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单词 Recall
1. You don't happen to recall his name, do you?
2. Recall the broken then do not put toge.
3. I don't recall what he said at the meeting.
4. Can you recall exactly what happened?
5. If I recall correctly, he lives in Luton.
6. I can't recall his name.
7. She could not recall his name.
7. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
8. I can't recall meeting her before.
9. I can stay to recall, only then has disconsolate.
10. He tried to recall the layout of the farmhouse.
11. Recall the misery of the past and contrast it with the happiness of today.
12. We demand that you recall your army from our border.
13. Right here waiting to recall, just at that time already disconsolate write how much like of the pain.
14. Love is like sea with lots of waves,I recall the sailing boat when I am old. Nobody will remember all of you like me.
15. I well recall walking the five miles to school every morning.
16. As you may recall, he was in the army then.
17. He has complete recall and never forgets anything.
18. I can't recall who gave me the information.
19. Try to recall exactly what happened.
20. He made a decision beyond recall.
21. I don't recall seeing any cars parked outside.
22. The furnishings recall the 1960s.
23. He made a decision past recall.
24. His paintings recall the style of Picasso.
25. Old people often have astonishing powers of recall.
26. I seem to recall I've met him before somewhere.
27. I recall her giving me the key.
28. Pleasure and pain are the wealth of life, to escape its negative, as some of the face of courage, in fact,[] be able to recall a blessing.
29. Love you, think of you, love you secretly, eagerly love you, wait, feel disappointed, try hard, lose, and feel sad, go apart, and recall.
30. Love you, think of you, love you secretly, eagerly love you, wait, feel disappointed, try hard, lose, and feel sad, go apart, and recall.All of these are for sake of you. And I will never regret for it.
1. You don't happen to recall his name, do you?
2. Can you recall exactly what happened?
3. If I recall correctly, he lives in Luton.
4. I can't recall his name.
5. She could not recall his name.
6. I can't recall meeting her before.
7. He tried to recall the layout of the farmhouse.
7. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
8. Recall the misery of the past and contrast it with the happiness of today.
9. We demand that you recall your army from our border.
10. I well recall walking the five miles to school every morning.
11. As you may recall, he was in the army then.
12. He has complete recall and never forgets anything.
13. He made a decision beyond recall.
14. I can't recall where he lives.
15. I don't recall where to meet her.
16. Becky could still recall that first meeting clearly.
17. The recall of the Ambassador was embarrassing for the country.
18. He seemed to have a very selective recall of past events.
31. I can't recall where he lives.
32. I don't recall where to meet her.
33. I recall his many politenesses over the years.
34. Becky could still recall that first meeting clearly.
35. I recall every detail of the party.
36. The paintings were damaged beyond recall.
37. She could recall only fragments of his poetry.
38. She has amazing powers of recall.
39. My powers of recall are not what they were.
40. A child's recall is usually accurate.
41. The recall of the Ambassador was embarrassing for the country.
42. I must rub up my memory and recall where I met him.
43. I seem to recall that she said she was going away.
44. As I recall , it was you who suggested this idea in the first place.
45. Before broaching the subject of this lecture, I should like to recall that the discoveries of radium and of polonium were made by Pierre Curie in collaboration with me.
46. If you cast your mind back, you might recall that I never promised to go.
47. As you may recall, she had a little sister who was five years old then.
48. I recall seeing him.
49. I recall Rosie waxing lyrical about the flatness of his stomach.
50. She was wearing a rather brief skirt, as I recall.
51. I recall many discussions with her on these and kindred topics.
52. I have no idea what she said, something about airline travel, I seem to recall.
53. Public employees, teachers and liberals are circulating a petition for his recall.
54. She could easily recall the smell of the orange groves.
55. The company issued a recall of all their latest antibiotics.
56. Even profound amnesiacs can usually recall how to perform daily activities.
57. I can't ever recall Dad hugging me. Neither did I sit on his knee.
58. I cannot recall any other instance in modern times in which a huge and mighty state crumbled to dust.
59. Hundreds of machines are still in use in spite of a recall by the manufacturers.
60. Colleagues today recall with humor how meetings would crawl into the early morning hours.
61. It would be great to get a recall to the England squad for Sweden.
62. She had an amazing memory and could recall verbatim quite complex conversations.
63. He seemed to have a very selective recall of past events.
64. He had a good memory, and total recall of her spoken words.
65. The company's reputation suffered when it had to recall thousands of products that were unsafe.
66. He had total recall of every play in the game.
67. The recall of ambassador Alan Green was a public signal of America's concern.
68. Holder says he does not recall the brief discussion.
69. I can recall the atmosphere at editorial meetings.
70. When you feel nervous(Sentencedict), recall your pride. Toba Beta 
71. Stories build and illustrate and recall family values.
72. Instead, Kasper will recall a goaltender from Providence.
73. I recall another student who was an Anglican clergyman.
74. Does he not recall that he has promised to increase public expenditure, to cut taxes and to balance the budget?
75. There may be a time lapse between teaching and practical experience, so that recall may be impaired.
76. Study 1 demonstrated that drivers were substantially more likely to recall those situations in which they had experienced risk.
77. Asking the patient to recall a typical 24 hours eating pattern is often the most helpful way of assessing dietary habits.
78. Upon the signal, the subjects were asked to recall as many consonants in their correct places as possible.
79. It seems quite likely for I recall from courting days that my own amorous advances met with much the same response.
80. There is a sense of anticipatory disillusion among those who recall how the high hopes of 1986 were dashed.
81. Local people can still recall the baleful glow in the night as the mill blazed.
82. Jean-Marie, a middle-aged charmer who prefers to work minus a white apron, could not recall a Rene in the family.
83. I vividly recall the smell of damp wool and coal gas, which was unlike anything I'd experienced before.
84. The address hook Despite first appearances, Internet email addresses aren't so hard to recall.
85. In this new condition subjects had the benefit of knowing the thematic title at recall but not at the stage of encoding.
86. It is good to recall that astronomers cover only a tiny fraction of the sky at any time.
87. Lisa, if you cast your mind back, I think you'll recall that it was your idea.
88. He can't recall the man's story but clearly it was a pretext for his accomplice to search the house.
89. For more years than I care to recall, the media have served as a willing accessory in fomenting environmental hysteria.
90. Recall that a bond is an asset that earns a fixed sum of money for its owner each year.
91. These equations affect inputs, memory, recall, determination of energy levels, convergence, and stability.
92. In answering these questions, it is important to recall the distinction made earlier between prescriptive and descriptive grammar.
93. With Jamie Pollock suspended for one match, Proctor could press his claims for a recall to the squad.
94. The close correlation between the data obtained from these two sources suggests that recall error is unlikely to be a confounding factor.
95. But many streets in areas formerly reserved for whites still recall apartheid and colonial figures.
96. You may recall that for years the chancellor was helplessly in thrall to Prudence.
97. Perhaps she had already compromised herself beyond recall by accepting the invitation.
98. I recall that one young fellow was particularly interested in H. G. Wells.
99. Federal agencies then help determine whether any action, such as a recall(sentence dictionary), is needed.
100. Spurs have to decide whether to recall Stewart to their attack or stick to a successful formula.
101. There is no doubt that quick recall of number facts is still an advantage even in the era of calculators and computers.
102. I recall... the shocking distension and protrusion of the eyeballs of dead men and dead horses.
103. United began to step up their pressure and took the lead after 30 minutes when Sharpe celebrated his recall in fine style.
104. There is a plaque on the wall to recall that all the Brokof family of sculptors are buried here.
105. As far as I recall from school biology, you do not acquire relatives by waving.
106. For example, recall that in Euclidean geometry the sum of the angles of any triangle is always 1800.
107. These served to establish claims, to recall old friendship, to jog the memory about old times.
108. Read in studio Oxfam is trying to recall seven thousand potentially deadly necklaces on sale in its shops.
109. Longtime residents recall seeing police cars overturned and set afire because the officers had dared tried to patrol here.
110. Her claims of being able to recall past lives were later proved false.
111. The recall was the first and only nonpartisan city council election in Tucson history.
112. Many people are unaware of the recall because the bikes can work perfectly before the crank suddenly breaks off.
113. By the time we returned to the bar Karen's extramarital virginity had been lost beyond recall. unemployed.
114. She knew exactly what he meant, could recall in graphic detail the event to which he was referring.
115. And what Republicans recall is that in each of those contests, the embattled party lost the national election.
116. Consigning me to hell seemed to make up the bulk of it, as I recall.
117. Here, it helps to recall the connection between energy and matter.
118. As I recall, the trouble started Soon after we left the apartment, while we were still on our own stoop.
119. No, they would not serve only a drink, she should recall that.
120. Doctors in West Cumbria health district could recall only seven cases in 14 years.
121. When we recall Christmas past, we usually find that the simplest things - not the great occasions - give off the greatest glow of happiness. Bob Hope 
122. In addition to simple rage over the hike in water bills, other issues fueled the recall movement.
123. Recall the dull front-runner, unloved but unavoidable, who plods ahead to victory in his place.
124. I lurched forward and later couldn't recall any part of my journey to the office.
125. And who used different words. cords Sethe understood then but could neither recall nor repeat now.
126. Once Marthe disappeared from my life, so did Saint-Mames in a paradoxical moment I recall with astonishment to this day.
127. For the first time that he could recall, Chris felt some admiration for his stepfather.
128. I vaguely recall writing down the codes months ago and losing whatever it was I wrote them on.
129. I am sure you will recall making the draw to decide which teams would compete in each semi-finals.
130. On the contrary, their recollection is embittered by the cruelty, exploitation and official oppression which they recall.
131. Midfield player Mark Proctor celebrated his recall by putting Boro ahead after 15 minutes.
132. Maslow, if we recall, suggested that this is one of our basic needs. 4.
133. Then I recall that I forgot to bring it with me when I packed my bags in Boston.
134. McCarthy, you may recall, was the angelic-looking Brat Packer who did that crazy thing with his eyes.
135. Only vaguely, in one or two frozen flashback memories, could he recall his father.
136. Recall from Chapter 7 that the corporate income tax entails a problem of double taxation.
137. At this moment it was difficult to recall how quiet, calm and determined she had been.
138. Hon. Members must recall that these are, after all, discretionary awards.
139. Of course, to edit an existing document, you must first recall it.
140. In 1885 the two countries had even been on bad enough terms to recall their respective ambassadors.
141. But the deputies - whose number reached 562 - were elected directly at factory level and were subject to immediate recall.
142. Daks are known to bounce back, but this one looks beyond recall.
143. Since alcohol consumption may have varied with time, efforts were made to obtain estimates based on patient recall and chart review.
144. So long as it hasn't been deleted, you should even be able to recall it on line.
145. Recall the version of hill climbing which depends on rules, in Chapter 2.
146. I well recall walking the 11 miles from the airfield to Epernay.
147. I recall when Nancy Leadbetter and I stayed in a terrible fleapit of a room in Siena.
148. She does recall her apprehension about flying in a small plane, even with two experienced pilots.
149. Subjects were able to recall many of the junctions they had driven through, though the quality of this recall was variable.
150. It was like asking yourself to recall the lay-out of a Bronze Age encampment.
151. Modern technology greatly facilitates the recall and display of material held centrally.
152. None the less, there is more than one pattern of results which could produce a significant average correlation between risk and recall.
153. I first recall the line in 1959 when as a young boy scout I was taken to camp at Pont-y-Pant.
154. Minor changes in sentence structure can affect the accuracy of recall.
155. Much later, he couldn't recall exactly when he removed his clothes or when they got into bed together.
156. A useless moment of violence. Let her recall and beware.
157. Recall and precision are measures of index effectiveness, indicating the extent to which relevant documents are retrieved.
158. The Mozart shown beneath the Chopin has the same form, using repetition and ending with a recall of the first section.
159. The only evenings I can recall are fixed in my mind precisely because they are different from all the others.
160. The eucharistic recall of the paschal mystery was simply inserted into this thank-offering context.
161. Promising quick bowler Martin Howie returns and Paul Johnson also earns a recall.
162. One way to tackle these is to recall the words of musicians who were disturbed by unitary control.
163. Fig. 10.3 shows the direct comparison of recall efficiency for two bilingual groups and a deaf group.
164. If a neural network system is good at recall functions only(), then it is necessary to impose constraints and limitations.
165. When we recall the past, we usually find that it is the simplest things - not the great occasions - that in retrospect give off the greatest glow of happiness. Bob Hope 
166. As a youth, I recall spending hours under a broiling June sun, picking tiny wild strawberries for desserts.
167. For instance, I recall David Davis being asked by his class of adolescents if they could do some drama about prostitution.
168. Information given in the recall protocols was categorized into central and peripheral using the same technique.
169. Anyone with access to your disk can recall, print, or edit your documents.
170. This fact alone is simply inexcusable and should be grounds for dismissal and / or recall of the city officials responsible.
171. I can still recall whole chunks of those books she made me learn by heart.
172. If you already started the document and saved it on the disk, recall it for editing or addition.
173. Those we recall with greatest fondness, all cut their figures against a wider, more luminous backdrop than mere office.
174. Mr. Bowis My right hon. and learned Friend will recall the bomb explosion a month ago on the track in my constituency.
175. Being live performances, these are real facsimiles of how I recall Ferrier sounding in performance.
176. The recall made them pay for that mistake and sent out a terrible message about making an error in local politics.
177. This, we recall from Chapter is the rationing function of equilibrium prices.
178. I recall one private who had a genius for drawing....
179. Then he ate meat pie and drank tea and could not recall a meal that tasted better.
180. The recall helped to bring Tom Volgy to the city council, and later he became mayor.
181. He seemed to recall some casual acquaintance saying something recently about market gardening.
182. Stumbling forward blindly, he tried to recall the route the oriental had taken him after his capture on his previous visit.
183. We are also requested to enter either a file name for the test file or the recall file.
184. For many, these works recall childhood memories; they were the silent witnesses to countless formative experiences.
185. Midvale veterans would recall frantically pumping out buildings frequently flooded in the low basin at the foot of Germantown.
186. I do not recall that that was always his keenest and most enthusiastic point.
187. Also, the number of letters recalled after 45 seconds was compared with recall after smaller delays.
187. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
188. But colleagues at the Grantham and Kesteven Hospital recall unpleasant happenings at the nurses' home which they shared with Allitt.
189. How does ability cure provisionality is broken recall disease?
190. It calls for increased government inspections of food processors. And it lets the Food and Drug Administration order the recall of unsafe foods.
191. For a specific domain on plastics, an automatic abstracting system is implemented. The precision and recall of multi-document's automatic abstracting is above 75%.
192. I recall my astonishment when he went into the background with a most brilliant pure blue where I had seen only unrevealed darkness.
193. Add new words to the existing branches by drawing out 'twigs' after the subheading. Write down as many words as you think you need to be able to recall the content.
194. The recall isn't enough to scare off Charles Mettler, who ordered an eggs Benedict on Tuesday when he stopped by Drake Diner's in Des Moines, Iowa.
195. Recall that adding and setting nodes and node properties only modifies the transient session storage layer.
196. Nagoya, Japan: Toyota Motor Corp President Akio Toyoda bows at a news conference after apologising for a massive global recall that has tarnished the reputation of the world's largest car maker.
197. I can recall, during anti-Vietnam war protests in my student days, marching behind a sign that read: "LBJ Pull Out! Like Your Daddy Should Have Done!"
198. Say...I recall watching a documentary film in History Channel or Discovery Channel about the stigmata of Jesus Christ.
199. It still moves me today to recall that in a secular country, the masses condensed the Beatitudes in the Lord's Sermon on the Mount into two words: No violence!
200. We've found that awareness is often higher with non-contextually targeted ads, but engagement and recall is higher with contextual ads.
201. Experimental results indicate that the method can improve the precision and the recall of leaf shape recognition greatly.
202. The experimental results show that the proposed approach improves the recall and precision ratio of the information retrieval.
203. If you go back to my post on Accounting, you will recall that there are two kinds of accounts in a company's chart of accounts; revenue and expense accounts and asset and liability accounts.
204. While the bosses sheltered underground, plant workers recall, people stood around awaiting instructions, breathing poisoned air as they watched smoke burst from the reactor's exposed core.
205. I can still remember that a few decades on, just as I can recall all the Latin prepositions that take the ablative case, courtesy of a rhyme.
206. As you'll recall, the Soundex algorithm also truncates each soundex code to four characters, further boosting the number of matches by ignoring the ends of long words.
207. I recall that we discussed scaling and we used - the interesting example of Galileo Galilei-- an animal, and the animal has legs.
208. Recall that the Internet Protocol (IP) is the core network layer protocol that sits below the transport protocol (most commonly the Transmission Control Protocol, or TCP).
209. Even yogurt, you may recall, is colored with an insect-derived natural coloring called carmine, which is made from ground-up, red Cochineal beetles frequently imported from the Canary Islands.
210. He had juvenile diabetes, anemia, a skin infection, and so many other complications that Hill can't even recall them all.
211. After more than a hundred years most of the details are irrecoverable, lost beyond all recall, but it isn't hard to image what must have happened.
212. Recall that an equivalence relation in a set is a reflexive, symmetric and transitive relation.
213. Studies that ask people to describe past behaviour are vulnerable to a well-known statistical phenomenon called recall bias.
214. If there are any Oprah Winfrey fans in the house,(Sentencedict) you'll recall the flack she received after funding and starting a school in Africa.
215. Description: This recall involves the Notifier brand operating system firmware control panels in fire alarms.
216. Recall that the initial start Know "54" is a history lesson from the primary and secondary schools began.
217. Recall that the voice recognition system must know the words (specifically the pronunciation of words) for them to be recognized or spoken.
218. As 10 am this morning, the US Treasury Department has issued a full recall of all 776 billion pieces of US currency in circulation.
219. By over half majority, the board of supervisors can recall the chairman and reelect a new one.
220. Go out worry rain, catch the train worried about late, exam worry can't recall the answer, speech worry brownout, love worry is jilt...The pessimist seems always with all kinds of anxiety in combat.
221. Recall that Peter, owner of Textacular, has been trying to buy Maxine's company, Gamester, as part of his strategy to roll up other small businesses.
222. Computer simulations of the model were performed in mimicking psychological experiments of the serial position effect of free recall and the chunking Chinese words.




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