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单词 Chill
1. There's quite a chill in the air this morning.
2. There's a chill in the air this morning.
3. I've put the beer in the fridge to chill.
4. There was a slight chill in the air .
5. There is quite a chill in the air today.
6. Chill out! We'll get there on time!
7. An icy chill slid up my spine.
8. A small fire was burning to take the chill off the room.
9. After raves, we used to chill out in each others' bedrooms.
10. I want this beer to chill so I'll leave it in the fridge for an hour.
11. There is quite a chill in the air this morning.
12. I could feel the chill as soon as I went outside.
13. There's a slight chill in the air.
14. Let the pudding chill for an hour.
15. A chill ran through me at the thought.
16. Chill the fruit salad until serving time.
17. A chill stole over her body.
18. The icy chill ate into my bones.
19. A chill shiver rippled over his skin.
20. Chill the wine before serving.
21. The bad news cast a chill over the gathering.
22. A chill pierced into the marrow.
23. After a chill,(/chill.html) fever supervened.
24. Its feathers were ruffled by the chill breeze.
25. Her words struck a chill in his heart.
26. Sit down and chill out!
27. Put the beer in the fridge to chill.
28. I'm afraid I've caught a chill.
29. Let the pudding chill for an hour until set.
30. Put the whisky in the icebox to chill.
1. There's a chill in the air this morning.
2. I've put the beer in the fridge to chill.
3. There was a slight chill in the air .
4. There is quite a chill in the air today.
5. An icy chill slid up my spine.
6. A small fire was burning to take the chill off the room.
7. After raves, we used to chill out in each others' bedrooms.
8. I could feel the chill as soon as I went outside.
9. The icy chill ate into my bones.
10. A chill pierced into the marrow.
11. With the chill factor, it's nearly minus forty here.
31. There was a chill in the air this morning.
32. Cover and chill the salad until ready to serve.
33. The news sent a chill down her spine.
34. With the chill factor, it's nearly minus forty here.
35. His words sent a chill down her spine.
36. The news of the disaster cast a chill over the party.
37. Many more businesses are feeling the chill wind of the recession.
38. Let's get these wet clothes off you before you catch a chill .
39. It must have been minus 5 with the wind chill factor .
40. Chill out, Dad. The train doesn't leave for another hour!
41. The sound of his dark laugh sent a chill through her.
42. Spoon the mixture into a pudding basin and chill for at least two hours.
43. I turned on the heater in the hall to take the chill off the house .
44. The club has three rooms, a chill room and two dance floors.
45. They sometimes meet up to chill out and drink a few beers.
46. Wool traps your body heat, keeping the chill at bay.
47. There was something in his tone that sent a chill down Melissa's spine .
48. I caught a nasty chill after my swim last week.
49. He sat in the chill of the evening, staring out over the city below.
50. Don't go out with wet hair, you might catch a chill.
51. Give her something to chill her out. We have enough trouble already.
52. He turned up his coat collar against the chill wind.
53. Some of their offences are so awful they would chill the blood.
53. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
54. These doughs can be rolled out while you wait for the pastry to chill.
55. There was a chill in the air when I got out the house this morning.
56. The violence used against the students sent a chill through Indonesia.
57. This is a film that will chill you to the marrow.
58. Fay felt a chill of fear as she watched Max go off with her daughter.
59. I'll add some hot water to the milk to take the chill off it .
60. I must change out of these wet clothes before I get a chill.
61. We lit the fire to take the chill off the room.
62. I suddenly realized, with a chill of apprehension, the danger of the task ahead.
63. Will you chill out?
64. Suddenly aware of the morning chill, she closed the window.
65. She felt a sudden chill at the thought of the dangers he faced.
66. The wind chill factor was pegged at a bone-chilling minus 27 degress.
67. He caught a chill while performing at a rain-soaked open-air venue.
68. Meanwhile exporters are feeling the chill.
69. Owls and foxes called eerily in the breathy chill.
70. With the chill factor it's nearly minus forty.
71. There was suddenly an intense chill in the air.
72. Cover and chill for 1 hr.
73. A small heater keeps off the night chill.
74. I felt a small chill run down my spine.
75. But for both of them, in different ways, there was now an enduring chill in their lives.
76. The sound of his bracelet precedes him and he brings a rush of morning chill in.
77. It was late in the afternoon, shadows, a chill in the air.
78. Patrick dressed quickly, his teeth chattering in the chill air, and then hurried down to the kitchen.
79. Obviously the inner layer was punctured because the outer skin was burning hot against her chill fingers.
80. A brief moment of the winter which pursued her sent a scampering chill through the warm place.
81. A chill wind came through the open doors to the balcony.
82. Faith felt a chill of fear as she watched Max go off with her daughter.
83. The chill in the air caught me by surprise, a sharp mountain night breeze.
83. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
84. Yet their response to each other sent a chill down my back.
85. I felt a chill, but assumed it was the damp evening air.
86. The Masters invariably coincides with a wind chill factor in this country.
87. The moon is beginning to take the twilight, temperature drops alarmingly, there's a real chill in the air.
88. The first lady will keep out the January chill with a matching satin cape.
89. Wrap the dough in plastic and chill for at least an hour.
90. The matron wouldn't let him go because he was just getting over a chill.
91. Despite the heat, Nuadu felt again the chill about his heart.
92. In the funereal chill Vassily drew up a chair and poured us both a drink.
93. By now the skies were black, a chill wind was blustering down the street and the rain was slashing sideways.
94. For some, the chill wind of competition is again blowing through their offices.
95. The chill in the air began to clear her head.
96. The car slowed down and a chill swept over as she caught a glimpse of the driver.
97. I felt a chill in the air all of a sudden.
98. The chill from the bare wall seemed to penetrate to her bones.
99. Anders caught a bucketful of salmon, and I caught a chill in the salt spray.
100. There was a definite chill in his voice when he answered.
101. They could feel the added chill from where they were standing.
102. Walter got out of bed and shivered and scraped the chill all over his body with the palms of his hands.
103. A pale gray haze seemed to permeate the streets with chill air.
104. Perhaps the beach volleyball players might catch a chill on the way there.
105. Not long up, her cambric dressing-gown was held tightly about her throat as the chill seeped through the air.
106. There was that sudden, breathtaking chill of cold, clean air as you walked into the dome.
107. Put some ice in the sink, and we'll chill the drinks in there.
108. Cold gusts dropped the wind chill into the low 40s and played havoc with final-round scores in the highest-scoring Nissan since 1984.
109. It complements a banger perfectly and will make you forget the November chill.
110. It was summer and despite the uncharacteristic chill in the air, the tourists were swarming the beaches.
111. To his bemusement there was no chill, or else the chill was lost on him.
112. He was feeling the clammy cold that seemed to penetrate his thick coat and chill his bones.
113. Mrs Mainwaring was supposed to make an appearance, which sent a chill throughout the assembled company.
113. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
114. Ronald Reagan reluctantly canceled his inaugural parade in 1985 when the chill factor dropped well below zero, endangering the marchers.
115. The telegram from the Red Cross arrived at noon and its yellow envelope sent a chill through her heart.
116. However, the sudden chill loss of her also made him uneasy.
117. His spirits were so high he didn't detect the chill of fear in Lucy.
118. Even their police greatcoats had been insufficient to keep out the chill and the wet of this storm.
119. We warmed our hands as though a sudden chill had come upon us at the mention of his name.
120. There were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead now and a chill wind.
121. There was already a distinct chill in the air, and the rooms over the stables weren't heated.
122. A fire was burning in the small grate to take the chill off the autumn evening.
123. They stamped their feet and flapped their arms around their bodies to try to keep out the extreme chill.
124. We had a momentary chill when they climbed aboard ... piracy?
125. Shivering in the morning chill, Kelly got into her car and started the engine.
126. The sun was warm but the wind was chill.You know how it is with an April day. Robert Frost 
127. The weather had turned a chill grey, and a brisk wind scattered the ashes of half-a-hundred fires.
128. Chill the salad for an hour or two before serving.
129. Riven downed a great gulp of the cold beer and felt it alternately chill and warm his gullet.
130. And the chill will soon reach the betting shops too.
131. A sudden chill rippled the length of her body from head to toes.
132. Eyes glitter with a memory of the chill snowfields that once claimed her.
133. They could feel the chill of the water through the rubber of their Wellington boots.
134. The house felt as if it had been converted to institutional use(), someplace impersonal and chill.
135. His most recent observation has sent a chill down his spine; the comet, Swift Tuttle.
136. When the breezes started in earnest around 11, reports of the wind chill factor had us at minus-17.
137. The wind howls through the trees, the wind chill temperature must be low, and I have no clothes on.
138. The tie-up could send a chill through Bill Gates since it gives Novell an interesting point of entry to the enterprise.
139. Her description of the massacre sent a chill through the audience.
140. The chill air cooled her face and seemed to sweep her problems into the distance.
141. A chill rain was falling steadily when we reached Bakhim Forest Rest House.
142. Her hair whipped around her face; she felt the icy chill filling her.
143. The door behind him swung open and a blast of chill air swept into the room.
143. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
144. Over the valley, a full moon was rising, and a chill wind was blowing down from the distant mountains.
145. He shivered as he buckled on his sword and took up his post, hating the chill darkness and the loneliness.
146. Moving to-ward them, he felt a chill of apprehension, and panic.
147. Overnight she'd caught a chill which showed every sign of developing into pneumonia.
148. Even retailers that had bucked the grim apparel trend all year felt the December chill.
149. People cluster around wood fires to keep off the night chill.
150. But at least he was high above the city, where chill winds swept the air clean and freshened the skin.
151. An eddy of chill air swirled into the carriage, fastening on his knuckles.
152. Beat the cream into the fruit puree, pour into bowls, and chill.
153. The technique allows them to chill atoms to a temperature as low as a millionth of a degree above absolute zero.
154. The enthalpy-change coating consists of some matters as a base material causing endothermic reaction at a certain temperature range, which acts as iron chill when placed on a mold or core surface.
155. Eat a mango. According to Japanese researchers, the simple act of peeling, slicing and eating a mango, which contains a compound called linalool, could help you chill out faster.
156. Although the Beijing March spring answer the earth, but people still feels carry secretly is returned to wear a few minutes in vernal spring breeze unexhausted chill.
157. Using short, thin, wide ingate and chill to prevent the shrinkage defects, casting yield was improved by 3%.
158. When a World Bank team visited Novosibirsk as part of project supervision, Stepanova, a chirpy 46-year old carefully attired against the autumn chill, was alive and well.
159. The hardness and depth of chill layer on the roller outer surface can be raised with adding trace Bi into liquid Fe in centrifugal casting.
160. The outer garment should serve as thermal barrier as well as a wind block, since cycling through cold air increases the wind chill factor.
161. The original casting processes were optimized by enlarging the riser, changing its position and adding the chill block.
162. At midnight the chill first penetrates my gauze curtains and seeps into the headrest of precious jade.
163. Chill cocktail glass and rim with sugar. Combine ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice, shake well, strain into cocktail glass, garnish as desired, lace cocktail (optional) and serve.
164. Inbhir Nis ag iarraidh balaich Chill Tharghlain fhaicinn a-rithist fad tacan.
165. Its application situation on heat shearing blade, guide plate and nodular indefinite chill roll are introduced too.
166. The immediate cause of G.M.'s distress, of course, is the surging price of oil, which has put a chill on the sale of gas-guzzling sport utility vehicles and trucks.
167. Cold noodles are served after they are mixed with gluten, bean sprouts, sliced cucumber, chill oil, soy sauce, vinegar, and garlic sauce.
168. In wintry day, because, the sofa of coriaceous , annatto always is " chill " and those who suffer people complain.
169. The first several months, the superelevation energy price lets some energy country earn trough Man Boman, now they already felt the severe winter the deep chill in the air.
170. Leafs will be astrut in breeze but chill when gale makes them falling down.
171. Properly inoculant amount was used to reduce the chill depth of the cam during the production of chilled iron camshaft.
172. And sure, we still chat online from time to time, whereat she waxes between ice, thaw and chill – but I am forever in her mind now a bastard.
173. Chill tower: The chill roller portion of a web press.
174. I remember one chill day's evening chow that consisted solely of warmed-over boiled potatoes, gummy macaroni, and milk that had been kept next to something less tasty in the refrigerator.
175. The chill truth seems to be that we are already past the optimum climate of postglacial time.
176. If we think about it, wind chill is an ill-defined concept.
177. I do not understand really, are you right your husband how chill in that way callosity?
178. A glass beer mug works well for typical beers such as Budweiser or Miller but, if you're drinking a more flavorful pale lager, chill up a Pilsner beer glass.
179. The underground world called Cenote are water bodies which will make a chill rn down your spine if you manage to walk down the narrow stairs that led to this vertical hole.
180. IN THE ENTR'ACTE there was a current of chill air in Ellen's box, the door was opened, and Anatole walked in, bending and trying not to brush against any one.
181. A year ago, when policy wonks and defence officials gathered in Singapore at the Shangri-La hotel for their annual "dialogue" on the subject, a chill was in the air.
182. tinge had left the sky and a slight chill was displacing the balminess of spring.
183. Shrinkage cavity and shrinkage porosity were eliminated by adding iron chill on the valve body which make progressive solidification, together with atmospheric feeder which feed the casting.
184. In its amicus brief in support of the coalition filed today, EFF asked the judge to throw out the record-keeping regulations as an unconstitutional chill on adult free expression in the digital age.
185. To this, the expert warns a citizen, avoiding chill while, also answer vigilant hiemal " decorate sexual asthma " .
186. Besides the jar of contrast there came to her a chill self-reproach that she had not returned sooner, to help her mother in these domesticities, instead of indulging herself out-of-doors.
187. If unavailable, place regular yogurt in cheesecloth -lined strainer set over large bowl. Cover and chill overnight to drain.
188. The casting technique with top gating system, outer shaped iron chill, compound casting mold and core assembly molding was used for producing aluminum impeller on a large scale successfully.
189. Pour into cake base and chill to set before serving.
190. Prof Eccles theorizes that the sick students had asymptomatic viruses that turned symptomatic when the chill constricted blood vessels in their nose, allowing the viruses to replicate.




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