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单词 Relation
1, A good friend is my nearest relation. Thomas Fuller 
2, Is he any relation ?
3, Your answer has no relation to the question.
4, There's no relation between the two things.
5, Maybe we can coordinate the relation of them.
6, Watercolour still seems somehow to be the poor relation of oil painting.
7, The energy an animal uses is in direct relation to speed and body mass.
8, I have a lot to say in relation to that affair.
9, I understand him to be a distant relation.
10, Steve is a distant relation of my wife.
11, He's called Brady too, but we're no relation .
12, What relation are you to Jessica?
13, Its brain is small in relation to its body.
14, A relation of mine is coming to stay.
15, What relation are you ?
16, He had a relation who lived up the road.
17, The fee bears little relation to the service provided.
18, I think she's a relation of theirs.
19, The film bore no relation to the book.
20, What relation is Rita to you?
21, He is a distant relation of mine.
22, Is he any relation to you?
23, Women's earnings are still low in relation to men's.
24, Their relation doesn't struggle on any more.
25, The project was outlined with relation to available funds.
26, They redetermined the relation between them.
27, X bears no relation to Y.
28, How differences between men and women might be used for our mu-tual benefit in everything from our relation with one another to a better undrestanding of how our brains work. 
29, There were some mediate contacts between the two countries before their diplomatic relation was established.
30, The short story is often considered to be a sort of poor relation to the novel.
1, Your answer has no relation to the question.
2, Maybe we can coordinate the relation of them.
3, Watercolour still seems somehow to be the poor relation of oil painting.
4, The energy an animal uses is in direct relation to speed and body mass.
31, For many software packages, the price bears little relation to cost.
32, Similar policies were pursued in the 1970s, particularly in relation to health services.
33, The study shows the close relation between poverty and ill health.
34, The things she says bear little relation to what she actually does.
35, It is a question of the relation of ethics to economics.
36, The price the meat is sold for bears no relation to the price the farmer receives.
37, Time just consists of the relation of before and after among events.
38, She's a relation by marriage because she married my cousin.
39, How do their sales stand in relation to those of similar firms?
40, The young ladies of the public relation are too inhibited to laugh freely.
41, You should be prepared to talk knowledgeably about the requirements of the position for which you are applying in relation to your own professional experiences and interests.
42, The fee they are offering bears no relation to the amount of work involved.
43, The air force and navy were modernised but the army, very much the poor relation, was not.
44, Little of what he said has any relation to fact.
45, Some people say that there's no relation/relationship between violence on television and crimes of violence.
46, The relation of disease to poverty and ignorance is easy to see.
47, Some people may regard radio as the poor relation of broadcasting.
48, I have some comments to make in relation to this matter.
49, The relation between the original book and this new film is very faint.
50, What he says bears no relation to the the problem under discussion.
51, The research examines minorities and their relation to society as a whole.
52, The money he'd been ordered to pay was minimal in relation to his salary.
53, She used the map to discover where she was in relation to her surroundings.
54, The title of the essay bore little relation to the contents.
55, One relation alone survives(http://), the horseshoe crab.
56, Social systems evolve in close relation to ecology.
57, The converse is the case in relation to debentures.
58, There is no causal relation between these various events.
59, Hence the amount of Business Rate each local authority receives will bear no relation to the amount actually collected in each area.
60, It is apparent from these particulars that in relation to some of the payments the S.I.B. does not know the identity of the investors.
61, It is not our intention here to debate the merits of these models, or their relation to the General Theory.
62, Not everyone was wholly approving of Wigg's activities in relation to Profumo - and indeed on many other matters.
63, Those other features revealed in various divine forms were simply ignored, in particular with relation to Osiris and the afterlife.
64, The same suspicions, particularly in relation to civilian casualties, doubtless apply to footage from Baghdad.
65, Since then, numerous studies have analysed the relation between serum cholesterol and large bowel cancer.
66, It is important however to clarify some of the points made in relation to this often complex issue.
67, These will be considered in relation to factors affecting the learning process.
68, As a general point banks in many countries were highly regulated in relation to deposits and lending conducted in their own domestic currency.
69, In the past century the institutions and the external stimuli affecting the relation between finance and industry have been chopped and changed.
70, The story of the universe is a mythic drama of creativity, allurement, relation, and grace.
71, The introduction of the new type of development plan under the 1968 Act involved revised provisions in relation to planning blight.
72, A direct relation between body mass index and the risk of gall bladder disease has been described.
73, The yardage on the card often bears little relation to the club you select.
74, There are always referential alternatives possible to the speaker and addressee and to the observer in relation to any utterance.
75, By way of exception, the Regulations do not give the Director General powers in relation to commercial radio and television advertisements or to cable advertisements.
76, Each tuple in a relation is distinguished from another because one or more attributes in a relation are designated key attributes.
77, There are many important questions which emerge in relation to comparative study which employs place or locality as the frame of reference and explanation.
78, It was the enlightened afrancesados who were to confuse political issues by their peculiar relation to liberalism.
79, It follows that a flow activity is one which provides optimal challenges in relation to the actor's skills.
80, At present many sheltered housing schemes are trying to cope with severe difficulties in relation to dementing tenants.
81, Such a view is called into question by Jacques Lacan's understanding of the subject's relation to the mirror image.
82, Even in terms of his own quite awesome power he was nothing but an underling in relation to his superior.
83, The relation between alcohol consumption and sickness absence will be reported elsewhere.
84, And yet woman is coerced through submission to the Symbolic order to abandon feminine desire and a peculiarly feminine relation to origins.
85, Contributors Mary Relling did pharmacological studies of antimetabolites and identified their relation with risk of brain tumour.
86, Margin Rule 5-28 imposes various requirements in relation to margined contingent liability transactions.
87, It does not say anything explicit about the legitimacy of corporate power in relation to society generally.
88, At first capital only gained advantage in relation to labor and may even have lost some ground to the state.
89, The issue of political asylum is, of course, being debated in relation to a Bill which is currently going through the House.
90, Indeed, because of the insurance contribution condition, the opposite is the case, particularly in relation to the unskilled.
91, This will involve examination of the relation of size to the various cost components.
92, Our results confirm the relation between birth weight and lung function measurements reported in other studies.
93, There were court musicians whose exact relation to the family or to any royal court was predictably fuzzy.
94, A cohort study of the risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or 3 in relation to papillomavirus infection.
95, As an example, Graff raises the relation of a feminist literary canon to more familiar ones.
96, The essential defining characteristic of this relation is its capacity to give rise to pleonasm.
97, A different vision of the company might draw upon the democratic ideal which inspires the relation of the citizen to the state.
98, It bore no relation to the equivalent of aerodynamic facts, namely, anthropological evidence as a whole.
99, In Leapor's view, the problems of women in relation to marriage are not immediately curable.
100, Other studies have failed to show a relation between serum cholesterol and colorectal carcinoma.
101, The merit of the project in relation to each criterion is assessed in terms of the five classes, ranging from very good to very poor.
102, Can he clarify the position in relation to 15 Para and talk in terms of numbers rather than amalgamations?
103, With the replacement of national assistance by supplementary benefit in 1966, a major change took place in relation to the means-tested benefits.
104, Therefore, additional evidence clearly pointing to a causal relation between H pylori infection and gastric ulcer disease has to be provided.
105, This principle is illustrated in relation to property damage by the following case.
106, This sentiment was repeated a few years later by the Newsom Report in relation to average ability working-class adolescents.
107, The Addiction Research Centre's programme of work concentrates on issues of prevention and policy in relation to alcohol and tobacco.
108, Furthermore,() who told the stories about whom seemed to bear some relation to the conventional pecking order.
109, We have assumed that stylistics investigates the relation between the writer's artistic achievement, and how it is achieved through language.
110, But this is irrelevant to the question whether it is in relation to the grant of a further advance.
111, I am firmly convinced that it was Harold Wilson's poor judgement in relation to certain advisers that damaged his record as Prime Minister.
112, First, the idea of culture has application in relation to the academic community.
113, It was also true, however, of the Western allies who also possessed important residual legal rights, especially in relation to Berlin.
114, The arrangement of the oceans in relation to the continents plays a decisive role in creating and sustaining life on Earth.
115, This emphasizes a causal relation between what A wants and what B does.
116, A general concept can be exemplified by any number of particular instances which need not stand in any causal relation with each other.
117, In a sense, this criticism is an extension of the issue of causation discussed earlier in relation to the statistical correlation studies.
118, Knowledge of this relation is to be achieved through the act of intuitive symbolic perception.
119, A similarly close relation ship may be seen between ivory and some of the most important precious stones used in antiquity.
120, Proposed changes in the clinical career structure should make clinical nursing less of a poor relation in terms of financial recognition and status.
121, The individual board regulations may differ and should be checked in relation to particular procedures for application.
122, There is considerable interest in the relation between oxidant stress and the development of cancer.
123, There is today a growing awareness of ourselves in relation to our environment.
124, The Revenue will not subsequently be bound by any information or statements given, whether expressly or implicitly in relation to the claim.
125, There are, however, even more important considerations to be made regarding the general constitutive relation.
126, Thus, we have to see crime and the criminal in relation to the social structure, to specific social conditions and opportunities.
127, Yet herd size is not constant; it fluctuates in relation to environmental and social conditions.
128, Therefore the relation between the ICAM-1 expression and the clinical course seems to be of diagnostic interest for colonic carcinoma.
129, Poulantzas' explanation gives a key role to the relation between the capitalist state and capitalist ideology.
130, Supposing the physician can find no tissue damage or that there is an inappropriate relation between objective fact and subjective complaint.
131, These assumptions are very apparent in relation to unemployment benefit.
132, Our sympathy is cold to the relation of distant misery. Edward Gibbon 
133, In relation to affirmative action, it was felt that the Act is very unclear about what is and what is not permitted.
134, Children's own free play is not in itself drama, although it's a close relation.
135, In the present study we also analysed the relation between active H pylori infection and serum pepsinogen-I and pepsinogen-II concentrations.
135, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
136, If the answer is entry barriers, this again demonstrates the close relation between industrial policy and competition policy.
137, If all goes well, our own production of cholesterol should decrease in relation to the amount we take in from outside.
138, Now place yourself inside the regulationist framework, that is, adopt the stance of a regulationist in relation to the other two theories.
139, Leisure and the Conference Market Many hoteliers believe that leisure facilities give them the edge over their competitors in relation to conference business.
140, Thus, tired of being the poor and comparatively impotent relation, General Synod is now chafing at the bit.
141, Hirschi's control theory seems also to fill an important gap that was noted earlier in relation to the original formulation of classical criminology.
142, College football is a sport that bears the same relation to education that bullfighting does to agriculture. Elbert Hubbard 
143, The midwife toad has a blood relation, the northern midwife, much alike in appearance.
144, It can make the relation between the carer and the person cared for too familiar.
145, However(), I wish to address one potentially significant impact of the Act in relation to secure accommodation applications in civil proceedings.
146, He could be the next-door neighbour, a friend, a blood relation.
147, This broadly relates to communications between lawyer and client either in relation to the giving of legal advice or in contemplation of legal proceedings.
148, Both lack a set identity, living without a certitude of their place in relation to their surrounding society.
149, The proportion of genes which an individual shares with a relation depends on how close the relationship is.
150, He would be immutable in his relation with the addressee if she/he did not change.
151, Omagh gave a senior debut to 16-year-old Aidan Coyle, no relation to departed striker Liam.
152, We will only use the evidence in relation to criminal matters.
153, However, I also attended the village evening school, which was organized by an ancient relation of Mr Wopsle's.
154, Nor is it known how such circumstances arose or whether the balances are individually or cumulatively material in relation to the company's accounts.
155, The most extraordinary feature of the Opposition's response has been the deafening silence of their principal spokesman in relation to the proposals.
156, They provide chamber capacities from 50-125 litres with large stainless steel chambers in relation to their footprint.
157, The third study found a direct relation between smoking and clinical gall bladder disease among men but not among women.
158, This last point is one which is developed here in relation to soil conservation.
159, Thus the administrative system tends to be larger, in relation to the society, as the political system becomes more totalitarian.
160, However, Nuttall has shown that this creates considerable problems for the interpretation of results in relation to, for example, class size.
161, The trial court found that the Arizona law had no reasonable relation to safety, and made train operation more dangerous.
162, A separate venue must be available, however, if confidential information is to be considered in relation to nursing care.
163, Equally, how is language pedagogy to be defined in relation to other areas of enquiry that impinge upon it?
164, For women, there was no clear relation between alcohol consumption and sickness absence.
165, This bull market bears no relation to that gambling spree.
166, Firstly, in relation to communication skills part it addresses the development of students' skills in self awareness and reflective learning.
167, Unlike Chan etal, we found no significant relation between alcohol consumption and arterial P co 2.
168, He made a complaint that the record of his interview in relation to that offence contained fabricated admissions.
169, The type and irregularity of fracture bears a complex relation to the breaking of bonds in directions that cut across crystallographic planes.
170, His evidence, he says, is in relation to an alleged abuse of the internal promotion system.
171, More important, the relation between class location and political allegiance is not linear and unproblematical.
172, I could visualise the map, and the position of the village in relation to the coast where I had come ashore.
173, The picture bore no relation to the blotchy, snotty, shouting face of angry childhood.
174, Its effect was particularly damaging in relation to the recurrent tragedies of death in childhood, which are examined in the next chapter.
175, However, such questions must be asked if we hope to develop a more adequate policy in relation to doping in sport.
176, Some relation between size of adenoids and thresholds of hearing has also been shown.
177, In Chapter 10 I analyse the inter-subjective conditions of objective validity and the relation between objective validity and truth.
178, At this stage the precise form of the household's relation to its property is of critical importance.
179, Figure 3 shows the relation between acid clearance time after acid perfusion and overnight exposure to acid.
180, They had a special role in relation to stock-rearing and stock health and as the confidante and sounding board for the farmers' problems.
181, Contracting arrangements Editor, - B Olsburgh raises the question of rational distribution of health care resources in relation to coronary artery bypass grafting.
182, They had no powers in relation to criminal actions against the police and no powers of investigation.
183, The punishment in this instance is not arbitrary; it bears some relation to the punishable behavior.
184, Paragraph 8 of the council's statement of claim makes a similar assertion in relation to the article of 24 September.
185, Other chemical sediments are also characterized by their chemical composition in relation to origin.
186, This case raised a number of important issues including the nature of the duty of a civil servant in relation to Parliament.
187, Such were Victor Frankenstein's perfectionist obsessions in relation to human anatomy, when he began his investigations into the nature of life.
188, This is an important issue in relation to avant-garde culture.
189, Table 3.1 gives a picture of the situation today in relation to social class and school attendance.
190, This complex set of rules could produce the relation shown as Figure 3.28.
191, Nor can they be found to be in contempt of court in relation to words spoken in the course of proceedings in Parliament.
192, As a woman who had chosen not to marry, Leapor looked for constancy primarily in relation to friendship.
193, In the considered opinion of many experts this poor relation of the industry will probably take 80% of the market by volume.
194, Even though the real wages and living standards of the proletariat may rise, its members will become poorer in relation to the bourgeoisie.
195, Face-to-face interviews take time and cost much more in relation to the number of respondents interviewed.
196, These changes, which were limited to the big club sides,(http:///relation.html) will be examined later in relation to media interest in sport.
197, These powers of a regional planning authority in relation to development control are essentially rights of intervention to give effect to regional planning policies.
198, The Bolsheviks, on the insistent urging of Lenin, moved with caution in relation to nationalisation during this period.
199, Our independent non-executive directors have a particularly valuable role especially in relation to audit and remuneration matters.
200, The time has come to start using these concepts and arguments in relation to present-day urban sociology.
201, The role and importance of attitudes to energy conservation are investigated in relation to comfort requirements.
202, The studies have been extended to show the same inverse relation between birth weight and glucose tolerance in young men aged 18-25.
203, Our results do not clarify the nature of the GOR-asthma relation or the mechanisms of reflux induced asthma.
204, If the farm has hill-grazing rights, these may assume an overriding importance in relation to other factors.
205, Thus, transhipment prohibitions in relation to multi-modal or inter-modal means of conveyance amount to impossible conditions.
206, They bear little enough relation to the land that now lies west of Jerusalem.
207, Section 4 considers the auditor's role in relation to an investment business's compliance with the rules governing its conduct.
208, Solicitors may be appointed to positions in industry, and remarks made previously in relation to barristers apply equally to solicitors.
209, He calculated these as suicide rates in relation to the size of the population in which they occurred.
210, For a current account deficit on the balance of payments reflects a shortage of national savings, in relation to investment.
211, Is the amount at stake, though small, significant in relation to the financial circumstances of the applicant?
212, The study will test several hypotheses about the relation between perceptual and cognitive skills.
213, It also examines the relation between care management and care programming and raises some questions about future developments in the light of community care reforms.
214, Some sections of the list were covered widely both in relation to topic and modes of assessment and others less so.
215, How do you see this togetherness in relation to hope for change in the apartheid system?
216, He has this right in relation to goods which the defendant owns at the time the sheriff receives the writ.
217, The relation between the fabula and the syuzhet is roughly analogous to the one between practical and poetic language.
218, To locate objects in relation to interest and power, however sophisticated and non-reductionist, is only one perspective upon mass consumption.
219, This then is a convenient place to turn to consider the wider role of the police in relation to protest.
220, The self - identity has a close relation with the human mental health.
221, The relation between yellowness index and time of irradiation is a power function. After irradiation, the most decreased amino acids are corresponding to tryptophan, histidine and tyrosine.
222, In the paper the forming mechanism of the reflective cracks is analyzed from the angle of deformation compatibility relation , and the prevention way of reflective cracks discussed.
223, Objective: To study the relation between diseases and boby temperature change of patients after surgery.
224, By transforming function specification, the recurrence relation of abstract problem-solving can be easily obtained.
225, Finance is to give financial forecast,(/relation.html) work out financial budget and adjust relation of fund turnover.
226, The precision of fuzzy logic control depends on several parameters, such as fuzzy membership functions and fuzzy relation matrix.
227, Causative is in semantic relation category and it represents that the causer imposess a force on the cause, and therefore engenders certain result at the same time.
228, By means of analyzing the equivalence relation of reversible gate logic network to permutation group, the reversible gate network cascade was converted into the cycle of symmetric group.
229, Relation of two equivalent entropy drop method is conducted, and doing work efficiency of reheater has different choices.
230, Influencing factors of this index are analyzed and the relation between exploration investment and proven oil reserves is discussed based on the analysis of the current exploration cost.
231, And the improvement of GFK has a close relation with its positive effect on T cell sub-group of patients with middle -late gastric cancer.
232, Via investigation and analysis, it discussed relation between occurrence of wheat yellow dwarf and yield. Morbidity and grades standard was determined as well as wheat dwarf economic threshold.
233, On the basis of theoretic research, a collision solution support tool is developed based on relation database, and the tool can help solving collision in the distributed cooperation design course.
234, By analyzing the law attribute of the two parts of poverty, the paper reveals that the poverty of partnership firm exists the relation of co-ownership and of joint use.
235, Kautsky had a special relation to Russia and to Bolshevism.
236, It is important that the equivalence relation (face, edges) of packing boxes is studied.
237, The result of our further study shows that the inverse relation between managerial stock ownership is significant in the companies with high credit rating.
238, A few good necessary and sufficient conditions are given by using length relation for symmetrical transformation on Euclidean space.
239, The experimentation shows that hardness and wear show non linear relation. The rate of wear depends on many factors.
240, Professor Shankar then reviews basic terminology in relation to work, kinetic energy and potential energy.
241, Often quarrel because of the bagatelle of a few trifles and person sometimes or be born fuggy , human relation is done very tensely.
242, Suggesting inflation in a recession is not to hark back to the Phillips curve, which depicts an inverse relation between unemployment and inflation rates.
243, It has more closer relation with the market value-added compared with traditional accounting basis and market performance basis, no matter the market is mature or not.
244, Are you the ultimate beneficial owner(s) in relation to the Account?
245, This is an offer letter for students with overseas status in relation to Tuition Fees.
246, Therefore, either realism or abstractionism or modern arts has an inseparable relation with visual experience.
247, Finally I came to recognize that there seems to be some relation between the enabling of lock elision and the data size of the locked object.
248, The relation between the optimal coefficient of performance and the rate of refrigeration of a Carnot refrigerator for an idea or van der Waals gas as a working fluids(?)derived.
249, Ceruloplasmin is an important biochemical marker of Wilson disease, but the cognitions of the relation between Ceruloplasmin and Wilson disease is still unclear.
250, The relation between the rearrangement of the coefficients of a Dirichlet series in the right surface and the order of growths of this series sum-function was investigated.
251, Recall that an equivalence relation in a set is a reflexive, symmetric and transitive relation.
252, The article attempts to expound the importance of semantic meaning in word learning from the angle of the semantic relation of word.
253, By simulating the temperature of the cryopanel and the relation between the pressure and pumping gas speed of the cryopump, it was verified the vacuum system design was rational.
254, In the inculpatory act of rescue which implements for other people's benefit, the key question should solve is how to deal with relation between emergency people and beneficiary.
255, In the theories on the relation of international law and municipal law, there is monism and dualism which can get supports from practices separately.
256, "I did not plan to undertake in-house public relations, in that way word, the relation of I and employee can become only more flooey " .
257, The paper features in detail its constitution and functions, working principles of its main components and change-over relation between radio signal and mechanical action, etc.
258, It concluded that there is a liner relation between the physical chemical properties of alkanes and effective length of carbon chain.
259, With SM-28 single mode fiber as the leading fibers, depth of modulation (DM) and coupling efficiency (CE) are calculated with relation to core radius and refractive index of core and inner cladding.
260, Tellegen's theorem in various forms is derived by the orthogonality relation between the current subspace and voltage subspace.
261, A few small lung nodules are also visible. This patient shows a perilymphatic pattern. Subpleural nodules are visible particularly in relation to the major fissures.
262, Good transport facilities, wealthily district resources, and superior field bit condition made us have "timeliness, advance ground, gracious human relation".
263, This thesis otherwise researches and analyzes the hardware circuit design which has relation to the last level and protective circuit of semiconductor laser driver.
264, Because the relation between the sum of amplitude and the sampling rate owns the character of V curve, the optimal solution will be found quickly.
265, Clearly, the amount of money people save is in inverse relation to the amount they spend.
266, A macro and micro mechanics model is presented based on the relation between macroscopic and microscopic stress and strain fields, in which composite macroscopic stress strain relation is obtained.
267, There is a certain functional relation between seismic interval velocity and formation porosity asas residual porosity.
268, Based on the Theory of Clausal Pivot and the Collocation Theory, the use and distribution of the relation markers of compound sentences are studied in this paper.
269, There is corresponding relation between gravity gradient of gravitational field and earthquake distribution.
270, The flow field cavitation inside the water hydraulic poppet valve was modeled and analyzed by using the software of FLUENT, and the relation between the cavitation and the pressure was investigated.
271, The paper studies the concepts of phase velocity and group velocity on electromagnetic wave propagation and discusses the relation between signal conveyance and energy conveyance.
272, Speaking of the elementary school nature study teaching, the teacher mainly should unify "Program" requests, to grasp with other various branches teaching relation.
273, We have already met this structure in relation to waiting lines, where we recognized it as being a first-in, first-out (FIFO) storage system.
274, From the view of industry, the relation depends on the demand elasticity of price. When elasticity is greater, the industrial investment expenditure also increases with the firm number increase.
275, Implementing the policy in block allocation module needs to consider the relation between the rate of data refreshment and the block-erasing frequency.
276, In relation to natural persons, their capacity for civil rights and civil acts will be governed by the law of the habitual residence of the natural person.




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