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单词 Peer
1. Peer pressure is strong among young people .
2. It will not be easy to find his peer.
3. She was rejected by her peer group.
4. A peer review system is being introduced to help teachers who are experiencing difficulty.
5. Love is not to peer at each other but to stare the same way together.
6. Naomi admits that it was peer pressure to be "cool" that drove her into having sex early.
7. Lord Swan was made a life peer in 1981.
8. Your brother can peer with him.
9. Teenagers may find it difficult to resist peer pressure.
10. There is tremendous peer pressure to wear fashionable clothes.
11. Teenagers often start smoking because of peer pressure.
12. The queen created him a peer.
13. He was made a life peer in 1991.
14. Children often take up smoking because of peer pressure.
15. She gets on well with her peer group.
16. She started smoking because of peer pressure.
17. He was made a life peer in the New Year's honours list.
18. Furthermore, there is a marked absence of peer pressure here, which would make itself palpably felt when such anti - social conduct occurs.
19. He watched the Customs official peer into the driver's window.
20. Acceptance by their peer group is important to most youngsters.
21. He is a peer.
22. Some work-inhibited students do suffer from poor peer relationships.
23. Peer evaluation within the teams has become the norm.
24. Viscount Astor, a hardworking and professional hereditary Peer.
25. First, there was the peer pressure from my colleagues.
26. She was created a life peer in 1990.
27. The Act made it possible for a woman to be created a life peer.
28. These children scored significantly lower on intelligence tests than others in their peer group.
29. She leaned her bike against the stone wall and stood on tiptoe to peer over it.
30. It is important for a manager to be able to get the support of his peer group.
1. Peer pressure is strong among young people .
2. She was rejected by her peer group.
3. A peer review system is being introduced to help teachers who are experiencing difficulty.
4. Naomi admits that it was peer pressure to be "cool" that drove her into having sex early.
5. Furthermore, there is a marked absence of peer pressure here, which would make itself palpably felt when such anti - social conduct occurs.
6. He is a peer.
31. How was I spending my time on peer relationships?
32. I jackknife up in bed, peer out.
33. Only a society in which people feel secure in their peer groups can bring about such mass action from below.
34. His eyes rarely left the jury box except occasionally to peer down at his notes.
35. The module will be undertaken on a group basis and self and peer assessment will feature strongly.
36. But he said efforts that involve a mix of strategies-such as media campaigns and peer counseling-have proven effective in reducing the numbers.
37. These findings highlight the importance of peer pressures in adolescence.
38. About half of the papers are rejected after being read by two editors without being sent for external peer review.
39. For example, post-puberty is the time when peer group friendships may take over from parents as the major influence.
40. A well-shaped grey head leaned to peer at her out of concerned hollow eyes, whose colour she could not determine.
41. Peer interviewing is a unique experience for most job applicants.
42. The project runs a well-attended post-placement group where families discuss issues ranging from sexuality to peer relationships.
43. Whether this entitles the House to exclude a peer on leave of absence has not been tested.
44. The chosen champion of the Everqueen of Avelorn, he is a warrior without peer and a foe without mercy.
45. The Geneva group describes peer review, voluntary, and mandatory monitoring schemes, but makes no recommendations.
46. They discovered spectator peer pressure, fans nudging recalcitrant neighbors to participate.
47. I think she was crying,(/peer.html) but adjudged it vulgar to peer.
48. There was no evidence that his peer relations improved or that he gained in academic knowledge.
49. How often have you wanted to peer into your disc drive to see what's inside, for example?
50. Only when evening comes does she lift the lid a chink and peer out, checking whether darkness has yet come.
51. The adolescent uses the peer group to evaluate the perspectives of others, while developing his or her own values and attitudes.
52. And then he disentangled himself from the last uniformed peer and reached Hardin.
53. The 31 year old peer lives in a mansion on the Cirencester Park Estate.
54. He would cock his head and peer into my eyes the way Marine Drill Instructors check rifle actions for lint.
55. Experts said parents can ask schools to offer conflict resolution courses or peer mediation programs.
56. The peer group gives out clear signals to its members both about style and about fundamental values and perspectives.
57. Informal observations suggest that it first becomes popular as a peer group language at the age of eleven or twelve.
58. How much attention do these programmes pay to the real dynamics of peer group pressures as they ebb and flow across adolescence?
59. Coursework may be carried out individually or in groups; the latter may involve peer assessment.
60. Gradually, Garrett's home manufactured machines began to be noticed by his peer group of treasure hunters.
61. What then of researching known subjects of equal status within your peer group?
62. Any lack of required work effort by an individual will affect the immediate group bonus and so peer pressure can be significant.
63. The primary research aim is to examine processes involved in peer tutoring.
64. I get down on my hands and knees and peer into the darkness but can only hear him grunting.
65. Parental attitude to smoking and peer influence are factors which affect both boys and girls taking up the smoking habit.
66. Carl Gunnersley, defending Khan, said his behaviour was also affected by drink and peer pressure.
67. The method can thus also be used as form of peer review.
68. I tried to peer in but it was getting too dark to see properly.
69. He got a bruising whack in his right eye - the one he uses to peer through his telescope at the stars.
70. Her peer group was struggling with the male menopause, of course, but the sting of rejection had been no less sharp.
71. It is Peer Gynt, who has lived a dissolute life.
72. As children acquire the pidgin, they use it with playmates and other children in their peer group.
73. A pair of wide plate glass windows peer into an Alician wonderland of exotic beings.
74. Terry's tactic was to use the systems analyst for a peer pressure over the programmer.
75. Meanwhile the villagers crowded to peer down the open manhole as though it were an interesting accident.
76. Anything that deviates from what is customary is going to raise questions among the peer group.
77. And they are given interpersonal strategies to avoid peer pressure to make these unhealthy choices.
77. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
78. These skills have the effect of laying children open to closer inspection and increase their vulnerability through peer appraisal and criticism.
79. The youth are also taught this questioning strategy when they become peer educators.
80. Otherwise, peer at your child through the window. Send gifts.
81. If you were sitting there you would have to peer over the pile of cups on your lap.
82. So we put together a list of students who were peer mentors.
83. Strategic support groups are an invaluable form of peer coaching, but they are not to be taken lightly.
84. Information on childhood history, family, peer and work experiences was obtained, as well as detailed information on current circumstances.
85. Questions that the peer group are likely to ask of a design could include: Can bespoke programs use library routines?
86. I was buttoning my jacket when the little peer returned.
87. Peer social interactions pave the way for potential mutual respect relations with adults in later development.
88. I peer through the window to the side of the door and a mime is in progress, a woman energetically vacuuming.
89. Others thus jammed beside her were shouting questions to those before them, and craning to peer over their heads.
90. The subtleties of peer relationships are negotiated by generation after generation, in different ways and perhaps with different values or rules.
91. Blood matted the blond hair, and Lindsey took a deep breath as she leaned closer to peer at the wound.
92. In part, the growth of peer pressure will result from revolutionary changes in pay practices.
93. It was never published in a reputable journal or subjected to the normal peer review.
94. Universities by contrast have a tradition of publishing and disseminating the results of their research for peer approval.
95. The articles amount to premature judgment of an issue that has yet to be subjected to valid peer review.
96. The interviewing panel was civil and included a peer of the realm, a major-General, and a gentleman farmer.
97. The peer group of the extremist-activist typically shares her political opinions.
98. I peer through the magnifier at the still struggling insect.
99. Tutors learn to clarify their thinking, and tutees often experience cognitive conflict from being exposed to the views of peer tutors.
100. Climb the hill and enter the echoing fifteenth-century Gothic church to peer through glass panels at the medieval foundations.
101. As the individual adolescent seeks to grow more independent of the family, peer groups and friends become important points of reference.
102. This form of game-playing begins with praise of a peer, and ends with negative feedback on that peer.
103. The peer group makes decisions in a democratic way, with all owners having a say in the final decision.
104. He expected you to have excellent peer relationships and to help people who depend upon you.
105. A disturbing tendency is that some adolescent work-inhibited students narrow their peer relationships to others who also do poorly in school.
106. Until his party's death, a hereditary peer, Lord Milford, was the sole Communist in parliament.
107. The view is worth every tortured moment of discomfort it takes to hunker down, scrunch up, and peer out.
107. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
108. Cosmopolitans were defined as showing higher levels of commitment to specialized skills and professional peer group judgement than to the employing organization.
109. He loved catching bugs in jars and would peer in through the glass, mesmerized, to watch them scurry about.
110. In academic research we submit our findings to rigorous peer review.
111. The authors also say that peer review is ineffective as a mechanism for restructuring scientific activity.
112. When they landed Paul crept forward to peer out into the grassland from behind a tree.
113. Where affection is the preserve of family and friends, status is more the preserve of the wider peer group or community.
114. He saw a child's head peer round the wing of the comfortable chair, the child from last night.
115. A peer review would require no more than a scan of the vast international medical literature.
116. A system of peer review was also introduced to make qualitative judgments about teaching abilities.
117. However, unsophisticated people should not let peer pressure push them into a fad.
118. Fish tucked into crevices peer out, while crabs scavenge over the reef and probe soft corals for food.
119. Rather, the programs will use school-based education programs, family members and peer groups.
120. Managers in the computer company found it somewhat easier to establish supportive peer relationships than those in the securities firm.
121. The court is not allowed to peer inside at the meanings assigned to those elements, except to find a non-jurisdictional error.
122. There, onlookers peer in through the windows, looking at the strange mess inside.
123. It might be that this peer group is the best possibility available to the extremist-activist to achieve closeness with anyone.
124. Peer pressure among journalists also can have a powerful influence on improving performance.
125. A thought struck her, and she leapt up to peer into the mirror over the mantelpiece.
126. She plops down on the empty cot and lifts a curtain to peer out the window.
127. Accordingly, peer interactions are of particular cognitive importance from the time the child enters school.
128. Somehow, without guidance and peer influence, cricketers are apt to bite the hand that feeds them.
129. Tabitha got to her feet and pushed Marco aside to peer at the controls.
130. General Shafter corrected, and the three officers, bouncing about as they tried to peer down through the clouds, laughed.
131. Martin and Irvine 1983 recognise three problems with peer evaluation, and suggest ways of overcoming these problems.
132. This document defines an overall peer review process.
133. In case of peer pressure, just say NO!
134. Children are easily influenced by their peer.
135. Remote PPP peer is not responding.
136. Kennicott stooped to peer through the windows.
137. You can grow through developing true individuality, unfettered by peer group pressures.
138. This paper proposes a multimedia real - time sharing system - to - Peer ( P 2 P ) network < ...
139. Related to abstraction, the idea of leveling is to place information items into peer categories at the correct level in the hierarchy.
140. As the ribbon is the auxiliary products, profits have been relatively modest, and the constant peer companies to join, rising raw material prices has led to increasing competition.
141. While PPP defines a peer - to - peer relationship, discovery is inherently a client - server relationship.
142. Status Offline But the importance of peer - to - peer networking extends beyond information sharing.
143. Two-thirds also would tell a peer about an undone zipper, but only half would tell a higher-up, it said.
144. She's a peeress in her own right , ie not merely by marriage to a peer.
145. Traditional stovepipe development brackets off peer delivery streams behind business ownership, budgetary and operational boundaries.
146. The Internet Key Exchange ( IKE ), an application - layer protocol, authenticates each peer in an IPsec transaction.
147. The assignments culminate a 15 - to 20 - page final paper of publishable quality in a peer - reviewed journal.
148. He's been elevated to the peerage, ie made a peer.
149. The Pittsburgh communiqu é promised to subject members'economic policies to " peer review "
150. Their curtains are perpetually drawn , so a passerby cannot peer inside.
151. Children try to behave like other members of their peer group.
152. A battle is a veil through which it is not wise to peer.
153. All this make it more urgent to study the peer group and its influence.
154. Following the two-layer P2P architecture, we have devised a self-adaptive routing strategy for systems with peer cluster topology to handle the similarity search.
155. This talent more than any deficiencies in our peer review process.
156. She's a peeress in her own right , is not merely by marriage to a peer.
157. Of course, Miller cautions, swarm behaviour in humans can have a downside, especially when it manifests as groupthink or peer pressure.
158. It helps enable end - to - end connectivity often needed by peer - to - peer applications.
159. One worthwhile peer - teaching a activity is called'synergy. "
160. Use SOCKET, written by a peer - to - peer chat source code!
161. Due to its high secrecy, the working system of Peer Review System remains uncovered.
162. Detailed and public scrutiny and peer group pressure are the most we can hope for.
163. The peer group makes very important environment for teenagers, which affects behavioral pattern.
164. To improve the real-time performance for visual navigation of the mobile robot, a parallel color image segmentation algorithm using peer group filter(PGF) and fuzzy membership is studied.
165. The only checking we can do of UML - like diagrams is peer review.
166. Because Phase 1 required a relatively structured and formal proof of concept, we were treating it as a mini-project, complete with testing and QA (peer review) on the evolving product.
167. Kramer could submit what seemed to the information - starved Germans to peer direct into the Allies'minds.
168. The paper about peer communicative attribution belongs to the research of mechanism.
169. They take me for a dun ,() peer out from a coign of vantage.
170. Don't allow peer pressure to force you into an inauthentic role.
171. Hong Kong's environmental monitoring and audit activities have been highly rated by international peer review.
172. A peer - reviewed journal devoted to new research in library and information science.
173. Start by adding an else statement at the scope of the if that interrogated the request to see if the requests were linked through our peer.req linking scheme.
174. Dependent peer services are represented by a graph based data structure.
175. Positive peer influence – Young person's best friends model responsible behaviour.
176. Knots peer out from the bark of these North American aspen trees.
177. The market people peer at him from their booths and stalls.
178. He was temporarily deprived of the privileges of a peer.
179. Delivers completed Inspection Summary Report to the organization's peer review coordinator.
180. If the setting is enabled, servers are only available for peer recovery processing after they are restarted.
181. The magna carta gives every free man the right to be tried by his peer.
182. The others never come close, but peer at it with frightened, disgusted eyes.
183. Or you can get it on the peer - to - peer networks How pervasive is cracked software?
184. To look or peer furtively, as from a place of concealment.
185. The anonymous peer review process is the enemy of scientific creativity, Sir James says.
186. Peer Steinbr ü ck , the German finance minister , a special booby prize for premature triumphalism.
187. Using peer to peer programs is like inviting spyware into your computer.
188. A bearded peer appeared on the pier to peer in the pier glass.
189. Neither that fireman nor I had any time to peer into our creepy thoughts.
190. How do deviant peer groups form , and how peer groups influence adolescents'aggression or antisocial behavior?
191. Through his magic lantern, Logray was able to peer into the Gorax's cave and confirm that Jeremitt and Caterine were still alive.
192. Peer - to - Peer computing mode has gained ground, with which many P 2 P applications for various scenes are booming.
193. When Howard Carter opened a small hole to peer inside the tomb at treasures hidden for 3, 000 years, he also unleashed a global passion for ancient Egypt.
194. He was valued by both his peer and his superiors.
195. New heat - resistant stewpot and taBleware stand proudly without peer in this generation.
196. He had to peer at his book because the room was dark.
197. Computing trust value is agile for locating in peer group or between peer group.
198. She has no peer in the concoction of mystery stories.
199. The paper discusses roaming trust degree from two sides. One is authentic degree of user given by the peer entity which user belongs to.
200. The authors also introduce the unique consecutive peer - review process of the Journal of Neurosurgery.
201. In this mode, the Write operation is acknowledged after the data is stored on the local disk and mirrored to the peer node's memory.
201. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
202. With the modification, large numbers of pedestrians were induced a halt, crowd together and peer upward.
203. Directors increased their chances of board appointments via provision of advice and information to CEOs and ingratiatory behavior toward peer directors.
204. Compeer : a person of equal status or rank ; a peer.
205. Sibling relationships also influence children's peer status and peer relationships.
206. The positive function of peer review in teaching foreign language writing is well recognized.
207. SG 2 Peer reviews are performed on selected work work products.




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