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单词 Stare
(1) Her stare was malevolent, her mouth a thin line.
(2) Stop trying to stare me out.
(3) The guard looked at us with a frigid stare.
(4) It's impolite to stare at a girl.
(5) Her purposeful stare showed she meant business.
(6) He gave me a frosty stare.
(7) It isn't good manners to stare at people.
(8) It's rude to stare at other people.
(9) Don't stare at people like that, it's rude.
(10) There is a stare look on with a disregard called called silent care.
(11) His dazed eyes stare at the eels, which still writhe and entwine.
(12) Don't stare at me.
(13) It's rude to stare.
(14) She gave him a blank stare.
(15) Alberg gave him a bleak stare.
(16) He gave her a penetrating stare.
(17) It's bad manners to stare at people.
(18) She fixed me with her ice-cold stare.
(19) She fixed him with a cold stare.
(20) She gave me a glacial smile/stare.
(21) His pleas were met by a blank stare .
(22) She gave him a cold-eyed stare.
(23) He fixed the interviewer with a penetrating stare.
(24) His glassy stare made my flesh creep.
(25) She gave him a long hard stare .
(26) It's not good manners to stare at people.
(27) Hlasek gave him a long, cold stare.
(28) She gave the stranger a wooden stare.
(29) Love is not to peer at each other but to stare the same way together.
(30) I looked over to you in heaven, as you stare me with sorrow.
(1) Her stare was malevolent, her mouth a thin line.
(2) Stop trying to stare me out.
(3) The guard looked at us with a frigid stare.
(4) Her purposeful stare showed she meant business.
(5) He gave me a frosty stare.
(6) It isn't good manners to stare at people.
(7) Don't stare at people like that, it's rude.
(8) His dazed eyes stare at the eels, which still writhe and entwine.
(9) Don't stare at me.
(10) She gave the stranger a wooden stare.
(11) It's not polite to stare at a girl in the face.
(31) How long can you stare without blinking ?
(32) He fixed her with an angry stare.
(33) Rachel fixed him with an icy stare.
(34) He wanted to stare me down on the price.
(35) Duvall gave him a flinty stare.
(36) She gave him a cold stare.
(37) The thief withered under the stare of the policeman.
(38) It was too cold to stand and stare.
(39) Everyone in the room turned to stare at her.
(40) His icy stare petrified her.
(41) She was self-consciously aware of his stare.
(42) She gave me a hard stare.
(43) The teacher gave the boys a deprecating stare.
(44) Carr wouldn't meet Feng's stare, which was openly hostile .
(45) She gave him a long stare but didn't answer his question.
(46) With a glazed stare she revived for one last instant.
(47) She could only stare at him with pain in her eyes.
(48) The two boxers gazed at each other,[] wanting to stare down the opposite party.
(49) I returned his stare.
(50) There was a silence as the women turned with one accord to stare at Doreen.
(51) She feigned interest in a magazine article to avoid meeting the man's stare.
(52) She fixed the child with a stare of such disapproval he did not dare move.
(53) It's not polite to stare at a girl in the face.
(54) If you want to hold someone's attention, look them directly in the eye but don't stare.
(55) The two children were having a competition to see who could stare the other out.
(56) Will she coldly stare you down, leave you standing?
(57) Poindexter gave him a blank stare.
(58) They stared into the abyss, which didn't stare back.
(59) Miss McFawn could stare down a cobra.
(60) Ali censures the heretic with a playful stare.
(61) He gave the steward a warning stare.
(62) Mahoney tried not to stare.
(63) Damian lifted his dark head to stare at her.
(64) Romanov waved his hand as he continued to stare at the pre-war, faded photograph of the two men.
(65) You are horrified, you can not think straight,() as you stare at the broken body.
(66) His jet-black eyes stare out from hand-painted murals or photographs mounted in every shop, school and office in the country.
(67) Adam put a hand nervously through his thick black hair, suddenly conscious of the lawyer's stare.
(68) Perhaps the glassy stare had lingered in his eyes, for Scales looked at him queerly.
(69) You can only stare at seemingly tame Dada graphics in nice little glass cabinets.
(70) Brittany, the blond cheerleader, has a vacant stare and huge eyelashes.
(71) I forget now why we disliked each other, but stare contests were definitely the weapons of choice.
(72) She paused to stare at a wooden gate swinging crazily on its hinges.
(73) Finally, he could do nothing but stare fixedly into those ancient eyes.
(74) His stare challenged her to look right at him and be absorbed by him in some way.
(75) Edward jerked open the door, interposing himself so that they should not stare.
(76) She stares that wide-eyed stare of hers, an almost blind stare,[/stare.html] and jogs on to the court.
(77) Hale's eyes stare knowingly at the viewer, a human sacrifice to an alienated and consumerist culture.
(78) Yet that brief derisive stare pierced her to her soul.
(79) Ballantyne's boys simply stare while one of Golding's boys is not appreciative and very destructive towards the tree.
(80) Above all, how would I learn to cope with the sub continental stare?
(81) The speaker broke off, turning to stare at her as she stood in the doorway.
(82) I would turn and stare unblinkingly at the screen for the duration of the commercial.
(83) For a long moment all she could do was stare back at him, his dark fathomless eyes holding her in thrall.
(84) The two men stare at her, uncomprehending, rendered docile by her gibberish.
(85) Liz fell silent in mid-word of a vague murmured greeting to stare.
(86) He often stopped reading or writing to stare into the distance, dreaming perhaps of some ambitious plan.
(87) He has a steely stare, a brassy attitude and an iron constitution.
(88) A dark, intense, semi-smiling stare, as if the sprig of white heather was not charity but compulsory.
(89) During the drive home, we stop the car on the side of the highway, climb out and stare upward.
(90) She wanted Phoebe's long bold stare, so different from Rachel's serene regard-more dangerous, more challenging.
(91) A crowd had come then to stare and cheer and lay bets - with the man Randall.
(92) I stare in horror at its bloody mouth, that vertical stitch of red wool now dribbling crimson.
(93) But I gave her a cold stare and fluffed my fur out.
(94) To stare at an empty vastness would be dispiriting; perhaps also it would bring about too great a sense of isolation.
(95) I stare at the screen while they show a grainy old black-and-white photo of me, younger, with longer hair.
(96) She wanted to sit here, and stare at this view, which was much better than hospital.
(97) Grabbed her handbag back, gave me the gargoyle stare, went inside.
(98) Unexpected, it was like a surprise confrontation, and for a moment she could only stare blindly at the familiar name.
(99) I keep a firm grip on my hat and stare into the blustery abyss.
(100) Reality itself is a little out of focus when you stare with eyesight sufficiently keen.
(101) And it makes a map you want to stare at and drink up.
(102) Or that of the poor themselves, for daring to bend their heads and stare?
(103) She cringed from the stare of those wide, black eyes that demanded nothing of her except that she not see him.
(104) The girl nearest to the car, noticing the fixity of his stare, responded with a discreet V sign.
(105) Thus, using infra-red, he would be able to stare through smoke or darkness.
(106) You stare at one and see miniature scenes - a football game, a council meeting and a pop concert.
(106) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(107) Gravel forces off their finger nails, and the cabbage whites with caviar eyes stare about this stony paradise.
(108) I go and sit on the bench in front of the Christmas tree and stare at it.
(109) Unable to afford coal, they sit and stare at an empty grate.
(110) Without the hair covering the ears and that shell belt and all he wasn't some one you would stare at.
(111) He turned back to stare at me as he was hauled off and he was still grinning.
(112) He felt free to stare or even lift the binoculars openly.
(113) The cat watched her from the kitchen doorway and she returned its stare.
(114) Her friendly enquiry as to the whereabouts of the Red House was met by a hostile stare from the woman behind the counter.
(115) She sensed the long look he directed at her, but continued to stare blindly ahead.
(116) Two fishermen stopped work to stand and stare in amazement.
(117) Questions about his infatuation with the bar owner's wife were met by a stony stare.
(118) I tried not to stare, but I couldn't help noticing that some of them were also shaking their heads.
(119) On my entry, fifteen fat men in towels immediately stop what they're doing and stare intently.
(120) I held the stare until my eyes began to water.
(121) But ask them when fund shareholders should sell their funds, and you get a blank stare.
(122) I sit on the edge of the padded table, naked, and stare at the envelope.
(123) All he got in return was a blank stare and a cloud of fresh cigar smoke.
(124) Sometimes he stopped at the fireplace, and sometimes at the door, pretending to stare with great interest into shop windows.
(125) The woman keeps shifting her gaze from Cote to stare at the pads with a kind of fascinated horror.
(126) Her irises rest above the horizon of her lower eyelids; the stare fixes me.
(127) It'd still be there when they were all dead, grinning at everyone with its horrible eyeless stare.
(128) Other excitements took their place but I was more inclined to stare at them in amazement than paint them.
(129) I stare dumbly from behind a glass At snow falling down the blinded door.
(130) A cannibal track for me to find and stare at.
(131) Alexander wakes with a start, gives a visitor a perplexed, somewhat bleary stare(), then melts blissfully back into slumber.
(132) They had been craning over the gallery, safe out of reach, so free to stare.
(133) As it came near he quickly lowered the camera and directed a wide-eyed stare, straight at the big cat.
(134) Then another car, this time stopping so occupants could stare at the U. S. Air Force barracks.
(135) If you stare at the flying saucer long enough it begins to vibrate.
(136) They stare back defiantly at the crowds, menacingly baring their teeth, and grabbing candy trays with nimble speed.
(136) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(137) It's one we are all going to have to acquire, thought Grimma, ignoring Granny's hurt stare.
(138) I was astonished to see the sinister black dome suddenly turn and stare up at us.
(139) Richard asked suddenly, impelled by the curiosity that drives people to stare at and question the survivors of some calamity.
(140) Like Querelle, men in tatty soiled uniforms are flexing their muscles, while others stare vacantly into the middle distance.
(141) Disconcert: The cat's cold stare disconcerted me.
(142) Durer would slightly bitter stare and human beings.
(143) She received the news with a vacant stare.
(144) Against all odds, people find it in themselves to rise up, stare down the guns and grasp freedom from their oppressors. It happened in Tunisia, in Egypt, in Yemen.
(145) If you are successful in meeting with your boss and making your case, then it will look awful if you sit there with a blank stare as he asks you how much you want.
(146) I stare unblinkingly at the woman as I say it.
(147) As the cameras rolled and crowds gathered to stare at the fair-haired American with the local governmental leader, the villagers quietly whispered and joked among themselves.
(148) He continued to stare at M. Riviere perplexedly, wondering how to tell him that his very superiorities and advantages would be the surest hindrance to success.
(149) Second be stare charge cards that require payment in full each month.
(150) "De" was endowed with the meaning "moral" at the beginning of Chou Dynasty because of the development of "stare" and was thought as an inner quality that may belong to everybody.
(151) A friendly look with the wrong facial expression can turn into an unfriendly stare, and nervousness may be wrongly understood as unfriendliness.
(152) Wise investors should resist the urge to flee, reduce their holdings of risky assets and stare down the bear.
(153) Meanwhile, mention then of structured investment vehicles or Northern Rock to a G8 leader would have been met with a blank stare.
(154) Many pass the daytime hours in long corridors furnished with chairs, where they chat or simply stare into the distance.
(155) (This assumes they have the fortitude to stare down the Chinese, who currently hold a whopping portion of US debt, and deny them something they really want).
(156) We see his conflicting emotions both to see and not to see, a sense that he wished to observe and yet he is at, in some ways, at war with himself, knowing to gawk, to stare at this sight.
(157) I snaked up switchbacks and through mountain passes, and paused to stare down sheep in the middle of the road, and I kept telling myself no, I wasn't lost, of course not.
(158) While we played, I'd stare at that white-haired man with the starry-black sword and the empty eyes.
(159) A vampire bat comes back to his fellow vampires with a bloody mouth. They stare at him jealously and ask him where he got the blood.
(160) They found that the glazed stare was accompanied by objectively measurable changes in automatic, reflexive eye behaviour that could not be imitated by non-hypnotised participants.
(161) When I wear salwar kameez people stare. If I wear shorts they say 'she is ill mannered'. No matter what we wear people always comment, ' Tina from Manipur said.
(162) Streep has the basilisk stare; the tilted, faintly predatory posture.
(163) We must also be willing to stare down the other great truth facing our collective moment.
(164) The shop which sales the old toggery in the Northampton Massachusetts, my son of 14 years old John and I stare at that overcoat at the same time.
(165) They portray two old guys facing terminal illnesses who goad each other into accomplishing some long held fantasies as they stare down that long tunnel with the white light at the end.
(166) Small Ni a pair of eyes Be bad to ruthlessly stare her,[Sentencedict] emulate the blazing flame that the Buddha has spurt black iciness therein burnable.
(167) A friendly look with wrong facial expression can then turn into an unfriendly stare, and nervousness may be wrongly understoon as unfriendliness .
(168) When I asked her why she was still trying to understand it when she had not been able to figure it out for the last 25 years, she looked at me with a blank stare.
(169) Meanwhile, seagulls the size of winged chihuahuas stare malevolently down from steepled sandstone spires.
(170) Inevitably the question is met with a blank stare. Most of the time people haven't thought about it.
(171) Only when you are attracted by the tableau to stare at it, can you find the bloodiness in the brilliant splendor. And even the bloody wounds, then, are still so attractive.
(172) If the summer snow iciness intervene Long Lin, the inflame hates of stare him.
(173) He was known for the way he used to stare down batters when pitching to them.
(174) Necks crane at the scene of an accident or fire. People stop and stare when they notice a breathtaking panorama.
(175) The customer wasn't anxious to eat but to stare into the distance.
(176) Or, your employer might fly you to a weeklong conference, only to have you come back with a blank stare.
(177) The membrane is typically translucent, and serves to moisten the eye, clear debris, and stare down weeping angels.
(178) But "don't stare unblinkingly at the camera", either, which will just make you look weird.
(179) Scared witless , Pian-pian is simply frozen in her dance pose like a statue, as she continues to stare stupidly at the two just-fallen guards with wide-open eyes.
(180) It feeds Red Lake, sacred to the Chippewa and once again thick with walleyes—fish with a glassy stare revered for their sweet, snowy flesh.
(181) But when his mother presented him with his new baby sister Maja, all Albert could do is stare with questioning eyes. Finally he responded, "where are the wheels?"
(182) If you stare long enough at Figure 1 you can see that class entries are keyed based on their classnames, and resources are keyed on a pair of names: a global name and a local name.
(183) And orderly sits Michael down inside the psych ward's TV room. Michael, still displaying the same vacant stare, now wears a white jumpsuit.
(184) To the local people, like means love. What a sheer declaration of love! She became the focus of the soldiers present, she stare down them, tears in her eyes.
(185) Its overall color is red, the face is flesh-colored, round his head a pair of big eyes and stare very straight and so God, above the mouth of the beard is Qiaozhuo, is black.
(186) So I stare down at the pool table and pretend to study my opponent's next move.
(187) The Chief said once no one can stare down a shotgun .
(188) AT key moments in sports history, time itself seems to slow down and stare, slack-jawed, at the intense action unfolding on the court or field.




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