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单词 Implication
1) We heard of his implication in a conspiracy.
2) The implication was plain, if left unstated.
3) The implication took a while to sink in.
4) He smiled, but the implication was that he didn't believe me.
5) He resigned after his implication in a sex scandal.
6) He is by implication requesting me to resign.
7) The implication was obvious: vote for us or it will be very embarrassing for you.
8) I resent the implication that I don't care about my father.
9) His brain reeled as he realized the implication of his dismissal.
10) The implication of this line of reasoning is that globalization of capital is destructive.
11) His authority and, by implication, that of his management team is under threat.
12) The implication is clear: young females do better if they mate with a new male.
13) He criticized the Director and, by implication,[http:///implication.html] the whole of the organization.
14) The trial resulted in the implication of several major figures in the organization.
15) She accused the party and, by implication, its leader too.
16) The case depended upon his implication of his co-workers in the fraud.
17) The implication is that this battery lasts twice as long as other batteries.
18) They are called 'Supertrams', the implication being that they are more advanced than earlier models.
19) The law bans organized protests and, by implication, any form of opposition.
20) The implication in his article is that being a housewife is greatly inferior to every other occupation.
21) Failure to say ` No'may, by implication, be taken to mean ` Yes '.
22) By implication, other approaches were based on irrational behaviour.
23) This has a rather surprising implication.
24) This already has a remarkable implication with regard to the way that space and time should be viewed.
25) In either case, the political implication is that denying rights to children is entirely justified, and there the matter rests.
26) Whether we do so directly or by implication, we place a value on human life.
27) Its implication that information, experience, and feelings presented in a pictorial form are readily and immediately accessible needs critical examination.
28) In refusing to believe our story, he is saying by implication that we are lying.
29) Mercury thus contains a much greater abundance of denser materials, the strong implication being that it is rich in metallic iron.
30) This spreading effect in phase space has another remarkable implication.
1) We heard of his implication in a conspiracy.
2) The implication was plain, if left unstated.
3) The implication took a while to sink in.
4) He smiled, but the implication was that he didn't believe me.
5) He is by implication requesting me to resign.
31) He didn't actually accuse me of stealing, but that was the implication.
32) The implication was you had to have your own world, you had to be self-sufficient in that way.
33) The obvious implication is that many asylum seekers may miss the deadline and lose the chance to appeal.
34) None the less, the rapid rise in the numbers of monks does have a social implication.
35) The implication was that balance would be achieved over the trade cycle.
36) The implication of their arguments was that a major restructuring was taking place.
37) He criticized Bevin for lack of imagination - surely an inverted compliment given its implication of positive contributions in the past.
38) Sales of butter have declined since the implication of fat in cases of heart disease.
39) By implication, the healthy female is not the healthy adult.
40) It was clear that the wife was never in a position fully to understand the legal implication of documents.
41) Attrition rates, for tanks and aircraft increased greatly, sparking off a debate about the implication of the new technologies.
42) They may, of course, feature in the presenting problem, either overtly or by implication.
42) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
43) For a buyer, the implication of fast-paced change may be a disincentive to prolong a search process.
44) One implication of the neutral theory is that we can use molecular changes as a kind of clock to measure evolutionary events.
45) The implication is that it is somehow self-evident that anything so wonderful as this could not possibly have evolved by natural selection.
46) By implication, Walshe was clearly stating that a genetic readiness plus a long-term psychological stress results in cancer.
47) By implication it is impossible to postulate any definite inverse correlation between changes in the real wage rate and changes in employment.
48) The clear implication of this is that a fully autonomous civilian economy may not exist.
49) The clear implication is that no machine is capable of doing the job.
50) But he did leave jurors with the clear implication that something was very wrong.
51) The president himself claimed not to be involved and refused to call Carville off, leaving the clear implication of approval.
52) This is the ordinary, all-purpose staccato with no implication of either accent, emphasis or special sharpness.
53) In fact, I might have been offended by that implication, but instead I am perplexed.
54) The implication is that males need maintain high levels of vigilance only when in nuptial plumage.
55) These purely doctrinal responses were, however, of lesser importance than one practical implication of Luxemburgism.
56) What emerges is the implication that the perceived cultural exchange between these selected texts reveal preoccupations found throughout the whole culture.
57) Through implication, language can diminish or elevate the status of others.
58) One, motivated only by despair, deserves sympathy and time to absorb the full implication of last Thursday's election.
59) The implication, they fear, is that when the chips are down it is only rational human beings that really matter.
60) Delaney swallowed, suddenly realising the implication, the reason why Nell's face was white behind her re-donned mask.
61) The implication of the latest moves are that humans have moved to the debit side and become liabilities.
62) However, the match between theoretical school and policy implication is by no means exact.
63) By implication it denies racial differences in facial structure, body size and a number of metabolic predispositions.
64) Another implication of the artisanal loaf is the aspersion it casts upon systematic production baking.
65) The implication was clear: the Fed was trying to ward off an imminent recession.
66) Staff members were asked to work on Sundays, with the implication that they would lose their jobs if they refused.
67) Of particular significance is the implication that vaccinations and immunisations for young children must be affected.
68) The implication must be that a lot of bids are being planned but never see the light of day.
69) There is often an implication that skilled means highly skilled although this connotation confuses the concept of existence and level.
70) The airline is among the youngest - and by implication the safest - in the air.
71) I read it in one sitting and lay awake that night disturbed by its power and frightened by its implication.
72) No,[http:///implication.html] the rude word was not sung at the end of the fourth line but the implication was there.
73) But the implication of the smear on the carpet was plain enough.
74) Often the clues to meaning lie in subtle implication rather than in explicit statement.
75) The essence was there in all its hideous implication. Nerve gas tests with human tissue.
76) The implication is that scanning systems should not be locked into continuous data on limited sectors of the environment ....
77) The scandal in question was, of course, the implication of female homosexuality.
78) He was delighted to do so, with the implication of being regarded as overall ruler of the kingdom.
79) It provides a basis of fuller understanding of allusion(), implication and inference.
80) She accepts her own implication in the events of her past.
81) That body did not see fit to authorize trials by military commission in Indiana, but by the strongest implication prohibited them.
82) By using nonsexist language we can at least avoid the overt implication that males are the standard and norm of all humanity.
83) The implication is that further scientific research will eliminate residual uncertainties, allowing for a more objective assessment of harm.
84) You will now release me: the resulting implication being that I bought my freedom at the expense of his.
85) A quarter were concerned about the resource implication of placements.
86) Initial reports suggested that he had been poisoned, with the implication that it was a politically motivated killing.
87) This chapter will therefore also discuss the implication of alternative strategies of education planning.
88) The third implication, that the rocks furthest from the ridge should be the oldest, was less easy to test.
89) The mystery has been solved, but the sense of implication has only spread.
90) The implication of the ad was that Labour had produced mass unemployment and the Tories would cure it.
91) Property rights thus have a distributional implication - who compensates whom - but also act to achieve the socially efficient allocation.
92) The implication is that cholesteryl esters may play an important role in the pathogenesis of alcohol induced pancreatic injury.
93) The implication can be seen by thinking of the instruction part and the key phrase or word.
94) I quite understand that this implication has caused offence or distress to some people, for which I apologise.
95) Cuvier tried to evade one disturbing implication of extinction by linking the phenomenon to his theory of catastrophic geological changes.
96) Underlying Mr Singh's campaign has been an implication that boys receiving awards and honours have not really been deserving of them.
97) Both suggest, either by statement or implication, that Buchanan is an extremist and warn of dire consequences to his nomination.
98) An obvious implication is that complaints do not always merit action, even when they are well-founded.
99) Implication is an indirect way of conveying one's own meaning; inference is a process of discovering a fact outside oneself.
100) Inpart at least, the conditions which frustrated their fuller implication also provided the justification for renewed efforts to improve social conditions.
101) They advocated a declaration of independence and, by implication, a war of independence.
102) Further, butter consumption has declined because of the implication of its saturated fatty acids in cardiovascular disease.
102) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
103) In all three there is the implication that theorists of social representations must do more than study social representations.
104) The implication drawn from the trade is that modern corporations lack an adequate system of accountability.
105) The implication is that Britain's economic performance is retarded by an anti-industrial culture.
106) They want to see an end to the image of trade unions as Labour's paymaster and, by implication, policy-maker.
107) The clear implication is that there is one universal sign language.
108) The implication was clear: to discuss Article 6 would be an irresponsible aberration.
109) The implication of this is that the more profligate councils will not be re-elected.
110) The most obvious practical implication of strokes is that we need to help people achieve their stroke quotas.
111) The nonlocal implication is that occurrences in one region of space are inherently correlated with other distant regions.
112) The implication is clear: liberals are more advanced morally than conservatives.
113) She used to disdain the habit and the implication of underclothes.
114) The implication of that for Nottinghamshire's deep mines is catastrophic.
115) The implication: one does well to regard oneself as a legendary figure.
116) I am somewhat overstating this implication, but perhaps not greatly so.
117) The implication follows: If a zoologist can deduce which parasite is present, a female roach probably can as well.
118) Even after this, a debate raged as to the precise implication of Kasparov's complex attacking scheme.
119) An incidental feature of the capital transactions is the implication that the capital invested in local farming is being eroded.
120) This has the implication that local economies of scale depend only on output.
121) They wore high socks and had the largest pairs of shoes and, by implication, feet, Fong had ever seen.
122) She prickled at the implication that she had led a soft and protected life.
123) Many serious thinkers reject relativism because of this implication.
124) Implication tautology is not reasoning form.
125) He has not actually realized the full implication.
126) It does not come from the implication relation itself.
127) I resent your implication that my work is unsatisfactory.
128) The more insidious implication is political.
129) He seemed by implication to acknowledge that fact.
130) Gauss did see the most revolutionary implication.
131) Informed Consent is concept with rich ethical implication.
132) Mathematical Implication of AND Instruction in Assembly Language Programming.
132) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
133) A gate that performs the Boolean operation of implication.
134) Implication is a more generic notion.
135) Being aesthetic target, cicada has extremely rich aesthetics implication.
136) But the other implication is not so easily proved.
137) Magpie, the implication is happy, always very popular.
138) Of implication. insinuation and Ill will. till'you cannot lie still.
139) Coding DTD can test the logical implication problem of XML function dependency in linear time.
140) Implication : liberalism, neo - orthodoxy and neo - evangelicalism are NOT orthodox.
141) The latter property of nuclear fission has a significant implication.
142) The implication seems to be that it is impossible to pursue economic reform and democracy simultaneously.
143) It'seemed to relieve him of any unjust implication of sentiment.
144) The policy implication of the findings is that the basket-pegged exchange rate regime of RMB is a realistic and reasonable choice in the near time range.
145) This paper analyzes the welfare implication of the third-degree price discrimination by considering linear demand curves in all markets.
146) But a definitive conviction of his former co-defendant would, by implication, mean Berlusconi was equally guilty of having bribed him.
147) Fuzzy proposition "if A then B"is described as R0 implication operator, where A and B is a fuzzy set respectively.
148) They had approached each other obliquely and addressed each other by implication.
149) Furthermore we investigate the resource allocation and price dynamics, and presents economic implication of the indeterminacy.
150) The ecological implication of this life history strategy of rice water weevil was discussed.
151) It is proved that triple implication algorithm is P - reductive with respect to FMP and FMT models.
152) The clear implication is that investors do not believe the currency bloc's debt crisis is over, multi-billion euro zone bailouts or not.
153) It deeplydisplayed culture critical consciousness in either right or wrong definitely. meanwhile, Its cultural implication is some enlightening functions for toda...
154) Based on the urbanization of China's countryside, the new implication of community education, and the heathy development of countryside's community education is the key to the success of urbanization.
155) Second, the definition removes the implication that international marketing applies only to market or business transactions.
156) The fable is figure of speech, including noumenon and implication. Zhuangzi's fables are no ( exception ).
157) This paper reconstructs and analyses the implication and appearance of the History Research Virtual Library ( HRVL ).
158) Of course, the implication is that foreigners would run scared if they lost confidence in the transparency and fairness of Wall Street.
159) Foreign currency caution money trades while having a lot of beneficial economy effect, it's oneself implication also is burning various risk.
160) this is an implication of diminishing marginal utility of income.
161) Aderson, J . R . Cognitive Psychology and Its Implication . Worth Publisher .
162) While pointing out some defects of classical logic[Sentencedict], the paper attributes them to substantial implication being directly applied to inference.
163) Implication connectives which are compatible with classical two-valued logic were defined, and they overcome the shortcoming that conditional probability can not be used to inference.
164) Let us consider the implication of the electrostatic theorem for chemical bonding in diatomic molecules.
165) Body language is a means of nonverbal communication of mankind. Its characteristics are implication, haziness and humor.
166) The problems of the present classification code system are analyzed. The unit-type general structure system and the treatment of implication factors are proposed in this paper.
167) A gold packet of king size a regal insignia, an attractive implication toward glamour and wealth.
168) The implication that marital infidelity enhances a leader's credibility is preposterous.
169) Firstly, it puts into order the key concepts of symbolist poetics, correspondence, implication and pure poetry.
170) The shop name, as a common social phenomenon, presents not only a nameboard but also a cultural implication.
171) Thermal pollution is an concomitant of power generation - an unavoidable implication of the second law of thermodynamics.
172) In the knowledge implication propositional logic system which build on this strategy, 1.
173) The "epidemicity" of war has one other clear implication: War cannot be used as a means to prevent or abolish war.
174) An analysis and discussion is also made on the conceptual proposition, deductive construction and logical implication.
175) Objective To evaluate the implication of monoclonal antibody detection of faecal occult blood ( FOB ) in colorectal cancer.
176) Implication of apologetics as preaching: we must not preach falsehoods.
177) An indirect or subtle, usually derogatory implication in expression; an insinuation.
178) Graphic art as a cultural integrity of the creation, contains a rich spiritual wealth and create implication, painting a strong performance in the field of arts vitality and unique aesthetic.
179) What he could not permit to slip by was my implication of their fallibility.
180) There is another implication lurking here ; speakers with lower resistances will support higher current drive.
181) Effects of adipocyte - derived cytokines on endothelial functions: implication of vascular disease.
182) Then what's the value for monitoring post - prandial glycemia and how about its implication for clinical use?
183) The consuming behavior of citizens in present China has become a system of implication and communication, shown in their symbolical consumption tendency.
184) The author divides overlapping insurance into three layers and adopts the comparative perspective to comment on its legal implication.
185) He gave a long account of his troubles, with the implication that he needed financial aid.
186) Redundancy is mainly achieved through reappearance and implication of information.
187) He smiled, with the implication that he didn't believe me.
188) It can desalinize the plot, returns to life and accumulates fully, which includes the blank with opening, implication and symbolizing two kinds.
189) Perhaps the lastest implication is " unusual " or " whimsical ".
190) She resented KO Chung - mou's scornful tone, and his implication that she was a frail, timid creature.
191) What is the implication on Employer Nominated Scheme (ENS) and Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS)?
192) This novel effect of enalapril may have an important therapeutic and prophylactic implication in patients with MI.
193) The implication presumably is that the duct tape replaces skill.
194) The history of the research on implication is a long one,(Sentencedict) but logicians have not arrived at a univocal interpretation of the meaning of implication.
195) The assumption may be made by express contract or by implication.
196) Results: The variograms model and its epidemiology implication were obtained.
197) Objective:To investigate the changes and clinical implication of plasma angiotensinogen (ATG) concentration in the patients with atherosclerotic cerebral infarction (ACI).
198) Form economic point of view, this paper discusses the efficiency of subrogation right of creditor, and analyzes briefly its policy implication.
199) The implication is that these are jobs that would not otherwise have come into existence.
200) XML function dependency, logical implication are the foundation of the further research on XML key and XML normalization theory.
201) On narrative discourse, the existing classification dig out the profound implication imbedded in every genre.




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