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单词 Senate
1) The Senate is expected to pass the bill shortly.
2) The US Senate has 100 members.
3) Voters are selecting candidates for both US Senate seats and for 52 congressional seats.
4) The president rebuked the House and Senate for not passing those bills within 100 days.
5) The overall composition of the Senate was Democrats 57 and Republicans 43.
6) The senate is dissolved.
7) The senate committees have exclusive jurisdiction over the FBI.
8) They simply threatened to filibuster until the Senate adjourns.
9) Senate Republicans are less gung-ho about tax cuts.
10) The senate adjourned for the summer.
11) The Senate approved the bill.
12) The Senate promptly approved the bill.
13) The student senate voted to remove Fuller from office.
14) The Senate disapproved the nominations.
15) The House of Representatives is larger than the Senate.
16) The Senate blocked publication of the report.
17) The agreement is subject to ratification by the Senate.
18) The Senate voted narrowly to continue funding the scheme.
19) McConnell beat off a challenge for his Senate seat.
20) The Senate resolved to accept the President's proposals.
21) The proposal went nowhere in the Senate.
22) Members of the Senate rarely attack each other personally.
23) The bill was thrown out by the Senate.
24) The democrats organize a filibuster in the senate.
25) The Republicans held a slim majority in the Senate.
26) The Senate voted to override the president's veto.
27) The child-care bill is to be tacked on to the budget plan now being worked out in the Senate.
28) The bill was supported by a large majority in the Senate.
29) He had filibustered for 23 hours without leaving the Senate floor.
30) They feel deeply the honour of belonging to the Senate.
1) The Senate is expected to pass the bill shortly.
2) The US Senate has 100 members.
3) The child-care bill is to be tacked on to the budget plan now being worked out in the Senate.
4) Voters are selecting candidates for both US Senate seats and for 52 congressional seats.
5) The bill was supported by a large majority in the Senate.
6) The president rebuked the House and Senate for not passing those bills within 100 days.
7) The overall composition of the Senate was Democrats 57 and Republicans 43.
8) The senate is dissolved.
9) The democrats organize a filibuster in the senate.
10) They feel deeply the honour of belonging to the Senate.
11) The proposal was approved by both the House and the Senate.
12) These businessmen have been lobbying a bill through the Senate.
31) The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to vote momen-tarily on his nomination to the Supreme Court.
32) The Senate approved the use of military force by a margin of 52 votes to 47.
33) In the Senate, the count is too close to call at this point.
34) They are known as the House of Representatives and the Senate.
35) Her speech last night in the Senate drew an angry response.
36) The proposal was approved by both the House and the Senate.
37) Republicans captured three Senate seats that had been held by Democrats.
38) In the Senate race, the Republican outspent his rival by nearly $2 million./Senate.html
39) The Senate subcommittee has already reported out four civil - rights bills.
40) Under Senate rules, the chamber must vote on the bill by this Friday.
41) Brutus declaimed from the steps of the Roman senate building.
42) Powerful voices in the Senate are determined to bring down the president.
43) The bill is in for a rough ride in the Senate.
44) The Senate and the Assembly put aside political differences to pass the aid package.
45) Despite objections by the White House, the Senate voted today to cut off aid.
46) The Senate voted to override the President's veto of the proposed measures.
47) Senate employees could take their employment griev-ances to another branch of government.
48) His nomination, while strongly backed by the President, has received tepid support in the Senate.
49) She became the first black woman to be elected to the Senate.
50) The law has no chance of being passed by the Senate.
51) After 10 years of negotiation, the Senate ratified the strategic arms reduction treaty.
52) These businessmen have been lobbying a bill through the Senate.
53) The Democrats continued to control the Senate until last year.
54) Controversial energy measures are slated for Senate debate within days.
55) Senate negotiators further narrowed their differences over the level of federal spending for anti-drug programs.
56) Some members of the House and Senate worked all day yesterday.
57) This is the fifth and probably final day of testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
58) A third of the Senate and the entire House are up for re-election.
59) The senate is the opposition's counterweight to the new president.
60) The one hundred members of the Senate serve for six years.
61) The upper house of the US Congress is the Senate.
62) Losing the Senate vote was a serious reverse for the President.
63) The new bill would remove student representation from the university Senate.
64) The Senate had a sufficient majority to override the presidential veto .
65) They feel deeply the honor of belonging to the Senate.
66) The president vetoed the bill, and the Senate failed by a single vote to override his veto.
67) He said he expects Senate approval as well.
68) The Senate met briefly but took no action.
69) Defending a U. S. Senate seat is another matter.
70) The Senate had already approved a similar measure.
71) The Senate renewed its authorization a day later.
72) As part of that effort, Senate staffs were briefed on the law last month.
73) Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole supports it, though he has ranked it below other foreign-policy priorities.
74) Connie Mack, R-Fla., as the Senate voted 74-22 for the bill.
75) The space released in Senate House will provide some much-needed additional office accommodation.
76) President Corazon Aquino had appealed to the Senate to ratify the agreement.
77) The Administration proposed and the Senate approved a similar understanding in its resolution of ratification of the Convention against Torture.
78) Eight months later he announced his candidacy for U. S. Senate.
79) However, the override is given little chance of passing the Senate where 54 senators voted for the ban last year.
80) We amended the Constitution in 1913 because we decided the people should rule in the Senate.
81) For what else could so many well-connected old buffers do if not manoeuvre themselves into and around the Senate?
82) He is now running for his eighth Senate term at the age of 93.
83) Also, as the Senate leader(), Dole can contrast himself with Clinton with a legislative agenda that reinforces his campaign message.
84) The Senate Judiciary Committee approved it, but several senators said they voted for it just to expedite the full Senate debate.
85) Octavio Lepage, the head of the Senate, is now acting president.
86) The Senate approved an overhaul, only to see it die in the House.
87) But when it came time for the crucial Senate vote, a highly charged, emotional Opposition nearly blocked it.
88) That's why he has spent 14 years in the Senate pushing for campaign finance reform.
89) Legislative power is vested in a bicameral parliament consisting of a popularly elected 49-member House of Assembly and an appointed 16-member Senate.
90) The Senate plan thus anticipated simplifying the review process characteristic of the categorical grants.
91) But all the time, Cranston said, the cost of keeping his place in the U. S. Senate grew more expensive.
92) Soon after his announcement the House passed the bill, 328-101, and the Senate was expected to approve it Thursday.
93) Even if approved, the measure faces an uncertain fate in the Democratic-controlled state Senate.
94) Republicans captured two open Senate seats that had been held by Democrats.
95) The Senate seats were all filled by completely free balloting, and all but one were won by Solidarity candidates.
96) I had no intention of violating or circumventing Senate rules.
97) But the Senate is not likely to act on the bill this year, according to congressional aides.
98) House, Senate also try to break deadlocks on other issues.
98) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
99) As majority leader in the Senate, Eland said, Dole was partly to blame for the gridlock in Washington.
100) A Senate committee approved legislation last week to require storage of the spent fuel in an interim facility in Nevada.
101) The House version of the tax bill was 1, 379 pages long, the Senate version 1, 580 pages.
102) The revelation was discussed at closed sessions of the Senate select committee on intelligence, chaired by Democrat David Boren.
103) The House approved it 414-16, and the Senate followed shortly afterward with a vote of 91-5.
104) At the same time, the bipartisan groups from the House and Senate, led by Sen.
105) She won approval anyway in the full Senate, which was then controlled by Democrats.
106) The Senate move was part of a broader bipartisan agreement on how the politically sensitive investigation will proceed.
107) Senate approval of the programme guidelines, as amended by the Sejm, was given on Oct. 20.
108) The Senate is already close to a bipartisan agreement on those programs, according to Sen.
109) Wednesday, the Senate is scheduled to consider the balanced-budget amendment, a notion that has been argued for decades.
110) Mitt Romney, the former Republican Senate nominee who contributed large amounts of his private fortune to his campaign against Sen.
111) But he is no longer the Republican senate candidate for Massachusetts.
112) The highly charged atmosphere of the House panel contrasted sharply with a similar investigation being conducted in the Senate, where Sen.
113) Opponents of the bill started their campaign against the possible education amendment last week, even before the Senate was in town.
114) The Senate on June 17 approved by 192 to 117 an amended bill, requiring a second reading by the National Assembly.
115) They told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the scandal amounted to an abuse of power, not sexuality.
116) The Senate approved a plan for federal funding of local housing programs.
117) Around the corner, the public waits in a long line for a chance to eat breakfast in a Senate restaurant.
118) The Senate added restrictions on habeas corpus, or the right of prisoners to appeal against death sentences.
119) The Senate approved Mr Johnson by a unanimous voice vote late Tuesday night.
120) The Senate on Thursday is expected to give final approval to the measure, which would take effect next July.
121) It also cleared the way for the Senate to take action on Mr Bush's cabinet nominees and his legislative agenda.
122) A recent letter from the senate of a local liberal arts college is sitting on my desk.
123) Dole spent Wednesday in Washington acting in his official capacity as Senate majority leader.
124) Next week he will appeal to the Senate to ratify a global treaty to ban chemical weapons.
125) Just as ominously, the Senate leadership seems inclined to attach conditions to the money.
126) Thompson is seeking Senate approval for a $ 6. 5 million budget to conduct wide-ranging hearings later this year.
127) The congressional black caucus has lost its way since the Republicans took control of House and Senate.
128) The new Senate president banged down the gavel and called the chamber to order with a strong firm voice.
129) The House vote effectively ends the matter for this session,[http:///Senate.html] avoiding the need for debate or votes in the Senate.
130) Since returning from his Easter break in Florida he has bungled and backtracked even in his fief, the Senate.
131) The Senate bill would raise the tax deduction for health insurance bought by the self-employed.
132) An election campaign between an incumbent president and a Senate majority leader is bound to be fought out in legislative jousting.
133) But Dole has, in his long Senate career, led the charge for the second -, third-and fourth-largest.
134) Forty senators could block the bill because Senate rules require 60 votes to take up a conference committee report.
135) Gramm is still on the presidential ballot here, and he is advertising on television for his Senate re-election campaign.
136) DeConcini also chaired the Senate appropriations subcommittee overseeing Customs' budget.
137) The bill was approved 64-32 by the Senate on Wednesday, and approval seems likely in the House by early March.
138) Then, in 1994, Clinton won a round when the Senate approved Deval Patrick without much controversy.
139) For example, the House leadership may put the Senate welfare reform bill up for a vote.
140) Herman seemed headed for confirmation after the Senate Labor Committee unanimously approved her nomination last week.
141) The Senate version of the bill contained a time bomb, however.
142) Senate debate on the proposed balanced budget amendment could begin as early as next week.
143) The House adopted the proposal last year but it lost by one vote in the Senate.
144) When the Senate adopts a measure by 100 votes to none, the ordinary citizen should count the spoons.
145) The Senate approved a different version of the bill without the amendment.
146) The Senate subcommittee, like too many government entities, asked the wrong questions and provided no answers.
147) And the Senate can only approve or disapprove the agreement.
148) The bill is the first campaign reform measure in 25 years with bipartisan support in the House and Senate.
149) The Senate added a $ 16 billion tobacco tax to provide extra health care funding for uninsured children.
150) Sundram then must be confirmed to the lifetime appointment by the full Senate.
151) The AFL-CIO waged a million-dollar television campaign against the measure, and threatened to target House and Senate lawmakers who supported it.
152) The 35-year veteran of Capitol Hill can not brag that he knows how to pass bills through the Senate.
153) The Senate would even have required citizen participation in the execution of the program.
154) After speaking on the Senate floor in the morning, he stepped on the chartered campaign plane in a dark suit.
155) He will need to sell his candidacy and meet the Democratic air attack with regularly televised speeches from the Senate floor.
156) The Senate had already approved the treaty on Sept. 17 by 176 votes to 16 with one abstention.
157) The Senate gave President Clinton a victory Thursday when lawmakers sustained his veto of a bill banning certain late-term abortions.
158) The House and Senate voted overwhelmingly last month to repeal the tax break only after it had become public.
159) The Senate has passed a similar bill, which will be combined with the House version.
160) We have an attorney general who was a leading opponent of gun control in the Senate.
161) Occasionally, the Senate rejects a nominee.
162) His unsuccessful senate run was his last hurrah.
163) In nearly 50 years in the Senate, Kennedy, a liberal Democrat, served alongside 10 presidents, his brother John Fitzgerald Kennedy among them.
164) Theoretically, the president could appoint anyone reading this book to a federal judgeship as long as the Senate concurs.
165) The elder Mr. Paul, 74, dispensed behind-the-scenes advice during his son's bid for the Senate seat, in which he upset the favorite, Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson.
166) The new president's appointee for Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, Michele Flournoy, was asked about that at her Senate confirmation hearing on Thursday.
167) Ms. Merkel is the first German leader to speak before a joint meeting of Congress, and the first to address the House or Senate since Konrad Adenauer in 1957.
168) Both Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D) of Nevada and Sen. Patty Murray (D) of Washington face close races that are shaping up as a referendum on earmarking.
169) We had a lot of those folks back then and Johnson promised them and all the rest of us that when he got to the Senate there would be no more Commie shoes invading America.
170) But after helping run her husband's first State Senate campaign in 1996, Michelle Obama largely withdrew from politics for years, fully re-engaging only for the presidential campaign.
171) In the summer of eighteen fifty-eight, two candidates campaigned across the state of Illinois for a seat in the United States Senate. That seat belonged to Stephen Douglas from the Democratic Party.
172) I remember heading toward the Senate floor one day in early March and being stopped briefly by a dark-haired young man.
173) And yet there are political forces in the Senate unwilling to pass such legislation, instead trying to force the House to accept the Senate's watered-down bill.
174) John McCain has served his country longer in a POW camp than his opponent has served in the United States Senate.''
175) This tribune was appointed by the Emperor or the Senate.
176) Now, he'll go down in history as the guy who lost two entirely winnable Senate races in Virginia.
177) He submitted a record deficit budget for 2012 that no one in the Senate—Democrats included—could go on the record voting for.
178) Kaine said Democrats can expect some loses on Tuesday, but not enough to loose majority control of either the House or the Senate.
179) OnFebruary 24th the Senate voted to begin debate ona bill enfranchise Washingtonians.
180) The House and the Democratic-controlled Senate must pass a joint resolution to assemble Congress for Obama's presentation.
181) Antenna Tower Update Gina and Lookout "Mountain" west of Denver, Denver, Colorado ..." Colorado " and the United States Senate to take over the local television station lucrative "land-use" towers.
182) She was nominated for an appeals court judgeship in 1999. But the Senate never voted on her nomination.
183) U.S. President-elect Barack Obama is moving his White House transition forward, as political turmoil builds over the selection of his successor in the United States Senate.
184) With this dispute ended, the peace treaty was quickly completed and signed. But trouble developed when President McKinley sent the treaty to the United States Senate for approval.
185) And the Senate approved an energy bill that, though drastically stripped down, finally raised federal fuel-efficiency standards for vehicles.
186) For the treaty to win final approval, a two-thirds majority of the Senate must vote for ratification, and the treaty must also win approval in the Russian Duma.
187) He has voted in the United States Senate to increase taxes on people who make as low as $42,000 a year.
188) The Jeffersonian Republican-controlled United States Senate begins an impeachment trial against Federalist-partisan Supreme Court of the United States Justice Samuel Chase.
189) In addition to presiding over the Senate and attending state funerals, one of the Vice-President’s duties (as I see it) is to badmouth the Chairman of the Federal Reserve to the President.
190) The experience was formative for him, according to David Adams, his Senate campaign manager, giving him a visceralexperience of the energy of the grass roots.
191) Meanwhile, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee approved as-yet-unnumbered legislation to revamp health care, that also includes some parity protections.
192) He had been a fine governor and a leader in welfare reform, and at the time of his death he was in a tight race with the incumbent, John Ashcroft, in the U.S. Senate race.
192) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
193) The Commission consists of five Commissioners appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, to serve staggered five-year terms.
194) Edcel Bar Gane is a bulbous-headed almond-eyed alien representative in the Galactic Senate.
195) He didn't happen to see that light during the first three years as a member of the United States Senate, $932 million in requests.
196) The Speaker of the House, John Lipton, and the president pro tempore of the Senate, Jerry Bookout, were progressives and strong supporters of mine.
197) Tom Harkin (D), current chair of the Senate Agriculture Committee, was reelected in the Iowa Senate race.
198) Senate Democratic aides said they hoped support would grow for Reid's one-step remedy, which Obama backs, once Boehner's plan is killed, either by the House or Senate.
199) Time for her cross-examination by Biden, chairman of the Senate foreign affairs committee, has also been shortened.
200) 1804 - The Jeffersonian Republican-controlled United States Senate begins an impeachment trial against Federalist-partisan Supreme Court of the United States Justice Samuel Chase.




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