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单词 Global
1. Technology has turned the world into a global village.
2. Several hypotheses for global warming have been suggested.
3. Environmental protection has been a global concern.http://
4. Now that we are all part of the global village, everyone becomes a neighbour.
5. The company does not yet have the global reach of its bigger competitors.
6. On a global scale, 77% of energy is created from fossil fuels.
7. The threat of global warming will eventually force the US to slow down its energy consumption.
8. The commission is calling for a global ban on whaling.
9. A global environmental meeting is going to be held here.
10. The practice of global politics requires reform.
11. The company needs to develop a global vision.
12. The plight of the Kurds gained global visibility.
13. They sent a global e-mail to all staff.
14. The general secretary opened the congress on global warming.
15. Global growth rates are diverging markedly.
16. Global warming will affect all of us.
17. Global warming is a real problem.
18. Global warming has become a very hot issue.
19. The crisis here caught the global attention.
20. We are taking a global view of our business.
21. Television has helped to create a global village.
22. Companies that are insensitive to global changes will lose sales.
23. The probable result of global warming will be a rise in sea levels.
24. Do a global search for 'organise' and replace it with 'organize'.
25. It's a global problem - what can individuals do about it?
26. Scientists fear that global warming has gone beyond the point of no return.
27. A global study has just been started to chart the effects of climate change.
28. It is not possible to observe this phenomenon directly, but its effects can be seen in the rise in global temperatures.
29. They fear it could have an adverse effect on global financial markets.
30. Dr Subroto questioned the scientific assumption on which the global warming theory is based.
1. Technology has turned the world into a global village.
2. Several hypotheses for global warming have been suggested.
3. Environmental protection has been a global concern.
4. Now that we are all part of the global village, everyone becomes a neighbour.
5. The company does not yet have the global reach of its bigger competitors.
6. It is not possible to observe this phenomenon directly, but its effects can be seen in the rise in global temperatures.
7. On a global scale, 77% of energy is created from fossil fuels.
8. They fear it could have an adverse effect on global financial markets.
9. Dr Subroto questioned the scientific assumption on which the global warming theory is based.
10. The threat of global warming will eventually force the US to slow down its energy consumption.
11. The commission is calling for a global ban on whaling.
12. The chart showed us the global output of a factory.
13. Increasing technological application and innovation in manufacturing industries result in more specialisation and distribution of processes on a global scale.
14. She is a skeptic about the dangers of global warming.
31. The country's economic troubles are rooted in a string of global crises.
32. Newspapers seized on the results as proof that global warming wasn'treally happening.
33. He described global warming as "an environmental time bomb ticking away".
33. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
34. America's wealth is underpinned by a global system which exploits the world's poor.
35. Do you think that these higher-than-average temperatures are attributable to global warming?
36. As citizens of the global village, we cannot ignore our obligations to others.
37. As leader, he opened up exciting vistas of global co-operation.
38. Hong Kong's stock market fell, setting off a global financial crisis.
39. Its Global Programme on AIDS funnelled money from donors to governments.
40. On a global scale, AIDS may well become the leading cause of infant death.
41. An economic crisis may have tremendous consequences for our global security.
42. The environmental research institute found that the global average temperature had risen by 1.2°C.
43. He said that developed countries had a responsibility to foster global economic growth to help new democracies.
44. In an otherwise excellent issue about global warming, I found Jeremy Creed's article very unconvincing.
45. The report takes a global view of the company's problems.
46. She is a sceptic about the dangers of global warming.
47. The company's grand ambition was to become the first and biggest global airline.
48. There will be a true global village in which telephones, computers and televisions interact.
49. The chart showed us the global output of a factory.
50. We need to take a more global approach to the problem.
51. Starvation and poverty are the result of global economic exploitation, not lack of resources.
52. We are all beginning to experience global warming due to the enhanced greenhouse effect.
53. This report gives a global picture of the company's finances.
54. National boundaries are becoming increasingly meaningless in the global economy.
55. Heedless destruction of the rainforests is contributing to global warming.
56. Will global warming mean the spread of tropical parasitic diseases?
57. Increasing technological application and innovation in manufacturing industries result in more specialisation and distribution of processes on a global scale.
58. Environmentalists fear that this is a short-sighted approach to the problem of global warming.
59. The global economy means that all types of fruit and vegetables are available throughout the year.
60. She is a skeptic about the dangers of global warming.
61. The programme was intended to focus attention on global warming.
62. Richer countries must dig deeper into their pockets if global problems, such as pollution, are to be solved.
63. It is impossible to predict what the eventual outcome of global warming will be.
64. Temperature records have unequivocally confirmed the existence of global warming.
65. Pollution could cause changes to weather patterns on a global scale.
66. The effects of global warming, while not immediate,() are potentially catastrophic.
67. Unlike acid rain or deforestation, global warming has no visible manifestation .
68. Britain came bottom on efforts to tackle pollution and global warming.
69. What amazing train of thought led you from Napoleon to global warming?
70. Global warming could be accelerated due to the thinning of the ozone layer.
71. It would have to grow by acquisitions or joint ventures to achieve global reach.
72. Whaling in Australia was stopped. But the Australian government went further and proposed a global ban.
73. What is lacking is the political will to get anything done about global warming.
74. The increase in the mean global temperature will be about 0.3°C per decade.
75. Rich industrialised countries have sown the seeds of global warming.
76. OPEC has agreed to freeze its global oil production slightly in order to firm up crude prices.
77. They used a computer to model the possible effects of global warming.
78. We have the chance to build an outward-looking Europe that lives up to its global responsibilities.
79. This restriction creates a barrier for global electronic commerce.
80. Cutting down the old forests may aggravate global warming.
81. Moreover, the problem of antibiotic resistance is global.
82. With its global interests, Guinness is Britain's largest brewer.
83. It has a glowing global appeal.
84. Bacher broke into tears as he painted a damning picture of global match-fixing.
85. In the following sections and chapters the singularity and global structure of particular solutions will be analysed in more detail.
86. Fifty years of bilateral aid programmes does not seem to have done much to reduce global poverty.
87. Global competition in the automobile industry has been driving out many of the smaller firms.
88. Nevertheless, the global trend, promoted by the United Nations, is towards abolition in all countries.
89. The rest of us have precious little influence over the global economy, though our lives are deeply affected by it.
90. Blocs are being seen as increasingly irrelevant today largely because the global capitalist system is perceived as increasingly salient.
91. The Global Communications Group links ecological and other political activists via the Net.
92. We will in addition work for a global ban on chemical and biological weapons and stronger controls to prevent proliferation of ballistic missiles.
93. That helped drive world growth, boosting global demand for everything from oil and aeroplanes to soya beans.
94. We expect a successful acquisition to provide a basis for the global expansion of our services in a full-fledged manner.
95. The new alliance will be looking for consensus among its members when developing its global policies.
96. Countries splinter, regional trading blocs grow, the global economy becomes ever more interconnected.
97. But internationally agreed carbon taxes, permits and rising global temperatures may push the world along the road towards accepting the unacceptable.
98. The issue of Quality Management is global, and the solutions you developed are just as applicable here.
99. Soon, the entire global telecommunications network is buzzing with Tonellis.
100. In the interlinked complexity of the emerging global business culture, we all need a sense of balance and of being centered.
101. How do these groups work in the interests of global capitalism?
102. But hardly anyone has looked at the global carbon budget in detail.
103. Large global organizations are unable to keep their promises to provide these benefits.
104. Gradually the new global masterplan is falling into place: a series of massive bilateral trade agreements are being struck.
105. Now that global capitalism is in disarray, it would make sense to support local businesses.
106. As a result regional trading blocs are emerging as natural stepping-stones in an evolutionary process toward a truly global economy.
107. As economies move from industrial capitalism into global capitalism, businesses move plants to find such workers.
108. The connections between global capitalism and the culture-ideology of consumerism must be laid bare.
109. Global incidences of cholera, tuberculosis, diphtheria and bubonic plague have all increased significantly in the last five years.
110. It would feed into, and further exacerbate, global warming by releasing vast amounts of carbon.
111. Nevertheless, global television via satellite leaped across nearly all political boundaries.
112. In the recent work of the global anglophone academy, evaluative criticism has largely disappeared.
113. Smelting Co. rose on hope a rise in global gold prices will boost profit growth, traders said.
114. We started by observing the global conflict which exists today between socialism and capitalism.
115. However, even at this stage the reader will appreciate that global banking is now an established feature of international financial arrangements.
116. They intend to submit funding applications to the Global Environment Facility.
117. Britain and the United States have been leading a global campaign against the junta's oppression of the country's 46m people.
118. A global concerted effort is required to avert a global health crisis.
119. The estimated global emissions of carbon from fossil fuels alone have tripled since 1950.
120. It is the vast labor pool that global capitalism has tapped into that is the new leviathan.
121. Global warming will deeply affect poor countries, leading to huge numbers of refugees, crop failures, and extreme weather.
122. The current wild weather through the West and Midwest again has raised the question: Is global warming finally asserting itself?
123. The recent Mobilization for Global Justice raises the question: economic boom for whom?
124. Existing models of global warming have not taken this into account, according to Cox.
125. Ultimately, this is how we need to think about dealing with global capitalism.
126. We do have a global village, more and more all the time.
127. Global warming will cause the seas to rise, engulfing islands and flooding coastal areas.
128. This led to companies like Dupont axing 189,000 jobs on a global basis.
129. Last night I didn’t sleep for a solid eight hours. No, it melted a little. Damn global warming. Jarod Kintz 
130. All across the world, ...increasingly dangerous weather patterns and devastating storms are abruptly putting an end to the long-running debate over whether or not climate change is real. Not only is it real, it's here, and its effects are giving rise to a frighteningly new global phenomenon: the man-made natural disaster. Barack Obama 
131. Neo-Marxists emphasize the globalization of capitalist production and the associated creation of a global division of labour.
132. If Darwin were alive today, he would surely place mankind as the prime mover in global evolution.
133. Taken together, they represent the most forceful link yet made by respected institutions between man-made atmospheric pollution and global warming.
134. The Celestri global broadband communications network is expected to be operational by the year 2003.
135. The whole rationale of a global advertising business is under question.
136. Global warming is not just the greatest environmental challenge facing our planet — it is one of our greatest challenges of any kind. Barack Obama 
137. The traditional capitalist system has worked very well to increase local, national and global wealth for many years.
138. But whether yours is a local area network or a global one, your problem is the same.
139. The decline partly reflects a broader downturn in global stock markets.
140. The first, rich country protectionism, comes from within global capitalism, but in the form of national as opposed to systemic interests.
141. Chin said on June 17 that by the year 2000 around 90 percent of global AIDS cases would be among heterosexuals.
142. The protests in Quebec are not going to bring about the collapse of global capitalism.
143. Although activists take on global economic and political issues, their affiliations, allegiances and loyalties are bound up in local communities.
144. He often expressed his conviction that a closed society is an anachronism in a global society.
145. In surrendering to the global capitalists, governments are themselves debasing democracy, making it quite useless for people to vote.
146. Next week he will appeal to the Senate to ratify a global treaty to ban chemical weapons.
147. All across the world, in every kind of environment and region known to man, increasingly dangerous weather patterns and devastating storms are abruptly putting an end to the long-running debate over whether or not climate change is real. Not only is it real, it's here, and its effects are giving rise to a frighteningly new global phenomenon: the man-made natural disaster. Barack Obama 
148. There will be displays on acid rain, the ozone layer and global warming.
149. The nation state, particularly in the third world and the erstwhile Eastern bloc, is the agent of global capital.
150. Pension funds also can help California firms to break into more global markets by forming partnerships.
151. To put it crudely, the global capitalist system has very little need of the subordinate classes in this sphere.
152. Over time, integration into the global economy is more likely to bring about change.
153. We are against the global capitalist system,(http:///global.html) with its logic of competition and profit.
154. The restaurant is half-empty or half-full, depending on your view of global capitalism.
155. The proposed global consortium will be established in close collaboration with local ministries of health and international agencies.
156. There has to be a global mission of human progress. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 
157. Soros made his fortune by setting up pools of wealthy investors who bet huge sums on global markets.
158. Motorola is one of the leaders in the global technology boom.
159. The new model is global in scale , an interdependent network.
160. In recent years, the group has claimed on average about 30 % of the global market for large commercial aircraft orders.
161. Of course, in past centuries, no global news network existed to capture the anguish of the victims.
162. Research can help a company to develop its global marketing strategy.
163. One final, explosive question remains: Why did a virus that was once so rare suddenly burst into a global pandemic?
164. Compatibility between components was ensured by using a structurally uniform global database, the blackboard.
165. To accomplish that goal, the company intends to focus on global investments in exploration, pipeline and power projects.
166. Near facilitates the rapid transfer of information about attacks on academics and academic freedom on a global basis.
167. In this sense, the global Journal levels the business playing field between business people in Peoria and Pretoria.
168. I believe in the information age and the global economy.
169. The sudden collapse of Communism raised the power of global capitalism to new heights.
170. It's sending back measurements of global sea surface temperatures, with very high accuracy.
171. Rather than offer the global working class cash for labour, it offers cash for food, water and air.
172. Washington continues to challenge the scientific claim that global warming is in part caused by emissions of carbon dioxide.
173. The gist of my argument is that the global capitalist system leaves less and less space for exclusively national capitalist projects.
174. Despite significant advances in family planning, the report said, birth control had become a matter of global survival.
175. Maybe such positions should be accepted as part of the price for building global businesses.
176. Development aid, international monetary assistance, transnational corporate investment are all geared towards integrating Third World economies into a global market.
177. The global mind is the union of computer and nature-of telephones and human brains and more.
178. What is missing from Field's account is the connection between political transnational practices and the global capitalist system.
179. This advance towards global justice is of course far from irreversible.
180. So far, the global AIDS epidemic is thought to have killed 19m people.
181. The government shutdown also may delay a possible $ 1 billion to $ 2 billion global bond offering from Walt Disney Co.
182. Yet breaking the endless cycle of global poverty that powers these wars is achievable, Mr Annan says.
183. Whenever the global economy is doing well,(http:///global.html) car makers immediately start work on a range of cars for the plutocrats.
184. It is an analysis of the actual communications practices in the global system in terms of traffic.
185. At the beginning of this book we observed the global conflict which exists today between socialism and capitalism.
186. That move is aimed at meeting global demand for plastic bottles.
187. The worst case scenario suggests aircraft could be responsible for up to 43 percent of the projected rise in global temperature.
188. Everyone has to meet global competition from those abroad who do have lower wages.
189. The question humankind must ask is whether the balancing act the president suggests is enough to stave off global devastation.
190. The computer unit, called Global Information Solutions, has already announced a separate layoff of 8, 500 employees.
191. That way we may avoid the con-sequences of too-hasty action: global warming, unforeseen pollution, imbalances of supply and demand.
192. EHC Global polyurethane rollers offer greater resiliency and wear resistance than plastic or rubber rollers.
193. The Airbus Global Market Forecast gives a broad analysis of the global traffic developments and year-by-year fleet evolution of the world's largest aircraft operators.
194. Global warming erodes coastlines, spreads pests and water-borne diseases and produces more erratic weather patterns.
195. Mr Brown said there was also a global perspective to America's rapacious model of consumption.
196. Its global economic expansion as they see it, must be stopped.
197. Only if the global service cannot provide a result, an error is returned.
198. Level of technology decides the way of international corporation and the standing of countries in Global Economy and leads the two different colonial tendencies.
199. In 2008, the company set up a international trading department to serving the global markets.
200. This year, the annual meeting of the Commission on the Status of Women has a new focus: the global economic downturn.
201. The new Panda Global Protection 2010 has improved Collective Intelligence Technology and Advanced Proactive Protection technologies to protect against new and unknown malware.
202. Coordinate internal project activities within local team and communication to global network.
203. For the numerical aspects, an implicit integration scheme is used for local time integration of the constitutive equations and a dynamic explicit scheme is used to solve global equilibrium equations.
204. For error trapping, you can monitor output and result codes, and you can even set up global traps that identify problems and trap them during execution for reporting purposes.
205. The numerical precision and formulation efficiency of multibody system dynamics directly depend on the choosing the local frame coordinates and global coordinate, and on the formulation methods.
206. The proposed hybrid algorithm had the global search ability of chaotic search as well as local search ability of pattern search method.
207. There are other reasons for pessimism about quickly achieving effective global co - ordination.
208. The civilization's political and social upheaval would be unimaginably severe because only a fraction of the global population of planet could be saved.
209. The yen gains battered exporters already suffering from the global economic outlook.
210. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that AGA can not only get the global optimum value in arbitrary precision, but also raise efficiency remarkably.
211. The Premiership had a weekly global TV audience of 78 million last season, with broadcasters such as the Fox Soccer Channel in the U.S. and pccw in Hong Kong clamoring for a piece of the action.
212. Five thousand patents for traditional medicines have been issued in global trademark offices, 2, 000 of which belong to the Indian ayurveda, unani and siddha systems of medicine.
213. In fact, Israel is attempting to be a global trendsetter by being the world's very first nation to get nationwide battery-charging grid.
214. Soil pollution by heavy metal has become a global problem, which urgently needs solving . The traditional methods can't solve the problem from the ro ot.




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