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单词 smoke-free
释义  ˌsmoke-ˈfree adjective  smoke-free environment/zone etc SMOKEa place where people are not allowed to smoke 无烟环境/无烟区等 SYN non-smoking new laws to create a smoke-free environment at work 旨在创造无烟工作环境的新法律Examples from the Corpussmoke-free• We are calling for all airlines to be smoke-free.• In 1987 he joined the national office to run projects on smoke-free air in public places.• Most workers prefer a smoke-free environment at the office.• New laws to create a smoke-free environment at work and in public places.• The freedom of the individual is important; everyone is entitled to a smoke-free environment.• Theirs had always been a smoke-free household.ˌsmoke-ˈfree adjectiveChineseSyllable  people Corpus not to where allowed a place are smoke




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