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单词 smokeless
释义 Word family  noun smoke smoker ≠ non-smoker smoking smokiness adjective smoked smoking ≠ non-smoking smoky smokeless verb smoke  smoke·less /ˈsməʊkləs $ ˈsmoʊk-/ adjective  1. smokeless coal/fuel fuel that burns without producing smoke 无烟煤/燃料2. smokeless tobacco tobacco that you chew rather than smoke 无烟烟草Examples from the Corpussmokeless• If she burned smokeless fuel, the soot problem would disappear.• There is a scent of a pure and smokeless incense.• The use of smokeless tobacco is now banned in the minor leagues.• A recent Arizona survey disclosed that 9. 8 percent of boys in the third through sixth grades had tried smokeless tobacco.smoke·less adjectiveChineseSyllable  smoke producing that Corpus burns without fuel




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