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单词 heel
释义  Related topics: Humanheel1 /hiːl/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1. of your foot 脚的HBH the curved back part of your foot 脚后跟 → toe2  of a shoe 鞋的DCC the raised part on the bottom of a shoe that makes the shoe higher at the back 后跟,鞋跟 black boots with high heels 有高跟的黑靴子high-heeled/low-heeled/flat-heeled etc her low-heeled blue shoes 她的蓝色低跟鞋 →4  See picture of 见图 FOOTWEAR →5 see picture at 见图 shoe13. of a sock 袜子的DCC the part of a sock that covers your heel (袜子的)后跟4  of your hand 手的HBH the part of your hand between the bottom of your thumb and your wrist 〔近腕处的〕手掌根 Using the heel of your hand, press the dough firmly into shape. 用手掌根使劲把面团压成形。5  heels [plural]DCC a pair of women’s shoes with high heels 〔一双〕高跟鞋 Whenever she wore heels she was taller than the men she worked with. 她穿上高跟鞋就会比男同事都高。6  at somebody’s heels NEARif a person or animal is at your heels, they are following closely behind you 紧跟着某人,紧随某人之后 He could hear the dog trotting at his heels. 他能听见那条狗小跑着紧紧跟在他身后。7  a) (hard/hot/close) on the heels of somethingFOLLOW very soon after something 紧接着某事,在某事后不久 The decision to buy Peters came hard on the heels of the club’s promotion to Division One. 该俱乐部队刚升至甲级就作出了购买彼得斯的决定。 b) (hard/hot/close) on somebody’s heels following closely behind someone, especially in order to catch or attack them 〔尤指为捉拿或袭击而〕紧跟某人 With the enemy army hard on his heels, he crossed the Somme at Blanche-Taque. 敌军穷追不舍,他在布朗什-塔克渡过了索姆河。8. bring somebody to heel FORCE somebody TO DO somethingto force someone to behave in the way that you want them to 使某人就范,使某人顺从9  come to heel British English a) if a dog comes to heel, it comes back to its owner when the owner calls it 〔狗被召唤时〕来到主人跟前 b) if someone comes to heel, they start to behave in the way that you want them to 〔某人〕服从,就范10  take to your heels writtenESCAPE to start running away 拔腿逃走 As soon as he saw me he took to his heels. 一看到我,他拔腿就逃。11  turn/spin on your heel writtenTURN to suddenly turn away from someone, especially in an angry or rude way 〔尤指生气地、无礼地〕突然转身 Before anyone could say a word, he turned on his heel and walked out of the room. 还没等人说出一句话,他转身就走出了房间。12  under the heel of somebody/something CONTROLcompletely controlled by a government or group 任由…摆布;被…操纵 a people under the heel of an increasingly dictatorial regime 在日益专制的政府统治下的一个民族13. bad man 坏人 old-fashionedBAD PERSON a man who behaves badly towards other people 坏蛋,坏家伙 → Achilles' heel, down-at-heel, well-heeled, → click your heels at click1(1), → cool your heels at cool2(4), → dig your heels in at dig1(4), → drag your heels at drag1(8), → be/fall head over heels in love at head1(36), → kick your heels at kick1(9)Examples from the Corpusheel• He gets the goods, but he feels like a heel.• He then handed her the turtle, turned on his heels and walked off.• Mary found a pair of black pumps with three-inch heels and silver buckles.• This season Gwynn often has been hindered by an inflamed heel, intensifying speculation that his weight is an issue.• Suddenly, the boar had been faced with a cliff too steep to climb and had turned on its heel.• The woollen choirboy under my heel!• It is projected to hit $ 1. 17 billion in 1996 sales, nipping at the heels of Sega and Nintendo.• Hard, through the heel of my thumb.heel2 verb  n1. → heel!2. [transitive]DCC to put a heel on a shoe 给〔鞋子〕钉后跟3 heel over phrasal verb TTWFALLif something heels over, it leans to one side as if it is going to fall 倾斜(要倒) The ship was heeling over in the wind. 船在风中向一侧倾斜。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusheel• With just the mainsail out, the boat heeled hard off the wind on to a port reach.nheel!1.spokenDHP used to tell your dog to walk next to you 跟上!〔唤狗用语〕 → heelOrigin heel1 Old English hælaheel1 nounheel2 verbheel!LDOCE OnlineChinese  part of the curved back your foot Corpus




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