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单词 Refuge
1. Learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age. 
2. They took refuge in a bomb shelter.
3. These people are seeking/taking refuge from persecution.
4. They were forced to seek refuge from the fighting.
5. Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
6. During the frequent air-raids, people took refuge in their cellars.
7. They looked to the country as the last refuge of liberty.
8. A further 300 people have taken refuge in the US embassy.
9. When I am sad, I take refuge in remembering happier times.
10. Crying is the refuge of plain women. Pretty women go shopping.
11. They took refuge in the embassy.
12. They sought refuge in the mountain villages.
13. We took refuge in the lee of the wall.
14. He took refuge from the storm in a hut.
15. He always refers to the house as his "refuge".
16. They took refuge in the fortress.
17. For her[/refuge.html], poetry is a refuge from the world.
18. They took refuge in a cave yesterday.
19. The cave provided refuge from the storm.
20. Home is a refuge against the pressures of work.
21. They found refuge from the bright sun.
22. The climbers slept in a mountain refuge.
23. Thousands of people crossed the border, seeking refuge from the war.
24. All too often, they get bored, and seek refuge in drink and drugs.
25. The growing number of people seeking refuge in Thailand is beginning to concern Western aid agencies.
26. A huge oak tree provided a refuge from the storm.
27. She took refuge in the library, where she could read to her heart's content.
28. To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life. W. Somerset Maugham 
29. As the situation at home got worse she increasingly took refuge in her work.
30. The woman had fled from her violent husband to a women's refuge in Chelmsford.
1. They took refuge in a bomb shelter.
2. These people are seeking/taking refuge from persecution.
3. They were forced to seek refuge from the fighting.
4. During the frequent air-raids, people took refuge in their cellars.
5. They looked to the country as the last refuge of liberty.
6. A further 300 people have taken refuge in the US embassy.
7. As the situation at home got worse she increasingly took refuge in her work.
8. We took refuge in the lee of the wall.
31. Four people who sought refuge in the Italian embassy have left voluntarily.
32. They were hoping to find a safe refuge for the night.
33. As the buildings rocked under heavy shell-fire, he took refuge in the cellars.
34. Hundreds of dissidents are seeking refuge/asylum in the US embassy.
35. His home became a place of refuge for the believers.
36. He regarded the room as a refuge from the outside world.
37. The warden of Sarah's refuge has welcomed the move.
38. She wasn't expected at the Refuge till lunch time.
39. He sought refuge in vague and ambiguous promises.
40. During the flooding, people took refuge in the hills.
40. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
41. College is a refuge from hasty judgment. Robert Frost 
42. The two seek refuge on an uninhabited island.
43. London is, or was, a great refuge for hacks.
44. How did the caribou first find their winter refuge?
45. Its roots provide refuge for fish and fry.
46. Then she turned and flew on winged feet up the narrow stair to take refuge in her garret room.
47. Shimoda Harbour was close-packed with scores of fishing boats, gunnel to gunnel, taking refuge from the forecast typhoon.
48. This woman arrived at the refuge early one summer evening in 1982 after a row over the dinner.
49. The crevices at the sides of chairs provide an ideal refuge for fleas at all stages in their lifecycle.
50. Most of the former inmates sought refuge in his abbey, and many stayed on to help run it.
51. She took refuge behind an angel's wings and, from this vantage point, spied upon her family.
52. Some of his companions died with him, a few fled abroad, but most took refuge in Kenilworth Castle in Warwickshire.
53. Eden took refuge behind the usual claim that it would not be in the national interest to disclose how Crabb had drowned.
54. Polyneices took refuge in Argos and did all he could to arouse enmity against Thebes.
55. Unable to compete in the market, some of Microsoft's rivals have already sought refuge in antitrust law.
56. Many urban homeless were seeking refuge in subway stations and bus depots.
57. Your only chance is to pull at him from the side, which may steer him away from the refuge he seeks.
58. He took refuge on Christmas Eve at a settlement he christened Bethlehem.
59. An unkempt coat will provide a refuge for parasites, and if soiled with faecal matter is likely to attract flies.
60. For example it was highlighted that a disproportionate number of Black women remained in refuge accommodation for longer periods before they were rehoused.
61. Some of these inlets lead to salt marshes and estuaries which give refuge to many other coastal birds, especially waders.
62. To avoid further childishness Leonora took refuge in stony, obdurate silence.
63. But no outside help materialized and after a few days he prudently took refuge across the border in Milan.
64. The island of Angistri went up in flames within minutes of being declared a wildlife refuge.
65. It will move into any refuge that happens to be conveniently available.
66. Finally, the violence reached the point where she left and stayed in a refuge for battered women.
67. The only mourners at her funeral are the women from the refuge.
68. It provides refuge for fish and fry in its trailing roots.
69. She hated going to the Refuge and she dreaded letting Clare know that.
70. In the moonlight it appeared more like a great slab of concrete than a refuge for ducks.
70. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
71. Instead she took refuge in the library where she could read and research to her heart's content.
72. But more important than these human aspects is the virtually untarnished natural history of the refuge.
73. Mrs Markus increasingly took refuge from her unhappy domestic life at the Vienna Bridge Club.
74. The composer came here from the nearby orphanage where he was raised, and today visitors find it a similarly welcoming refuge.
75. That, the authors conclude, casts doubt on the refuge hypothesis.
76. Refuge is a terrifying journey into avant-garde, subtly thematic territory.
77. The basement provided us with a refuge from the fighting.
78. The future of the refuge still hangs in the balance.
79. A small land bird had taken refuge on the cabin roof during the gale.
80. He shot the smoke, which shot back, then he took refuge behind a pile of stones.
81. Only a small percentage sought refuge at government shelters, Ferreira said Monday.
82. Accordingly, that liberty need not seek refuge at the ballot box.
83. Dionysus retreated before him and even took refuge from him in the depths of the sea.
84. Jane contemplated throwing on her clothes and leaving her refuge to climb farther up the mountainside to the caves.
85. At a convenience store / gas station in Manvel, several people seek refuge from the storms.
86. The basis for the great national forest, park, monument, and wildlife refuge systems of the present had been laid.
87. They travelled here for refuge or for rest, To learn the language or to taste the fruit.
88. Residents within line of fire were evacuated from their homes and advised to take refuge at the Shuttle and Loom pub.
89. Behind a screen of scented orange-blossom was a little arbour with a stone bench, and she took refuge there.
90. But she finds refuge with another man, ironically a local braggart photographer who is not so much successful as handy.
91. The proprietary system never did work well, and the colony never became a great place for refuge.
92. I took refuge in the bookstore on the square and found Howl, which was unknown in Arizona at the time.
93. The refuge was crowded with skiers following the Haute Route - the high level alpine traverse.
94. In its early stages, insomnia is almost an oasis in which those who have to think or suffer darkly take refuge. Colette 
95. Idleness is the only refuge of weak minds, and the holiday of fools. Lord Chesterfield 
96. The first link features Linda Fiorentino as a nightclub chanteuse who seeks refuge in a church from a possessive ex-boyfriend.
97. In my full view the judge went out, opened the gate and beckoned to him politely to enter and seek refuge.
98. Towns, therefore, were coming to assume greater importance as places of defence and refuge for the surrounding countryside.
99. Situated on the Tees estuary, the area is already an internationally-famous Ramscar class wetland refuge for birds, waders and wildfowl.
100. I hope not because Britain is essentially a decent place to take refuge and find acceptance.
100. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
101. At first, Jenny took refuge with her dollies and their little friends.
102. In the wild, a barn owl would take refuge in a barn and would probably manage to catch mice there.
103. Its fugitive Dalai Lama and his "government-in-exile" have found refuge in India since 1959—and China blames him, and by extension his hosts, for the continued rebelliousness in his homeland.
104. Taking refuge in the Dharma, save the ambrosial water and set up a waterworks in yourselves.
105. A major section of Nar Shaddaa became a refuge for Neimoidians in hiding.
106. Continued Rumsfeld: "These oppressed Iraqi oil wells deserve the right to pump oil as freely as any other oil well on God's Earth-be it in Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, or an Alaskan wildlife refuge.
107. Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge supports the largest concentration of manatees in a natural spring area, all year round.
108. A short sail southeast of Cheung Chau is Lamma -- Hong Kong's third largest island and its ultimate get-away-from-it-all refuge.
109. I sought refuge in the cool dark of a newsreel theatre, where a tour de force by Bugs Bunny and three Librium restored my nervous system to its usual timbre.
110. It is the most purely country classicalism in Europe and a refuge in village.
111. Along with native Andalucia , they were forced to take refuge in the Andalucian mountai .
112. In 2001, Bin Laden fled Afghanistan before the US invasion and was believed to have taken refuge in the lawless tribal areas of north-west Pakistan.
113. One forlorn fragment of dollanity had belonged to Jo and, having led a tempestuous life, was left a wreck in the rag bag, from which dreary poorhouse it was rescued by Beth and taken to her refuge.
114. In central Johannesburg the Methodist church has become a refuge for about 1,000 people, most of them Zimbabweans.
115. The cities of refuge provided protection for the one who accidentally killed another, and they helped to prevent blood guiltiness for the shedding of innocent blood (19:10).
116. merely the refuge which the ingenious have invented, when they were supplied with food and women, to escape the tediousness of life.
117. For the refuge in the Buddha to be genuine, it must be accompanied by a commitment to the Buddha as an incomparable teacher, as unexcelled and unsurpassed.
118. Takes refuge from danger urgently the essential limit has not been clear about the boundary in our country penal code to decide, thus presented in the operation blank in the judicial practice.
119. Black Duck Pond reflects hues of dawn in Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge on Assateague Island, Virginia.
120. The programs are also aimed at helping those who had taken refuge in neighboring Uzbekistan and have returned to the Kyrgyz Republic.
121. Black is my refuge, it is a line on a blank sheet of paper.
122. Apart from the physical body parentally endowed, spiritual life is also needed, viz. taking refuge in the Triple Gem, to a Buddhist adherent.
123. The experiences and lessons from the evacuation and refuge after earthquakes indicate that the park of city is an important evacuee shelter.
124. If it believed in its own essence, would it ... seek refuge in hypocrisy and sophism?
125. Let us go back again for a moment to the year 1945 and rejoin Chiang Kai-shek in his rock-ribbed refuge at Chungking.
126. The combination of these conditions provides an ideal refuge, especially for passerine migrants in early spring.
127. It delineates the swift and unerring execution of Yhwh's laws upon His merciless foes and those of His people, and also points to Him as the sure refuge and security of those who obey and trust Him.
128. Some 850 species of birds have been identified and rare species such as the giant otter and the giant armadillo also find refuge there.
129. The good will be sustained through the Refuge of My Immaculate Heart and will not see unprovided death.
130. I cried unto thee, O LORD: I said, Thou art my refuge and my portion in the land of the living.
131. At the moment when the Hanoverian lieutenant, Wilda, grasped this handle in order to take refuge in the farm, a French sapper hewed off his hand with an axe.
132. Banks Lake National Wildlife Refuge, located in Lanier County, about 20 miles east from Valdosta, has 1000 acres of open water that is prime for fishing.
133. After the lecture, Rinker led us on a scat search along a boardwalk that snakes through a cypress swamp section of the refuge.
134. The Philippines also became a refuge for Chinese banking capital, a new paradise for Kuomintang investors with American money and a busy center for trade speculation among fleeing party leaders.
135. The latter, after his defeat by Bayezid, sought refuge at Rhodes under a safe-conduct from the Grand Master and the General Convent of the Order.
136. Since you take refuge in the Sangha and pay respect to them with pure vision.
137. After days of begging for help, many citizens stranded in evacuation shelters near the Fukushima plant were bused to Tokyo for refuge.
138. May the Venerable Gotama accept me as a lay follower who has taken refuge from this day onwards while life lasts.
139. Castles in the air - they are so easy to take refuge in. And easy to build, too.
140. Therefore the mind which is free from passions is a citadel, for man has nothing more secure to which he can fly for, refuge and for the future be inexpugnable.
141. Rumors persist about a Super Mutant refuge nestled high in the ski lodge to the northwest.
142. Generally pissed at humanity, Timon seeks refuge in the woods, finds a bunch of gold, but refuses to return to society.
143. The Fr Ray Foundation runs a Drop-in Center which is open 24/7. It is a refuge for kids living on the streets.
144. Timperley helped to set up a neutral "safety zone" in Shanghai with the support of local Japanese friends, which provided refuge for thousands of Chinese.
145. We take refuge in foreign policy systems: liberal internationalism or realpolitik, neoconservatism or noninterventionism.
146. To many a refuge fear - stricken men betake themselves , to hills, woods , gardens , trees, and shrines.
147. The shah of Iran sought refuge in six countries before finally dying in Egypt 18 months after he left his country.
148. Trekker descending trail on Mt Olympus from Ghiosos Apostolidhis refuge through forest near Petrostrouga.
149. Cannes is a write full legendary city, also is the world traveler refuge.
150. Located next to the refuge is the Assateague Island National Seashore, which provides amazing opportunities to photograph the true essence of a coastal barrier island.
151. These six cities shall be a refuge, both for the children of Israel, and for the stranger, and for the sojourner among them: that every one that killeth any person unawares may flee thither.
152. Nor it deposed a grandson of the Sun King, but rather seeks refuge in the Malay Supreme Ruler.
153. The port of Antwerp, a power-house of international trade, served for a time as Tyndale's safest refuge—but it was also the place where he met his downfall.
154. I cry to you, O Lord ; I say, 'You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living.'
155. To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life. ---William Somerset Maugham.
156. Later a refuge for Catholic priests in times of terror the Stuarts of Traquair supported Mary Queen of Scots and the Jacobite cause without counting the cost.
157. The grandees took refuge in their country houses—it was such a group whom Boccaccio imagined telling each other the tales in his “Decameron”—or hastened to promise propitiatory legacies to the church.
158. The largest of these, St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuge, is sanctuary to a rare mix of native animals and exotics that have survived from the island's former life as a hunting reserve.
159. Djibouti's poor take refuge in slums on the city outskirts, constructing shelters from corrugated iron and other scrap material.
160. Many of the Shensi Muslims were driven from their homes and forced to take refuge in Kansu.
161. Thus, they decided to use BesGas Three as a refuge[sentencedict .com], taking it into the lowest part of the Life Zone.
162. "Benjamin Harrison " was also at anchor, whilst the "Empire Tide, " had taken refuge in Moller Bay.
163. From his secure refuge in the caliph's court, John Damascene immediately entered the lists against him, in defence of this ancient usage of the Christians.
164. You too will become drunk ; you will go into hiding and seek refuge from the enemy.
165. Peruvian Cabinet chief Yehude Simon said late Monday during a special session of Congress called to discuss the deaths that Pizango had taken refuge in the Nicaraguan embassy in Lima.
166. Exhausted by their ss pursuit, Rhodanthe were forced to get refuge from IT suitors in the temple of IT friend Diana.
167. The Carpathian Mountains are an important reservoir for biodiversity, and are Europe's last refuge for large mammals - brown bear, wolf, and lynx.




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