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单词 Directly
1. He is willing to confront problems directly.
2. She looked directly at us.
3. I wonder at your courage in asking him directly!
4. He is directly responsible for this.
5. The two incidents are not directly linked.
6. Pressure varies directly with temperature and inversely with volume.
7. The President was not directly involved.
8. He looked directly at us.
9. The colony was governed directly from Paris.
10. He's directly responsible to the boss.
11. These comments are not directly relevant to this enquiry.
12. Their products compete directly with ours.
13. The new property tax law won't directly affect us.
14. He drove her directly to her hotel.
15. Environmental problems directly affect the quality of people's lives.
16. The naked bulb was directly over his head.
17. He appeared from the apartment directly below Leonard's.
18. My salary is paid directly into my bank.
19. Downstairs toilets were connected directly to the drains.
19. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
20. They intend to invest directly in shares.
21. He is not directly responsible.
22. You must go to bed directly after tea.
23. A narrow passage led directly through the house into the garden.
24. The issues raised in the report relate directly to Age Concern's ongoing work in this area.
25. Centrifugal machines are connected to the motor drive directly instead of through a gearbox.
26. It is not possible to observe this phenomenon directly, but its effects can be seen in the rise in global temperatures.
27. She stared directly at the witness but he did not show a flicker of recognition .
28. We have not been directly affected by the latest cuts.
29. The old woman looked directly at the boy and he tried to avoid her searching glance.
30. Kindly address yourself to the chairman, not directly to other representatives at this meeting.
1. He is willing to confront problems directly.
2. She looked directly at us.
3. He is directly responsible for this.
4. The two incidents are not directly linked.
5. The President was not directly involved.
6. The colony was governed directly from Paris.
7. He's directly responsible to the boss.
8. These comments are not directly relevant to this enquiry.
9. Their products compete directly with ours.
10. The new property tax law won't directly affect us.
11. He drove her directly to her hotel.
12. The naked bulb was directly over his head.
13. He appeared from the apartment directly below Leonard's.
14. My salary is paid directly into my bank.
15. Downstairs toilets were connected directly to the drains.
16. They intend to invest directly in shares.
17. You must go to bed directly after tea.
18. A narrow passage led directly through the house into the garden.
19. The issues raised in the report relate directly to Age Concern's ongoing work in this area.
19. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
20. Centrifugal machines are connected to the motor drive directly instead of through a gearbox.
21. It is not possible to observe this phenomenon directly, but its effects can be seen in the rise in global temperatures.
22. We have not been directly affected by the latest cuts.
23. Some factories have cut out the middleman and sell their products directly to customers.
24. Luke sat directly behind the pilot and conversed with him.
25. By 1960 the arms industry in America directly employed 3.5 million people.
26. These are the cells that directly attack and kill micro-organisms.
27. He went over the heads of union officials, appealing directly to the workforce.
28. The issues raised in the report relate directly to the ongoing work of the charity.
29. The drug is injected directly into the base of the spine.
30. The constellations in the night sky cannot be directly equated with the heroes of Greek mythology.
31. Some factories have cut out the middleman and sell their products directly to customers.
32. Luke sat directly behind the pilot and conversed with him.
33. By 1960 the arms industry in America directly employed 3.5 million people.
34. These are the cells that directly attack and kill micro-organisms.
35. He went over the heads of union officials, appealing directly to the workforce.
36. The issues raised in the report relate directly to the ongoing work of the charity.
37. In broiling or grilling, the food is cooked directly over a very hot flame.
38. The drug is injected directly into the base of the spine.
39. The constellations in the night sky cannot be directly equated with the heroes of Greek mythology.
40. Discharge pipes directly take pollutants away from the plant into the river.
41. Loss of weight is directly proportional to the rate at which the disease is progressing.
42. A storm moved directly over the island, demolishing buildings and flooding streets.
43. Everyone who was directly concerned in the incident has now resigned.
44. They injected the drug directly into her bloodstream.
45. Dr Schwarz will be with you directly.
46. She did not reply directly to the allegations.
47. Directly he was paid, he went out shopping.
48. Our factory deals directly with its customers.
49. When you get home you're going directly to bed.
50. No one directly involved with the case doubted him.
51. The judge cannot interfere directly in these proceedings.
52. The gardens lead directly onto a beach.
53. Sewage is discharged directly into the sea.
54. He heads toward me directly.
55. He will be there directly.
56. She left directly after the show.
57. I came directly I got your message.
58. The data is fed directly into a computer.
59. You can order the book directly from the publisher.
60. I will telephone you directly I hear the news.
31. Loss of weight is directly proportional to the rate at which the disease is progressing.
32. A storm moved directly over the island, demolishing buildings and flooding streets.
33. Everyone who was directly concerned in the incident has now resigned.
34. She answered me very directly and openly.
35. The newspaper was directly challenging the government's legitimacy.
36. A move in chess that directly attacks an opponent's king but does not constitute a checkmate.
37. All the priories were made directly subject to the abbot of Cluny.
61. Let me answer that question directly.
62. Education bears directly upon life.
63. They remain directly opposed to these new plans.
64. I went home directly I had finished work.
65. Stop hedging and answer my question directly!
66. It is best to deal directly with foreign suppliers.
67. The two factors are directly linked.
68. The switch is mounted directly on the wall.
69. He hadn't directly experienced the fighting in the city.
70. The kitchen is directly below her bedroom.
71. You will report directly to the boss.
72. Tell them I'll be there directly.
73. Early explorers traded directly with Native Americans for furs.
74. 10p of the cover price goes directly to charity.
75. The sound is fed directly to the headphones.
76. For safety's sake(), never stand directly behind a horse.
77. Can I telephone Edinburgh directly from here?
78. This was a straight conflict of directly opposed aims.
79. It's best to approach her directly.
80. The specialist institutions directly recruit their own staff.
81. Make sure you're speaking directly into the microphone.
82. Drugs were not directly involved in her death.
83. Technical innovation may occur directly in the factory.
84. She answered me very directly and openly.
85. The girl was sitting directly opposite him.
86. She spoke simply and directly,(/directly.html) without sophistication.
87. Early explorers traded directly with the Indians.
88. The handrail can be fixed directly to the wall.
89. She speaks very directly to people.
90. She was directly subordinate to the president .
91. The prime minister is directly responsible to Parliament.
92. I can hardly ask him directly for more money.
93. These characters will appeal directly to children's imaginations.
94. The barrel was aimed directly at me.
95. The female deposits her eggs directly into the water.
96. Directly ahead of us is the royal palace.
97. He never addressed her directly.
98. The newspaper was directly challenging the government's legitimacy.
99. His car directly struck a tree.
100. It was a small house, directly behind the church.
101. The store's croissants are imported directly from France.
102. Never apply the cleaning liquid directly to the surface.
103. The dispute is not directly connected to the negotiations.
104. My salary is paid directly into my bank account.
105. There's a track that leads directly to the reservoir.
106. John's account of the event directly contradicts Stephen's.
107. The drug is injected directly into the bloodstream.
108. I was directly in the animal's line of attack.
109. I'll be with you directly I've finished this letter.
110. Unemployment contributes directly to homelessness.
111. American forces did not directly engage.
112. She's directly responsible to the Minister.
113. A loud peal of thunder crashed directly overhead.
114. Education bears directly on life.
115. We benefited directly from the reorganization.
116. The storm must be directly overhead.
117. The leaders will be there directly.
118. Pressure from industry bosses has directly influenced government policy.
119. Cabinet members are directly responsible to the President.
120. We came directly we got your telephone.
121. This decision bears directly on our everyday lives.
122. This income was derived directly from his writing.
123. The money received is paid directly into a pension fund.
124. Any European central bank should be directly answerable to the European Parliament.
125. The breed is almost directly descended from the Eurasian wild boar.
126. The drug works more quickly if it is injected directly into the bloodstream.
127. Experts believe that the large number of cancer cases in the area are directly related to the new nuclear power station.
128. It was decided that the president should be elected directly in free elections.
129. Eighty per cent of sewage is piped directly into the sea.
130. Whoever we appoint for this position will be dealing directly with our clients.We are looking for someone who is friendly, a good mixer, reliable and practical.
131. The safest cheques are those issued directly by the bank?known as bankers' draughts.
132. You can dial directly without the necessity of going through the operator.
133. An interest rate increase directly stimulates saving and reduces real expenditure.
134. The new law will affect us all, directly or indirectly.
135. The fee charged by the realtor is directly proportional to the price of the property.
136. The newcomers directly threaten the livelihood of the established workers.
137. More than 140,000 people are directly involved in the industry.
138. Instead of confronting the enemy directly, Napoleon simply outflanked them.
139. Farmers will be able to seed it directly, rather than having to transplant seedlings.
139. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
140. The battalion went directly to the airport to begin digging in.
141. Application for admission to this course should be made directly to the University.
142. Have you noticed how he never looks directly at you?
143. They claim that one in twenty deaths can be directly attributed to air pollution.
144. Catherine saw to it that the information went directly to Walter.
145. At your first meeting, explain simply and directly what you hope to achieve.
146. You should report any fault directly to the phone company.
147. The fall in the cost of living is directly relevant to the drop in the prices of many industrial products and agricultural produce.
148. The two foreign ministers did not address each other directly when they last met.
149. We cannot measure pain directly. It can only be estimated.
150. He had placed himself directly in my line of sight.
151. If you travel frequently, find an agency that will change one foreign currency directly into another.
152. The two parties encode confidential data in a form that is not directly readable by the other party.
153. You can't look directly into it; you've got to shade your eyes or close them altogether.
154. I could see smoke coming from the windows of the house directly opposite.
155. The cost is charged directly to the profit and loss account.
156. The speed of the glider is directly proportional to the speed of the wind.
157. Often, the employer just called in the drivers and bargained with them directly, one-on-one.
158. Some of the bank's lending operations come under/within the purview of the deputy manager, and some are handled directly by the manager.
159. Some of these changes will flow directly from the legislation.
160. The proceeds from the benefit will go directly to the refugee camps.
161. They can trace their lineage directly back to the 18th century.
162. He had to liaise directly with the police while writing the report.
163. You can of course help by giving them a donation directly.
164. The fashion for wearing baseball hats was imported directly from the States.
165. The situation in the US is not directly comparable to that in the UK.
166. You can superimpose the lettering directly onto one of your pictures.
167. Any type of data that could not be directly measured was rejected.
168. Jeff has a job in mind, but refuses to say directly what it is.
169. Raw sewage was discharged from the treatment plant directly into the river.
170. The path he saw himself taking in his research seemed directly opposed to the ethos of the department.
171. She went directly to Simon's apartment and knocked on the door.
172. Senior managers are directly accountable to the Board of Directors.
173. If you invest directly in the stock market potential profits are greater, but so are potential losses.
174. The repayments can be made directly from your current account.
175. Most travel agents do not deal directly with these companies.
176. She had the gumption to write directly to the company manager and persuade him to give her a job.
177. In some cases appeals may proceed directly from the High Court to the House of Lords.
178. Paul is directly responsible for the efficient running of the office.
179. The new claim is directly contrary to what was originally stated.
180. We hope to bring together the countries directly involved in the conflict.
181. From now on all violent incidents should be reported directly to the head.
182. She tried to beat the system by helping people directly.
183. The school opted out of local authority control and is funded directly by the government.
184. When asked directly for her position on disarmament, the candidate only equivocated.
185. Let's hoot him down if he doesn't answer our questions directly.
186. The Treasury has now agreed to ring-fence the money to ensure that it goes directly towards helping elderly people.
187. If you want to hold someone's attention(), look them directly in the eye but don't stare.
188. I'll be there directly.
189. The jumbo jet is due to fly the hostages directly back to London.
190. Can you see where the grammar books are? The dictionaries are on the shelf directly opposite.
191. Directly after the meeting, a senior cabinet minister spoke to the BBC.
192. A move in chess that directly attacks an opponent's king but does not constitute a checkmate.
193. Skills cannot be transferred directly from a trainer to a trainee.
194. He should be here directly, if you don't mind waiting.
195. She'll have to be careful now she's directly in the firing-line of the new director.
196. A narrow trail of blood led directly into the cave.
197. All the priories were made directly subject to the abbot of Cluny.
198. No one can lie, no one can hide anything, when he looks directly into someone's eyes. Paulo Coelho 
199. Pop art directly challenged what was increasingly seen as abstract art's esoteric retreat from the world.
200. The method consists in extrapolating from concrete relations those properties which can be directly subsumed under these higher order abstractions.
201. In figure 23, A is directly accountable to his manager X for his work being carried out effectively.
202. Their research has to be applied in the very process of enquiry: it has to be directly accountable in terms of practical pay-off.
203. Economics allowed investment banking recruiters to compare directly the academic records of recruits.
204. The tramway carried sacks of grain directly to the mill's main entrance.
205. Having no acceptable way of expressing their feelings directly, they probably vented them on nature.
206. The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder. Alfred Hitchcock 
207. Shalala noted that parents should talk with their children about drug abuse directly.
208. Roosevelt Principal Mike Price opened an account, and the checks went directly to the bank.
209. It follows that the academic community and research are directly interrelated.
210. Water is absorbed directly through the skin - no adult amphibians are known to drink.
211. A growing body of evidence shows that alcohol molecules directly affect the ability of ion channels to open or close.




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