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单词 Ally
1, Charles remained a close ally of the French king.
2, Ally was confident that we would be ready on time, but I had my doubts .
3, Portugal is a traditional ally of England.
4, Ally groped steadily towards the door.
5, She had found an ally in her old teacher.
6, He now had an ally against his boss.
7, He is a close ally of the Prime Minister.
8, She felt she needed an ally so badly.
9, Jane felt that she had an ally.
10, She knew she had found an ally in Ted.
11, His sister was his ally against their grandparents.
12, In that war England was not an ally; she was neutral.
13, He will have no choice but to ally himself with the new movement.
14, The United States is a close ally of South Korea.
15, The Prime Minister found a surprise ally today in the shape of Jacques Delors(), the Commission President.
16, Exercise is an important ally in your campaign to lose weight.
17, Op tion ally, with one teaspoon nondairy creamer.
18, The aunt was a prime ally.
19, With the leader of our most important ally.
20, They murdered her friend and political ally,(http:///ally.html) Airey Neave.
21, He has an important new ally - Princess Diana.
22, Willa remains, in my memory, my dearest ally.
23, Robert Walker, R-Pa., a close Gingrich ally.
24, Lynne could be an important ally.
25, The coming of the railways and their ally, the telegraph system, put an end to this situation.
26, He is generally considered to be the Prime Minister's closest political ally.
27, During World War One, Turkey and Germany were allies/Turkey was an ally of Germany.
28, Alan Simpson of Wyoming, a close friend and political ally.
29, Perhaps another factor was the ever-rising star of Commander Dander, old friend and ally of Coffin and now his influential patron.
30, The shocking stills above are from the 1992 film and show the Ally McBeal star making herself sick after a binge.
1, Charles remained a close ally of the French king.
2, Ally was confident that we would be ready on time, but I had my doubts .
3, She felt she needed an ally so badly.
4, In that war England was not an ally; she was neutral.
31, Porras found an astute ally in newly elected President Alvaro Arzu, a pragmatic businessman with an instinct for building consensus.
32, The Yuezhi were the goal of Zhang Qian's mission to the west to find a powerful ally against the Xiongnu.
33, There was nothing personal in Cheltenham intercepting and decoding a confidential message from an ally to its own embassy.
34, He also had an inclination to attach himself, whether as ally or enemy, to dangerous and disreputable people.
35, Since that time, Feinstein said she has tried to make amends with her longtime political ally and friend.
36, And he has a most distressing ally in this effort, a media suddenly gone mushy and unfocused.
37, You can always bank on Ally McCoist to defuse the tension.
38, Kissinger in particular thought it outrageous that such an old friend and ally as the Shah should not be allowed into the States.
39, It includes Ally, a document analysis module that details statistics on word occurrences.
40, The pressure is discreet - after all, the survival of a key Western ally and a new democracy is at stake.
41, Patients will often be your greatest ally when testing yourself for the first time.
42, Britain's role in the Berlin air-lift earned her the accolade of a staunch and like-minded ally.
43, Cleveland was a close ally of Dorsheimer and an admirer of Olmsted.
44, The Reagan White House had understood from the beginning that the press was not its natural ally.
45, A courtesy shuttle bus runs to and from the Ally Pally.
46, This time the stakes are higher than ever: the very future of Moscow's most important military ally.
47, Ally Donaldson kicked two penalty goals for Currie and converted a late try by Dean Mack.
48, Having seen his ally overwhelmed in this startling fashion, Count Vulgrin decided that discretion was the better part of valour.
49, For many peace activists, Thabet was a friend, and trusted ally.
49, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
50, My hon. Friend has been a staunch ally in trying to resolve difficulties as they have arisen for my constituents.
51, As relations with the Soviet Union deteriorated the Western zones began to be seen as a potential ally against Soviet expansion.
52, He would do anything, I think, to harm Arthur, even ally himself with the Saxons.
53, Grant's other ally, Rocky O'Rourke, had also answered the call and enlisted the willing aid of nine other truckers.
54, He would have been a natural ally for Edward Heath, campaigning for him against the Conservative right.
55, Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., who supports the immigration package but is viewed as a potential ally.
56, If they are burned they can not regenerate, so fire is the greatest ally of the Troll fighter.
57, As the bears go after salmon, not sticks, one might make a powerful ally in the Fishermen's War.
58, Gus van Kouwenhoven is Mr Taylor's most important business ally.
59, Most saw the current boss as more of a threat then an ally: There can be no meaningful dialogue between us.
60, Powell lost his bid to have his ally Richard Armitage, appointed as deputy defence secretary under Rumsfeld.
61, Nkrumah saw this as a contradiction, and was critical, thus annoying Nyerere who should have been a natural ally.
62, Brackenbury was kindly, and had always shown them the courtesy due to their rank - and himself as their ally.
63, Bush is not viewed as a strong ally by social conservatives.
64, A close ally of Clinton, he led his election campaign in Mississippi.
65, The most eloquent witness to this fact is Maxse's old ally Bridgeman.
66, Being driven to desperation, it occurred to him to seek a strong ally.
67, Selection favoured union with the large cells of his ally, and so the sexes were born.
68, This republican religion, as we shall see, was sometimes a political ally but also an ideological competitor.
69, Even a potential ally needs to feel the first rush of adrenal urgency.
70, The United States, formerly President Barre's close ally,() has abandoned him.
71, Ally was angry, as angry as any feminist would be in such a situation.
72, The third example of the painful emotion engram is the third type: loss of an ally by reversal.
73, But it's unthinkable that they should allow the krytron into the hands of their oldest ally.
74, It's not the way to celebrate your centenary, as manager Ally Robertson knows only too well.
75, The trouble comes when the analytical mind is shut down by restimulation and the auditor is seeking the ally computation.
76, Few people could have made a less favorable impression or turned out to be such a stalwart ally.
77, Third World industry could also become an ally in promoting efficient technology.
78, Whitehall's biggest potential ally is the United States, which is sending a large delegation to fight the ban.
79, The bald man extended a toe and slid it experiment ally across the glassy surface of ice.
79, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
80, When they failed, Aristide chose a close ally, Rene Preval, as his successor.
81, A preclear is only placed in apathy by ally computations.
82, The soccer mom walks out a happy customer and a political ally for life.
83, Our decision to back Tito led to our ally Mihailovich's execution and today's Yugoslav bloodbath.
84, Some commentators speculate he also could ally himself with maverick retired Gen.
85, The urban petty bourgeoisie is a reliable ally.
86, Ally or Threat is a false dichotomy.
87, Houses ally with one another by marriage.
88, a close ally and friend of the prime minister.
89, Saint Lucia became Taiwan's 25 th diplomatic ally.
90, She will regret losing a close political ally.
91, An arachnoid membrane is your best ally.
92, We only crush our finest natural ally.
93, The peasantry is the firm ally of the proletariat.
94, Ally , can we get a recap?
95, Later that turn , your hero is attacked by an ally with 2 ATK.
96, To the extent the Shiites feel attacks, Iran will be seen as a stalwart coreligionist ally.
97, Results ADHD and CD patients presented irregular CNV wavefrom, especi ally CD patients.
98, The government does not have an official stance on who JAL should ally with. Some senior officials in the transport ministry are pushing for JAL to defect to SkyTeam, sources have told Reuters.
99, We have invested significant time and effort to identify the right partner to ally with for this acquisition and we are extremely excited about the prospect of bringing ICD into the DSM portfolio.
100, She won a special election -- with nearly 62% of the vote -- to succeed longtime ally Hilda Solis, now U.S. Labor secretary, in the 32nd Congressional District.
101, Less forgivable would be abusing the trust of an ally, as some suspect the government has.
102, President Sarkozy will be an easier transatlantic ally , for sure , but he will still be no walkover .
103, At the same time, he angrily defeated those emerging southern nationalists (led by his former ally, John C. Calhoun) who defied federal authority in the name of states' rights.
104, In 1978, with America's ally the Shah of Iran under siege, President Jimmy Carter asked a former diplomat named George Ball to study the situation and recommend a course of action.
105, The new barman didn't believe in the supernatural or poltergeists or anything kooky like that, he just knew an useful ally when he saw one.
106, "What they've done to Berlusconi is an act of terrorism, " Umberto Bossi, head of the far-right Northern League and a close Berlusconi ally, told Ansa.
107, Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexenoic acid (DHA) which were physiologic ally active made up 21 percent of total oil.
108, As a subject concerning with the research of systematic symbols, semeiology is aimed to establish a series of gener ally applicable rules of communication.
109, In this paper Cr - Mn - B and Cr - Mn - MO - B wear - resistant low - alloy steels have been systematic - ally studied.
110, When D-day arrived they have made enough Penicillin to treat all the wounded ally forces.
111, Bongo's death means the loss to France of a leader who was until very recently its closest ally in Africa.
112, The trade deals were opposed by groups including the afl-cio,() the largest U.S. labor federation and a frequent Democratic ally.
113, But Harry Truman inherited two great wars, an atom bomb and an ally, Joseph Stalin, about to dishonor his commitments and enslave half of Europe.
114, I am sensible of the importance of having an ally of such weight.
115, Two conversations with our longtime ally King Hussein bracketed the meeting with Ismail.
116, It could backfire by emboldening the Taliban and annoying ally Pakistan, which fears Washington will cut and run as the Soviets did in Afghanistan.
117, The closest ally to the Tattaglia Family was Don Emilio Barzini.
118, Pahlevi, the Shah of Iran, in order to deal with Soviet threat and the challenge posed by radical Arab countries, regarded Israel as peripheral strategic ally.
119, The staunch ally of the proletariat is the peasantry, and next comes the urban petty bourgeoisie.
120, Despite his occasional protestations of friendship, he disliked England and thought her a worthless ally.
121, His adversary Danton and his ally Saint-Just were also young men, one in his early 30s and the other in his mid-20s.
122, City tip: You can ally with the Pagans, the Hammers , both, or neither. It's your choice.
123, There was a heated propaganda war between the Entente Countries and the Ally Countries during WWI.
124, Cao Cao tried to ally with the kingdom of Wu, which was currently ruled by Sun Quan, in an attempt to get rid of Liu Bei once for all. But, Wu refused.
125, When any large operation is undertaken, it is usually a surprise attack against an ally.
126, He surrendered ten days later, and the American victory convinced the French government to formally recognize the colonist's cause and enter the war as their ally.
127, To ally with the great powers is a cornerstone in Israel's foreign policy.
128, Ally surreptitiously guzzles water at every chance to avoid the dreaded dry mouth kiss.
129, The marquis was an ally in the British parliament during American Revolution.
130, Thereafter, they migrated gradu - ally into the cortical region together wich GO, Mitochondria ( Mi ), etc.
131, Most telling of all are the stirrings of disquiet in America, Israel's most steadfast ally.
132, A fierce battle was fought between Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton and Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson and his Congressional ally James Madison during the Washington Administration.
133, Dracula : You have ever been the ally of humans.
134, Full-throated support by China was too much to expect, analysts say, because the country is North Korea's chief economic benefactor and political ally.
135, There are several different tribes you can ally with, all with their own units and abilities.
136, The desertion of an ally, especially from fear of war, saps the spirit of any army.
137, Now, however, the workers'new ally, the federal government, went into action.
138, Furthermore, Fred Gegare, a former Hoffa man, is also running against his longtime ally, which Ms Pope hopes will split the vote in her favour.
139, Since 2004 an ally of President Saakashvili, Levan Varshalomidze,(http:///ally.html) has been chairman of the regional council of ministers.
140, Australian Prime Minister John Howard, a close U.S. ally , showed no such reticence.
141, He lost decisively to Scipio's ally Masinissa at the Battle of Zama, but escaped.
142, Some people wear casu - ally and some people are dressed daintily.
143, Even the official ally of the moment is always regarded with the darkest suspicion.
144, You teleport an ally and an enemy within 10 squares of you, swapping their positions.
145, He was forced to ally with them again against the Japanese, with whom full-fledged war broke out in 1937.
146, They want AI 5 as a supplicant client, rather than as a well - disposed but independent ally.
147, China is the junta's key ally and trade partner, and an eager investor in the isolated state's sizeable natural resources.
148, To shake off this difficult situation, Japan decided to ally with some other countries.
149, On the whole, financial holding company has advantages over strategic ally in range efficiency.
150, One of china's foreign policy is that it will not ally with the other countries.
151, The marquis was an ally in the British Parliament during the American Revolution.
152, And India, as the most representative democratic country and the leader of the nonalignment campaign, promptly became an important object to keenly approach and ally with.
153, The Bush Administration considers the United Arab Emirates an ally in the war on terror.
154, One doctor realized he needed the patient to see him as an ally, not an authority figure. So he responded, "Gosh, I know just how you feel.
155, Rape, colza or mustard oil and fractions thereof, whether or not refined, but not chemic- ally modified.
156, The unfreezing of Sino American relations was in essence a para - ally.
157, Ally is asked to be a pallbearer at the funeral of her ex-law professor, but in the process must confront his widow about how well she knew the man.
158, Do you renumber one ally want to know what I think?
159, North Korea, a longstanding ideological ally,(http:///ally.html) has had increasingly testy relations with China in recent years.
160, Will the two parties ally with each other in the new government?
161, Sydney Carton , idlest and most unpromising of men, was Stryver's great ally.
162, Under the Right opportunist line of Chen Tu - hsiu , the peasants, our chief ally, were abandoned.
163, An arachnoid membrane is your best ally. Always do your dissection within the arachnoidal planes.
164, Mugabe re - appointed an ally, Central Bank Governor Gideon Gono for another five - year term.
165, It is possible to communicateseri - ally between distributed MCS —48 and IBM — PC.
166, An augmentation that increases the strength and wisdom of the templar's ally.




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