows.
73. The personnel manager doesn't seem to realize the immediacy of the problem.
74. If any employee needs to take time off, s/he should contact the Personnel Department.
75. United Nations premises were looted and personnel were molested by demonstrators.
76. No access for unauthorized personnel.
77. Reporters and court personnel occupied the jury box.
78. On signs in personnel departments and reception areas.
79. Michael D.. McGinty,(http:///personnel.html) deputy chief of Air Force personnel.
80. Objections are frequently raised by affected personnel, and methods to input documents automatically are thus highly desirable.
81. Without the advantage of mobile clearinghouse personnel, the majority of clearinghouses have no option but to adopt this method.
82. No change in Verio's management personnel is anticipated, and the Verio brand name will be retained.
83. The findings led to a widespread belief that psychological tests were situation specific and therefore limited in their usefulness for personnel selection.
84. The practice included recruitment through advertising and personnel management consultancy besides recruiting through a direct approach.
85. The General Secretariat carries out the decisions of the Council and provides financial and administrative services for the personnel of the League.
86. Each participating State will provide appropriate legal and administrative procedures to protect the rights of all its forces personnel.
87. It also assumes that providers are free to manage their assets and personnel to maximise efficiency gains.
88. Should Clinton win, that official announcement would herald the biggest clearout of personnel the White House has seen.
89. The personnel of the state apparatus have become homogenized into a distinct social group whose backgrounds have become increasingly similar.
90. Consequently, our club got a big play from any and all officer personnel on the base camp.
91. This is an intelligent fusion album with various personnel, and again Brecker s playing is awesome.
92. The maneuvers came after days of ominous-looking deployments around the residence by police helicopters, armored personnel carriers and commandos.
93. Administrative audits involve chefs, cooks, bakers, and other kitchen personnel.
94. Later it wants to follow up with the heavy stuff: tanks, helicopters, anti-tank weapons and armored personnel carriers.
95. Survey ships were carried on the Navy List, but Navy personnel remained aboard on sufferance only.
96. He commands uncommon loyalty from workers despite sometimes harsh personnel policies.
97. ValuJet approached the Pentagon in August 1995 to be included among the airlines certified to carry Defense Department personnel for official travel.
98. The transmission of values ensures continuity and allows the organisation to survive changes in personnel.
99. These regulations apply to all personnel on site, including visitors.
100. Supervisors and personnel officers will be instructed to tread carefully when dealing with workers.
101. All non-managerial personnel belong to the same union, but the privilege of membership is confined to regular workers.
102. Three men died in a skirmish with armored personnel carriers.
103. The effect of adversary politics in Britain is intensified by the rapid turnover of government personnel.
104. A day after the meeting, 20 tanks and 15 armored personnel carriers were sent through the streets of Sincan.
105. The tenants wrote their own constitution and bylaws, their own personnel and policy procedures, their own job descriptions.
106. No house of worship nor community center should be bereft of personnel or equipment for such education.
107. He was handcuffed to another prisoner and placed in an army,(http:///personnel.html) armoured personnel carrier.
108. The prospects for tourism were constrained by limited airline capacity and the lack of skilled personnel.
109. Military discipline has reportedly collapsed, with armed military personnel leading the dash to the airport.
110. Federal guidelines require that tower personnel clearing aircraft for arrivals and departures have clear views of runways below them.
111. The Minister knows my views on such matters when they might affect service personnel and families.
112. Local, civil, and military personnel patrol or enclose ancient sites.
113. Beyond them a phalanx of armored personnel carriers was lined up three abreast, their heavy guns pointed toward our bank.
114. Six truckloads of military police were sent by the army to clear out all military personnel so they would not be involved.
115. The constitutional and organizational arrangements filter the interests of state personnel towards the long-run interests of the capitalists.
116. The army also lost 2,000 of its 2,900 armoured personnel carriers.
117. A second contingent of base personnel departed early Monday morning.
118. The personnel include air and ground crews, communications experts and air traffic controllers.
119. Overburdened support personnel rushed from one temporary work assignment to another, their ranks dangerously depleted by a recent company-wide restructuring.
120. But in this case, the director of field operations, abetted by other headquarters personnel, compounded the problem.
121. Given the way your organization functions when it functions best, consider how a personnel or labor crisis situation would be handled.
122. All computer personnel should read, understand and comply with the policy as a condition of employment.
123. A Xinjiang television broadcast carried pictures of weapons, riot damage and injured and dead security personnel.
124. A change in operating personnel should not cause any change in quality control values. 67.
125. Because tasks in organisations are almost always interdependent, it is essential that personnel act in a calculable and predictable manner.
126. And in other administrative areas, such as personnel and accounts, most of the supervisory and long-term experienced people opted for relocation.
127. The pressure is usually transmitted to the available servicing personnel affecting their performance.
128. Recruitment and selection are concerned with the very core of the company - ie using the company's personnel.
129. And the cultural difference is even more pronounced when it comes to personnel.
130. Managers, supervisors, and the company personnel department will have much less control over hiring decisions.
131. Their protection consisted of three heavily armored tanks and an armored personnel carrier.
132. Is it feasible to imagine using personal computing for all aspects of a computerised personnel information system?
133. Seminars, including practical paint spraying demonstrations aimed at sales forces, technical and customer services personnel were held in April.
134. Even the firemen and ambulance personnel, when they are called in to help, come under attack.
135. Information has been gathered and shared among consumers, linguists and public service personnel by working alongside each other, listening and discussion.
136. With the multitudinous package sizes available, there is a great deal of physical contact with the chemicals by Janssen personnel.
137. On the following day doctors and medical personnel announced an indefinite strike(), which was promptly declared illegal.
138. All personnel appointed to administer the Compact should be responsible to this committee.
139. Like all the Service personnel one meets in remote places, he is dedicated, and does not begrudge his time.
140. Organisationally, the working of both payroll and personnel records has been very useful in providing an efficient administrative service.
141. I stumbled off to be sick behind an armoured personnel carrier as he started on Marius.
142. Top line personnel carry much more authority when really critical matters are at stake.
143. In addition, two small staff groups, data processing and personnel, and the legal counsel reported directly to the president.
144. A base spokesman said the total cost of relocating personnel and planes this summer will run as high as $ 3 million.
145. About 200 yards from his mansion, in an old barn, he even kept an armored personnel carrier.
146. The player responded with several suggestions, including his belief that the Kings needed to make some trades to improve their personnel.
147. Please contact your personnel department if you would like to help.
148. What is clear is that the most successful computerised personnel systems link payroll and personnel together.
149. The tracks are 28-ton personnel carriers that can carry two dozen Marines, including the three-man crew.
150. Personnel changes confirmed the new liberalism in the Soviet Union and the attempt to break links with past behaviour.
151. A comprehensive range of manual records and files is maintained by the various personnel sections in the organisation.
152. Active duty personnel have access to military doctors and retirees have access to veterans hospitals for service-related ailments, he noted.
153. The personnel director spoke first, reading the performance appraisal policy aloud and then citing the research on which it was based.
154. Personnel managers and employers are busy people and do not have time to wade through a thirty page resume.
155. Yet for lack of personnel, funds, and initiative, Bolshevik Party members were not making sufficient capital out of the situation.
156. An omission which might have and may still cost him serious casualties to personnel north of the Qattara depression. 2.
157. Key resources are technical personnel and aircraft spare parts which account for the largest share of the maintenance budget.
158. Television news personnel feel duty-bound, in times of social and political crisis, to project a pro-establishment view of industrial conflict.
159. Personnel files are kept in secure storage, with strict conditions attached to access.
160. They subsequently directed their personnel officials to cast a wider net when searching for potential employees.
161. At the present time, with the considerable experience gained and with additional personnel available, this initial effort should be axiomatic.
162. The annual ceremony recognises quality and achievement in all aspects of personnel advertising and is judged by representatives from the advertising industry.
163. There were also wide-ranging personnel changes in the upper echelons of the armed forces and the police.
164. Voice over Until 12 months ago about 500 air force personnel worked here.
165. Maximum use of state-of-the-art technology in place of costly and often error-prone personnel.
166. His car was mud-splattered, parked amongst the jeeps and armoured personnel carriers, a hundred yards from the helicopter pad.
167. Stella the personnel administrator will not simply push paper around in Personnel but will take action to cut down on the bureaucracy.
168. The board argued that the dispute was not protected by the First Amendment since it was an internal personnel matter.
169. There is now a need for alternative control mechanisms in this new computing environment(), one of which is proper personnel controls.
170. All entered programs for enlisted personnel or non-commissioned officers; it was not known how many would go into combat units.
171. Today the manager of personnel makes a point of sitting next to his old friend on the daily commuter train.
172. They have a formal code of recruitment and selection and a personnel specification for the task of advice worker.
173. Only personnel with a high-level security clearance are allowed in the building.
174. Now, routinely, free agency is an option that must be considered in the annual personnel decisions of each team.
175. Benton is in charge of marketing, personnel, sales - the whole ball of wax.
176. Slowed by heavy rains, the convoy was shielded by helicopter gunships and armoured personnel carriers.
177. The report also emphasized the need for adequate training and supervision of personnel working in this area.
178. The company personnel additionally comprises administration and logistics staff along with team leaders and testing technicians.
179. The two families were so angry that they refused to talk or cooperate with the hospital personnel.
180. They must have had their faces upturned when the bomb went off; perhaps they were anti-aircraft personnel.
181. Accountants, personnel administrators, economists, data processing experts and statisticians are all experts in a specialised field of work.
182. Instead of addressing your letter to the personnel manager send it straight to the to-to the managing director.
183. Now they are going for a more ambitious target - one company-wide registration to include safety, personnel and management services.
184. Do not leave it entirely to the advertising agency or the personnel department.
185. In 1980 he moved to the computer industry to develop the use of microcomputers in the personnel field.
186. Ever since the personnel computer first thrust itself on to our desks it has been a largely text based machine.
187. By midnight on the seventh, downtown Los Angeles had been declared out of bounds for military personnel.
188. The international air corridors are filled with jumbo jets carrying tourists, business people, airline personnel and others.
189. You do background checks on medicaid personnel?
190. Military personnel join other worshippers during Friday prayer ceremony.
191. Make use of tooling operation time study, Rate work hours and plan personnel.
192. The book suitable for middle - and high - level programming, as well as network design and management personnel.
193. It may be used by illegal personnel, release false information intentionally with this, misdirect investor.
194. Article 12 State functionaries and military personnel on active service shall not renounce Chinese nationality.
195. It needs qualified office personnel and good telephone and telex communications.
196. Administrative personnel should be mathematically informed are to make wise decision.
197. Park free charge to military personnel in general, the state - level scenic areas hit 5 discount.
197. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
198. Proctor Test Set is a tool used by Telco personnel to diagnose problems with phone lines.
199. No institution or individual shall interfere with a listed company's normal recruiting procedure for management personnel.
200. Australia has about 1,500 military personnel in and around Iraq.
201. Marketing strategy has some problems and personnel motivating doesn " t operate "
202. A jail for the detention of military personnel guilty of minor offenses or awaiting court - martial.
203. More recently, he has had to contend with thorny personnel issues.
204. In addition to military personnel, about 2,000 civilians worked to construct Alcan Highway.
205. President of the Republic of the appointment of the country's civilian and military personnel.
206. There are more than 8000 persons engaging in cotton textile, 15 are technical and management personnel.
207. It defines the limits of authority and liability of U.S. military personnel.
208. Then, a software architecture model of synthetically personnel information system was designed.
209. I recommend that the Council join the other non - military personnel inside the temple.
210. These personnel outlays will swallow up nearly 60 per cent of this year's budget increase.
211. The LIDA machine has been credited with putting an entire auditorium of Russian military personnel asleep.
212. Drugs could also be used to enhance the performance of military personnel.
213. To review and verify the position qualifications of senior management personnel of the banking financial institutions.
214. Has the most advanced packing production line and the high - level production management personnel.
215. A tamper resistant calibration plug seal provides protection from unauthorized personnel use.
216. Beijing provides the outstanding foreign household management personnel along the blue sky household management for you.
217. A climate of fear would arrest a healthy maturation of diplomatic personnel.
218. In addition, about 50,000 U.S. military personnel are stationed in Japan. Mr.
219. Discreet replacements of senior military personnel also took place at that time.




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