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单词 heaven
释义  Related topics: Religionheav·en /ˈhevən/ ●●● S3 W3 noun  1  place of god 天堂 (also Heaven) [singular]RR the place where God is believed to live and where good people are believed to go when they die 天堂,天国,极乐世界 → paradisein heaven He believed that he and his wife would one day be together again in heaven. 他相信他和妻子有一天会在天国重聚。2  enjoyable situation 极乐 [uncountable] informalGOOD/EXCELLENT an extremely enjoyable situation or place 极好的情况[地方] SYN paradise Sitting by the pool with a good book is my idea of heaven. 坐在水池边看一本好书就是我心目中的极乐之事。in heaven Put a baseball in his hand and he’s in heaven. 给他一个棒球他就觉得美极了。 Living on the farm for Jim was heaven on earth. 对吉姆来说,农场生活就是人间天堂。a match/marriage made in heaven (=a happy and successful marriage) 天作之合/美满婚姻 SPOKEN PHRASES3  for heaven’s sake a) ANNOYused to show that you are annoyed or angry 天哪,哎呀〔表示厌烦或生气〕 Oh, for heaven’s sake, Mark, do you have to make everything into a joke? 啊,天哪!马克,你什么事都非得开玩笑吗? b) EMPHASIZEused to emphasize a question, request, order, or opinion 看在上帝的份上〔用以强调问题、要求、命令或观点〕 For heaven’s sake, let’s all get to sleep. 看在上帝的份上,我们都睡觉吧。4  heaven (only) knows a) NOT KNOWused to emphasize that you do not know something 天晓得,谁知道 He won’t tell me what he thinks. Heaven knows why. 他不会告诉我他是怎么想的。谁知道是为什么。 b) EMPHASIZEused to emphasize what you are saying 确实,的确,无疑〔用以加强语气〕 Sue can’t take a holiday yet, though heaven knows she needs a rest. 尽管休非常需要休息,可她还不能休假。5  heaven help somebody a) DANGEROUSused to express sympathy for someone who is in a dangerous or difficult situation 愿上天保佑某人〔用于对有危险或处于困境的人表示同情〕 ‘The two boys are going to the dentist on Thursday.’ ‘Heaven help the dentist.’ “这两个男孩星期四要去看牙医。”“愿上天保佑那位牙医。” b) ANGRYused to say that you will be very angry with someone if they do something 饶不了某人 Heaven help him if he ever comes back here again! 要是他再回到这里来,我一定饶不了他!6  heaven forbid HOPEused to say that you very much hope something will not happen 但愿不要这样,但愿不会发生 What would you do financially if, heaven forbid, your husband died? 要是你丈夫去世了——但愿不会这样——你经济上怎么办?7  what/how/why etc in heaven’s name SURPRISEDANGRYused when asking a surprised and angry question 到底[究竟]什么/怎么/为什么等 Where in heaven’s name have you been? 你到底去哪里了?8  the heavens literaryAL the sky 天空 He looked up towards the heavens. 他仰望苍穹。 Just then, the heavens opened (=it started to rain heavily). 就在那时,下起了倾盆大雨。9  move heaven and earth TRY TO DO OR GET somethingto try very hard to achieve something 竭尽全力,用尽各种方法 I would move heaven and earth to help her. 我会竭尽全力帮助她。 → be in seventh heaven at seventh1(2), → thank heaven(s) at thank(2)Examples from the Corpusheaven• Well the sun is blazing down from the clear blue heavens.• It's the most extraordinary place - both heaven and hell simultaneously.• I used to think I had died and gone to rank-and-file heaven.• The new kitchen is heaven compared to the old heaven• Star Trek fans were in heaven today at the Science Fiction Convention.a match/marriage made in heaven• It was a marriage made in heaven that seemed to deteriorate to hell in a hurry.• Her friends all thought that theirs was a match made in heaven, the union of two gilded human beings.Origin heaven Old English heofonheav·en noun →SPOKEN PHRASES1ChineseSyllable  God to is place live where the Corpus believed




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