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单词 unfinished
释义 Word family  noun finish adjective finished ≠ unfinished verb finish  un·fin·ished /ʌnˈfɪnɪʃt/ ●●○ adjective  1  FINISH DOING somethingnot completed 未竟的,未完成的 Rachael left her meal unfinished. 雷切尔的饭剩下了。2. unfinished business something that you have not yet dealt with 未竟之事Examples from the Corpusunfinished• She looked away, leaving her sentence unfinished.• It is important not to go on for too long, or to leave difficult business unfinished.• The floor was bare and unfinished concrete, and I could jump rope without self-consciousness, without interference.• The second volume, however, had a number of letters as well as an unfinished play to make the required length.• Her face was rather blunt, the features unfinished putty dabs, and now it was swollen with crying.• He was impressed with her big white slab of a body like an unfinished sculpture.• This ruin is an unfinished structure about twenty feet high which covers more than an acre.• The Verve set features 42 alternate and unfinished takes, while the Blue Note set consists entirely of previously released material.• Dissatisfied even after weeks of painful struggle, he returned to Paris in the fall with his unfinished works.un·fin·ished adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus not completed




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