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单词 Phenomena
1. His job is to investigate supernatural phenomena.
2. Some unusual phenomena are chasing through my mind.
3. He declared his total disbelief in psychic phenomena.
4. His writings are concerned with religious phenomena at the individual level.
5. All these different phenomena can be subsumed under just two broad categories.
6. Ade couldn't relate the phenomena with any theory he knew.
7. Science rests on phenomena.
8. Love, apparently, is a very strange, beautifully lit phenomena.
9. The move has its origins in three phenomena.
10. Certainly, there are psychic phenomena.
11. These phenomena are as different as chalk from cheese.
12. Even scientists do not comprehend these phenomena.
13. These in turn tend to point to extraterrestrial phenomena.
14. The most superficial phenomena are sometimes the most profound.
15. The trouble with psychic phenomena is that they're very hard to prove-leaving plenty of room for cynicism.
16. The essence of any claims for psychic phenomena or powers is that there are alternative realities to the physical.
17. The objects and phenomena that a physics book describes are simpler than a single cell in the body of its author.
18. Science may be able to provide some explanations of paranormal phenomena.
19. Do you believe in the paranormal and other psychic phenomena?
20. He applies the Marxist world view dogmatically to all social phenomena.
21. That brings us back to Condorcet's remark that the general laws dictating the phenomena of the universe are necessary and constant.
22. The stratigraphic record can at best link these two important phenomena - the emergence of species and the long-term atmospheric temperature changes.
23. Even where the media report sightings of what are apparently other phenomena, they often turn out to be the same species.
24. There is also a steady turnover of smaller, and often short-lived, black music mags reflecting underground phenomena like hip-hop.
25. Although not the only source of mystical power, anomalous phenomena are often given special treatment if they are difficult to classify.
26. Firstly, unless and until definitions are agreed, we may be attempting to compare the incidence of different phenomena.
27. And their reluctance might turn into hardened resistance if you continue to confuse the two phenomena.
28. The twin pressures of diversity and uniformity are tangible phenomena in the design process.
29. Nearly all of them have joined through exposure to psychic phenomena.
30. The interviews were done as part of his five-year research project on strange Arizona phenomena.
1. His job is to investigate supernatural phenomena.
2. Science may be able to provide some explanations of paranormal phenomena.
3. Ade couldn't relate the phenomena with any theory he knew.
31. But uneven development does not simply mean that types and quantities of physical and social phenomena vary from place to place.
32. Universal concepts denote phenomena which are presumed to occur universally, regardless of historical epoch or type of society.
33. Figure 8.2 shows that the decline of the private rented sector and the growth of owner-occupation have been long-term phenomena.
34. This is a clear example of attempting to explain an unknown phenomenon by means of models based on known phenomena.
35. Many of the heroes and gods of these tabloid genealogies were in turn apparent personifications of astronomical bodies and phenomena observed anciently.
36. That is to say, it may be possible to give powerful functionalist explanations of linguistic phenomena by reference to pragmatic principles.
37. This approach took the form of an attempt to rationalize phenomena and explain them within the framework of general hypotheses.
38. The emergence of a numerous class of frivolous intellectuals is one of the least welcome phenomena of the age of modern capitalism.
39. The theory of plate tectonics explains these phenomena and is commonly regarded as one of the cornerstones of modern geophysics.
40. This typical report contains many descriptions of direct sensory phenomena.
41. Beginning with the phenomena of sense, and by the use of our explanatory framework, we form hypotheses about their causes.
42. Perception was pretty much neurophysiology: sensory inhibition, Mach band phenomena, iconic storage, and the like.
43. It is not that Western tradition has been wholly free of references to celestial phenomena.
44. Without doubt, a Marxist approach can be very illuminating when directed at particular cultural and intellectual phenomena.
45. Within the collective memory of the North Shore resides an entire history of its natural phenomena.
46. Despite many advantages, such a definition fails to draw attention to the unifying characteristics of pragmatic phenomena.
47. Not only do these phenomena still exist, they have been intensified by being reproduced within the framework of a world economy.
48. None the less, great feats of mental gymnastics were per-formed to make them into atmospheric phenomena.
49. It is claimed that there exist two radically different species of phenomena, one of which is entirely inaccessible to physical observation.
50. A tradition that was based only on communication could not lead to the compulsive character that attaches to religious phenomena.
51. Beforehand,[http:///phenomena.html] the pretence that he was interested in putting together a documentary series on psychic phenomena had seemed a good one.
52. This is clearly a much more sophisticated analysis of the phenomena than the empirically invalidated instrumental account.
53. This usually takes the form of obsessively pursuing the minutiae of experimental phenomena and theories that leave a subsequent generation cold.
54. The holiday has to do with other worldliness, spectral phenomena, lonesome caped creatures rising across the moon.
55. Deterministic laws of atomic arrangements in the triumphant years of classical physics seemed to lie behind the phenomena of life.
56. Science exists so that we can improve our understanding of naturally occurring phenomena.
57. Many of the theories that are published are not really theories of psychological processes at all, but are theories of experimental phenomena.
58. In fact, they obey the conventions of the oral tradition, reducing complex phenomena to single comprehensible causes.
59. A descriptive sociology requires a sensitizing of oneself to the social phenomena described whatever may be their nature or conceptual complexity.
60. Perplexities A layman venturing into the quantum world no doubt expects to encounter some fairly strange phenomena.
61. Why is there such a plethora of exotic phenomena at the centre, and how can they be explained?
62. The Slav version of this sort of thing was the complicated bundle of phenomena lumped together as panslavism.
63. Sometimes the phenomena are so complicated or the evidence is so mixed that no generalization is possible.
64. Where they scrape against one another, earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain belts and all manner of geological phenomena arise.
65. These studies help us to understand the coupling between magnetosphere and ionosphere, and complex natural phenomena such as the aurora.
66. This phenomena is consistent with the formation of intrastrand crosslinks between adjacent guanine residues on the template strand.
67. A second advantage of the approach is that it is largely confined to observable empirical phenomena.
68. Definitions are useful only in so far as they encapsulate a particular conception or theory of the phenomena one wishes to study.
69. Though mirages are natural phenomena, the illusion of my standing in a dish was an involuntary product of the imagination.
70. Such observations are rare, and the phenomena associated with these close flybys of Earth are elusive.
71. In short, drawing a boundary between sociolinguistic and pragmatic phenomena is likely to be an exceedingly difficult enterprise.
72. Developing better and more precise measurement of the properties of phenomena is the key to the progress of scientific knowledge.
73. Experiments have demonstrated the ability to reproduce classical conditioning phenomena and robot control simulations.
74. The following passage illustrates this stylistic practice: How peaceful the phenomena of the lake!
75. The pun fits all sorts of natural and unnatural phenomena, from lunar cycles to a nostalgic yearning to see Elvis again.
76. This programme of research has already brought to light unnoticed phenomena of children's different abilities to communicate in the classroom.
77. The hatred of real science and the love of quasi-science are related phenomena; opposite sides of the same coin.
78. However, these data combine spontaneous and induced abortions and thus reflect different causal phenomena.
79. So these older workers have been immune to big changes in work-related phenomena.
80. Effective measurement requires detailed knowledge of the properties of phenomena which are to be reflected or mapped on to some mathematical system.
81. They also stress that action to combat these phenomena should be seen as an integral part of integration policy and education.
82. It is this orbital motion that exhibits the phenomena with which we are concerned.
83. Thus we have a precise way of establishing the validity of non-local effects in quantum phenomena.
84. Yet he could forget his learning too[Sentencedict], baldly enjoying the phenomena produced.
85. Those who believed were asked to give their verdict on major psychic phenomena.
86. This discovery has given scientists a unique opportunity to study these unusual phenomena.
87. Their meanings and their rules have priority in the scientific analysis of the phenomena.
88. Some experiments on skeletal-muscle strips have demonstrated that caffeine increases contractions, which might seem to explain some of the twitch phenomena.
89. But most economic phenomena have multiple causes and even hundreds of years later economic historians argue about them.
90. We mentioned in the Introduction that earlier sociological studies of deviant behaviour provide notes of caution about investigating phenomena like heroin use.
91. Secondly, Rutter evidently holds that any behavioural effects of lead are irrelevant to social phenomena, eg juvenile delinquency.
92. Explanations of both phenomena remain partial and insufficiently grounded in theory empirical data.
93. Probably the seasonality and the number of species are related phenomena.
94. Its implications for women and families have been explored, rather than dismissed as marginal phenomena.
95. What interests me is the singularly local nature of some phenomena.
96. But all attempts to harness and control this most perplexing of natural phenomena have proven far more elusive.
97. The shortcomings of such an approach lie in the preoccupation with social phenomena which are directly observable.
98. No environment has proved so fertile a ground for such phenomena as what is loosely termed commercial women's fiction.
99. New viral trails were blazed as a result of all these phenomena.
100. First, implicature stands as a paradigmatic example of the nature and power of pragmatic explanations of linguistic phenomena.
101. Other natural phenomena also can bury a site, including sandstorms and landslides.
102. Certainly later writers warn against mistaking unusual sense phenomena for genuine spiritual enlightenment.
103. The concurrence of threatening life events and psychosocial distress may partly explain these phenomena.
104. The question of parallels to these phenomena is exceedingly difficult.
105. But important new phenomena have occurred, and embryonic developments which were only noted in that document have matured.
106. His letters confirm a highly inquisitive mind regarding natural and scientific phenomena and suggest a phlegmatic temperament and a dry humour.
107. He was among the better educated of the early Methodist preachers and more sober than some in his attitude to supernatural phenomena.
108. Phenomena such as exon shuffling imply that genomes are constantly being rearranged, and are not mere static repositories of information.
109. Such hypotheses have been postulated by highly reputable geologists when no other possible cause can be found to explain certain phenomena.
110. But the task of this chapter, of tracing the evolution of learning and memory-like phenomena in non-human animals,[http:///phenomena.html] is done.
111. Journalists were shown reassuring pictures aimed at proving how technology helps control natural phenomena.
112. So we must look around for phenomena that occur every 150 million years or so.
113. These two phenomena have given birth to a monstrosity: the all-powerful, unchallenged, unchallengeable media imam.
114. Two other political phenomena deserve brief mention in this context.
115. In the last analysis the need for such ideas will be dictated by observations of violent phenomena in the Universe.
116. These three movements tackle different phenomena, although there is a striking similarity between the philosophies of the first two.
117. Are traditional human values threatened by urbanisation and other phenomena in contemporary society and how is this reflected in literature?
118. He made practical use of the widest possible range of phenomena.
119. Loss of control and craving are understood as learned phenomena, although there is disagreement about the underlying learning mechanisms.
120. These terms are purely descriptive, but they are necessary to cope with observed phenomena, especially in psychopathology.
121. In natural science, we study the phenomena of the world around us, the world of things, of objects.
122. However, the speed with which copycat phenomena sometimes appear gives no scope for video nasties being the link.
123. All the phenomena to be described under the section Complex Partial Seizures strongly suggest a temporal lobe origin.
124. Generally, different theories are used to explain widely different phenomena, from the forces in the atom to gravity.
125. It investigates phenomena which range in size from subatomic particles to the universe itself.
126. Second, note that such phenomena continued in the patristic period, at least in some circles.
127. Phenomena such as loss of control and craving are seen as inevitable.
128. Thus I was only too aware that the realities of psychic phenomena were somewhat exaggerated by these treatments.
129. There are, of course, profound disagreements between Marxist and elite writers as to the causal factors generating this phenomena.
130. Why might an attempt to explain a particular set of phenomena flounder?
131. These phenomena show up as excess noise, distortion and reduced tube life.
132. Indeed, it may well serve to do some injustice and violence to the integrity of the substantive phenomena.
133. More often than not, to account for linguistic phenomena we require diverse kinds of information from different components of a grammar.
134. Secondly, a research programme should lead to the discovery of novel phenomena at least occasionally.
135. It would be most unwise at present to rely solely on luminescence interpretations of geological phenomena.
136. Much the most coherent explanation for the evolution of such phenomena is still Charles Darwin's.
137. Econometrics Econometrics is the science of mathematical analysis of economic phenomena.
138. Deaths in detention are not phenomena of the distant past: last year two people were reported as having died in custody.
139. Evidence has accumulated that several autoimmune phenomena are present in ulcerative colitis patients.
140. Many traditionally fortean phenomena have since come to roost in the world of science.
141. The vascular endothelium may be essential for the occurence of inflammatory or immunological phenomena.
142. It is not hard to see how these two phenomena might, as it were[http://], assist an ice age on its way.
143. As he examined the biosphere in succeeding years, he added more complex phenomena to the list of life-made.
144. In order to confirm or disprove the phenomena, certain criteria have to be decided in order for the theory to have any value.
145. The illogical, unlikely and physically impossible are treated as natural phenomena.
146. I believe that they provide one pointer, indicating a certain essential role for quantum mechanics in the understanding of mental phenomena.
147. The sounds they produce utilize different timbres and wavelengths to imitate cries and evoke natural entities and phenomena.
148. He argued that such a philosophical position could not cope with the phenomena of dreams and especially hypnosis.
149. Our aim instead is to enhance the understanding and enjoyment of sports by examining these phenomena.
150. Those interested in functional explanations of linguistic phenomena ought then to have a considerable interest in the systematics of face-to-face interaction.
151. These phenomena are observed too often for them to be the product of the individual's development alone.
152. Anaximander could have used the model of reparation of injustice to explain a large number of phenomena.
153. The mechanism behind these phenomena is still not well understood.
154. Generally, such phenomena are interpreted in terms of the interaction between steady winds from young stars with material in the surrounding cloud.
155. Classic dissociative phenomena include out-of-the-body experiences, astral travel, near-death- and rebirth-type experiences.
156. Such theories have to face the obvious objection that brain processes and mental phenomena seem utterly unalike.
157. They have thus become the principal instruments for studying fluctuating flows, in particular the phenomena of transition and turbulence.
158. The linguistic phenomena we see in the texts reflect not classical fusion of law but post-classical confusion of language.
159. This is, I would argue, a powerful idea which makes the phenomena of mental development more intelligible to us.
160. Psychic phenomena seemed to cry out for, and lend themselves to, scientific investigation.
161. Even if such reports were accurate, these phenomena have no established link with the onset of earthquakes.
162. Increased mathematical precision was deemed to give a new scientificity to biological and evolutionary phenomena.
163. Like most emergent phenomena, wear is liable to self - reinforce.
164. While shopping in Coventry, I found some interesting phenomena.
165. Global deflationary trend is a cyclical economic phenomena.
166. We never encounter such phenomena in silvering process.
167. Aversion phenomena are shown by fungi other than basidiomycetes.
168. Electron spin is essential in understanding many atomic phenomena.
169. Young Einstein was fascinated by physical and mechanical phenomena.
170. Maxwell's theory fully incorporated these two complementary phenomena.
170. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
171. In the extraction of components with the phenomena of thermal runaway, choosing the critical temperature can lead to a greater diffusion coefficient.
172. Geographical map is a kind of map symbol for showing natural or human phenomena, a kind of tool for people cognizing the world.
173. We report on the contact process utilizing fritting phenomena between Al electrode and probes made of tin or tin gold alloy.
174. Fifth and finally, consilience: The explanations of different phenomena most likely to survive are those that can be connected and proved consistent with one another.
175. Many periglacial phenomena and paleobotany evidinces of environmental changes were retained in the Daqingshan area of northern China.
176. Based on this, this dissertation takes the neutral attitude towards ideology and just descriptively records the translation phenomena in the target texts and tries to find out possible explanations.
177. There were occasional rumors of visions and "angelic" phenomena associated with Pius XII during the entire duration of his papacy (1939-58).
178. We are particularly interested in phenomena such as telepathy and levitation.
179. In his youth, he studied Kantism as concepts system and explained such categories as aesthetic intuition, transcendent knowledge, phenomena world, thing in itself, etc.
180. Results from the numerical simulation can explain some phenomena to which convective cells that move upon the lake-land regions were organized into squall lines in north part of Ji-angsu Provinced...
181. The magical element in the First Edda and in the Beowulf is simple and closely connected with nature phenomena.
182. According to the polycondensation reaction balance and molecular diffusion of water balance and balance of mass transfer theory, the experimental phenomena was explained reasonably.
183. The phenomena of alienation are widespread. Sports are also alienating.
184. Geochronology is the science of measuring ages, rates, and histories of geologic or planetary materials, and using these insights to understand processes and phenomena in earth and planetary science.
185. The phenomena of progressive failure leading to collapse in mined - out area were numerically investigated.
186. But it is not enough for man to study natural phenomena and law as well as production activity through only man's sense organ.
187. Smoldering and ignition caused by radiation are special phenomena in disaster combustion and don't exist in modern combustion equipment.
188. It is an alternative to the commonly-used " reductionist " method of interpreting artistic phenomena and artistic ecology.
189. This modified formulation is more adaptable to a further study of gyroscopic phenomena.
190. Much attention has been paid to phase transition and critical phenomena which is an interdisciplinary field .
191. Freakish phenomena are becoming less freaky all around the world.
192. The causes of the phenomena are explored by studying the characteristics of audio frequency power amplifier and the pulse modulation of the high-frequency switch power supply.
193. Methods applied home and abroad such as drift model, sliding model and mono-phasic fluid model can not illustrate the above mentioned phenomena.
194. Both of these physical phenomena to increase adhesion strength are very important.
195. This is consistent with the physiological observations such as two Gauss like receptive fields, lateral inhibition phenomena and so on But, there is still lack of psycholophysical evidence about this.
196. In summary, space and time are varying and illusionary phenomena.
197. Familiarity deadens the sensibilities, even as connected with the gravest natural phenomena.
198. Methods The clinical phenomena, laboratory test, histological changes of important organ and results of treatment about a disaster of 19 Amanita phalloides poisoning patients were studied.
199. Transportation paradox is the abnormal phenomena in transportation problem, and the reason lies on the definition.
200. They began to see that similarities between languages are only one side of the linguistic phenomena.
201. Scientific instruments are necessary to make quantum phenomena intuitive,[] and the probability amplitude as a scientific jargon is indispensable for describing electron itself.
202. According to phenomena observed during total solar eclipse, it can be pointed out that the velocity of gravitational field wave is equal to the velocity of light in vacuo.
203. As a result of the aesthetic approach which embodies perceptually and directly the national cultural psychology, many inherent contacts of cultural phenomena can be explained by aesthetic approach.
204. Searching for a way to create an arc light for use on AC networks, Tesla now found a new fundamental ideal on which to focus: high-frequency electrical phenomena.
205. Chapter 5 to elaborate the art characteristics of the astronomical phenomena Fu from its writing mode and the art skills.
206. The mechanism of the difference in the interreaction of HCPCF and HSPCF and the corresponding complexes has been interpreted by analysing phenomena concerning electrophoresis and phase separation.
207. The Academy of National Self-Defense Forces in Japan studies the use of parapsychological phenomena that may be employed by the intelligence.
208. The fluence of non-equilibrium effects and critical phenomena on the surface temperature fields development has been discussed according to the calculated temperature field in the irradiated material.
209. Then the paper studies the concept classification in linguistic phenomena, and introduces the relationships especially the part-whole relationship and the hyponymy relationship.
210. Although the first researcher, Dr Ray Hyman, remained ambivalent, the second, Professor Jessica Utts from the University of California at Davis, concluded that psychic phenomena were indeed real.
211. CONCLUSION: The distribution of tetrandrine may lead to the phenomena of double peaks.
212. The pre-pulse phenomena are studied by the simple theoretical analysis and the method of electro-circuit simulation in a PFL charging-up by MFCG or capacitors.
213. The two categories of untranslatable phenomena caused by different factors will develop in two different ways.
214. The description of atmospheric dispersion phenomena remains quasi - empirical and statistical.
215. In the Palace Museum, there is an armillary sphere used for observing astronomical phenomena.
216. At the same time, part of the small and medium sized companies in the course of business Jiezhuang still exist jerry-building , nor even counterfeit such phenomena.
217. Physicists also hope the collider will help them see and understand other suspected phenomena, such as dark matter, antimatter and supersymmetry.
218. Actuator saturation is one of the most common nonlinear phenomena in classical control systems, and its presence can be source of performance degradation and instability.
219. The phenomena are examined by the elastic plate theory, agreement is observed.
220. On the other hand, phase transition and critical phenomena are emphases in statistical physics.
221. Want to object all corrupt phenomena stoutly, foster awe - inspiring righteousness - consciously.
222. In the society in which he thought courtesy was broken and righteousness ruined, Confucius said loudly "NO" to all phenomena of violations of righteousness and indecorous behaviours.
223. Such phenomena were explained by analyzing the rapid solidification of monotectic alloys under the rapid solidification.
224. Applications: non-interacting Bose and Fermi gases; mean field theories for real gases, binary mixtures, magnetic systems, polymer solutions; phase and reaction equilibria, critical phenomena.
225. At the present stage, there exist the phenomena of love faille or sexual misconduct due to wrong view of love, especially education loss of view on love from school and family.
226. The speed of radio waves through the atmosphere is affected by magnetic fields, and by other phenomena; it is far from simply a radio beam passing through a vacuum at "the speed of light".
227. The phenomena of cyclophysis and topophysis, are also consequences of developmental homeostasis.
228. Since its establishment, Face Saving Theory has always been treated as a classical theory in the study of politeness phenomena and is of great influence in linguistic study.
229. However, there is not enough lucubration on the analysis of the phenomena of Zero inclusive-fee and eradication measures of it.
230. This DC-DC converter with transformer has a notable feature which is that possibility of magnetic saturation due to asymmetry of circuits or transient phenomena is greatly reduced.
231. Homonymous phenomena are a comparatively common occurrence in terminology and are considered to be polysemic phenomena.
232. The paper points out the unconventionality phenomena of three-phase asynchronism electro motor when it goes wrong and analyzes the reasons ...
233. It is proposed that the random phenomena, perse,[http:///phenomena.html] appear to be nothing but determinable ones which have not been recognized and handled by man.
234. Bipolar junction transistor(BJT)has the self-heating phenomena, which seriously affects the properties of transistor.
235. The shifted of the sound changes phenomena in Shandong district proves that Round-mouth characters of Zhi-system read in labiodental firstly occur in fricative.
236. Whereas the arrangement of electronic apparatus have an important influence to ElectroMagnetic Interference phenomena.
237. Phenomena of self-coherence and mutual-coherence of the distributed fiber optic sensor based on the principle of polarized-mode coupling are analyzed.
238. Fractal is used to quantitative describe the interrupted, stochastic, non - linear physical and chemic phenomena.
239. The phenomena in clinical practice are meaningful. It will affect the future clinical procedure difficulties, including conventional prosthodontic rehabilitation or implant-supported prosthesis.
240. El Nino and La Nina phenomena are large - scale abnormal weather conditions.
241. Based on the established kinematic model, the principle of the key pole length is proposed to avoid the cavum phenomena in the measurement range.
242. The corpus consists of mainly colloquial materials, covering as more phonetic phenomena as possible, including segmental and suprasegmental phonetic combinations.
243. In allusion to this phenomena, we analyzed these courseware and instructional systems.
244. The experimental phenomena indicate that there are the maximal stress destruction points in the hanging wall and the footwall.
245. Games theory can explain some phenomena and problems in economic activities and international relationship.
246. The infectiousness of happiness is only the latest in a series of similar phenomena Christakis and Fowler have studied.
247. The earthquake is one of the most impressive geological phenomena.
248. Though analyzing the phenomena of books defacing , this paper reveals the importance and necessity of library entry education for freshmen.
249. As one of the important phenomena of regional literature, the seclusive authors group in the prefecture of Yunnan appeared in Ming Dynasty which scattered mainly in Kunming, Yanglin, Anning, Jingning.
250. The phenomena such as low speed friction, system steady-state error, limit cycle oscillation, and static-slip caused by the frictions exists in gun control system of tanks.
251. This paper analyses the phenomena, which explosive positions are under the stern and the midship respectively, and gives the method and data of the test.
252. Now a new phenomena has emerged, land emerging near the straits of the Sea of Azov nearby[], as noted in this Pole Shift ning blog.
253. This fusion phenomena is called the " Mach effect. ".
254. These phenomena show the possibility of producing polyploid of Diospyros kaki L. by the unred...
255. The concentration change of nitric acid was detected with a conductivity detector probe in water phase and the phenomena of the interface were recorded by video.
256. The second part analyzes phenomena about vital alienation in school education.
257. Furthermore, this approach can be extended to induction machine modelling taking into account other phenomena such as temperature and skin effects.
258. The discovery of abnormal pre - seismic phenomena, a great leap in perceptual knowledge.
259. The evolution of 'wen-ti-shi' as a textual connective belongs to synchronous grammaticalizational phenomena.
260. Denaturants also help prevent the formation of DNA secondary structure, a phenomena in which complementary sequences within ssDNA molecules bind to each other.
261. Analyzes serious plugging phenomena at outlet of frame type conical agitation tank, seeks out reasons, puts forward modification cases to obtain satisfactory result.
262. The causation, or dependent origination, conveys the dynamic aspect of process phenomena.
263. The switching surge phenomena caused by line energization with out closing resistors but with MOA at both ends of the line, MOA'S working conditions and insulation coordination are included.
264. The scientists persisted in the search for mathematical laws underlying natural phenomena.
265. Conclusion The phenomena of bio speckles can be used as a new method in the research on vasomotion.
266. As this flash back phenomena continued, it occurred to me to pray the unique prayer suggested in this book.
267. The phenomena of credit loss and credit lack existed generally in the field of production, consumption, financial service, etc, have evoked whole society's close attention.




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